Welcome to my stop on the Riley Blake Fabric Fest blog tour. I'm so excited to show off my latest sewing project: a Union Jack bag! I made it this past weekend and I'm quite pleased with they way it turned out. (whew.)

I will be teaching how to make this bag in a class at the Riley Blake Fabric Fest in Las Vegas this fall.
If you've been around these parts before, you already know that I'm a total Anglophile. I've lived in the UK twice, loved it and still miss it constantly. It's my dream to go back and live there again at some point. I finished a Union Jack quilt last summer in bright, primary colors. It was fun to try a new version in pastel colors. I've also modified the Union Jack pattern.
This bag was made with fabrics from the new Kensington collection for Riley Blake, due out in July. The prints in this collection are SO pretty and I love the way they play together.
Beautiful bag. I love the fabrics you used. How different it looks than the usual blues & reds usually found inteh union jack designs. Great job.
I've updated my blog with some pictures of some of the Awareness mug rugs. If you care to take a peak
Beautiful bag and fabrics.Great job!!
I love the bag. Will the pattern be available after the fabric Fest? I also would like to be in the UK. My ancestors lived in London and I still have distant cousins there.
amy smart
Yes. I do hope to publish the pattern later this fall after Fabric Fest.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend. Your project looks great though!
Great job with your bag - I love it! Great fabrics too. Would love to take your class but unfortunately I can't make it to Fabric Fest. My Great Loss! 🙁
I will not be able to come, my Grandkids will be in town with their parents!
Il Gufo Creativo
Wonderful artwork!<br />Great and so lovely!<br /><br />Mary
Really cute bag! Don't you love the new Riley Blake Union Jack fabric? I LOVE this bag!<br /><br />Cheery wave from<br />Bev
Art by Rhoda Forbes
Fabulous tote bag and what a great design. Sounds like you will be teaching some exciting classes
Love the fabrics you used for your bag, so pretty is right!
Patricia Lessell
I LOVE that bag. It's absolutely gorgeous.
Wow girl! You are going to be super busy teaching all those classes. Good for you. I absolutely love your bag. I'm not sure what you tweaked on the pattern but I really like it more than others I've seen.<br />If I were headed to Fabric Fest, I would for sure take the class from you for this bag. Sadly, I cannot get there.
Sew Nomadic
Eeekk! Love this bag and the jack! Wish I could go to Fabric Fest 🙁 sounds like a blast!
Your bag is so cute!! :o)<br />Wish I could attend your classes!<br />
Darling bag! Everything you do is amazing. I'm still trying to convince my sister to go to Fabric Fest, we will see!<br />
The bag is so cute, just love the colors.<br /><br />
Love the Union Jack! Wish I could go to the Fabric Fest!
I LOVE this bag. I wish I could make it to fabric fest to learn how to make one of my own!
Jen Nelson
You're bag is beautiful, I love the fabric you used! I wish I was going to Fabric Fest, maybe next year!
Beth Akins
It's a beautiful design!
queenie louise
What a novel idea to use pastels. Also cute bag to carry just what you need. I like it.
Is the pattern available for sale? <br /><br />I took a look at the Las Vegas Fabric Fest -- I found the website a nightmare to navigate!
amy smart
I plan to publish the pattern later this fall after Fabric Fest.
Your bag is absolutely stunning! I love it. Wish I could come to the Fabric Fest. It looks like there is going to be so much cool stuff & classes.
Just Gamma
I can't wait until Fabric Fest I LOVE the fabric for the Union Jack Tote!!
Beautiful bag - the colors are perfect! What a dream to attend Fabric Fest...maybe someday!
Mom C
That's a great bag. Love to be in your class, still trying to clear some dates. Thanks.
Love your Bag!!! It is Awesome!!! the colors are my favorites too!!
Such a lovely bag! The fabrics are so pretty! I will not be attending for many different reasons, but I am sure it will be a fenomenal fest. thanks for the inspiration.<br />Have a great day!<br />Liz
April (Polkadot Sparrow)
I love how you made this an accurate Union Jack. I love all those other patterns out there but it always made me sad to see them not be true to dimensions. What you did looks really sharp!
amy smart
Thank you!<br />
I love your Union Jack bag, it's gorgeous! I don 't think I can go to Fabric Fest because my daughter's baby is due in August. That's just too much time to be gone 🙁
I'm anglo-philing right there with you Amy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new bag!!!
Teresa Stanulis
Your bag is so creative! I wish I was going to Fabric Fest. If I were, I'd definitely take your class!
amy smart
Thanks so much for the bag love! I don't consider myself a bag-specialist, so was way excited when it turned out better than I'd hoped!
queenie louise
Saw this yesterday, like it even more today. Really like the color choice.
I love your bag. The colors are beautiful.
I love the bag and I am so glad I signed up for you class! I am way too excited to be going to Fabric Fest!
Great bag and great fabric choice! I envy all those who'll be able to attend your class!! I really hope the pattern will be available after Fest!
Marcia W.
Fantastic bag with the unusual Union Jack colors.... Congratulations on your upcoming classes and trip. It looks like it will be lots of fun and interesting classes too.
Karen in Breezy Point
Love the bag! It would be so much fun to attend--looks like a fabulous event.
Katy Cameron
Loving your Jack bag :o) Alas, I won't be attending...
Cute bag; but if you have modified it, it is not a Union Jack anymore.
Hi, has the pattern for the bag been released yet please? I've had a quick look for it, but can't see it in your store :(<br /><br />Hugs<br />Naomi