Did you know that March is National Quilting Month? Now that we are here at the end of the month, I don't feel like I celebrated in the way that I would have hoped. (I guess we had some pretty big distractions.) In this post I want to introduce you to the Baby Lock Jubilant Sewing machine - it's an excellent beginner sewing machine or perfect if you need a lightweight portable machine for traveling.

I have been working in a partnership with Baby Lock sewing machines for the past few years and have genuinely LOVED each machine that I've worked with (including the Crescendo and the Destiny II embroidery machine). Both of those machines are on the bigger, more established side of the sewing machine spectrum.
But Baby Lock has a sewing machine that is just right for any level - beginner or super advanced.
They recently released the the Genuine Collection - a refreshed collection of updated smaller machines.
One of these is the Jubilant machine. Baby Lock recently sent me this machine to try out. This little workhorse is an excellent basic machine that is not-so-basic. Top features include - the automatic needle threader, drop feed for free-motion quilting, and 80 stitches including 8 one-step buttonholes.
It's been a great machine for my kids to use if they want to sew along side me. It's also got great portability. Weighing just over 14 pounds, it's an easier size to set up and take down, carry along to a sewing class or a retreat, guild meeting etc. It's a great machine for both beginners and advanced quilters.
But even though it's smaller and lightweight, it's still sturdy and performs so well - beautiful stitches and adjustable speed that moves quickly at its highest setting. The machine includes are variety of feet and accessories. (It does not include a ¼" foot, but one of the things I love most about Baby Lock is that their feet attachments are so reasonably priced - it's easy and affordable to get the additional feet attachments that you want.)
The Jubliant machine is available online through participating retailers and at Baby Lock in-store locations. Plus the machine will come with a free 60 day trial of online classes through SewEd.
The Jubilant is part of the Genuine Collection of Baby Lock sewing machines - a nice variety of entry level machines. To find the right machine for you, visit your Baby Lock machine dealer. You can also buy the Jubilant directly from Baby Lock.
AND get 10% off any purchase online from Baby Lock with the coupon code SAVE10-ASM2.
Whatever your sewing machine skills or needs, I HIGHLY recommend visiting your local Baby Lock dealer. They will be able to help you find the exact machine to suit your skill level and budget, not to mention provide you with the assistance, training, and support to help you feel successful with your new machine.
This giveaway is only open to US residents, 18 years and older. Giveaway open until Sunday, April 4 at midnight MDT. A winner will be chosen at random. GIVEAWAY CLOSED
A HUGE thanks again to Baby Lock for this generous giveaway!
JUDYK March 31, 2020 at 7:49 pm
I would love to win this machine! A few years ago, I taught a young military wife how to piece a quilt. She has been wanting to purchase a machine of her own but circumstances have not allowed that luxury. She now has a young daughter who has expressed an interest in learning to sew. I was going to have the privilege of helping her create a pillowcase over Easter until the pandemic. Hopefully we will have time over the summer and this machine would be be a delight to both daughter and mom. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
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Robby H.
This looks like exactly what might niece needs. I got a text from her earlier this month asking for advice on buying a sewing machine that would be suitable for quilting and clothes making/mending. She's brand new to sewing, but as an engineer, I think she'll figure it out really quickly. I'd love to pass on the joy of sewing with this machine to my niece who just moved across the country for her husband's new posting on the other coast. Off to have a look at that machine in detail. Thanks!
This looks like an absolute beautiful machine. I love my second hand Bernina, but it is showing signs of age. Thank it’s a heavy workout of sewing sweet little dresses and bowties for my six children. Currently, I spend lotta time trying to make masks for others. I have dreams of upgrading someday. Thanks for the opportunity!
Sue Holman
Thank you for the opportunity to win this BabyLock machine. I would love to gift this to my daughter who is trying to sew on my not always reliable 46 year old Kenmore machine. My first sewing machine! She would find this BabyLock a dream machine!
I would love to win this machine so my daughter can start sewing with me. She loves helping me with mine currently but we don’t have the funds to get another one.
Mary Beth Kovic
I would love to win this machine. I'm teaching my granddaughter to sew and it would perfect for us to sew along together. Winning this would be such a bright spot in the midst of this quarantine. Also, it is a great size for traveling when life returns to normal! I love Baby Lock machines and this is such a generous give-away! I am also so happy to have found this website! Looking forward to reading all the information here. Thank you.
Ivona Tinnin
It's a great little gem for my tiny little space! I've been wanting to start kids clothing line for years. Never had a courage to just go for it for one reason or another. So many ideas in my head... The time has come that that business of mine could save my family at time of crisis.
Sandy Lai
Would love to be able to get this to give to my granddaughter,she recently made her 1st quilt with my help,she’s 11 and has had a hard time lately with the virus going around as she is immune suppressed from a liver transplant when she was younger.
JoAnne Shull
I would love to have a Baby Lock sewing machine. I have wanted one ever since I saw Jenny Doan use one on her tutorials. I remember reading about Jenny and her Baby Lock named Jane that she liked so much, she made her husband walk through a snow storm to bring it home for her!
Anita Doane
This machine would be perfect to take to classes and to my friends when we sew. My sewing machine is old and very heavy. My sewing area is in my basement so I have to have someone help me get the machine up and down the stairs.
Paula Bland
I’m starting to learn quilting. The lighter Baby Lock Jubilant sewing machine will be easy to take to quilting class! The drop feed for free-motion quilting appears marvelous!
Elisabeth Culbreth
I love baby lock machines and I would use this for travel to guild meetings and school events where i teach the kids how to sew!
I absolutely love Baby Lock machines! This giveaway would be great for me to continue sewing for my next little generation that's coming up! Thanks so much for the offer!
Patty Hilker
I recently had cancer surgery and this would much easier to use for my sewing and quilting. I'm also sewing medical masks. Thank you for your generous offer.
Vicki Formby
I would love to win a new machine so that I could give it to my sister. She's having trouble with her machine and she could use a new one. I love Baby Lock machines. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Linda Ficaro
I would love to win this sewing machine for my niece. She will be turning 12 in four days and loves anything crafty. She has really loves sewing but the only sewing machines she's had are ones picked up at yard sales that are always breaking and having issues. This frustrates her and I'm hoping it doesn't turn her off of sewing. Her family can't afford a quality machine for her at this time. With a beautiful sewing machine like this one I think it could take her long into adulthood with many happy sewing projects.
Jane Baumgardner
A great machine to carry to quilt retreats and to teach others how to sew and quilt.
Gina Lopez
I need a new sewing machine because I am currently teaching my son to sew and it would be amazing if he had his very own sewing machine. We could work on projects together instead of taking turns.
Beth Sprister
This looks like the perfect machine for me to take to classes/retreats. I would no longer have to rely on hubby to carry for me.
I would love to win this for my handicapped daughter, she loves to make quilts and this would be ideal for her. Maybe she'll even let me use it once in awhile
Maggie Tripp
I am 76 years old and have been seeing for many years. This machine looks like what I need to replace my antiquated machine, especially with a respected brand. I'm busy making face mask for the Volunteer Fire Departments in our area. Y'all be safe!!!!!
Linda Prather
I've always wanted a baby lock. But a senior citizen on limited budget cant afford it so I would love to win one! Thank you.
Kismet James
I would love to have this sewing machine so I can make masks for everyone to protect them from the coronavirus.
I would so love a new sewing machine. I bought a Kenmore 37 years ago to make clothes for my daughters. I am now 60 years old and trying to make quilts, thanks to Amy Stewart’s tutoriaIs. I love my old Kenmore, but it is getting harder to keep running, and I would love to try a more modern machine. However, on a retirement income that is not in the picture.
Since the Covid virus and the “stay at home” policy, sewing is my greatest comfort. This would be a great time to have a Babylock to spend my isolation with!
Thank you,
Pam Reed
I am so grateful for the opportunity to win this fabulous machine. I love the fact that it is light weight. I have a very heavy machine and I have some disabilities that make it difficult to move things around. I must move my machine often because of limited space.
I would love this sewing machine! Mine is in need of replacing and it would be so great, looks amazing!! Love all of your inspirational ideas for quilting.
Virginia S
Would enjoy a smaller machine to take to retreats! Always wanted to work on a Babylock.
What a great machine! Thank you for showcasing it.
Colleen Becker
Thank You for the chance! This would be amazing, as my Babylock only does straight stitching. It would be so fun to get creative with stitching and borders.
Therese Ramsey
I love my Babylock Crescendo! I would love to have a small, portable machine for retreats. This one would be perfect!🤞🤞🤞
I absolutely love Baby Lock machines! I would love to have one to continue seeing for my next little generation coming up! Thank you for the offer!
Janice McCallum
If I won this machine, I would give it to one of my sons, both of whom are in the Army. Then they could sew their own patches, braids and such on their uniforms🙂.
I’d love to have this to teach my daughter to quilt! Also I’ve never owned a babylock sewing machine.
Amy Konstantatos
I would love to have this sewing machine for my daughter, who would love to sew alongside me. She will be 13 soon, so I think it would be a great time for her to jump in =).
Shannon Green
I received my sewing machine in high school and it’s been a work horse. I took it to a church service project and had many comments about my machine being an antique. I’m in my 50’s now. I started looking at machines and was surprised at how many things the new ones do. I would love a new machine.
Terry Harvey
I would love to have this machine to take with me when I camp. I have always heard about Baby Lock being the best! Would love to experience this great machine for myself to see if rumors are true! Thank you for the chance!
Colleen Walker
I love Babylocks and it looks like a perfect machine for my granddaughter, I was teaching her to sew and bought her a small starter machine which she has out grown and wants to continue learning! I’ve been sewing for over 50 years and love to see a new generation continuing this skill.
I would love to give this to my niece, a new sewer! 😊
Rae Brietzke
I would like to give this machine to my sister. She recently lost the sight in one eye due to complications from diabetes. Undaunted, she uas decided she wants to learn to quilt! I dont don't live near her but we skype so i can help her learn to quilt!
Debra Robinson
How fun! I’ve been looking for a retreat machine and this one might fit the bill.
Would love it to take to classes and retreats, although with the automatic needle threader it might be used a lot more.
Karen Sasinowski
I've never used a Babylock sewing machine and yhis looks like a fun little machine to try out
No joke, I just emailed my Mom this morning to get her recommendation for buying a sewing machine. I think she was shocked and surprised (and you probably are too, Amy!) 😆 But I guess this sheltering in place has got me thinking about ways to be creative and while I don’t know if I have the skills to make a mask, I thought maybe I’d give it a try. I’ve always been inspired by all the ways you use your sewing machine to serve others.
Danelle Long
This looks like the perfect machine to teach my 6 year old granddaughter to sew with.
Raquel Riche
What an awesome give away! I would LOVE to win a Baby Lock machine, especially bc I’ve been looking at them recently to upgrade! Gotta keep up w/ my quilting addiction!
Hello, I would like to win the Baby Lock Jubilant because I am in the process of learning how to quilt. I have never sewn before but have always wanted to learn. My coworker told me that Baby Lock is the best. This would be a great way to start. Thank you!
Hello, my name is Mary. I am not sure if this showing a second time. It flashed technical difficulties so trying again.
I would like to win the Baby Lock Jubilant because I have always wanted to learn how to quilt. I have never seen before and my coworker told me Baby Lock is the best. This would be great for me to learn. Thank you!
Natalie Finch
I'm teaching both my kids to sew right now on an old machine. This one would be great!
This is a super machine and can do everything I need! I teach sewing as an afternoon activity at my elementary school, grades 2-5, and would love to have this machine available to the students.
Theressa Serrato
I would love to have this sewing machine for my daughter. I am trying to teach her how to sew so she can start her own little business while she is in college.
Erica Galgoci
I would absolutely love the machine. I am new at Sewing. A friend of mine Loaned me her Baby lock Aventura so I could make masks for my family, friends and local hospitals. She even did a FaceTime Tutorial so I could learn how to use it. I couldn't sew a button before. That amazing friend is Sara Gallegos. I have made 100 masks in 2 weeks and hoping to keep that rate going. Would LOVE my own Baby Lock.
Rachel Ralph
I would love this to take with me instead of lugging my big heavy machine to sewing meetings.
Erin Lewis
I've heard such great things about Baby Lock, but always spend the extra on the kids instead of myself. This would be such an amazing machine for my home, working on facemasks for our family & members of the health community right now.
Jean Scrabeck
Thank you for the offer. I love my bigger BabyLock machine and would like a smaller one to take to classes.
This would be a great machine to teach sewing classes to younger kids who are really interested in sewing! I have one in mind, and I love my big Babylock so a smaller version would be just right!
Sharon Sink
I'd love a Babylock
Never had one. This one would do so much more than my old one. What fun it would bring to my sewing room.
I love my 41-year- old mechanical sewing machine. During the last several months, it suddenly stops. It’s clear that I am in of a new sewing machine. I retired about 6 years ago after teaching elementary school for over 40 years. I use my sewing machine everyday. I would like to have a new machine. This is a great opportunity.
Helen Foster
I need a new machine. My machine is broken and I need to sew again for enjoyment.
Angela L
I currently have a vantage Bernina which is no longer working. I would love a new sewing machine. My daughter is a RN on the ICU unit of her hospital. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, her hospital does have enough protective gear. She needs surgical caps. I would use a new machine to make caps for her. Thank you.
Francis C. Moore
I would like to have a small sewing machine to take to my quilt group which meets each Friday. We were meeting and will continue when the virus is over.
Rey Rodriguez
Quilting has become not only a passion but a lifesaver for me. During the past year have been struggling with a lot of things but quilting gives me peace. A new machine would so rewarding.
Tommie DAmico
Baby lock is an awesome company ! I love that they support important causes like Sew Powerful, which helps keep girls (in Zambia) in school all month long. I would love to have a new machine to sew more purses for the girls in Zambia. And for the current pandemic, sew masks and isolation gowns for the local Children’s Hospital. ❤️
Would be fantastic for my great niece!!!
Pamela Schofield
What a fabric giveaway! I would love to enter and win this beautiful machine! It appears to be perfect In every way. I know I’d spend hours enjoying the many features it has to offer! I love to sew, quilt and craft with fabric of all kinds. I would love to teach my granddaughter to enjoy herself with those skills as well. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
Lori Bluemel
I have only purchased one machine in my 55 years and that was 20 years ago. While it has been a dependable machine and sewn many quilts and other items for me, it is a very simple and basic machine. Owning a Babylock would be a dream!
Diane Stagg
I have sewn since I was 8 yrs old. I have been buying older machines because they seem to be work horses. Unfortunately they have front loading metal bobbins, very few if any built in stitches, manual threading and thread cutting and can be a drag if you are piecing a lot.
I would love a new, shiny state of the art sewing machine that is designed to be really used. One that is user friendly and really fun to use and play with. Rescue me from the 70's please!!!!
Elaine Stickles
I would love to have a little machine to take to classes rather than hauling one of my bigger machines. I have a Babylock Solaris and love the quality.
I couldn't figure out how to add a new comment so I clicked reply. I would love to have a small sewing machine to take to classes at my local sewing shop. Thanks for the chance to win!
What a great opportunity it! Would love to have this to teach my kids.
Having trouble leaving a response....I love babylock and the little Juilant would be wonderful for my granddaughter to use when she comes to sew and also a great travel machine. Thanks for the opportunity
Cathy Lachiver
What a sweet workhorse of a machine. I would love to win this to give to my daughter who is making clothes. I bought her a used machine but it has been acting up lately and it would be awesome for her to have a reliable machine. I think she would be for lack of a better word “jubilant” to own one of these.
I would really love to have this machine! My sister is a doctor (pediatrician) in a hospital. They desperately need masks right now! She works in the ER and with newborns — among other areas. The masks we sew can also be used for fathers in the delivery room and to enable close family to be with their lives one at end of life in the hospital.
Chris Tretter
I have always wanted a Baby Lock. I hear so many good things about their machines. I would love to win a Baby Lock!
Leslie Mink
I’d love to win this machine! I’m home bound and with it I could sew without having to trudge upstairs where my regular machine lives. With asthma the trip is very difficult.
I could be making masks now, if had a easy to use machine. As it is, I feel kind of worthless!
Anne Mullis
I think this would be the perfect machine for taking to classes and retreats.
Bonnie Thompson
What a little gem of a machine! This would be great for me as I’m sewing on a Juki, which only has straight stitching. The Baby Lock would let do more creative sewing and attend classes and retreats. Jukis are workhorses but heavy!
Keviee Watterson
I would absolutely be thrilled to win this sewing machine. my current machine has not aged well and is not really in great working condition any longer. It has been a nice enough machine but it is a smaller, inexpensive model compared to this Baby Lock machine. I sew quilts for a charity (small quilts) that distributes them to nursing home residents throughout our area. It would be such a great thing to have this machine to use in making them. Thank you so much for this opportunity!
Robin Shepherd
I would love for my 9-year-old granddaughter to experience learning to sew on a Baby Lock sewing machine. They can’t be beat for their durability and the many features available with which to experiment.
Deborah Mohagen
This would be great for all my grandchildren to use! Thanks for this opportunity! Stay safe and healthy!
Jolynn Keel
I’ve heard that Baby Lock makes great machines. I have a second hand old Bernina, and I would love to have this beautiful new machine to sew on that won’t give me trouble. Thanks for the chance!
Tammy Sherman
Hi thank you for the opportunity to win this baby lock machine .I could use this to take to classes for quilting it’s small enough for me to carry to classes I have missed out on classes for awhile cause of the weight of my machine .plus it would be a great little machine to hand down to my granddaughter when I am done with it. Thank you .
Ann Madges
My Sears portable is a very basic machine that has served me so well but I’d love a machine with lots of stitch possibilities. Thanks for the chance to be part of this drawing
Darlene Kroll
I keep getting older every year and now that I'm 80+ it would be nice to be able to carry my machine to church when we sew quilts for the mission.
Kathy Berlincourt
Oh my goodness I have always wanted a Baby Lock. Two of my friends have them and love them. Thank you for passing the deal on to us. I enjoy following you. Thanks for all you share. Stay happy and safe.
I took a beginners quilting class 9 years ago and the shop sold Babylock machines! This one looks great.
Oh my goodness. I e been looking for a light weight machine that I can take to teach my grandchildren to sew. This sounds like the perfect match!!
Pick Me 🙂 🙋♀️
Carol Ann Rogers
I'm a new sewer. My first machine is a very basic one. I would love to own a machine I can do more with. Thanks for the opportunity. Sewing is keeping me sane right now. Tomorrow I'll be making masks for my family to wear while in public.
Cyndi Kolker
I’d love to have a sewing machine! I’ve heard so many great things about Babylock, and now thst I’m required to stay at home, it’d be a great time to learn!
I have been sewing for about 7 years on a Singer Featherweight from the 1940’s. I love this machine, but it has just a straight stitch option so can be limiting when wanting to sew more complicated stitches or anything but a straight line on a quilt. I’d love a machine with a little more versatility!
My daughter would love this..she is just learning to see
Germaine Robison
My Walmart machine is decent but being retired on fixed income I will never be able to buy a nicer machine. Winning one is my only hope. Lol
Julie Gray
I realize that I am a little old to get started but I have found a new love and that is quilting. Just learning the finer points of points! My machine is about 15 years old and it would be awesome to learn some new things with a Baby Loc machine. I have more years behind me than I do ahead of me so it would be so much fun to get a new machine and quilt my way into 2020. I may even give a full size quilt a go. Right now it is minis. I am so excited at the thought of perhaps being gifted a new updated current machine. Woohoo!!
Brenda Pedersen
The Baby Lock Jubilant looks like the perfect little machine for taking to class or all my Quilt Guild's Open Sews. I have a Baby Lock Destiny II, but that's bigger than is comfortable to carry with me (except to embroidery classes). My daughter might also enjoy using the Jubilant, as she is a beginner sewist. Either way, if I win the machine, it will get lots of use and love!
Margie Schowengerdt
I’d love to own a baby lock I’ve heard such good things about their reliability and ease of use! I’ve only had hand me downs but I’ll use whatever as long as I can sew! Thank you!
Margie Schowengerdt
Deborah Burt ok n
I could use a new machine. I've been sewing/quilting on an old singer for 35 years. Love this machine. Thabks.
I would love a new machine, I have been using my mother in law’s after her passing. I have heard a lot of good things about the baby lock brand.
I am a fairly new quilter and I am having fun learning and sewing new projects. I would love a new machine with some of those features. ♥️
Vickie Zaleski
I've been looking for a machine to gift to my daughter. She loves to sit with me while I sew and keeps asking for her own machine. This machine looks perfect! Thank you for this opportunity.
Sue Garrad
This looks a brilliant machine. It would be perfect for when I am having my friends 12 year old daughter over to sew. Enough frills to let her explore without having too many frills to distract her. It would be perfect when I go away as my travelling machine. I have always wanted a Babylock and this could be my first of many.
Sue Garrad
This Bablock Jubilant looks a beautiful machine. Ideal for me when I travel and perfect for my friends daughter when she comes for a sew day. Enough frills to keep her interested and let her explore her creativity but not too many to distract her. I would certainly be Jubilant to win my first Bablock machine.
I have been to our local Baby Lock store so many times over the last couple years!! I LOVE their machines but just can’t afford one! I’m in the process of teaching my daughter how to sew on my Singer machine that I’ve has since high school!! I would love to win this Baby Lock!!
Kathy Young
My 15 year old Viking is tired and would like a replacement! My quilting skills might even improve with a Babylock. Thanks!
Lee Ann
If I am lucky and win this Baby Lock Jubilant, I will give my current machine to my 17-year-old niece, a budding sewist/quilter. On second thought, I will give her the Jubilant. She’s a high school senior and her last semester of high school is turning out to be a big disappointment due to the Coronavirus. This would really help lift her spirits.
Anita Clark
I have a very basic machine and would love to have a machine that would help me develop my skills. I learned to sew from my mother and grandmother and would love to sew alongside my daughter. Thanks to Baby Lock for investing in such a life-long/generational hobby.
Linda Vickerson
There doesn’t seem to be a place to comment, even after clicking the word bubble, so I’ll add mine here.
I inherited my mother’s machine. I’m making masks like crazy, and the machine needs some fine tuning or cleaning, but all the repair shops are closed. I’d love to have a machine I can go fast on.
Yesterday I dropped off, well, actually threw out the window to a CNA, a bag of masks at the Veteran’s Home. I’m also supplying the Ronald McDonald House and helping a friend with her commitment to another organization. Family and neighbors have also gotten masks. I’m finding fabric I forgot I even had! But if the old machine stops, that’s the end. I’d love a fast, dependable machine. Thanks for the chance to win one!
Ginny Jacoby
Would love to have this little “work horse”. The Baby Lock Quilter Dream I’ve had for many years has had so many repairs on the needle threader and thread cutter and once again they are not working. I think they are just worn out. I love this machine but could really use a back up machine. This little machine seems ideal. I’m a subscriber and look forward to your newsletter every week. I’ve made some of your patterns too. Thank you Amy for all you do. Stay safe, stay well.
Fontrella Cole
I would love to receive this lovely sewing machine. Mine old machine I have is not working and I not able to purchase another one at this time. I love to sew my clothes and quilt. Right now I have fabric and my patterns but nothing to sew them on.
Joyce Stephens
A second machine would be wonderful to have in order to designate one for sewing and one set up for free motion quilting.
Vicki Beckner
I would love to have a Baby Lock machine. I tested one at a sewing shop and loved it. My current machine is older and just basic. I would like to pass that one down to my granddaughter and selfishly keep the Baby Lock for myself!😍
Fay Applegate
Every time I see this Baby Lock it take's my breath away! Would love to have it in my Woman cave!
Kristan Smith
It would be fabulous to have such a fantastic machine.
Lauren Sebastion
I would absolutely love to win this sewing machine. I want to do something good for my community during this season in our lives. I would love to make countless face masks to help with this covid-19 outbreak. I want help bring peace to people, to help them feel protected in this uncertain time.
Would love to win. My Singer just quit, my husband and I are making face mask and could really use a new machine. Thank you
Dianne Mathews
I love Babylock machines. I have one that's about 15 years old now and have been told that I would not be able to get certain replacement parts when they break! It would be wonderful to have a portable Babylock that I can take to classes and have as a backup machine.
Karen Morrison
I would love a new sewing machine because this one looks awesome! I bet the tension is wonderful!
Aubrey Harns
I just moved into a new house (for us) and would love a new machine to go in my craft space. What an amazing gift this will be for whomever wins! Thank you, Amy & Baby lock.
Julie Hautau
I have pieced a nine patch for my granddaughter and I would love to be able to quilt it in this beautiful machine. To be able to quilt it myself would be a dream and make it so much more meaningful.
Vickie Cate
I would love to win a sewing machine because I only have one, and it is difficult to change from regular sewing to using a quilting foot. I like to work on a few projects at a time so it would be fantastic to have two machines. I just love playing around with my fabric and sewing things because I think it grounds me. Right now we need that so much. Plus you don't have to leave the house to sew.
Oh my goodness! How generous! Your blog is one of the quilting blogs I always love to check up on. With three kiddos sharing my machine, we would gladly up the sewing time around here with another machine to hum along!
Robin Dickey
I would love to have a machine with so many stitch options. Wow
I love my straight stitch machine but am limited in what garments I can sew.
Thank you.
Melinda Williams
I have always wanted a machine like this. If I had one I would be able to attend sewing classes and retreats with my friends. Thank you so much for this chance.
Joelle Lambert
I have a straight stitch only sewing machine and it would be nice to be able to have some other stitches available at times. The portability would be awesome for getting together with friends to sew.
I am starting to look for a new machine-- unfortunately my older (and very heavy) bought on eBay janome is having issues and since the "lockdown" I am actually sewing more-- I have heard of baby lock machines but have not seen a convent dealer in my area
My machine is almost 25 years old and I use it all the time and am afraid it is on its last leg. This would be a God send to replace such an old machine with such a reputable one. Thanks for the opportunity. Linda C.
I would LOVE to win this machine! I have my mother’s featherweight, which I adore, but it is limiting. What fun I could have with this new machine!
I have been wanting to get a new machine, the one I’m currently using is getting old (already been in the shop once for repairs last fall) and it is very heavy. A light weight machine would be perfect to take to meetings where we have been getting together to sew for charity.
Katie Diegelman
I am still a beginner quilter and have chosen the Babylock Jubilant as an upgrade to my current machine. My favorite projects are small piecing and I feel this machine would be perfect. Thanks for the opportunity to win my dream machine
Austa Rogers
We go on rv trips and this would be a great machine to take in the rv. I usually only take handwork as my machine is to big to take on trips.
Bobbie Badovick
I would love to have a dedicated "travel to class" sewing machine!!!!
Would love to win this machine as I love to take a machine to retreats & my regular machine is to heavy!
What a sweet little take- to-retreat machine! I would love to make it my friend!
Sandra Thwing
I would love to win this machine. I have a very basic machine (which is awesome), but would love to have something with a little more versatility. I love quilting and this machine would make me love it even more!
I was talking with a few of my coworkers- I work at “essential” services store- about making basic masks for us and the community. It’s any easy beginners’ project and it sounds like an easy machine to use. We could set it up in the training room, so people could work on breaks. The masks get dropped off and sterilized before given out.
Allison Gougeon
I would love to win this machine. I’m a quilter and sadly my reverse button no longer works. Thanks for the information on the Baby Lock and a chance to win.
Dawn P
Not sure if my comment uploaded, page said technical difficulties after I clicked post comment. I would love to win! My machine is on its last legs and the repairman told me when it dies next it will be dead for good. I always sew a lot but with the stay at home order, I've been sewing quite a bit more. I get cringe -face sometimes sewing expecting it to die at any moment. Thanks for the opportunity!
Carolyn Barrera
As a new quilter, I would love to have a new Baby Lock so that I can make quality quilts for my family and friends.
Wow! This is a very generous giveaway from Baby Lock! I'd love to have a quality machine that my kids can use at the same time I'm sewing. I'd also love to not have to heave my heavy machine upstairs when I want to sew and be with the family. This would be an awesome machine to have!
Carole Whitridge
I'd love to win this machine because I sew pillowcases for the children's hospital in Portland, Or, and am very keen to host pillowcase sewing afternoons for friends. People have shown interest but don't all have machines - it would be terrific to have an extra to set up and get people sewing!!
Beth MacKenzie
This looks like a great machine. I have a big machine, but it doesn't have a permanent home anymore, and it is a pain to set up. This would be great because of the portability and my daughter who wants to learn how to sew would have a better machine to start out on.
Lisa LeBlanc
This would be perfect! My old machine was damaged on a sewing weekend. The shuttle driver put it upright, and it was in a case that had wheels! Well he took a corner, and my machine went flying down the stairs! I could've cried. Actually, I DID!!! The mother board was damaged, and it's too old to warrant the cost to repair. I need a smaller everyday machine, that I can also take to sewing retreats and workshops. 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity! Keeping my fingers crossed.
Toni Anne Potter
The Babylock Jubilant looks like the perfect little lightweight machine to take to classes, with being lightweight as only one of the many pluses for its size. I’d love to take classes and join a sewing group but my machine is to heavy for me to lift and carry around. This machine seems like it would be the best all around machine for piecing, sewing and appliqué. Thank you Babylock and Amy for this fun giveaway!
Teresa Costello
If I won this machine I would give it to my sister. She is currently sewing on a Singer but it doesn't have any functions and us a hand-me-down. She would never ask for a new machine, but I know that she would love it
charlotte m.
I would love to win this sewing machine because my daughter has 3 kids and she sews for them on a very old(30 years old) Kenmore I gave her. I know whe would enjoy it so much more with a newer, better machine. This one fits the bill.
Kathy Gailey
This machine would be perfect when I have three of my granddaughters over to sew!! They have each learned to make a quilt and now they are working on teddy bears for Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City!! I feel teaching them service is something that will bless their lives as well as the lives of others!! ❤️
Shirley Clark
I would love to win this machine. I've been wanting to teach sewing lessons in my little town, and I need another machine. Especially after this rush of trying to make masks for many here, it would be good to have a machine to loan out to someone who can sew, but doesn't have a machine. I just want to keep the art of sewing going to the next generation.
I’d really like to have a lightweight machine with all the features of my old and heavy machine.
Becky Turner
I have a young lady living next door who is learning how to sew... She uses my little traveling machine right now but one day soon will need a machine of her very own on she is on a very tight budget. This would be great for her to continue to learn on and to have as her own.
Marj Mellon
I would love to have a machine that is easy to transport to classes & retreats. My Unity is too heavy. Love Babylock products.
Julie J.
I would love to learn more using this machine!
Would love to win this machine for my 12 year old granddaughter
I would like a new machine to give it to someone that I consider my daughter. She does not have a machine but took sewing classes in school. Now that she is older, she would like to develop this interest.
Lisa Donnelly
What an exciting giveaway, thank you! My 6.5 year old and 5 year old are both showing quite a bit of interest in making their own quilts now, and it would be amazing to have another machine so we could work together!!
Needle and Foot
How exciting Amy!! My smaller machine, a very old Janome passed down to me from my mom has stitched its last stitch and I miss it. This was my machine that I could take to a class or to someone's house to sew. My current machine is too big to move around all the time. Thank you for the opportunity!
tammy gunderson
I would love to have a light weight machine to take with me to classes and retreats. I have been reluctant to go to a class or retreat do to I don't have a good light weight sewing machine.
Susan Ingle
I'd love to win this machine so that I could gift it to a young sewer who doesn't have a machine. I appreciate baby lock for giving this machine as a way to pay it forward. Thanks!
Allison Brooks
I was actually going to attend our regional sewing expo last week to purchase a new machine until our current situation postponed everything for now. I have used a Janome for almost 15 years and love it, but it’s time for a new machine.
I could use a new machine to carry to Project Linus and Quilt of Valor sew days. A light weight portable would be just the thing.
That would be a perfect machine for my girls who are just learning, so we could sew along side each other! My second, who is 7, is finishing up her first mini quilt; she attached the binding last night, and just needs to tack it down. And my oldest is working on a travel case. Also, I bet it’s perfect for sewing retreats.
I have another baby Loc, the Jazz. I’ve been teaching my four granddaughters to sew and this summer we are having quilt camp for a week at their home. I would love, love to have the smaller jubilant lightweight to carry to the camp!
Kathy Spilsbury
I would love to have this machine to take with me to dads this summer. I can’t lift my other machines due to limitation on my shoulders so a versatile small quality machine would be great to have. Since I am in quarantine even after all you get back to real life ( chemo and low white blood cell count) I figure summer in so. Ca would be nice to do.
Liz Schulte
I'd like to donate the machine to one of the local refugee women who can sew. I don't personally need a new machine 🙂
Linda B.
I would love to win this sewing machine. It looks like it can do everything I would need. I currently sew by hand, but I would like to begin sewing on a machine.
Bobbie Badovick
I would love to have a dedicated "take-along" sewing machine, for attending classes and guild meetings.
Delores L
I would love to win a new sewing machine! Mine is 45 years old and is really worn out. It does not sew well anymore. I think this machine would be perfect. Thank you for the opportunity to win one.
Sue Swank
I would love to win this machine. I have a Baby Lock Symphony and I love it. But I travel and the Symphony is just too big to take along. This one looks like a great travel buddy.
Kathryn Laposata
My 40 year old daughter has an ancient machine. She recently decided that it was time to replace it. With the current stay-at-home orders, she has time to enjoy sewing again. Thanks so much to you and Baby Lock.
I would LOVE to win this machine. I'd like to teach my grandkids to sew & quilt. This machine looks perfect for that! Plus it would just be awesome to have a second machine, other than my featherweight.
This machine would be perfect to teach my great nieces to sew. They really want to learn and my big machine is too much for them.
Nola Grotegut
I would love to win this. I would use it to teach my granddaughter to sew. She has set a goal to learn this year. After she learns, it would be hers.
Susan G
I am teaching my gdaughter to sew. We have done a bit during isewlation. She could use something a bit more modern than my vintage machines....it’s so hard fir her to change the feet- no snapons and I know she would love those decorative stitches. Someone is going to be very lucky! Thanks fir sharing!
Kathleen McCormick
I have a Janome 3190QC that really is on its last legs. I like it as a smaller machine, but right now the thing is skipping stitches, and the bobbin case jumps out of position all the time. It is driving me crazy...and I won't go looking of course until the isolation period is over; maybe another 4-6 weeks. Praying it lasts!
I would love to be able to win this! I use my mom's old sewing machine and it is getting more finicky by the month, and it's old enough that many people no longer service it.
Gaye Bailey
This Babylock is just what I’ve been needing to take to a quilt retreat. I do have the Crescendo which is too heavy for me to lift, The 14 pounds is just what I need!
Anne Marie
I would love to win this machine. I have a 50 year old Kenmore that works well but, after fifty years, I am so ready for a new machine. This would be such a treat. My fingers are crossed!
I have been using the time at home to teach my 13 year old daughter quilting. We have had fun sorting and picking fabrics for a scrappy string quilt. It would be fun to have a machine for my new sewing buddy. Thanks for the chance to win!
Lisa McGriff
I have a niece who would love to learn to sew and this would be perfect! Thanks for the chance to win such a nice gift!
Lisa F
I have heard so many wonderful things about Baby Lock! I have had the same, super basic machine for well over a decade, and now that my kids enjoy sewing too, I have been shopping for a new machine. I would love to try a Baby Lock. Thank you for this great, fun give away!
I wouldn't say I "need" it, especially these days, but I do think it would be lovely to have a newer, more upscale machine than my Singer that I have been sewing on for years. It has been a great machine for me to learn on and grow my sewing skills, but I do wonder if things might be easier for me on a different sewing machine.
This would be perfect to teach my college-age niece to sew. She is living with us right now because her college closed but her home situation is less than ideal. She's a physics major with an artistic bent--loves to sketch, paint, and crochet--but has never learned to sew. Thanks for the opportunity!
Rebecca Bostick
I would love to have this great machine to help me teach my 12-year-old granddaughter to sew. Thanks for the opportunity!!
Linda Jones
I follow your blog faithfully and so enjoy hearing about your life and your quilting. No sewing machine yet for me, but it would be a big blessing to win one. Thank you.
Marie Oprica
My 10 year old has just gotten into sewing and quilting and this machine would be fabulous for him!
Dana Kelley
This would be perfect for teaching my college-age niece how to sew. She is staying with us since her college has closed but her home situation is less than ideal. She's a physics major with an artistic bent--she loves to sketch, paint, and crochet--but she has never learned to sew. Thanks for the opportunity.
Marie O
My 10 year old son has been quilting and sewing for a little while now. This would be perfect for him to use!
Jeanne Atkinson
I love going to classes and retreats and when the world turns around again and we're able to congregate, having a light-weight machine would be wonderful. Such a treat!
Julie in WA
I love my straight-stitch only Juki, but sometimes I long for creative stitches and the ability to do beautiful buttonholes!
I am what I call a poor quilter. I'm unemployed I have not been able to get any type of disability for assistance and after 14 + surgeries it really takes a toll on the income. I joined a quilt guild because I was told that I could get fabric scraps and other free items, however the person that belongs to the guild, that gave me that information has everyone trained to give everything to her so no one else gets anything. I have one good sewing machine and it really isn't that good. I'm hoping after my arm recovers from this surgery that I can get back to quilting. It would be nice to have one machine that worked properly and consistently. Greatly appreciate the opportunity to enter this giveaway. Thank you.
Sorry if I have more than one comment--I keep getting a message saying the site is having technical difficulties.
I would love to win this little beauty to teach my niece to sew. She is staying with us since her college closed and her home situation is less than ideal. She is a physics major with an artistic bent--loves to sketch, paint, and crochet--but has never learned to sew. Thanks for the opportunity.
My machine is pretty basic and I love the beautiful stitches this one makes.
Mary Hartman
Since the children in Arizona are out of school, I began teaching my granddaughter to sew. We made a pillowcase for her first venture. I would like to have this machine for my granddaughters to learn on. Thanks Amy for your blog. I appreciate the time you put in to inspire all of us!
The Joyful Quilter
Wow!! What a great way to round out the month!! Best of luck to everyone who enters your drawing.
Nancy Anderson
I've been teaching my great niece how to quilt. Now with social distancing, it would be great for her to have her own machine to sew on at her house.
Janis T
i would love a more portable machine because I want to start attending my guild workshops. This machine would be great for granddaughters when them come to visit.
How generous! What a great giveaway! With three kiddos vying for one machine, it would be great to add one to share in the joy of sewing together. And thanks for continuing to write your blog. It is still one that I check into regularly and appreciate!
Kelly Solomon
what a great giveaway!!! I'd love a new sewing machine so I can do more quilting on my own. The machine I have now just isn't sturdy enough to do machine quilting...Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Nancy Anderson
I've been teaching my great niece how to quilt. If I won this, I'd give it to her so she could sew and quilt at her own house, especially during this time of social distancing. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Carol Loumagne
Thank you for this and I want to say how much I enjoy your blog. I would love to have a new machine. I've been quilting baby blankets for my family and others in the last few years. I would use the beautiful embroidered stitches and the buttonholer would be great! I also have trouble threading the needle, so would find that feature to be very helpful. Thank you again.
Pal K
Because I need a new machine
My machine died and I am currently sewing on an old (60"s) model that has only straight and zig-zag and the bobbin winder doesn't work (I have a Simplicity Sidewinder for that)
Robin Love
I would love to win this machine! I am new to quilting and am sewing on a 30+ year old machine. This looks like it would be the perfect machine to learn to quilt with. Thank you.
Carol Omer
I could use a new machine because my current one is sounding pretty scary lately. I have been sewing a lot these last few weeks to pass the time with all that is going on. Sewing makes me happy and I sure could use that during this scary time!
Jacque Arnold
I would love to win this machine. My mom is an avid quilter. She owns three machines and allows me to use all of them but only at her house, under her eagle eye. I am catching the sew-bug and need to practice at (especially during this time of isolated) so having a machine of my own would be fantastic.
What an amazing "basic" machine! One of my Coronavirus goals is to teach 5 of my kiddos to sew, from my 14 year old son to my 5 year old daughter (the 3 and 1 year olds probably aren't ready yet). We just ordered pillowcase kits and they are so excited. At least knowing how to sew is an important life skill for ev
...for everyone to learn!
I would love this machine!! I have one machine now and I use it for everything but I'd like to have an option to keep that one setup for FMQ and have another for piecing. Thanks so much for this giveaway!!!
Joye Cox
I have been wanting a lighter, smaller machine to use for travel or piecing. I had a Brother as a back-up travel machine but I wore it out after only 18 months. I have a Juki that's too heavy for travel so this Jubliant would suit my needs perfectly. Thanks for the chance to win.
Linda in PA
I have been teaching my granddaughters how to sew and quilt. This machine would be perfect for them to use!
I am in love with Babylock machines and am trying to save for one. My machine is over 35 years old and doesn't do much. I would live to put the Jubliant to work
Melissa Piaskoski
I'm sewing on an almost 20 year old Kenmore. Something is wonky with the tension and no matter what I adjust or how often I change the needle, it just isn't finding it's groove anymore. I'd love to retire the old gal and have a chance for a fresh start. 🙂
Rebecca S.
So cute! I've been on the lookout for a machine my youngest can use. She loves my big machine, but we obviously can't sew together.
Stephanie F
I would love love love to have a machine to teach my daughter to sew!
I would love a new machine. I have an older Pfaff I bought secondhand. It died a little over a year ago. I need to see if it can be repaired but the closest service provider is an hour away. I bought an inexpensive Black Friday machine but it’s just not the same. It’s definitely a lower quality machine which makes sewing less enjoyable.
Sally Gilmore
Thank you for this opportunity. We are snowbirds and thought we would be going home to MO by now. But with everything going on in the world we decided to stay in place. Needless to say my sewing machine and fabric is at home. I’ve been spending my time following quilting blogs and I’ve got the FEVER! (Quilting fever that is)😊
Your quilts are so lovely! What a generous giveaway! I would love a new machine - would be a nice update for my daughter and I. We use my Viking , which is great , but bought it in 1981 right after college graduation so an updated machine which would do more for us quilting would be wonderful!
Debbie Hendricks
This machine would be perfect for my needs! My husband and I just purchased our first RV -- we consider ourselves to finally be empty nesters and are looking for a new chapter in adventure -- and plan on doing some travel once times are safer and in a better place. I have long since given my small machine to my son's girlfriend whom I have taught to quilt. I had been thinking about a small machine for the RV. This would serve so well!! And, besides, I am a very happy Baby Lock customer already with my Crescendo.
I would love to have a second machine that is easier to take to class or easy for any one of my three daughters to borrow. I do not like to loan out my main machine. Thanks you so much for this opportunity!
Beverly Landis
A new machine would be nice to give to my mom. She has a old singer sewing machine that she got when she graduated from high school over fifty years ago and a older pfaff machine she got from her mother. It would be nice to give her a new machine. I have the babylock Crescendo and really like it.
My youngest grandson, aged 7, wants to learn to quilt and this would be a perfect machine for him. His older brothers are all about sports...but my little man is all about arts and crafting which I love. We have so much fun crafting together and have been working on an EPP project while watching his brothers play sports! He picked it up quickly and is pretty proficient. 🙂 He is fascinated by my quilting/sewing and I would love for him to have his own smaller sewing machine on which to learn! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Such a generous giveaway! I would gift the machine to my mom 🙂 she’s a lifelong quilter and does so much for the community and with her quilt guild!
I would love to have a machine for my youngest grandson, aged 7, who loves arts and crafts. His older brothers are all about sports, but my little man prefers being a maker. We've been working on an EPP project while watching the big guys play sports. He is fascinated and wants to learn to sew, but my big sewing machine intimidates him. This would be a perfect machine for him. Thanks for the chance to win.
I think a Baby Lock is just what I need. Though I'm not new to sewing, I am pretty new to quilting (in fact, sitting here working on a baby quilt as I type), and I could use all the help I can get! This machine seems like the perfect piece of equipment to not only set me in the right direction, but to help me move onto the next level, as well.
Wow! Thank you to Babylock. I think this would be a great machine to take to retreats—lightweight with the features that you need. Thank you for having your blog that so many of us depend on for inspiration!
My sewing machine is a vintage gem -- an 8th grade graduation gift from my dear parents that I'll never ever part with, but straight or zig zag is pretty much all it's got. 🙂 Would love to have a sweet little spare like this one that I could pull out for machine appliqué, or small free motion projects, then tuck away again without it taking up a lot of storage space ... I need that for fabric, right? 🙂
I would love to have a second machine that I could keep set up for just piecing, as I have to stop and change feet when I want to quilt something. Depending on the size of the quilt, it can take me several days to quilt a top. With a second machine, I could still piece when I don't have time to quilt that day.
Linda Eaves
I would love to have a new sewing machine. I bought my current one in 1999! It's still in good shape, but I could use one for free motion quilting and the other for piecing without have to make all the necessary adjustments.
Danette Stankovich
I would love a new Baby Lock Jubilant sewing machine. It would be awesome to have a smaller machine to take with me in my motorhome. Plus, I would love to have it when my larger machine is in the shop. Thank you so much!
I would love to win a new machine-- mine is a much loved janome bought more than 15 years ago on eBay. but since I have been self isolating for almost 3 weeks, it is becoming temperamental with sooo much use and I don't see me taking it in to the sewing machine urgent care in the foreseeable future
Janis Altomare
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Patricia Van Voorhees
I would so appreciate a new sewing machine. I am quilting on a Singer that my mother bought back when I was little. I know it's been around for quite a long time. So far I've made three quilts but a needle threader would be a great help to my aging eyes! Thanks for the opportunity!
Wendy T
I don't love to win the machine, but it would be for my niece, who wants to restart her sewing and is looking for a machine now!
Elizabeth A
I would love a small machine to take for social sewing and as a machine for my daughter to sew with. She is a beginner and is making quilts for the Linus Project. I love to watch her put her creative side to use for others.
Elizabeth A
I would love to win a machine so that I could sew with my daughter. She is 10 and just learning to quilt and her main projects are kids quilts for The Linus Project. I love that she has a heart to help others and wants to use her creativity to do so.
I would LOVE to win this giveaway! Thank you for the chance. Love your blog.
Donna W.
I would use this machine for travel due to its weight and portability. Thanks for the opportunity for someone to win this little beauty.
My mother taught me to sew draperies, but I taken up quilting while it quarantine. It would be great to have a machine better suited for it.
Denise Whittle
Thanks for the giveaway! Both of my younger sisters have expressed desires to learn to sew. This would be a great machine for them. Thanks!
Helen Johnson
I would love to win this machine. I have a 1966 Singer model 338 that is almost worn out. My granddaughter is begin to get interested in sewing and this machine would be for her to use while I am teaching her.
Cathy Rankin
Teaching others to sew!!! I would love to gift a machine like this to a dear friend who just is entering the world of sewing!
Lori Cooley
I would love to be considered so I can teach my son how to sew. Sewing is so important to learn!
I would love a new machine to be able to take it to my kid’s homes to help them with their sewing projects. Thanks for the giveaway!
I teach our local cub scouts and some of the other momma's in my son's class to sew. Another machine would be fabulous in order to have my students have an easy to use machine.
I would love a new machine, but this one would be given to my daughter. When she needs any sewing done (patching) she comes over to my house and I get it done for her. She'll be moving from Nebraska to Arkansas in June, so she'll have to start sewing on her own.
Karin Allrich
Wow! I've recently moved back to the U.S. after 30 years of living in southeast Asia. I had to leave my 20 year old sewing machine behind and I'd love to replace that with this lovely beauty! I do a lot of quilting and general sewing and this would fit the bill so nicely. Thank you for hosting such a great give-away.
Wow! This is great! I’ve been wanting to start sewing/quilting and have been looking at a lot of different types of machines. This one sounds like it would be perfect.
Thanks for all of the helpful information. Good luck to everyone as well!
Amy Salamone
I would love a new machine for travel. Currently I lug my Dream machine 3 to classes and retreats. A smaller sewing machine would be heavenly to take!
Cynthia Adkins
I would love the new machine since it is lightweight for going to retreats and classes, and also to have a machine to teach my grandkids how to sew!
Myra Bugg
Would love this machine! I inherited my Mom’s machine when she passed 6 years ago. I just started quilting in April, 2018. She would be proud to know I’m using it. But it’s heavy and not one to really move around. I could use this Baby Lock to travel with and have an extra in my home! Love your newsletter, patterns and fabric.
Terri Karasch
What a sweet machine! I have a Husqvarna that is showing her age and this might be just the machine to replace her. An extra machine would be awesome, as I often have a friend or my granddaughter over to sew.
[email protected]
I have never owned a Baby Lock but I have heard great things about them. I could use this Baby Lock to create beautiful quilts for my family and friends. I currently own a Gammill and have heard Baby Locks are just like Gammills. They are tough workhorses that continue to run and run. I would love the chance to try one of these machines. And what the best way to try, by winning one of these beauties. Thank you for allowing me to enter!
How generous! I have always wanted to sew on a BabyLock! I have heard so many good things about them!
Jennifer Van Cleave
What a generous giveaway! I would love to have a new machine. I've been reading about slow fashion and would love to sew more of my own clothes. I have an old Necchi that works but is finicky. It would be nice to have a machine with more bells and whistles! Thank you.
Freda Layne
I'd love to win.
Mary Warner
I'm still using the machine my parents bought in 1962. A new one would be such a fun treat.
Rebecca Smith
My best friend has been looking to get a machine for she and her daughter to sew on. Her job situation isn’t good right now, and I’d love to be able to pass this along to her. I’d probably have to do some Zoom lessons, but I’ll take the interaction!
Tari Samples
I would LOVE to oen a Babylock sewing machine! It would replace an older model Janome. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
Martha Austin
I would love to win as the quilt guild that I am a member of makes a lot of charity quilts and pillowcases! Thank you❣️
I would use it to carry to Project Linus and Quilt of Valor sew days. Love that it is light weight.
I would replace my mother's 58 year old Kenmore with this one! I cannot imagine making buttonholes like this machine does! I am totally smitten
Thank you to Baby Lock for this giveaway! I'd like a lighter machine to take to classes or retreats. I am sewing on a 1995 Bernina and it is heavy! After my granddaughter finishes nursing school, she may have some time to learn to sew.
Lisa England
I dearly love my Baby Lock Crescendo but it's too big to take on a trip. My husband has an aunt who lives a few hours away and I like to visit her. She is an excellent seamstress but is new to quilt making, so I am doing some coaching and guiding her in learning to quilt. It would be wonderful to have a portable machine to take to her house so we could sew together. It would also be so handy for taking to classes.
Janis Altomare
What a great opportunity at this crazy time. I would love to have a machine to taking to retreats and sew alongs.
Robin V. Preas
Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway! I have always wanted a Baby Lock! This one sounds like it would be
perfect to take to classes.
I would love another machine as my daughter is learning to sew and it would be nice to have a machine just for her.
Kelly Smith
I’d love this machine to give to my daughter. She lives in Tennessee and would like her own machine!
Pat White
OH!!! I would love a Baby Lock. I’ve been using a vintage Singer as my main machine making masks, and it needs a tune up. I bet I could really knock a bunch out using this cutie!!
Nancy Anderson
Sweet giveaway! I taught my great niece how to sew and make quilts. I'd love to win this machine to give to her.
Susan Emerson
I wish I had more time to quilt this month!!
I would give this sewing machine to my mom, who hasn’t been able to replace her old machine. 🙂
johnny hutchens
I would love to have a new machine for my kids to learning to sew. My daughter has been learning on my old machine, but this pretty machine would inspire her .
Debbie Bunch
Such a cute machine. I would love to teach my granddaughters to sew on it. They would love the decorative stitches.
I would like a new machine to give my grandaughter to start help her start sewing..
Carla Toppass
What a wonderful giveaway this is. As a beginning quilter, I really don't know a whole lot about machines or sewing or quilting in general yet, but I have a friend who is a retired teacher that has been trying to get me to learn for several years now. While I enjoy quilting, I think I will enjoy it more once I actually know what I'm doing and have a sewing machine that is easy to use and will be longlasting. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I’d love to have a smaller (and lighter!) machine than my Juki to travel to quilt retreats with!
I would love to win this machine so when my adult daughter comes to visit we can sew together.
Valerie Pyland
What an amazing give away! I’d love to win a new machine and gift my old one to my sister. So we both win!! or I guess I could give her the new one???!!
Julie Naatz
I could use this machine for my 8 year old granddaughter who is learning to sew and wants her own machine. She has been sewing mug rugs galore and together we have made a patriotic table runner for a local Education Foundation auction - she's so proud of her work. Anyway, I thought long and hard about buying her a machine, but in the end decided this was not the time to be so generous. Thank you to Baby Lock for the chance to win one for her.
I would give this little beauty to my granddaughter. She has pretty well mastered hand piecing (she's 11) and now I'd like to give her the opportunity to spread her wings and sew with a machine.
I can use a new machine to teach younger kids to sew. And to help with community sew alongs to make things like face masks.
Sally Christiansen
I would love to win this machine to teach my Grandkids to sew. They love to help me sew but it would be awesome for them to have their own machine.
I would love this machine! I have a Juki but would love to do something other than straight stitching. Would love the decorative stitches on quilts. Thank you!
Amy L
I have a friend who owns a business. They are currently closed as unessential. Her staff wants to keep busy doing meaningful work. One project is sewing masks for health workers. I had a sewing machine to lend to one of her staff, but would love to give one of these ladies a sewing machine of her very own so she can pursue other sewing projects after the crisis is over. Such a lovely opportunity Baby Lock has given us. Many thanks.
Karen McMahon
I would love a new machine. My machine is starting to have troubles and I can’t afford a new machine. I want to invest in a good quality one and I have heard so many great things about Baby Lock machines I am saving up but in the current situation it will take longer than I hoped.
Debbie Bunch
Such a cute machine with lots of great decorative stitches. My granddaughters would love to learn to sew on this machine.
Susan Q
I would give this little beauty to my granddaughter. She has become quite good at hand piecing and now I'd like to see her spread her wings and piece on a machine.
Kelly P
Wow! This looks like a great machine! I'd love to use it to teach my kiddos to sew! Got to pass that love of sewing on, right??
Theresa Faillace
I would love a new machine. I have never had a machine other than basic one with no computer. Something fancier would be wonderful for all of my quilting projects.
I would give this little beauty to my granddaughter. She has become quite good with hand piecing but now I'd like to see her spread her wings and piece with a sewing machine.
My poor machine has been in to the doctor several times, but still the tension is not right. A new machine would be greatly needed here. Thanks for the opportunity!!
Pam Jolly
My great niece wants me to teach her to quilt. This is the perfect sewing machine for her. If I won it, I would give it to my niece and we would have many great hours together.
I would love to win this machine! A few years ago, I taught a young military wife how to piece a quilt. She has been wanting to purchase a machine of her own but circumstances have not allowed that luxury. She now has a young daughter who has expressed an interest in learning to sew. I was going to have the privilege of helping her create a pillowcase over Easter until the pandemic. Hopefully we will have time over the summer and this machine would be be a delight to both daughter and mom. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Peggy Brown
I would love to have this New machine! My last machine with zigzag stitch was purchased in the 70's . What a treat to have a new one!
Carol San Diego
It would be so great to have a machine to travel with. Of course we aren’t traveling now but when we can it would be so great!
Daniela M
What a beautiful machine. Thank you for the giveaway.
Annette Scott
Oh wow. What a lovely machine. My beloved machine of 20 years has been in the shop quite a few times lately. I think she's on her way out.
Kathy E.
This sweet little sewing machine would be so perfect for taking on trips and vacation! There are many times when my husband wants to venture out to events that I have no interest in, so if I had this machine with me, I’d be in Heaven! He would also feel less guilt! 🙂
Lorinda Van Engelenhoven
I would love to have a machine that could do the Blanket Stitch for some fun grand baby quilts. My son got married and there's this quarantine going on..... Hey, a girl can hope And prepare. 😉
Thanks for this great opportunity. I'd love to have a Baby Lock to teach a young friend to sew. They're great machines.
I would love a Baby Lock machine! I haven’t been able to sew for almost a year since my old machine stopped working. I’d would really like to be sewing extra face masks right now for those who need them.
Donna Kay
What a cute little sewing machine with so many functions! Would love to win for a take along during retirement.
Lorinda Van Engelenhoven
I would love a machine that could do the Blanket stitch for some fun grand baby quilts. My son got married and there's this quarantine going on.... Hey, a girl can hope, AND prepare! 😉
Awesome giveaway! Would love for this little beauty to come live at our house.
What a great machine! I’d love this machine to use when my friends and I get together for Sew Days (after the coronavirus is gone!). Thank you for the chance!
I would love a new machine to teach my daughter with!
Danielle S
How generous! I love to read your blog 🙂 It would be so nice to have a machine to share with my daughter. She is 9 and likes to make stuffed animals and clothes for them.
I always wanted a Baby Loc, beautiful machine. My Rose is getting old but it does still work so I am grateful for that. I am not desperate yet but will need one soon. Maybe I will get lucky. Who knows.
Barbara McCulla
I’d love to win a Baby Lock machine. I’ve just recently become a quilter and I love to be able to take a machine with me on vacation. What’s the point of a vacation if you can’t do what you love the most? Thanks for the blog and the giveaway!
Barbara McCulla
I’d love to have a baby Loc to take on vacation with me! Sewing keeps me sane at these family reunion weeks!
Paula Heyes
It would be awesome to have a smaller machine for classes and workshops!
Alisa Stedman
I've lost my sewing mojo and really want it back. A new machine would do the trick. I want to make masks and help this terrible situation we all find ourselves in right now. Thank you for the giveaway chance.
I'd use the machine as a backup for my friends who are coming to learn how to sew. I've 3 of them and this way we could sew at the same time, without waiting for the machine to be free or change thread colors And settings every 15 minutes. And I love work horses! I'm curious about trying a complete different brand!
Joni Kelley
I would love to own a Baby Lock and I’ve seen this one on a few sites. It would be perfect to pack up and take to a class, or to my moms or aunts to sew along with them. Thanks for this opportunity for one of us!
Carla C
I would like to win because my last sewing machine started jamming and broke.i love this machine.The designs it can sew are really cute.
The quality of a Baby Lock in a portable machine. Yes please! It would be awesome to take to classes.
Oh Wow! Dual use—one for my granddaughter to sew with me when she comes over and then I could use it for retreats.
Tina Hansen
I would love to have a portable machine with those great stitches; would be nice for making quilt labels.
Karen Lawson
That looks to be a wonderful machine! How fun it would be to use all of those stitches! Sounds just the right size to take to my guild’s community sewing days! Thanks for the chance of winning!
Candace Robinson
I try to support my local quilt shop by encouraging my friends to join me on their open sew nights. Having a lightweight machine to sew on there and for my daughter to learn on at home would be fantastic!
Jennifer B
I have been working on a basic donated machine, and this would be quite the upgrade for me!
I’d love this. It would be perfect for my daughter to learn to sew on.
Karen Anderson
I just cannot get the tension corrected on my Singer, no matter what I do! Maybe a new machine would help!
This machine would be such a wonderful gift! It’s been a dream to upgrade for years, but there always seems to be something more important that the money should be spent on. Thanks to you & Baby Lock for the opportunity to win!
Nancy Woodworth
I would love to win this machine, I have 2 granddaughters learning to sew and they have to take turns using my machine this way they could both be sewing at one time. I can also use this machine to go to sew-ins and retreats. Thank you so much for the change.
Deanna k
What an amazing giveaway!! I’d love to win this beauty! I used some wedding money to buy my sewing machine for around $100 15 years ago. To say I could use a new machine it’s an understatement lol. I’m sure this one compared to mine is a night and day difference. I’m sure I’d quilt wayyy more often. My kids love the quilts I’ve made for them so much id love a new machine so I could make even more blankets for them.
What an amazing giveaway!! I’d love to win this! I used wedding money to buy my sewing machine for under a hundred dollars 15 years ago. To say I could use an upgrade is an understatement lol. I’m sure one of these lovelies is night and day to the one I have now. I’m sure I’d get sooo much more quilting done. The quilts I’ve made my kids are some of their favorite things. If I got a new sewing machine I’d make more quilts for them to love. Thank you
Clara Strom
I’ve been quilting for 30 years and had always hoped that my daughters would be interested in learning. Finally, they’ve both expressed and interest. This little machine would be perfect for them and I could finally share my love of quilting with them!
Karen Engstrom
I would love to use this machine to go to guild sew days and retreats. It looks like it would be easy to take along to classes and charity projects. I love all the stitches.
Hannah W
Thank you for celebrating with this giveaway, even if it wasn't the month you planned. If I won, I know my 7 year old daughter would be excited to sew along side me. You did a great job of highlighting the good points of the machine and I think it would be an upgrade from my current machine with its simple features and broken needle threader. But having a second machine to sew with my daughter...that would be lovely:)
Cindy K
I have 2 seven year old granddaughters who like to see with me when they visit. My machine is a little much for them to handle. This machine would be perfect for them to use while visiting. And great to take to sew days at guild.
Good morning! Thank you for the opportunity to win this new machine! I am entering this with the hopes of presenting it to my friend who is still using her machine from her youth (and we are moving into our 60's). It is in a table and not portable. She travels and is need of a machine she can take with her.
Maureen Fry
Thank you for the opportunity to win this machine! I would love it for my granddaughter, who is learning to sew.
Jennifer D.
I would love to win this machine! I am a brand new quilter having just finished my first quilt that I learned to make in my quilting class. I have seen the Baby Lock in use in a tutorial that I saw on YouTube and I am very intrigued. Looks like such a great machine!
Karrie Smith
I am technically still using the one I bought my daughter when she took Home Ec, 12 years ago 😂
I was lured by one of those fancy new machines - hundreds of stitches, huge size, big sewing area! But I love piecing and applique. The 9mm stitching width just doesn’t do it for me. I am intimidated by it (as crazy as that sounds). I would love to go back to a smaller machine with good stitch quality and fewer bells and whistles. Thank you for this opportunity to maybe do just that.
Barbara McDonald
I’ve recently converted over to BL from Brother and they are truly wonderful machines! I would like to win one to donate to one of the high schools nearby; they recently opened a new high school and I’d like to contribute in someway to their success!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Prayers for you and yours to stay healthy!! XOXO (from a safe distance!)
Susan Rynex
I’ve had 2 new machines in the past 8 years and cannot find a good 1/4”. I have begun sewing on my featherweight.
Stephanie Mullin
Oh my! This is the sweetest machine to teach my daughter to sew on as well as myself! Love this !!!
Jaylene B.
This sounds like a great machine with lots of features. I could use it when I get together with my daughters for a sewing weekend.
Patti Levine
I would love to win this machine. i belong to our local guild and have started a group for new quilters. It would be great to bring a light weight machine to our meetings to teach and demonstrate new techniques. I love to inspire the art of quilting!! Thank you for the chance to win!
Jessica Monte
I love this little machine my daughter would enjoy using it too.. and the giveaway is right before my birthday April 6th
cathy k
It would be a perfect travel machine. I would love to have a machine
just to take with me my sister and I love to get together and sew. Thanks
I would love to have a new machine, particularly a new Baby Lock! My current machine is 20+ years old, and it definitely serves me well, but a smaller, light weight one would be perfect for sewing retreats (and as a potential back up to Old Faithful!)
Katie Young
I would love to win this machine. I have a very basic machine that I got right after college, that has served me well for the last 30 years, but it is time for something new--just not in the budget right now. Thanks for the chance!
Debbie Sipp
What a great machine! I have a baby lock that I use and love. This would be a great size to take to sew ins and classes. Thank you for the opportunity!
Cathy Washburn
That would be a great machine to take to a retreat or class! Thanks
Tatyana Hamel
I am teaching my “millennial” daughter how to sew during this pandemic, while staying at home. Winning this giveaway for her would be amazing! She has taken quite an interest in sewing! I’m thrilled!!
This would be great for taking to quilting retreats! My home machine is too heavy. Looks great!
Happy National Quilting Month gone by! Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to win!
Carolee Cucinella
This would be great timing! My much loved Brother machine just died. Thanks for the chance to win!
Linda Menkes
Ooh, I’d love to win a new machine. I want to teach my daughter to sew but don’t want to give up my machine. 😉
Shari Wood
Happy Quilting month! I've gotten to do a bit more than usual because of the stay at home order. I've really enjoyed it! I'd love to have this little machine to take to retreat and class when this is all over!!
Cathy Hawkins
This is such a wonderful giveaway! I still use my Mom’s Kenmore, so I could definitely use this!!!
I’d love a new lightweight machine to take to my daughter’s house. I’m teaching her to sew by making baby quilts for her friends.
Pam Marshall
Teaching my granddaughter to sew. This machine would be perfect.
Donna H
Oh, thank you Baby Lock, Jubilant sewing would be wonderful! It would be fun to have such a versatile machine to take to sewing retreats, and the quilt group sewing days. I love to sew, and can imagine myself with this beautiful machine! Stay safe everyone!
I would love to have a Baby Lock sewing machine. My 30+ Year old machine went to be repaired and may be there for some time. Daily requests are being made for sewing masks and I would love to help out. Thank you for this opportunity.
Lynn Losorelli
I’d love to win this machine for my son’s girlfriend. I recently helped her make a baby quilt for her baby nephew. She’s an artist who designed her very first quilt! She has really fallen for quilting and would love to have her own machine to keep working in her skills. Thank you for the opportunity to win this machine for her!
I would love to have a machine with all of these extra functions ... my machine is a 22 year old Brother ... it is a great machine but very basic. It would be great to have all of these beautiful options!!! Thank you for the opportunity!!
Lori J Smith
My Daughter needs a new machine. I would love to give it to her, Thanks!
Cindy L
I have always loved this brand. I would like to have this to take with me on the road when we are traveling!
Lois Johnsen
I have a 9 year old grandaughter that is very creative and artistic. She loves to sew and will make little stuffies of her own design and hand sew them. I would definitely gift her this lovely machine when I win. 🙂
I've heard many wonderful things about Baby Lock. I would have so much fun piecing a quilt on this machine!
I have a very old machine and it would be awesome to try some new techniques with this one.
Thanks for the opportunity to win! I would love a machine like this for ease of use and portability. I’ve only been sewing for 2 years and have heard wonderful things about Babylock. Good luck to all!
Terri Cady
My daughter-in-law would like me to teach her how to sew, and having the second machine would be ideal. She could take this light and lovely machine back and forth from my house to her own with ease.
Shirley Hoover
I winter in Texas in a travel trailer and take my quilting with me. My current machine is very heavy and would love to have a lightweight machine to take with me. I also have a granddaughter who is at the age to start learning.
Deanna Sola
This looks like it would be a great machine to teach someone to sew on. I would love to teach my daughter-in-law to learn to sew.
What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win this sewing machine because of its size! So portable to take on trips and to visit my grandsons that I love sewing for! Would be so much easier for this Nana!:) Thanks for the chance to win!:)
Monique Adams
What a generous giveaway! And you are right, March has not let us celebrate quilting month the right way at all! I have never tried sewing on a Baby Lock machine and am curious after your description of it. However, if I was the winner, I might just ask if it could be sent to one of the people in my FB group. I have a machine that works, but she does not and I would love for her to have one.
Thank you for highlighting this wonderful machine. I would love to win it. Thank you!
Kimberly Webb
who wouldn’t love to win this?!?! it would be a great surprise for my kids and I. we are doing sewing lessons while we are all at home together. Thank you
Barbara Schmitt
I LOVE Baby Lock. I have one but really need something small and portable. Perfect for me.
Boy would I love a new sewing machine! My entry level Singer has always had tension and feed dog issues, and is holding me back..I could really use the upgrade! Thanks for the opportunity to enter such a generous giveaway.
Boy could I use a new sewing machine! My entry level Singer has feed dog and tension issues and is really holding me back. A compact machine would fit perfectly in my cramped work space. Thanks for the opportunity to enter such a generous giveaway.
Aidan G.
I have recently advanced from quilting to sewing clothing for my wife. She has lost a great deal of weight, which has greatly decreased her wardrobe choices, and I think she deserves a million beautiful things. My sewing machine is straight-stitch only, so a machine with more stitches would be a godsend!
Lola Curry
I would pass this on to my daughter in-law. She has a very cheap sewing machine that gives her so much trouble. I would really love for her to have a well-made machine to do her bidding. She learned to quilt from me & this would really be the frosting on the cake if I gave her this. Thanks
Stephanie Alexander
It's more that I need a lighter weight machine. 14 pounds is just what I need to carry to the different volunteer groups I sew with. From a zig zag stitch for making reusable menstrual pads to straight stitching quilt pieces, it appears this Baby Lock can do it all. I love my current machine but it isn't easily carried to and from .I often use a machine that was donated to the sew group, what a blessing to have a lightweight machine of my own.
Nancy Lewis
I would love to have this machine. I have been having trouble with my Zuki, and I can't afford to have it fixed or repaired. The size is another great feature, since I have to see on a card table in a spare bedroom.
WOW what a generous give away. I love Baby Lock and always dreamed of owning one
I have an "old machine" now, two singers my moms from 1955. It sews okay, but I would love to have something that is not so worn out. I love that this one is portable and I could bring it along on my visits to my 96 year old daddy when we "isolate" in his apartment, or at my grand babies/
Well, good luck to all entrants. What a wonderful opportunity
Kaye Hlavaty
My daughter is a newlywed with an Air Force husband. He is in training to be a helicopter pilot so they will be moving from base to base every 5-7 months...not enough time for her to get a job or make real friends. Recently she asked if I would bring her my old sewing machine to help her combat homesickness and lonelness. Her plan is to start by making pillows to decorate their new home. Imagine if instead of giving her my old machine from 1976 if I could give her a new Babylock! Keeping my fingers crossed!
Darlene W.
This little Jubilant machine is the perfect size for me to take to my sewing groups, where I spend a lot of time sewing things and donate for our church missions and my other sewing group where I work on miscellaneous sewing projects and for my guild where we sew Quilts of Valor and community comfort quilts. Thank you Baby Lock, and may the best sewist win! 🙂
Mary Jean Gross
This machine will be perfect for me to use outside of my home. It has all of the features I need and is not too heavy,
Susan Ecklund
Like many other commenters, I would like to have a lighter machine for taking to classes, as well as a machine with more features than my current machine. I have heard many good things about Baby Lock machines from other quilters.
Jennifer Jordan
What an amazing giveaway, thank you! I am blessed to do all my quilting on a Juki, but since it’s my only machine, I can only straight stitch 🙂 It’s fairly limiting. Thank you again!
Morning, happy April 1. The Jubilant would be a great second machine for my room. When my children come to visit and want to sew along with me or when I need an extra for whenever. Thank you for this opportunity.
Margaret Jordan
I would love to win a new sewing machine, I use a old treadle machine to sew with and would love to have a new machine.
What a great giveaway! First of all thank you for this opportunity! I would love to win this to gift to my daughter who is sewing on my 46 year old Kenmore...my first sewing machine. It is not always reliable.
Delisa Bennett
What an amazingly generous giveaway! My charity sewing group is blessed to have a place we can meet at each week. I'd love to have a machine that could stay there so I didn't have to tote a machine back and forth each week.
Roxanne Workoff
Thank you for your generous giveaway. I would enjoy having this machine to use as a dedicated machine for retreats and classes.
I’d love to have this machine to carry for sew retreats and get togethers with friends!!
Jean D
Thank you and Babylock for the giveaway! I would love to have a machine so my daughter and I could sew together!
Bridget Kevin-Myers
I would love to teach my daughters to sew and this machine would be soooo perfect. I was thinking of getting them a small machine, but am worried about the economy. Plus, I really want to try Baby Lock.
Martha Link
A good second machine would be fabulous to have, especially with the portability features!
Carole Coley
I’d like to win the sewing machine so I could give it to my Pastor’s daughters to be able to sew along with their Mother.
Tara A
This would be a great machine for retreats and sew days. Plus, a backup would be nice when my machine's in the shop or someone's visiting.
I have 4 little grandaughters all learning to sew and taking turns on my machine. Another one would be so exciting!
What a gem of a sewing machine, it would be perfect during this time to teach my grand daughters my love of sewing! My embroidery machine is too big and heavy to transport often for teaching them, this small Babylock would be perfect!
Thank you!
Wow, what a great little machine. I would love to win. To have another sewing machine would mean more of us could be sewing. I have six granddaughter who all want to be using the machine. My oldest, Cooper would love all the different stitches.
I have learned to quilt from your wonderful blog. With the virus keeping us at home, my 14 year old daughter really wants to learn to sew. We have had a life changing tragedy this week. A sewing machine would help to keep our hearts and minds focused on something besides sadness.I love your blog so very much. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this machine. I have a Crescendo but it's too large for me to take to my church group charity sewing events. This machine would be perfect and allow me to sew with the group making charity quilts.
I would love to win this sewing machine as my 6 year granddaughter has been asking me to teach her how to sew. This would be the perfect machine to teach her on. I already have a Baby Lock soprano so we could sew together on our Baby Locks!
Ann Hubbs
I would love to win this machine. I have heard so many good things about Baby Locks but out of my budget. I love to sew and this would be a great addition for me to ramp up my skills.
Angela D Sherrill
My daughter has recently started sewing and I love having another generation of sewists in the family. We share my machine now. She will be moving to university in the fall and it would be so wonderful to send her off with her own machine.
Vicky H
What a great machine. Perfect to carry to sewing days-when we can go again. I have a collection of older machines, and would love to win a new one. Thank you for a great giveaway.
sheryl harrison
this sewing machine looks like a perfect machine for my grandchildren to learn to make sewing/quilting projects. my 12 year old granddaughter and 6 and 10 year old grandsons are learning. my granddaughter has made several projects and my grandsons have each made 1 and want to make more.
This machine would be perfect for teaching people of any age to sew. And it would be nice to have a lighter more mobile machine in the house. Thank you!
Diana Gore
My grand daughter is wanting to learn to quilt. Her mother, my daughter, has Lupus and my granddaughter wants to make her a quilt with some personal ideas so when my daughter is having a flare, she will be comforted by a love quilt to wrap herself in.
Julie Kneale
Hi I sew capes for Kids Capes of Courage. They're made from flannel and fleece, so I need a machine that can power through the fabric. I've heard wonderful things about Baby Lock
Gail S
My machine is a Sears Kenmore from the 1960's. I think it might be easier to quilt on a newer machine with some of the modern featuers.
Darlene Wener
The baby lock Jubilant would be perfect for me to take to sewing groups where we make comfort quilts and quilts of valor for our community, for our church missions where we also make things for charity. Thank you baby lock and may the best sewist win! 🙂
shirley k bowen
What a wonderful give away!!! Would love this!
Diana Gore
My granddaughter is wanting to learn how to make and quilt so she can make one for her mother, my daughter, who has lupus. She wants to make blocks with personal messages and images so that when my daughter is experiencing a flare she can wrap herself in this quilt for comfort.
Candy Grisham
I would love to gift my future daughter in law with a machine. she and I have been enjoying some hand sewing time and this would be perfect.
Susan Smith
I would LOVE to win this machine so I can give it to my granddaughter. I had 5 sons and no daughters. So, I'm chomping at the bit to start teaching sewing skills to my granddaughters (3 so far!) This would be the perfect machine for them to learn on.
LInda S Jones
I have an older Babylock sewing machine and just love it. It is so heavy and hard to move from room to room. Plus I can’t take it to my weekly class. I would love to have this machine with so many great features. Thanks for making this machine available to one of your followers.
Nancy Arneson
I would love to have a light machine for retreats, classes and sew-ins.
Rachel Summy
Hi Amy! This would be perfect to teach our granddaughters and grandsons how to sew. They're always asking me what I've been sewing lately so I know they want to learn!
I would love to give this to my future daughter in law. she and I have been spending some time hand sewing and it's been wonderful.
Candyce Grisham
I would love to give this to my future daughter in law
Kimberley A. Rose
I have always wanted a Bernina, but wouldn't give myself "permission" when I had a "perfectly good" machine that can sew. It still works great, but is so heavy when I have to lug it to a retreat or class. This machine would be perfect!
Julia Haynes
I would love to be able to use a machine like this Jubilant. I am newly retired and have been making quilts (a few smaller ones) and a new machine would be so much fun. I like to try out different stitches. I also make baby blankets and decorate them with top stitching, so please choose me to win it! Julia Haynes
Therese Ruff
I would love to sit on the back patio and sew. Social distancing is hard right now, and spending time outside is priceless.
My current machine is a straight stitch/zig zag stitch only. I’d love to have a machine that does a few more stitches! Tha is for doing this giveaway.
Karla Santoro
Hi. What an adorable machine. The reason I'd love to win this sewing machine is to give it to my grandgirl, who I am teaching how to quilt. She is using my old Singer, which is working okay, but it has challenges. The foot peddle is sticky and she can't control the speed so well. Also, the 1/4 seam is set with a magnet, so not very accurate, which will be important when she's had a few more lessons.
Candyce Grisham
Gifting this to my future daughter in law would be wonderful. she has just started to sew and we have been enjoying the time together
JoAnn Szark
I am fairly new to quilting and borrowed a machine to start. I would love to have my own. Thanks you for this generous opportunity.
I would love to win this for my daughter! She makes pillowcases to donate to Children's hospitals and Shelters. She recently donated 143 pillowcases to a new shelter that opened for Women and their children. She has made over 500 and is only 15. She and her siblings have a cookie/craft/lemonade stand each year to raise money to buy fabric. Friends have also donated money and fabric. She has an older machine that was given to her and this would be a huge blessing. Thank you so very much!
Victoria Bryant
I am 71 and a lighter machine would be so much easier to lift. I teach other people to sew for free but I do not have any spare sewing machines. My grandsons would like to learn. Even boys need basic skills.
I would love to gift this machine to my daughter, who is sewing on my 46 year old Kenmore machine, which is not always reliable. Thank you for this opportunity to win a BabyLock machine.
I would love to win this machine as my more complex machine is too heavy to bring to class. This machine has wonderful features for it's weight.
I have a different brand of machine but keep hearing great things about BabyLock so would love to give BabyLock a try!!!
Heather O'Shea
My 6 yr old son loves to see with me. But I have a large machine. This would be perfect for him to learn and sew on
annette ellis
I would love to win this Juliblant sewing machine for my daughter who is just learning to sew. I already have a Babylock Melody and I love Babylock sewing machines. They are well made and sew great! Thanks Babylock!!
Ann Zeman
This machine would be perfect for my granddaughter! Fingers crossed.
Debbie Unelli
I would love this machine! I love to make things! This machine would definitely make that happen.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Chrystal Clarke
I would love to win this machine so I could use it at classes and retreats! It sounds like it is a great little machine.
Vicki Gray
Babylock is my favorite brand of sewing machine. I bought another brand of small machine for my daughter, but it hasn't been very helpful in teaching her to sew because it's so finicky that she gets frustrated easily! This babylock machine looks like it has a ton of stitches! I'd love to win this machine for my daughter!!! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!!
Carol Hetzel
I would love to have a small machine to take to classes once we are allowed to gather again. Thanks for the opportunity to maybe win one!
Diana Napier
I have 6 granddaughters who are keenly interested in sewing stuff. They would love it.
Joni Redman
This looks like an awesome sewing machine! It would be great for teaching my grandkids and neice to quilt!
Joni Redman
Looks like an awesome sewing machine. It would be perfect to teach the grandkids and neice how to quilt.
I would love to win this sewing machine! It would be great to take to classes and quilt retreats. Thanks for the great review too.
Kay McDonald
This little Jubilant would be perfect to take when I visit the grandkids. They love to do projects. Their mom has a very clunky Singer, and they have complained that it doesn't make pretty stitches. They would love an upgrade!
Rachel Summy
Hi Amy! This machine would be used by grandchildren who want to have a sew along with me!
Nancy Davis
I would love to win this machine. Have always wanted a Baby Lock. My OLD Singer still sews a straight stitch well but has no fancy stitches or upgrades. I think you can make a few fancier stitches by inserting a disk (which I don't have - bought it from someone and didn't get discs). Love to piece quilts and would love this machine. Thank you for this give-away.
My sewing machine is a dinosaur and weighs a ton. I've been looking for a new machine to take to retreats and classes for sometime and this looks perfect for my needs. Thank you for a chance to win!!
Dawnette Branson
I have recently joined the group Sewing Masks for Area Hospitals (COVID-19) Atlanta a no contact group of volunteers making masks for health care personnel. If we don't support each other where will we be when this is all over. I am a retired microbiologist who worked in hospitals. We all have to do our part this is mine
Christa Barnhizer
I would love to win this machine so my daughters and I could all sew simultaneously, which would amuse my husband to no end, I'm sure!
Deanna Plotts
This looks like a great little machine. I would to have one of these to sew on, to teach my granddaughter how to sew and to take to my sewing group. Thanks for the opportunity
I would love to win this machine. I would take this machine to the cabin because my other machine is too heavy to carry around.
Virginia Marien
Thank you for the chance to win this machine. I have 3 great grand-daughters I am teaching to sew and I would love to present one of them with this.
Sue Payne
I have a BabyLock Destiny and love it! It is a great machine with beautiful stitch quality. But it is too big to carry anywhere and I have been thinking I should look for a portable machine for classes and sewing with friends (once we get passed COVID19 and social distancing).
Marie Beers
Having a spare machine to use when mine is being serviced, having a friend over for a sew day, so she doesn't have to lug her machine with her, take to classes or on trips to visit relatives. So many reasons to have a spare.
I love Baby Lock. I have 2 but passed one on to my daughter so don't get to use it anymore. I would like to have a second, smaller machine to take to retreats or do quick projects (like face masks) between quilting projects. My current machine is great for quilting but it doesn't backstitch (has a knotting stitch) and some things just look and wear better with a backstitch.
I would love to win a new sewing machine! 16 years ago, I bought a $130 machine at Joann's. It's still running well, and it's a great machine. But, I would love to have a few decorative stitches. I love to experiment with new patterns and techniques, and this lockdown has given me a chance to sew quite a bit more than usual!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh boy could I use a new sewing machine! My entry level Singer has feed dog and tension issues, and is really holding me back! The baby lock would fit perfectly into my teeny tiny work space on my child sized desk. Thanks so much for the generous giveaway!
Denise Shaffer
My youngest girls take sewing lessons and they love it! I purchased a very low end machine before Christmas. While it is an "ok" machine, I spend more time dealing with machine issues than I do helping them actually sew! Something better quality would be "sew" nice for them, and for me! Thanks for this opportunity!
I would love to have another sewing machine so I could teach my granddaughters how to sew. I love reading your blog.
Carole O.
I would LOVE to win this machine. I’d like to teach my grandchildren to sew & quilt. This machine looks perfect for that! Plus it would just be awesome to have a second machine,
Staci Torgerson
I love this smaller seeing machine. My 13 year old daughter would so enjoy having a machine of her own to create at her leisure. We currshate my Husqvarna machine. She loves making pj bottoms and quilting. The embroidery details on the baby lock would add nice detail to the trim of her pjs.
Patricia Hanna
This looks like a great machine to take to quilting workshops. Thanks to you and to Baby Lock for the opportunity to win one.
Esther Rich
I would love to have a machine like this with a variety of stitches and easy portability. I am a beginner quilter using a very old, but wonderful, Bernina that was my mother’s. My husband had a stroke several years ago so purchasing new machine is not possible right now. I would love to take some classes and learn more about quilting. Thank you for offering such a great machine. I also love your patterns and look forward to trying more of them.
Donna H.
I would love to have this machine to teach my grandchildren how to sew!
Sheila Merritt
I have recently retired and am looking to upgrade my current sewing machine - this Baby Lock would be perfect!! I have made a few small quilts on my current machine so I know it is time to upgrade if I am going to continue with my new passion for quilting. Thank you and thank Baby Lock for this contest!!!
Lynda C Adair
I love to sew for others, and have been sewing for over 50 years. I would love a small machine that I could carry to a local group of folks that does volunteer sewing tor people who needs clothing repairs. My current machine is too heavy for me to lift and carry. Thank you!
While I don't NEED a sewing machine I would love to have a second smaller machine to take to classes and sew alongs. My Mom had a Baby Lock and she loved that machine, wish I would have gotten hers.
Mary Logsdon
I have my mothers older Janome machine and was making masks for my local community when it stopped working. My quilt shop just went out of business which is really sad. I need to make more masks to help the healthcare workers. Would like a machine. Thanks for your consideration. Be safe!
Lou M.
My three grandsons (ages 8, 6 and 4) love my quilts and want to learn how to sew. This machine would be perfect to use to teach them. They love colors. I envision a project with them selecting and combining colored squares into a simple quilt top. With this machine, each one could sew some of the straight seams and put the blocks together. It would be great fun.
anne lacey
I would love to win this baby lock jubilant for my daughter. She is currently sewing on my mother's 40 year old (very tempermental) singer. I recently purchased a babylock soprano and love it! It would be such a treat to win and gift this machine to my daughter.
Nancy A
It would help my 77 year old body to have a machine that was lighter and easier to carry.
Antigone Sdrolia
I would love to win that beautiful sewing machine as mine has long started to show signs of deterioration and unfortunately my plans to buy another one need to be postponed as a result of the coronavirus crisis......hopefully and fingers crossed...
My daughter has been taking a sewing class at school and is really loving sewing! I'm so happy we can have a hobby to do together, but it is hard with only one machine. I would love to win her a machine she could use. It would make it so enjoyable to enjoy sewing and quilting together.
I love a "workhorse" machine. Mine is quite old and right now is getting a lot of work. Thank you for the giveaway!
Robyn O
I would love this machine! My nieces are learning to sew but my machine is a bit too large and complicated for them.
Lori Baker
I would love to win this for a machine to take to my sew group when it returns.
Patty Risley
I would love to win that little beauty! I have a little granddaughter that will be turning 7 and she is so anxious to start quilting with grandma. I think this would be a perfect machine for her AND a great travel machine for me. I have a BabyLock Crescendo but it is way to heavy for me to take on retreats.
Renee Welton
I have never had a new machine. Just hand me downs and those I bought at a tag sale. This looks like a very nice machine and I would greatly appreciate it.
Debbie Wallace
I have been sewing for many years, but have just completed my first quilt for our first Grand baby Due in August. I learned a lot and have come to realize that an actual quilting machine would be helpful for future projects.
Cheri Barker
I'm teaching my 5 1/2 yr old grandson to quilt, and really need a smaller machine for him to work with. So far we've been using my Bernina 750, which because of size requires a lot of supervision. I think he could progress much faster with a allerachone that is more his size.
June Estapa
I have been collecting fabric for a while with hopes to start quilting someday. Well, that someday is NOW. This is my first day of retirement. I think the Baby Lock Jubilant would be a great way to start. Thank you Baby Lock and Amy for a chance to win.
I would love this machine as a gift for my granddaughter!
I used to have a light machine for traveling but I donated it due to seldom needing it. Now I am in a sewing group and having a light machine would be quite welcome so that I could sew along with the other ladies. Thanks for the chance to win.
This sounds like a lovely machine. My current machine is a 50 year old Singer. It still works great but it obviously has very limited features. I'd love to try something newer. Thanks for the opportunity!
Dede Bliven
I would totally give this machine to my grandson! He is always in the quilt room with me and wants to pick out the fabric-he even sewed a quilt for his little sister when she was born!
Susan Stevenor
I have a Baby Lock serger which I love. It would be wonderful to have a sewing machine that would be easy to take when I’m traveling. Plus it would a good machine on which to teach my grandchildren how to sew. I love your blog! It was of the first ones I read when I started quilting years ago.
I have been sewing for years and sew pillowcases for children in the care of Child Protective Services. I also sew catheter bag covers and bags for personal items on walkers for Seniors in our local care home. I would love to try quilting (thanks so much for the free quilt pattern)! My basic machine does no embroidery but would love to have the Baby Lock to add a bit of decor on my projects! Thank you for this opportunity!
This would be a wonderful gift for my DIL. I would love to teach her to sew on this machine. Thank you Amy!!
This is a great giveaway! Thanks so much for doing this. I would love to have a nice, portable machine and have never sewn on a babylock.
Brenda Shippy
I would love a new machine for my grandchildren to learn on. They are all very curious of all the sewing grandma does and want to learn too.
Roxy Sherburne
As a recent retiree, I am still using my 40+ year old Kenmore sewing machine to do my piecing/quilting, and I have seen the BabyLock machine in action, and it would be a dream come true to win one and be able to magically sew some of those stitches the machine has. It would just be awesome!!! Thank you! Roxy from Hudson, Wisconsin.
Shari Colyer
I would love to sew on this machine!
Annette Kelley
I would love to have this to teach my granddaughters to sew. My 9 year old grand daughter spends time with me in my sewing room whenever I’m sewing. I’m 81 and been sewing for years. What an opportunity to give her the gift of sewing on her own machine, which will last a lifetime. I leaned at the age of 12 and can still remember the joy I got out of creating.
Allison M Shepard
What a great opportunity! A new sewing machine from a trusted brand is not always affordable for some. From baby blankets for friends and family, new baby clothes for my 3 month old that is growing too fast l, to trying to make a little extra cash by selling surgical caps that I've made for work. And to now, making masks for our ever so changing ladscape that come with the covid-19 pandemic. My friends and I at work (surgery at a local hospital), are making masks for the entire hospital and friends. My sewing machine has a had a run of the mill, and a new machine would be a blessing in this desperate time of need!
Carolee Cucinella
I would love to win this machine! My Brother just died and this would be a great step up!
Mary Cortez
What a beautiful machine for any level of sewist. I have a need for a lighter weight machine to travel.
Char Ferraro
I would love this machine! I need a portable light weight machine for classes and retreats. This is a very generous opportunity. I hope I win!
Dori Johns
Wow, winning would be perfect timing for me because I've been researching machines online for a few weeks to replace my current machine, a White, purchased by me about 40 years ago. It was entry level with few bells and whistles but I wanted to sew for my baby and we had a small budget at the time. I've been using it like crazy recently, sewing facemasks, but I'm anxious to get back to the quilts and clothes I'm planning for my grands for Christmas. My little White has become quite cantankerous and wants to retire. 🙂
Nancy B
What a wonderful giveaway! My Bernina, over 30 years old, is in failing health, and many other things on the farm have priority over fixing it! It would be a lovely machine to have for all those projects lined up to finish. Thanks!
Judith Diani
I quilt with a group making charity/prayer lap style quilts for anyone in need. We would love to have an updated machine for our work. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Margaret Shatford
This machine looks perfect for travel, if we ever get to travel again. 🙁 Or, perfect for a beginner quilter, my daughter-in-law.
I would love a new, more advanced machine. I sew on my 1971 Kenmore which does a great job but is very basic. it would be wonderful to have a second machine as I have a granddaughter who is anxious to sew with me.
Karla Santoro
Okay--I'll try again. The site was having difficulties the first time. If I won this beautiful machine, it'd go to my granddaughter, who will be 7 next month. We are having lessons together, and she's using my old Singer. It's working fine, but there are a few issues I worry about. 1. She can't control the speed. The foot pedal is sticky and it starts out fast, too fast. She is content at a medium speed. 2. It uses a magnet piece to mark the 1/4" seam, and once she wants to match seams, it's going to be frustrating. And that's why I need a new machine. 🙂
Carolyn Compton
A Baby Lock Jubilant machine would be a wonderful improvement to my life. I have a 50 year old sewing machine which is very heavy to carry up the stairs from the basement.
Just a few months away from retirement and will finally have time to return to quilting and finishing some of my unfinished quilt tops. This machine would be awesome to win and I have never had a machine that does embroidery stitching too. Thanks for the opportunity.
Mardell Grayhek
What a terrific looking machine! It looks just right for any project. The automatic needle threader feature caught my eye right away. My old eyes still like to sew but sometimes threading the needle is an elusive prospect, even with my bifocals. Thank you for introducing us to this great little machine. Would I like to win this? Yes indeed, I would.
chris martone
Have always wanted to try the Baby Lock brand!
I have been sewing on my mom's old sewing machine from the 80s. It is a great workhorse, but very manual. It would be so nice to have a machine that would be easy to use! I love your blog and classes!!
I am disabled and it is sometimes difficult for me to get to my sewing desk. If I had that machine, I could have it on the table next to me and sew on the days that I am having trouble getting back to my sewing desk.
I would love to have a back-up machine, especially a lighter one to travel with. I’d also love this machine to have for teaching my two young granddaughters to sew 👧🏻👧🏼
Teri Johnson
Like many others, I would love to win this light weight Baby Lock. My husband gifted me with a sewing machine for our first anniversary, which was almost 48 years ago. Although there were times it was heavily used, and times it sat idle, now that I am retired I have begun quilting. Most of my quilts so far have been donated to a charity group, serving kids in hospice, nursing homes, and foster homes. Would love to expand my skills with this machine!
Carmen Carter
I would love to have a travel sewing machine and also one that I could use to teach my granddaughter how to sew on. Thank you to you and Baby Lock for this give-away!
Mom C
I have two beginner sewing machines that I purchased for my beginning sewer grandchildren and I have been so disappointed in them. I"m pretty protective with my higher end Bernina but these others are so frustrating for the younger children to sew on that they end up on my machine. I'd love to have the BabyLock , I know it would get used and hopefully, loved.
Marie Jenkins
I would love to have it to teach my granddaughter to sew on a machine! She's worked hard learning to hand sew and this would really be great for her! Thanks for the opportunity !!
Peggy Thomas
I need a lighter machine so I could take some quilting classes. This would be perfect! I am a beginning quilter and that Babylock would probably make me squeal like a child!
Sheila Merritt
I am recently retired and need to upgrade my sewing machine - my new retirement passion is quilting and my research has lead me to the Baby Lock brand - would love to improve my skills with this machine. Thank you for this contest!!
LInda S Jones
Would love to have this Babylock machine. I could sew at home or take to classes. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to have this sewing machine! I would really make use of all of those fun stitches and buttonhole options. It would also be great when I teach my granddaughter to sew.
Mary Durham
I have been teaching my two granddaughters, ages 7 and 9, to sew. This would be great to have when they're here so they could be sewing at the same time. I also love to go sew with my friends and this would be a great travel machine. Thanks for the chance to win,
Marie Sheppard
I would LOVE to have a new machine. My mother passed away 5 yrs ago and I have her serger from the same brand and would love to have a baby lock sewing machine to match. Buying one now is just not in the budget. I would be so excited to use all the stitches and teach my grandkids how to sew on it. Thanks!!
Leslie Williams
Right now sewing with a very basic machine. Would love to try out all the fancy stitches. Imagine the possiblilities!
Pamela Cook
I could surely use a new machine to take to classes with me! Mine is worn out! I like the looks of this one, and the light weight is perfect!!
Rebecca Harris
I have a granddaughter that is now 8 years old. This would be perfect for her and light weight enough for me to take to
quilt retreats.
Dede Bliven
I would totally gift it to my grandson who lives to choose fabrics for me and made a baby quilt for his little sister!
Libby Blaha
What an awesome give away......and a cute little machine. Thanks to Baby Lock and you for all your inspiration also !
This would be a great machine for my bedroom for those sleepless nights to sew my simple quilts....one my daughter may try to learn to sew on...........Who knows.....Baby Lock may be my next best friend (I always wanted to try one )
I am madly sewing masks and surgical caps for the local hospital. My neighbor is an ICU nurse. My husband has been doing everything he can to help me, cutting fabric, turning, pressing, even took out elastic out of our granddaughter's toddler dresses we saved to make a quilt out of. He keeps our house decent and me well fed on top of that. I would love to have him help me by sewing some, and after this crisis is over I could give to my eldest granddaughter who made her first quilt at 6 for her baby sister. She can only sew when she comes to my house and I let her use my old Bernina, which is a workhorse. I have a Babylock serger and would love one of their sewing machines. Thank you for this give away.
Bobbie Z.
I would love to win the Baby Lock Jubilant Sewing Machine. I make quilts for babies, projects for family members and myself in addition to doing some clothing repairs as needed. I used a Baby Lock a few years ago that a friend had, but with my children still in school, I didn't feel that I should spend the extra money. Winning would be awesome so I could work with my granddaughters when they get a little older. Thanks for the opportunity!
Lisa Cameron
This little machine would be great for my 3 granddaughters and grandson to use when sewing a with me. All 4 grand kiddos have asked to learn to sew and this giveaway would be a great way to get started with teaching them. Thank you and Gods Blessings. Lisa C
My teenage daughter and I have just started learning how to quilt. It has been a nice bonding activity for us! This machine would be a great gift for me to give to her for her birthday this year!
Thank you for your generosity. I have always dreamed to have a Baby Lock machine. My niece has been wanted to learn to sew so I would use the machine to teach her. Thank you...
Janet Taber
Like so many, I'm sewing masks to donate to locate medical facilities. In particular, I am making a bunch to donate to the local nursing home, where my mom is an Alzheimer's patient. Making the masks makes me feel like I'm doing something when I can't go visit Mom. I struggle with the thought that she may forget me while we're separated - but I can't control that, I just have to stay busy with productive work. I've noticed that most of the professional quilters I follow use Baby Lock. I've never had a machine made by BL so would love to try one. And if I would (by chance!) win this one, I'd donate my old machine to a worthy cause.
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! I see all the beautiful stitches that would help me finish my projects! And with a portable machine I would sign up for classes at my local quilt shops.
Liz Wolff
4 years ago, my Mom asked to move in to give her a hand with some things. She had COPD and was on oxygen 24/7. She wan't able to do the laundry any longer, or do most cleaning. So I packed up my apartment and put all of my quilting things into storage. Ugh! Well my Mom passed away almost 3 years ago, and I am still there, helping my 83 yr old Dad. His memory isn't was it was, so he needs someone to look after him. About 1.5 yrs ago, I decided I wanted to do some quilting again since I had access to my Mom's sewing machine, which is actually my sisters machine and she wants it back someday. Since she live 1000 miles away, I am not too worried she will want it in the immediate future. I have been using it, but I am terrified I will break it. I am only working part time (but laid off due to Covid 19). So I have some tome to sew, but I am having to pick and choose my projects so I don't do anything that will over tax this sewing machine. It is an older mechanical Kenmore, but not antique. So I would love a machine that I can call my own and not have anxiety every time I use it.
Nancy Anderson
I taught my great niece how to sew and quilt and now she needs her own machine. I'd love to win this for her. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Cheryl Wickline
I would love to win this for my granddaughter who I have been teaching to sew. She is 13 now and loves sewing bags to earn money to give to World Mission. She would love to have her own machine.
Nancy Anderson
I hope I'm not posting duplicate messages. I keep getting an error message when trying to comment. I taught my great niece how to sew and quilt and now she needs her own machine. I'd love to win this for her. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Rita Wilson
I would love to win the machine to take to quilt guild sew alongs. The one I am currently taking is very heavy and this lighter machine seems perfect.
Mary Reyngoudt
I have a Juki machine, which I love!! However, it only does straight stitching. I would love a machine that has more options and capability, particularly making buttonholes, etc. The portability and lightweight of the Baby Lock machine are also other great features. My Juki is very heavy and cumbersome and difficult to bring anywhere. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
Catherine Cook
Would love to have this one for my granddaughter on her birthday. Trying to teach her to sew.
Carolyn Montgomery
i need a small machine like this to take to classes. my pfaff is too large and heavy for me to pack up and lift in and out of my car. thanks for the chance to win one.
Love that is such a small machine so that I can Sew on the road. I love portable sewing. It makes life so much better!!!
Melissa McDonald
This would be a perfect travel machine! Our sewing ministry at church gets together often to work on period costumes for Journey to Bethlehem, our gift to the community at Christmas. This would a much lighter machine to take than my big, heavy home machine.
Mrs. Karen Fox
Thank you for the opportunity to receive Baby Lick Jubilant. Two years ago I had a surgery that opened me up from belly button to just under the bra line. I recovered and lived as if the surgery never occurred. That resulted in another more elaborate surgery with massive mesh due to surgical hernias along the original surgery line. Needless to say, after a six month recovery period I no longer lift over my doctors recommend weight limit. This machine would enable me to bring it along for classroom sewing and sewing visits with my granddaughter.
I would love to win this. I am sewing on a 35 year old Pfaff purchased in Australia so I have to use a transformer to run it. I love it but kinda hold my breath to how long it will run this way. Thank you. Lovely gift.
would love this machine is smaller than my regular machine and would like to use it to make masks for my community Thank you
What an amazing machine! I would love to win this machine because my daughter is sewing more and it would be nice to have another machine. We don't have any fancy stitches on our machine. Thank you for this chance Baby Lock!
Michelle Baker
I was hoping Babylock would come out with this type of machine! I have a Babylock embroidery machine that I LOVE, but I’m downsizing and probably cannot keep it my smaller space. I am a huge fan of Babylock, and I will definitely look at this one as my future new machine! And thank you very much!
Carmen Rowe
I have two granddaughters that I'm teaching to sew. One is 12yrs old and doing wonderful, the other, 6yr old Graci. I bought her a child's sewing machine and she thinks the stitching is awful on it. (I agree!). I wanted to make sure she was really interested in sewing before I invested in a real sewing machine for her. It would be a wonderful upgrade for her, and she would love it. She's doing so well, better than I thought she would and has made her first little quilt top with terrible stitching from a kiddie sewing machine.
Marge Pietrowski
My machine is over 30 years old and is starting to give me trouble, winning this machine would mean that I could continue to quilt without aggravation. Wish me luck!!
Amy Morgan
This looks like an AMAZING little machine! I have never sewn on a Baby Lock before. Anxious to give it a try and my daughter would LOVE it! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to start teaching my granddaughters to sew and I could also use it on RV trips - so easy and convenient to take along anywhere. Thanks so much for this chance to win my first Babylok!
m Kuipers
I have 6 children I am teaching to sew. They share a very old machine and this would be great gift for them.
There are 4 sewers in my house of varying skill levels. This machine would be fantastic for the younger girls. Thank you for the chance!
Donna H
Thanks for the chance to win this machine I would use it to teach my grandchildren to sew!
Brittany Gauger
Now that we have two daughters (the second was born two months ago), I have so many project ideas. Matching Easter dresses! Butterfly quilts! Teacup quilts! Coordinating lamp shades! I'm constantly working on something. I use my grandmother's old machine that she used to make Easter dresses for her own daughters decades ago. It is special using hers, but the machine has developed an annoying bobbin problem that has me re-threading FREQUENTLY. The Baby Lock would save me many headaches. What a dream to own one!
I would love a machine to let my granddaughters use when they come to visit. I have several that are really excited to learn to quilt
Denise Powell
Hi Amy! I need a new machine so I can learn to do my own machine quilting! Time to learn a new skill!
I would love to take this machine to my sewing classes. My old machine is too heavy and big to cart around. Love all this machine’s functions. Thanks for offering it to one lucky winner. Hope it is me!
Amanda S
What a great giveaway! I’d love one. It seems 100x better than the sears special I have. But it still works so there’s that.
This is a wonderful giveaway! I would love to have a smaller machine for my granddaughters to sew on while we work on quilts together!
Jerilyn Rethemeier
My faithful Elna machine from the 70s is having trouble where the electrical cords connect to the machine. I will need a different sewing machine soon, and Baby Lock has great reviews. Take care of yourself and your family!!!
I taught my granddaughters how to sew and they would like their own machine:)
I would love to have a new sewing machine!!! I haven't had a new machine since 1994!! I do sew alot and fortunately have had a reliable machine, BUT a new one would be AWESOME!!! I also have a granddaughter sewing and another 1 soon. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!
Terri Stutz
I would love to upgrade to this machine!! I see on a. Beginner Singer. It is a very basic machine even though it has some great stitch choices. My 9 year old would love to inherit it! Thank you for all your content!!!
Ann in NC
A new machine would be a great diversion! It would be especially good for taking to classes and guild sew days.
Thanks for all you do for the quilting community!
I would use this machine as my portable for classes & retreats and maybe use with my 4H kids! how awesome
Ann in NC
A new machine would be a welcome diversion! It would be great for guild sew days and taking to classes.
Thanks for all you do for the quilting community!
This looks like a wonderful machine for my daughter-in-law. She didn’t grow up with many sewing skills but would like to do more. Unfortunately, the very basic machine she has was not user-friendly or reliable. I’d love to gift her with an upgrade.
What a great give-away! Would love to win a machine to take to classes. My small machine doesn't have many stitches and the needle does not move to the right. This makes it hard when I am told to use a scant 1/4 seam and when putting in a zipper. Would love to win!
Mary Chappelle
Wow, I'd love to win a new Baby Lock machine and this is a quality machine. I've had my current one for years, and right now it needs servicing and there's no one available due to shops being closed. However, I'm plugging along with it, trying to keep it cleaned. It's like when I bought a new car -- the old one was fine, but a new one had so many great new features. I'd love the idea of all of these stitches especially the buttonholes! My goal this year is to create a warehouse (well a small one at my house) of quilts to have for disaster victims and having an extra machine would help in that goal. I suspect I have some family members who will be wanting to borrow a machine and with a new machine I'll have one to spare.
Rhonda Caudill
I absolutely love my Babyloc machine. It's a 10 year old Quilters Choice. As I have gotten older it is hard for me to carry to classes, workshops, and up and down my own stairs. The Quilters Choice is wonderful but heavy. I would be crazy excited to have this machine to take wherever I want to go.
Sharon Sivertsen Modrijan
This would be a great machine to share with my crafty granddaughter, Violet.
Trycya Leishman
My granddaughter would love to learn how to sew. It would be nice to be able to give her a machine to learn on. It’s so important to pass on basic skills like sewing.
because I love sewing machines and would love to win this one, thanks
I would like to win the baby lock because I have a machine that is 40 years old and although it’s an old friend to me, it does not do the newest stitches or functions.
My 9 year old is all about making scrunchies now that school is closed, but her little pink sewing machine doesn't work the greatest. I'd love to give her a quality machine she can grow with.
Donna Gober
I could use a new sewing machine as mine is 26 years old. I am retired and sewing up my fabric stash.
Over the weekend, my daughter and I were sewing facemasks for my Dr's. office to give to patients. First, my Singer died,
and then my little backup Brother machine died.! I can't have either of them repaired until the Covid-19 crisis is over.
Cynthia Awa
I've had my trusty Kenmore for about 16 years. I had used my moms machine to sew crafting projects for sale and when I made enough money I turned around and bought me the same machine she had. Now fast forward through numerous quilts, mended clothes for all my kids and now grandkids..I think its about time for a new machine!
Donna D
What a great looking machine. L would love to own a Baby Lock Jubilant Sewing Machine! The decorative stitches are so perfect. The stitching looks so good. I like that dial button. Dial in the stitch. It looks fairly simple to sew on. I think it would be so nice to have it. Thanks for offering such a quality machine for a give away. I hope I win!
Dana Accardi
Hello Amy! I would love to win the Baby Lock! I'm a grandma, who is still learning the art, but loves to quilt. Thanks!!
Dana Accardi
Hello Amy! I would love to win the Baby Lock! I'm a grandma who loves the quilt, but is still a beginner learning the art. Thanks!
Cindy Stock
It would be so much fun to win this machine! I love all the stitch options, etc!
Karen Fulner
I bought my used Janome machine from a private party through FB marketplace at a McDonalds in AZ 2 years ago. It works great but I’m ready for a BabyLock. Thanks for offeryme the chance! I mostly do baby quilts for family and charity.
Mary Carroll
This machine looks like it would be perfect for teaching my daughter to sew!
Margaret Andrews
What a fun machine! I have a regular old machine that is terribly heavy. It sews well, but since I am now 74 it is hard to pack up that machine to go to guild sew days. I would love to have a lighter machine to make all those charity quilts that happen when our guild gets together to sew. Perhaps it will make it easier to sew and we can really crank out those quilts, masks, or anything else that is needed.
Kristan Smith
I would love to have such a well built machine.
Vivian Fitzpatrick
Have always wanted a Baby Lock and this would be a big help with teaching my granddaughter to sew and quilt.
Lora Gaul
I have a Singer machine that has had problems since I got it. Struggling with my machine takes a lot of the fun out of sewing. I have been looking at Babylock machines for awhile now and would love to have a chance to win one!
Janette Turner
I could use this machine to replace one that TSA wrecked. I need a smaller lighter machine to take on trips.
Lora Gaul
I have a Singer machine which has had problems since I got it. Constantly struggling with my machine takes away the joy of sewing. I have been looking at Babylocks for awhile now and would love to win one!
Dorothy Wills
I would love a lighter weight sewing machine. Mine is a beast and it's wearing out. Thanks for such a great giveaway!
Thanks for doing this! I would like a machine that has more than a straight and zig zag stitch, which is all I currently have.
Margaret Handlin
Perfect machine for my 8yr old Granddaughter. She uses my machine when I come up so to gift her a machine of her own she would love.
Carl Gatto
My one and only machine is 25 years old now! It still works well but it would so amazing to have something brand new! And also amazing to have a second machine to use with the other is in the shop for servicing. Thanks so much for the chance!
Debra Conard
I would love to have this machine to teach my granddaughter how to sew. She already loves going to quilt shops with me at age 4! Love her to pieces and can't wait to start her out on a good machine that she can use for years to come.
Susan Foster
I hear wonderful things about Babylock machines. Having this small machine would travel to Quilt Reteats, classes and for my grandchildren to sew on when they visit.
I would love to teach my neighbor to sew. She has two beautiful daughters and making sun dresses would be so fun for her. I hope your daughter is helping with your son since she is out of school due to the corona virus. God bless you and your family.
Waouh ! J'adorerai gagner cette machine car la mienne est cassée ! Merci pour ce jeu, thanks from France
Lora Gaul
I have had problems with my singer machine since I got it and the struggle takes the joy out of sewing. i have been looking into Babylock machines for awhile and would love to have one!
Arlene Boyer
This Baby Lock machine would be perfect for me as I am just getting back into quilting! My old machine just doesn't cut it for what I want to do!
Heather Dykstra
I would love this sewing machine. I just started quilting and that’s all I’ve been doing during this COVID-19 😢 time. My sewing machine is from my mom who bought it when I was in high school 20+ years ago.
I would love to win and teach my kids how to sew!
Deborah Rhodes
What a wonderful give a way. I would gift it to my mother she takes a sewing machine every week to. Her church to sew with others quilts for our local children’s home her Mach is on the bigger size and I know she would like to have something easier to carry. She just had her 88 birthday on February 29 so actually she has had 22 birthdays!
Nancy C
this machine is a great size for traveling to classes.
Linda Davidson
My granddaughter wants to learn to sew. I plan to sign her up for a kids sewing camp this summer. She would LOVE her very own sewing machine!
Jan Parker
I have a Baby Loc that I purchased two years ago called Soprano. This littler one would be great to carry to my meetings. Thanx Amy!
vintage barngirl
I Love Baby Lock, I have 2! What a gift this would be for my niece, next Gen Sews! Thank You for the chance 🙂
Susan N.
I need a lighter weight sewing machine and one that will work. Mine is to the point it can't be repaired anymore.
Michele W.
This would be wonderful for my oldest granddaughter who doesn't have access to a sewing machine. Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Julie Brack
I would love a new machine. My current machine is from my mother and over 20 years old now! Would love an updated model!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandra Mundt
I work for a Baby Lock retailer and love all the machines. Unfortunately, I have not been able to decide which one I would like. This is a great machine.
My trusty Bernina is 42 years old and has sewn many a stitch, but I would love to try a new machine!
It would be a great machine to travel with! When I have to go on 'Grandma Duty' it would be so awesome to not have to leave my projects for the entire time!
Lisa G.
My 14 and 12 year old sons both have autism. They have been wanting to sew alongside me for awhile. I tried an inexpensive discount machine but the low quality made it frustrating even for me to use. My sons gave up after several valiant tries! 🙂My older son in particular learns best doing things alongside (at the same time as) someone else. It would be WONDERFUL to have a high quality yet easy to use machine, especially now when their routines are off, and the usual school and at home therapies are unavailable. This is not something I could ever afford on my own, at least for the next few years. (I’m a single parent - there will be no way to work until this is over and kiddos can return to school.) Thank you for the great content, and stay well!
Grace White
After years of living with my children, I finally have a place of my own. When we moved in my belongings, my machine was broken. The bobbin winder on top of the machine broke off. I would love to have another machine to replace it.
Susan Stanton
I would love to give it to my granddaughter who is 13 and just beginning to sew! She is very careful with her stitching and has produced some beautiful pouches for her mother. I know that she would love to have her own machine!
Le Kramer
I would use it to teach with. thanks for the chance.
Ola Norman
This would be a great machine to take to quilt meets.
Cristina G Cavanaugh
I need a machine that would be light weight!
Candy Cheney
When going to a quilt retreat or quilting event it would be great to have a small machine to carry. At my age and back problems I need to have something lighter to lift and carry.
Janet T
If I won, I would give it to my Granddaughter. Since she is homebound, (like the rest of us), it would help to keep her busy and away from social media/videos.
Jo Coolidge
It would be great to sew away the anxiety of this year using this jubilant machine.
My everyday machine is one I bought when I was 17! I am now 67. It is a heavy metal oldie. A lightweight one for workshops would be wonderful.
Laura Rathbun
I would love to win this light, portable sewing machine. We are snowbirds and during our winters in Florida, I participate in a quilting club and a charity club that makes quilts and cloth teddy bears for medically impaired children. Currently, I travel with a portable Singer sewing machine from the 1960's. What a treat it would be to travel with and use this flexible machine. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!
Melody Srygley
Wow! Only 500+ people have commented before me! And I'm sure that they all have mucho good reasons to want the Baby Lock Jubilant. But not as good as my reason. What? Why? You ask... I have my reasons. Oh. What I meant to say is that I'd like to donate mine I think. I mean, I always wanted a Baby Lock... but my intention is to come out of this Covid Virus pandemic a better person. And I'm sure someone will need this. Very much. Thanks, Amy for the opportunity to win!
Jaymee Orton
I would love to have an extra machine so my 2 granddaughters could begin sewing lessons when they visit me. It would also be wonderful to take to retreats since it is only 14 lbs. I'd love to have this machine!
Barb K
I have a Bernina that I love, but a small machine would be great for taking to classes or workshops!
Jaymee O.
I would love to teach my granddaughters how to sew, and a lighter weight one would be fantastic for taking too retreats.
Sorry for the multiple comments- the site said there was an error in publishing so I kept trying 🤦🏼♀️
Greta Lintelman
I work with my 40+ year old machine. It still functions but has few bells and whistles. I hope to pass it on to my young granddaughter to promote her interest in sewing and step to a different model. I’d love to work with the baby lock.
Kathy R.
This looks like a cool little machine! It would be a joy to have. I'm glad you kids had a chance to try it out and did some sew alongs, that is a good recommendation.
Anita L Jackson
Oh Gosh, Everyone needs a new Machine Right now! Staying in, staying safe, picking up new projects or old.... I would love the new Baby Lock to teach the grand daughter that has come to live with us permanently (we thought it would be short-term...turns out we are her forever home). It has all the features of a well made machine, with simplicity yet more than simple stitches to learn. Perfect timing! Thanks for an opportunity!
I recently starting quilting in November of 2019 and thanks to your wonderful tutorials, I have been able to make several quilts to donate to the local children’s hospital. I am sewing on my old Singer heavy duty machine, which struggles most days. I would love a new machine to continue my quilting journey with ease and sophistication. I truly appreciate you and all of the knowledge you share!
What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity it win. I would love to have a smaller machine to take to my monthly sewing Days for Girls group!
What a nice give away! I've set up an additional sewing upstairs and out of the basement, since I am sewing at home daily now. This machine would be perfect for that space! Stay well. 🙂
Thank you for a wonderful offer! We are making masks and scrub caps at our house. I have a teenage daughter that can help me iron and pin but with her own machine we could speed the process up with her own machine. I was planning to by her one when she graduates in 3 years (did that for her sister) but this would bring the opportunity earlier. She has sewn one quilt and decided to sew some shorts a couple months ago. she is looking for more new projects now. Thanks again for offering this machine and highlighting all the awesome features for a machine that won’t be too much for a beginner sewer.
Judi Creed
There are sooo many reasons this machine should come to live with me! It would be the perfect machine for me to take to classes or to a friend’s home to sew. I’m working on precision piecing. This machine could go with me on this journey. Plus, I’ve always wanted a Baby Lock to call my own. Thank you for the chance to make these dreams come true.
Sheila Merritt
I am recently retired and have started quilting!!! I am looking to upgrade my machine and this would be perfect!!!! I have made several quilts, table runners, wall hangings, etc. and absolutely love my new hobby. I have recently made several masks and will be making more! Thanks for having this wonderful contest.
Susie V
This smaller machine would be great and easier to transport -- I volunteer at my son's school and teach kids to sew.
Tamera Clevenger-McLaughlin
Would love a take along machine for classes!
Tracey T
I would love this machine. I have been quilting non-stop for the past two years on my 15 year old machine. It needs a buddy for when it gets too tired! 🙂
Joan Coyle
I would be so nice to have a little machine that weighs only 14 pounds. I can no longer carry my machine anywhere, I have to impose on people to help me. Baby lock machines are great !
Rachel Keefe
I would love to win this machine, it would be perfect to teach my niece how to sew!
Cyndy Lipe
I would love to win this machine. Right now I am sewing on a 1949 Singer that is in a built in cabinet and it is on it's last leg, the timing is going out on it and I have to sew really slow or it tangles the thread up. This would be great to take along to Quilt Club when we have a sewing project, right now I don't have one to take so I have to do all my sewing at home. Living on a fixed income makes it difficult to buy a new machine. Thank you for the chance to win one.
Barbara Matzat
I'd like to have a second machine so I could teach some girls to make quilts who do not have a machine available to use.
Great giveaway.
This would be the perfect machine to teach my 13-year-old on during this crazy at home school time.
Nancy edwsrds
I need this for my friend for my friend so she cannot start sewing for her new grandchildren.
Vickie Fitzsimmons
I would love to have this lighter machine in my life! It would be a great of fresh air! Thanks!
Joanne Gerbet
I would live to win a new machine! I would give it to my eight year old daughter to sew along with me! Thank you!!!
Abby C Lehman
I have a Bernina that I really love. But the idea of a lighter machine for classes sounds soooooo good! Plus, I'm teaching my granddaughter to sew and this way we could both have one to use at the same time.
Jane Eldridge
I would love to update my sewing machine. Currently using the Singer Touch and Sew II that I bought in the 70’s.
Jamie Steele
I have a Baby Lock machine and I love it! I have the Lyric. I could use another one because I have 6 kiddos and some of them like to work on projects at the same time as me. It would be nice to get our creative juices going at the same time!
Beth Foust
I’ve stopped bringing my sewing machine to my quilt group. It is just too heavy for me to carry around any more. I would love this smaller and lighter machine!
Paige D
I’d love to have a smaller, lightweight, reliable machine to take to quilting classes with me. Also, it would be nice to have some thing that I could pull out and set up at my dining room table or kitchen counter instead of always having to go down to the basement to work on my big heavy bulky machine.
Patti Sheesley
I could use a new machine because I’m about to wear my existing machine out. Thanks for the giveaway! 😊
Teresa Presnell
I would love a new sewing machine. I'm still sewing on my 41 yr old Kenmore machine. Those decorative stitches look awesome.
Jacque Riggs
This machine is so cute. I love it. It would be awesome to have a compact machine all ready to go!
Margaret Dominguez
I would use it in my library with my middle school students! I have 3 sewing machines currently, not enough for a sewing club, so I’m hoping to acquire more for next year. This Babylock sounds perfect! 🙂
Ginny Fee
I have been looking at the babylocks in the genuine collection after I started teaching my 7 yr old granddaughter to sew. watching her face light up as she is sewing has given me the desire to teach other children to sew as well and am looking for something more portable than my older heavy machine. This little gem looks perfect.
Tara Bergeson
I teach my two nieces and would also love a travel machine. I love the fact that this machine has metal feet and not the cheap plastic ones. Seems like it would be durable and great for all the needs I have!
Ann L Reilly
Baby Lock makes a great machine. I’d love to share this with my grandchildren, who are learning to sew.
Mary Goth
This is such a generous giveaway! I would LOVE a second sewing machine, so my kids can stop using mine when I'm trying to get some sewing done. 🙄❤
Oh, l would love this machine. I currently have a Babylock Anna. It is a very basic sewing machine and it has served me well. But now that I have been enticed into the world of quilting, I feel that a machine, like the Jubilan, would give me so many new options to work with.
Maurianne Baker
What a wonderful machine! I've been working on the sewing machine that I received as a gift when I was a teenager—let's just say it's pretty basic and definitely wearing out since I started using it more the last few years. I've been looking into getting a new machine that will allow me to do some of my own quilting in addition to piecing, and I love the options this machine offers.
I would love to win a sewing machine. I love my Babylock and use it almost every day. I have 3 daughters, and one daughter in law, and would love to be able to give one of them a new machine.
I would love to win this cute little machine! I would love to have a portable machine that will make it easier to see with my mom and sisters! Thanks for this opportunity!
I would like to have another sewing machine to add to my collection😍!!
I have my first grandbaby coming in May. I have alot of projects to get done. This would be a dream to win.
Susan Beam
This machine sounds like just what I need to make masks for friends and family and my co-workers during this crisis. My current “ craft” machine is not handling the multiple layers of fabric and pleats well.
Stacie Weyrauch
The first sewing machine I bought for myself was a Baby Lock. I loved it and used it for 20 years. Now I have another machine. My 13 year old likes to sew on my sewing machine because it has a speed control feature. I would LOVE to win this Baby Lock machine so my daughter and I can be sewing at the same time. Thanks for the fabulous opportunity.
Becky Heslop
This looks like my answer! I been thinking for awhile that I need a smaller machine. It’s good to know you like baby lock.
Rosie S
How exciting! I’ve got three daughters and we love to create together. Another machine would be so lovely!
Lisa Gering
I am a beginner quilter and would love to try my hand at free motion quilting using the drop feed option. My current older machine does not have that ability.
Teresa E Brown
Thank you for the opportunity to win this machine!! I would love it so i have a small light machine that I can take to a class. Fingers crossed!!
DeeAnn K.
I collect vintage sewing machines, so all of them are 50+ years old. I have no modern sewing machine, and there are times that I’d like to use something more than a straight stitch!
Tsvetana Schmolke
I will love to win this sewing machine for my daughter, who just started quilting and sewing. I think it will help her develop the same life-long love for the art of creating that I have.
My little Brother from Walmart has served me well for six years but I think it’s time to have a “real” sewing machine!
Paula Conley
I am a retired educator and I have psoriatic arthritis. I have a very heavy machine that is very difficult to load up and move. It would be absolutely wonderful to have a lightweight machine to take to retreats or to sew with my friends! Thank you so much for offering this opportunity!
My machine is so heavy so taking to class and open sew mornings is a nightmare. A lightweight machine is just what l need!
Jerilynn Lijewski
How fun! I’m teaching my 8 year old granddaughter to sew. Her birthday is April 10...it will be a FaceTime party this year.
Susan Beam
I would love to win this machine! My “ craft “ sewing machine is not handling the multiple layers of fabric needed to make fabric masks for co-workers and family during this pandemic.
Jennifer Lewis
What a great giveaway!! My machine broke this year, and I bought a used one off Craigslist. It’d be nice to have a newer one and also lightweight to take with me on vacation and retreats. Whoever wins, it will be a nice distraction and celebration for them during this crazy quarantine season! Thanks for the opportunity.
This looks like a great basic machine. Thank you for the opportunity.
Kathleen Treco
I would love to win this machine for my sister who doesn’t have one and would love to sew again.
I’ve been looking for a machine for my girls to sew on. This looks like a great option.
Amanda Cook
This would be the perfect machine to have when I finally start teaching my daughter how to sew. I love the color too.
Riceford Streams
I tested this sewing machine when shopping for my niece. Ultimately it was beyond my budget, so I bought a used machine. If I win, I would give this to my sister so she and her daughter can sew together.
I would love to win this lovely machine and would make a new quilt!
I need this! I drag my old heavy Bernina to teach at guild workshops & my back isn’t what it once was! I just said I need a different machine.
I've heard great things on baby lock. Would love to own one.
My new daughter -in-law or bonus daughter as she likes to say wants me to teach her how to sew and quilt. This would be perfect for her! Thanks for the chance!
Wow! Great give away! I would love to own a Baby Lock I’v heard so much about them. I just started quilting & so far I made a quilt for my granddaughter & next for my grandson & would like to win soI can make it on this Baby Lock.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Rachel Hewlett
This looks like a perfect machine for my seven year old. She and I made a quilt for her best friend for Christmas, and she is now eager to help see anytime I sit at my machine. This looks like a great machine for her to see alongside me.
I currently sew on smaller sized machine that is 13 + years old and has seen a lot of stitches. I like the portability of a small machine since I sew in my dining room table and have to put it up and get it out. I would love to have this machine so that my daughter and I could sew together. Such a nice gesture when so many are staying home and sewing for others. Well done Baby Lock!
Debby Hillstead
I really need a small machine to take to classes and retreats. I can’t lift my Destiny. So a little one would be a life saver. Thanks
Judy Kromer
I would love to have a light weight machine to take to all my quilting get together. I have a Baby Lock serger so I know this would be a great machine.
Thank you for this give away.
wendy j bradford
Such a cute, little, handy machine! It would be great to take to retreats and quilting get togethers! Thank you!
Ann Smith
I would love to win this machine! I've been teaching my four daughters to quilt. My oldest has really fallen in love with it and she's making beautiful quilts. She is using my mother's old Bernina - it's literally almost 50 years old! She would love to have a more reliable machine to quilt on. Thank you Amy!!
Carrie D
Just learning to quilt & my current machine is so heavy it’s hard to take to my friends she shed so she can coach me.
Jennifer Calano
I love your blog and instagram pictures! You are such an inspiration, and I love looking at and planning my next quilt though I have never left a comment. I have an old White machine that I got back in the 80’s, and I would be COMPLETELY THRILLED to be able to see on a new machine! Thank you for your generosity - especially in this very difficult time. Blessings, Amy!
What a great giveaway! My starter machine is ready to be handed down to my niece who’s 7 - but I need a replace the first!
I can use a new machine for the “sewing school“ that is beginning in my house with everyone being home. The neighbors are all wanting to learn to sew!
Frieda Zuerner
I think this would be a great size to teach my grandson to sew on.
I would love this small machine! Then I could take it to my friends house and sewing get together a when we’re allowed to do that someday 🙂
Donna Koch
I am just beginning to quilt and I have been using a very old machine. I would so love to have this little dream machine! Thank you for all of your inspiration in quilting. Your tutorials and beautiful quilts have really motivated me!
Courtney Shorr
I LOVE Babylock and I would love to win this so that I can give it to my little sister... Who I am trying to get as addicted to sewing as I am.
This looks like a great machine that would do so many decorative stitches. I would love this machine to teach my grand daughter to sew on. And then give it to to her for her first machine. 😊❤️
I think it would be awesome to win this machine! I love all the neat stitches it can do and also that it is so portable!
I have a small machine that I like to grab at times when I don't want to set up the larger machine or when I'm working with my granddaughters, but I've noticed that things are starting to not work - like the reverse lever or the stitches aren't even if I stitch with any speed. Thank you for this chance to win a new little machine.
Jenny Faasavalu
I don’t have a sewing machine right now. I had one I got from the DI that I LOVED, but it needed some work— more than I could afford.
I am graduating from nursing school in four weeks and can’t wait to get back into sewing!!!
Thanks for the chance. 😊💕
What a generous giveaway! I love the decorative stitches, it would be so fun to gift this to my daughter.
Deborah Jones
This looks perfect to set up in my kitchen for quick sewing sessions! 👍👍👍
Mayra Amaro-Alvarez
Everything I know about sewing & quilting I learned from the amazing ladies at Love Sews Ministry, an organization in Holland, Michigan that makes quilts for people going through life changing circumstances. I’ve been volunteering there for 3 years now. The ministry was recently gifted about 20 of these new Baby Lock Jubilant sewing machines from a generous donor. The Jubilant machines are such an upgrade from the previous machines we were sewing on. There’s so much more we can do with these new machines. I would love to be the recipient of my own Jubilant some day!
Angela Nash
Cutest machine ever! Mara would so love to have her own machine to sew along side me. Plus, I’ve been super sad that my main machine has horrible tension issues that I need to get fixed a second time....I need to find a good backup machine, but winning this one would be a fun surprise.
Debra L Reber
I think this would be a great machine to teach my granddaughter how to sew. I also think it would be the perfect size to take with me when we go camping (that is, if campgrounds ever re-open)
Barb Peters
I’m a beginning quilter, and would love an updated machine! This one looks perfect!
Troy Stinson
I would love a new machine. Actually I would love a machine. I recently started sewing and quilting and have found my passion. I am currently using my daughters machines. It is a 100.00 singer I picked up for her that she uses from time to time. One day I should give it back but for now it works. Thanks for the give away! 🧵💕💕
I started teaching my neighbor (she’s 14) how to see and she was loving it. Now with social distancing, it would be wonderful to let her have a machine she can practice sewing on at her house. Thanks for the offer. I’m sure whoever wins it will put it to great use. Be well and stay safe and healthy.
Jennifer RM
I've been wondering if my Singer is on it's way out. It can't keep up with my quilting! A BabyLock replacement would be fantastic!
Jenny Hiett
Ih, Baby Lock is so generous! I would love a new machine that has a few bells and whistles. I am still sewing on the super basic machine my mom bought me in high school (20+ years ago). I have been teaching some high school girls as well and could use a second machine to facilitate that better.
Terry P.
I’m really liking that this machine is smaller and lighter in weight. I have been wanting a second machine to take to my besties house. We love to get together and sew together!!! We have talked about getting other ladies from church together and sew and learn from each other and get to talk!! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win. Terry
Dona allen
I sew every single day and last year donated 30 quilts to an organization that provides beds and bedding for needy children. I am always on the hunt for a reliable back up second machine to carry some of the workload. It would be so helpful!! Would be fun to try out a baby lock too.
Jon Knop
I’ve been using a Bernina for the past 15 years, I’ve heard good thinks about the baby lock
Judy Leonard
I have this exact machine that I’ve used to make my first two quilts!! Starting my third on it now. I’d love to win one to give to our youth pastors wife-she’s wanting you learn to sew and quilt but can’t afford to buy a machine right now.
Margaret Thompson
I would love to win this machine as my “new” machine recently turned 28! And, my kiddos have developed an interest in sewing, which is awesome until everyone wants to sew but there’s just one machine for all of us!
Diane Howell
This small machine looks like it has all the bells and whistles needed to sew and quilt. I love how many stitches it has that would be so cute on baby quilts or my granddaughter's clothes. This would be really nice to have to continue to teach them how to sew...and of course I would love to use it also.
Wowie so many good comments! This is such a cute sewing machine. I loved your post, it looks like a versatile machine that could add a little fun to my stitches! My sewing machine is amazing, but old enough to be yellow instead of white 😂 so at some point I might need to look into something new! Thanks for the fun post 😘
Robin Dickey
How lovely.
I would use this for garment sewing as I have a straight stitch only machine.
Nancy M.
This would be a perfect machine for my granddaughter to earn to sew on while she is quarantined at home. So versatile and do portable!
Amy Thornton
I love sewing on the smaller machines. I would love to have this one so that my daughter and I could sew together. What a generous offer during this time of isolation when so many people are sewing. Well done Baby Lock!
I have my small machine to someone who needed it and have missed having a travel machine. This would be lovely!
This would be a great machine to travel with. My friends and i love road trips to other shop hops in texas and we sew in the hotel rooms along the way. . Although we've been confined we are busy making masks for those in need. We have a skilll we need to give back when we can.
This would be perfect little machine to bring with me and the gorls on our quilt shop hops and sewing in hotel room. Could use extra machine to teach others to make masks and give back.
Lynn H
I love my sewing machine but I can tell it only a matter of time before it will have to be replaced. Love those decorative Stitches.
Emily Thomas
This is so exciting!! I would love to win this to upgrade from my joanns buy (Singer Fashion Mate- which has made a king size by the way)! I would donate my little singer to my sister-in-law so I can teach her how to quilt (and sew) together rather than her just sitting with me and talking while I quilt. Id finally have a friend who can quilt with me!!
Thanks for the fun overview of the machine and the chance to win one! I have a little dream of teaching neighborhood kids and friends sewing lessons. I think this little machine would be a great second machine to do just that!
Angela Ulseth
I have started spending part of the winter in AZ. A smaller machine would be easier to travel with.
This would be great for classes and retreats. I have one machine purchased in the 90s that sews beautifully but it is quite heavy for me to carry. Thanks for the chance.
Carrie Klaisner
I was a lucky daughter of a mom that sewed everything I wore...I never had an interest in sewing. But now that I’m older and much wiser, I’ve picked up sewing a little bit. I’m starting a few quilts and get to see on her Pfaff that made all my clothes as a child. It’s still a beautiful machine! So heavy though! This would be wonderful to have!
Billie Ross
We moved to a smaller house and I lost my sewing room, so I have to lug my old Singer to the dining room when I want to sew. A smaller, lighter machine would be so much easier to move back and forth from my bedroom to the dining room. I'm not even sure my current machine will be up to the task of making 10 quilts for my great nieces and nephews this year.
Rosanne Guise
What a lovely giveaway! I do sew but actually would like this for my daughter. She used one while taking sewing classes at school. She would love to own one but as a single mom, doesn’t have the ability to buy one.
Linda Coulter
Thank you, Baby Lock for this exciting giveaway! I’ve seen the Jubilant sewing machine, and would love the upgrade from my older Janome sewing machine to this awesome machine! I really like the portability of this machine, and love the variety of stitches that come standard on this machine. I’ve enjoyed sewing most of my life, but find it is even more enjoyable the older I get. I love making quilts for new babies, as gifts for close friends and family members, and just recently finished a special quilt for my son’s college graduation that is now postponed due to COVID-19. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Linda Coulter
Thank you, Baby Lock for this lovely giveaway! I’d love the opportunity to upgrade from my older Janome machine, as I enjoy sewing quilts for my family and friends. I just completed a very special quilt for my son’s college graduation that has now been postponed due to Covid-19. Thank you for the chance to win.
I have my grandmother’s old Kenmore sewing machine. I don’t know how to sew anything, but a straight stitch! I love to make quilt tops, but since there is not a free motion foot made that fits my machine, they never get quilted. I would love a new machine to help finish my projects and teach my four daughters to sew! Thank you for the opportunity!
Having difficulty posting but I’ll try again! I think this is a win-win! The quality of a Baby Lock in a portable machine? Wow! It would be so awesome to take to classes or to a friend’s house once we’re able to do those fun things again. Thanks!
Peggy Ford
I would love to have this Babylock sewing machine to give to my granddaughter. I started teaching her how to sew on a mini sewing machine when she was five. I got her a really cheap sewing machine when she outgrew the mini when she was nine. She is going to be 12 this year and she is ready for an upgrade to a machine that will allow her to expand her quilting skills. So thankful to be able to share my quilting passion with my granddaughter. Thank you
Bernadette Johnson
I really want to up my quilting game and this machine would allow me to do it. Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
Kathy Bertsch
This contest is awesome! I would love to have a light weight machine to take to classes and retreats. I would love to try a Baby Lock machine, I hear they are wonderful. Thank you
Lisa Boles
As I look towards retirement I have purchased a condo near my daughter many states away. I try to visit several weeks a year, of course that's not working out this year. I would love a sewing machine to leave at that place to use instead of borrowing her very old sewing machine that her mother-in-law gave her. I've owned a babylock serger for decades and loved it.
Beth Butcher
What a great machine! Thanks to Baby Lock for the giveaway. The dropped feed dog is a fabulous feature for someone is new to quilting and might like to try free motion quilting. Thank you for being a bright spot in these crazy days
Paula Folster
Thanks Amy...such a wonderful opportunity. My current machine is having issues and repair is not in the cards. I picked up the quilting bug in the past five years after leaving my place of employment to care and advocate for my Mom who has Alzheimer’s. Sewing is a lifesaver in stressful times. Thanks again.
Suzanne Turgeon
BabyLock has always been my machine of choice. I have actually taken my BabyLock ESe2 on retreats but now that I am older I just can't carry it around. I was delighted to see that they now have a small machine that does everything I want. Thank you for this giveaway. Whoever wins this beautiful machine will enjoy it for years.
Tara Fanning
Hi Amy!
My name is Tara and I would love to win this machine for myself. I am just entering the world of quilting (really the world of sewing) and I keep hearing that Baby Lock is the brand to go to. I have just begun to follow quilters on social media and that is how I happened across your blog. Needless to say it is already bookmarked!
I love that this machine is simple to use and includes all the basics for a beginner like myself. Being a public school teacher in Chicago, I love to teach my students life skills beyond academic curriculum each year and I can already imagine the excitement if I walk in with a sewing machine! Thank you again for allowing someone the opportunity to win this machine. I would be over the moon if it were me 🙂
Wishing your family safety and health during this time.
Kari Hardy
I’ve recently moved into a smaller space without a dedicated sewing room. I’ve avoided sewing because setting up & taking down a large machine takes more time than the actual time I have to sew. This machine is the perfect solution for a quick portable sewing fest in my kitchen. Easy to clean up before dinner time!
My passion is quilting. This has brought me so much joy and to those I give my quilts to. I am still using my Elna machine which is likely 25 years or older. I’ve longed for a new one, especially a Baby Lock. I would definitely use this wonderful new machine and have a hard time not smiling a lot!
Pat Addler
I would love this machine! I started a baby quilt ministry at our church and it would be wonderful to take this machine to church when we sew! Thank you!
Marla Swanson
My daughter has been unemployed from grad school till now. She’s gotten the sewing bug during this time using her grandmother’s 35 year old finicky machine. A new lighter weight machine would be fantastic for her. And this Baby Lock sounds perfect!
Janie Sutterfield
Would love to have a Baby Lock Jubilant to teach my granddaughters to quilt.
Janie Sutterfield
Amy E.
I would love to gift a machine to one of the moms in my girl scout troop. She works so hard and sets such a good example for her daughter of the importance of strength and kindness!
Becky Rico
It looks like the perfect machine to take to retreats or for my daughter to use.
Linda Austin
I’d love to have a great machine like this for our retreats and sewing night with friends!!! Looks wonderful!
I am teaching my girls how to sew. They would love their own machine. This one is sew cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
Paula Krolikoski
I would love to win this machine so I could give my daughter a choice of machines , my old retreat machine, or this new definitely upgraded one.
Andy G Austin
I'd love a smaller machine to take on retreats and for our sewing nights at the church building with friends!!!
Elaine Done
It would be wonderful to have a new machine to teach my daughter to sew... and we could sew together! Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Donna Dv
I would love to win this machine. I would surprise my niece who just started sewing this past year and loves it. She needs a better sewing machine.
My dear old machine is over 25 years old and on her last legs. She has been an wonderful machine and produced everything from clothes to quilts.She is currently helping me make face masks. I would love to enter your competition for a new machine. Thank you so much for considering my entry!
My granddaughter is begging me to teach her to sew. This would be a perfect machine to learn on!
My mom taught me to sew when I was a child. I didn't fully comprehend how valuable a skill it was until I had kids of my own. As a young military wife on a limited budget, I made gifts, pieced quilts, and sewed many, many, MANY items of clothing for our three children, my husband and myself. Our youngest child will be 24 this year and the older ones are marrying and starting families of their own. Grand-babies are starting to arrive. And though my much-loved workhorse machine is managing baby quilts and other little sundries, at 22, she is showing her age. She is much more finicky and needs servicing much more frequently. My sewing 'workload' is primarily for pleasure these days rather than necessity, but a new machine would be a valued and much appreciated, though bittersweet, upgrade.
What a great little machine! I love that it’s so lightweight. I’ve been thinking about something like this to take to quilt class.
Diana R.
It would be nice to have a small sewing machine to take to classes and retreats. As I get older, it is more difficult to carry my old machine.
Amanda Best
It would be such a happy surprise to win this new Baby Lock! I have looked at them in person at our local show room some time ago and they look like such great machines, with fantastic customer support. I would love to be able to take this to my guild's classes, a couple years ago I bought a vintage Elna in a traveling case. I thought since it had a carrying case it would be easy to transport, well when it arrived it is so heavy I can barely lift it and it will not be going to classes with me! This lightweight machine would be perfect for that.
I love my Baby Lock Katherine. My granddaughters are learning to sew and I would love for them to have this machine. Thanks for the chance.
I am learning to sew and decided to start with quilts! using a 25+ year old machine I inherited. Since it needs a tune-up and likely repairs, I’m borrowing an 8-10 year old machine from a friend until ...
I would love this!
Vicki Kashon
I have only heard good things about the Baby Lock sewing machines! I currently have a Singer but would love to have a second machine so I could have one machine set up for piecing and the other one for quilting. Love your blog! Thanks for having this contest!
Brenda Snyder
A new small machine would be great. I am making masks to donate to local EMS. Then will do some for hospital since they recently sent out a request
I travel quite a bit when the world is not shut down by plague and I often try to bring my Bernina with me but that thing is a horse! I would love a smaller and more portable machine for piecing on the go
Shonelle Bode
I love Baby Lock machines. Good quality, straightforward, and easy to use; what's not to like?
I’d love a new machine! Mine is the plain Jane model that is 15 years old. I lost my job a year ago and with health challenges haven’t found a new one yet. I’ve been quilting to make ends meet and my machine broke just before Christmas when things are busiest! I realized that I need a back up to ensure that I can complete any orders on time!
Rhonda Best
I would love to have a Baby Lock sewing machine, especially an easy to use one like this. Thank you for the opportunity.
Nicole Kaczorek
I have been looking for a Baby Lock sewing machine. My sewing machine is really frustrating. It tore a hole in a project just, today. Now, that my nine year old is sewing I’d love to have a cooperative machine for her to learn on.
I would love this awesome babylock for traveling to sew with my Mom and Aunts. It looks so potable and cute!
Kelly Carpenter
Oh Baby Cakes! Will you be mine? I’ll treat you so well and have you sewing many wonderful blocks and lots of great FPP patterns while I have my other Baby loaded up with face masks. It would be great to easily switch back and forth between projects. Also, one to take along for friend-time sewing! ❤️🧵 ✂️
I would love to win this machine to replace my current sewing machine, which is aging and constantly needs work. It always seems to cause problems right in the middle of a project.
A more portable machine would be fabulous. Love your blog!
Sidra Boshes
I have a Jubilant and I love it! But I’m always ‘fighting’ to use it with my 9yo daughter. We definitely could use another one.
Faye Nettles
A lightweight machine to take to quilt guild sew days would be awesome.
I would love this gem!!! This would be the best present for my daughter, who is turning 10 next week!! 💖
Melinda Z
What a little beauty. I sew at my kitchen table and my machine weighs..... a lot! I would love a light weight machine to lug around. Thank you for a chance to own this great sewing machine.
Melissa Probst
I’d love to win this machine! I would teach my daughter to sew on this machine!
What an awesome giveaway! I would love to be able to play on a Babylock!
Shana Nielsen
I have a 20 year old Janome that was irreparably broken in a previous move. Recently I took a sewing class at Urban Spools in Dallas and reignited my desire to sew again. They exclusively use Baby Lock machines and I fell in love with the one I used in class. It was amazing! I am so excited to do things like sew my own clothes and bags. And I keenly feel the desire to sew masks for the workers at the hospital just down the street.
What a nice giveaway! I’d love to win this machine for my daughter who is moving across the country from me. We are starting to make masks with one machine while she is home during the pandemic. Scary times, but sewing is a nice way to escape for a bit. Thank you!
Susan Felton
I have been a huge fan of Babylock for many, many years. I have the Solaris which I love but living alone at 72 its a little heavy to bring to classes..LOL... this would be the perfect machine for me.
Ruth Todd
To enter you asked why we would want a new sewing machine. For me, the why is because my machine is broken. The last couple of years have been rough for my husband and me. He lost his job and mother in November 2018 and then in January got a full time job with the army national guard only to be told they were retiring him. This meant he would have to find another job. From March 2019 to Jan 2020 we moved 5 times, one of those times was into a motel. Everytime we thought thingsw were looking up the wool would get pulled out from under our feet. Finally in January 2020 we lost everything except our clothes, computer, my art and sewing supplies (I'm an artist and every sewing comfort items for those in hospice), and his tools (his does diesel repair, industrial maintenance, and refrigeration... basically he's one of the guys who make sure the 18 wheelers can get their loads to the stores and is an essential employee). Then something amazing happened in one weeks time... my husband got a position in a company just miles from where his father lives and his father asked us to move in to take care of him. He'd never lived alone until his wife died and wasn't doing good by himself. So we moved over 100 miles from where my family lived and have been here ever since. In February I pulled out my sewing machine to finish some hot bowl covers I'd been working on and it doesn't work anymore... it just makes a grinding sound. So for me, this sewing machine could get me sewing again.
My mom gave me a $49, no-name, 17-pound sewing machine for my high school graduation gift. That was in May 1977 — almost 43 years ago The machine has helped me sew my wedding and bridesmaids dresses (plus quilts, business clothes, and gifts), has traveled the world, and has helped me teach my son (and others) to sew. It has been a workhorse for 43 years and is on its last leg. I would appreciate the opportunity to own a new, light weight, easy to use Baby Lock sewing machine to help me continue to sew for another 43 years.
I love Baby Lock. I have the Jubilant and love it. I would give the Jubilant machine to my daughter. She has an interest in learning to sew garments and she would help me sew PPE masks. We have requests for masks from all over the country.
I would LOVE to win this. I was introduced to the Baby Lock brand when my sister got one and I fell in love! My 6 year old son watched me hand sew all of our Christmas gifts this past December after I lost my job and he too fell in love with sewing. I’m still a beginner but quilting is my favorite. He and I find all sorts of scraps of fabric wherever we can and build quilt tops. Our current project is using all my kids old jeans that are beyond repair. We are trying to make a jean quilt to take to the park when we can finally go again. It is giving him something to do during quarantine and giving us all hope for better days ahead. I would love to let him work alongside me rather than us both trying to use the same machine (while also building on his love of sewing). Thank you for offering this amazing giveaway. I’m sure it will be cherished by whoever wins it. Such a treasure. ❤️❤️❤️
Janet B
I've had two back surgeries so a lighter weight machine like this would be perfect to take to workshops. I love Babylock!
Pat Smith
I've been wanting a smaller "take on the go" machine. The Jubilant would be perfect!
This is the perfect machine to meet my sewing needs! I sew for several charity groups and I would appreciate the portability, ease of use, relianility and flexibility of this machine!
This looks like a great machine. I would love to have it for on the go sewing. I have a quilting group that meets regularly I go on quilt retreats. I also have 3 Granddaughters and a Grandson that would love to learn to sew. Thank you for the chance to win.
Darlene Jacolik
I would love to have this machine to give as a gift to my daughter.
I have 3 granddaughters and a grandson that would love to learn to sew ‘tis machine would be great easy to travel with. I also go on a lot of retreats and belong to a quilt group a light weight machine would be wonderful to have. Thanks for the chance.
Marsha Hillman
Awesome! I love Babylock! I would enjoy a new Jubliant Babylock to share with my daughters and eventually my granddaughter!
Jackie Lewis
I love this machine to take to classes. My husband also wants to learn to sew and it would be perfect for him.
Linda Boesdorfer
Thank you for opportunity to win the beautiful sewing machine. I’m a newbie at quilting I’ve made two quilts so far and the machine I have is an old hand me down. Do t get me wrong I’m grateful to have but it’s alway breaking down on me. So a new sewing machine would be awesome so that I can start on my new grandsons baby quilt.
Sally Craig
I love love love this machine I have a Babylock Companion that I have had for 32 years. Time for a new machine and my granddaughter can learn on my Companion.
Gardening With Soule
My old Sears & Robucks machine turns 40 this year - and it does get the job done - but I sure would love something a touch more modern. And all those lovely attachments! she says enviously....
Karen Crary
The machine looks elegant and easy to use. Would make a great traveling machine for sewing or quilting classes.
My 9 year old is discovering the joy of sewing. My problem--I also enjoy sewing. Another machine would allow us both to sew, together or separately at the same time. Here is to a new generation of sewing on great babylock machines!! My machine is a Katherine.
Wow. Looks like an amazing machine.
Donna Rowe
What a perfect size machine! I live in a much tinier house and need one to be movable in and off the table. And what a great quality!
Leslie Oliver
The machine looks simple enough to teach my 7 & 10 year old niece & nephew to sew.
My granddaughter is asking me to teach her how to make a quilt. (She’s 8!) This would be an excellent machine to learn on. Not too much technology! Thank you for letting me enter.
Mary Wippold
I've just spent 3 months in rehab recovering from spinal surgery and now with shelter in place I need something to put some fun back in my life. I've always enjoyed sewing and quilting and winning a quality machine would definitely lift my spirit.
Janet McCullough
My grandmother taught me to sew, and I want to teach my granddaughter. I would love to have this Baby Lock Jubilant for her first sewing machine!
I've always wanted a Baby Lock!!! I recently pulled my sewing machine out (after storing for a month during some remodeling) and discovered there are pieces missing!!! I would love to replace it with such a nice little machine.
Cristine Dougherty
I would LOVE to win this Baby Lock Jubilant sewing machine!! I have been sewing on my grandmother's 1960ish sewing machine, which I love - it makes me feel close to her! BUT, my kids have taken classes at a local sewing studio and use Baby Lock machines. They want to know where the speed control is and why it's so hard to change stitches!! They told me that they need a Baby Lock sewing machine!
Joyce Lombardi
When I retired in 1981 and got into quilting I purchased a Baby Lock Quilters Choice Pro. I thought that only simple straight stitching was all I would need to piece quilts and I love it for just stitching. I have since learned that there is a lot more that a machine can do and have taken a lot of quilting classes where fantastic quilts and other projects were taught. Many of the quilters at classes used machines that I envied. I also have a featherweight Singer that I use to take to sewing classes and get togethers. I would love to upgrade to a more versatile machine and expand my skills. Thanks for a great product.
Norma Jean Wood
I would love to teach my Grand-daughter how to sew. She needs a machine of her own to practice on. She is 12 years old and wants to learn and so now is the time to teach her.
I am 67 years young and would love to learn to sew. I just think being able to realize a forever dream would be the best retirement gift I could give myself! I love to read the sewing blogs and watch the videos of so many talented and creative artists and am excited to have a chance to be creative myself! This lovely give away is a great way for me to be able to have a chance to create my own masterpiece and be able to say, " I can sew ! " " Yes, I made that ! "
I recently pulled my machine out of storage after a month long remodeling project to discover multiple pieces missing! I'm in the market to replace but currently don't have the disposable income to do so. It would be fantastic to upgrade to this great little machine!
Mary Snyder
My one machine was purchased in 1996. Maybe it is time for another one. In
Melody Lutz
I have a Soprano, which I love...I would like this for my 14 year old niece. We are dyeing fabric for her to make her first quilt...wouldn't it be sweet to tell her this machine is her very own?
Debra Sova
I would love to teach my friend and her daughter how to sew they need a machine
Lynda Gordon
I would love to win a jubilant to share with my daughters when they sew with me! Thanks for the chance!
Debra Sova
I would love to be able to teach my friend and her daughter to sew this would be a great help
Deb Sova
I would love to use this to teach my friend and her daughter
Janet Whited
This seems like a great machine to travel to classes with! Thanks for the great giveaway! We need something positive in this crazy world right now!😍
Elaine Kapalin
Would be wonderful to share my love of sewing with my granddaughter so she can be able to create from inspiration all around her.
Susan Wallis
My granddaughter is very creative. I would love to be able to teach her to sew on this lovely Baby Lock machine. I have had my Baby Lock for many years and I love it dearly. It’s just a bit too complex for a young seamstress to learn on.
Kathie Hull
Thank You for the opportunity to try to win a Babylock. I bought my machine close to 40 years ago and she has done well for me and was well love. But it has gotten to it is time to replace her. I am on a limited income and this machine would be a God send. Stay safe
I would live to win this machine. I would give it to my friend who helps me with Sew Powerful purses. Her machine is over 60 years old and doesn’t sew very well.
Kelli Francom
Just love Babylock machines. Would love a smaller machine to teach my nephew how to sew!
I would love to teach my children how to sew on a machine. It’d be great to have them sew masks for first responders while they’re home with me. We have a neighbor down the street who works at the hospital and they’re so grateful for anything we can provide. I want them involved in the mission.
This would be a perfect machine to teach my grandaughter how to sew and to take to quilt retreats.
Cathie Lester
This sounds like a great machine because of its weight mostly and quick set up. I struggle with lifting at my age so this would be awesome! Thanks for the opportunity at a chance to win!
Kathie Hull
Thank You for the opportunity to try to win the Babylock, I bought my machine almost 40 years ago. Although she has been good to me and well loved. It is time to replace her. I am on a limited income, this would be a wonderful replacement.
Brenda Pedersen
I LOVE Baby Lock sewing machines!! I would love to have this machine to share with my friends that I work with to make quilts for local charities.
Prudence dawson
This would be perfect for my daughter! I would love it’
My sewing machine broke. I am currently borrowing a friends' until I can save enough money to buy a new one.
Peggy M
I love my Babylock Espire but it is awfully heavy for taking to classes or retreats. This machine looks like it would be perfect for those uses.
Amie Borgelt
What an exciting giveaway!! I would love this machine for Days for Girls sewing days, classes and retreats! I already love Baby Lock!
stephen jones
What a neat machine! I wanted to get back into sewing again and could use a nice one that has different features!
Kim Green
I could use a new machine because my 30+ year old Kenmore is on it’s last leg and my embroidery machine needs repair work. I’d LOVE to try a Babylock.❤️
Crystal Hooper
I can use this new machine for sure. I haven't been able to sew lately because the sewing machine I got from a garage sale isn't working right. I can't afford to get a new onedur to being out of work. I would be able to sew up Atigluks (Inupiaq Regalia) to make money for my family.
Kathleen adkins
My granddaughter would love this especially with the lock down and no school. She is a junior dog handler with many ribbons and wants to make a blanket out of them. Would be perfect. Thank you for the chance
patrick jones
What a nice machine! Wanting to get back into sewing again
Tanya Wolfe
This would be perfect to take everywhere in my motorhome
Pat Bean
Thank you, Amy and Baby Lock! I have a machine that will sew through many layers, and I love it. But, I cannot drop the feed dogs and I would so like to try free-motion quilting. Also, There are few stitches, none of which are decorative. I see all those wonderful stitches on the Jubilant!!
Janet Nelson
Would love to win the Baby Lock. My sewing machine is 20+ years old. The newer technology on the Baby Lock would be amazing.
Victoria Kuntz
This machine looks perfect for my niece as beginner machine that she can grow with!
I have been sewing for about a year now and would love a machine upgrade! I have a simple brother from Walmart That has done a great job but I want to be able to sew a buttonhole! 🙂
My daughter has been sharing my machine with me for the last couple of years. Now that we are home for a bit, it would be wonderful to sew next to one another instead of taking turns. This is a wonderful opportunity. Thanks so much
Rhonda Layman
I’ve wanted a Baby Lock for a long time...I’d love to get back into sewing with one!
Brittany James
I’m desperately needing a new machine, my daughter thought it would be fun to play tug-o-war with our dog while he was under the table I was sewing at and they pulled the machine off the table and broke the handle and needle shaft completely off. I’ve been lost without it.
Patricia Coker
I would love to have another Baby Lock sewing machine that is more portable, to be able to take with me me, when I help with sewing costumes or for repairs back stage for the schools drama department plays. I love sewing on the one I have now.
Patrice Hartung
I have been doing a lot of sewing lately, making a crib quilt for the baby shower for my first grandchild in just a week, followed by working on a long promised quilt for my daughter. It would be much more enjoyable with a new sewing machine that doesn't break the thread a lot. Woulf love to win it.
Marion Nickey
I'm always ready to help the neighborhood kids learn new skills. It would be nice to have something they can handle under supervision of course. Most don't have machines at home so now and then they could work on this one if they have a deadline with their project. Thanks for the opportunity.
Rebecca Payne
I love my Solaris and the Jubilant would be awesome to take to my local quilt for classes or to a retreat! BabyLock all the way!
Patricia Coker
I enjoy my current Baby Lock and would love to have one that is more portable because I help make costumes for the high school's drama department and sometimes do repairs back stage. This would be great.
Winning this machine would be a dream come true! I used to sew projects often when I was in school, and I’m finally starting to get back to that. ❤️ My machine is older(and not a Babylock), so this would be so fantastic.
I have a Babylock multi needle Embroidery machine, and it’s amazing. Babylock machines are perfection.
Char Thelen
I would love to have a light weight BabyLock machine that I could take to classes and my guild meetings! BabyLock machines are the absolute best machines on the market!
Leesa Hunter
Getting ready to move across country and having to downsize drastically. My current machine is an old Singer Stylist and still working well, but since I will lose my sewing room I need something smaller. This would fill the space and still give me a workhorse to be able to depend on.
This looks like a perfect travel machine! It would also be great to teach my grandchildren - I can take it with me, once this quarantine ends, and get the boys started. Granddaughter is just 2, so a smidge too early. Been a Baby Lock fan for years - and every time I hear Baby Lock, I wait for someone to say "for the love"! (Head guy from Baby Lock always said that at the Puyallup Sewing Expo!)
Chriss Moore
I would use this machine to take to classes or sew charity quilts with my quilt group. it looks lie the perfect take along machine.
Celia Grigsby
I would love this size machine to take in my camper!
Lyn Clement
So excited for the chance to win this machine. I've had Babylock machines for years now but not a basic sewing machine. Would love to win and be able to work with a Babylock for regular sewing as well as my embroidery machine. Thank you for giving us all a chance!!
I would love to have this machine! I teach a young group of girls (4th-12th) grade at church. They are taught basic home economics. Some come from inner city background and this is their only opportunity to learn. They love to cook and have expressed a desire to learn how to sew. But I don’t have the funds to purchase multiple machines. This would be a huge encouragement to these young ladies!!
Amy Hopkins
Looks like I a great machine for the bags, clothes and qui.ts I love to make.
Kirstie Kampen
I would love to win this machine for my Mom, Cari-Ann. Her current sewing machine is very old and on its last leg because she sews almost every day for hours at a time. A new machine would help her sew more efficiently and more accurately. Sometimes the needle gets stuck when she is making quilt tops for charities like Quilts of Valor, Quilts of Compassion, and her local quilt guild fundraisers. This new sewing machine will be perfect for her!
Marie Hoffman
That’s a beautiful machine. I love my Babylocks. The only reason I’d need a new machine is because my sewing skills are growing.
Karen Emerton
I would love a small machine to help my daughter learn to sew, especially face masks. She has an auto immune disease and needs protection.
This would be a great machine to take to my quilting group. Light weight! And look at all those different stitches. Wow
Vicky S
This machine would be so helpful for my daughter's setting projects.
I would love a sewing machine for my daughters to sew on!
I have two sewing machines that were purchased years ago and have taken them to the sewing fixit place and they still dont work well . It would be great to have one new machine that I wouldn't have to worry about working right. Thank . .
Arlene Velasco
Thank you for doing this giveaway and lifting everyone’s spirits. I’d love to have a new machine to play with. I’ve been sewing around the clock making face coverings for my local hospitals.
Nancy Walker
I've been sewing for a very long time and would love to have a small portable machine like this one. I enjoy sewing for my granddaughter and making quilts and other home items. I'm very thankful that I learned to sew as a young girl, it's very therapeutic and during this unsettling time I am able to pull out my fabric and work on projects. Winning this machine would be great!
Barbara Happe
I’d love this for my nieces. They want to learn to sew. Thank you!
Sherril McGann
I would love to have a machine to bring to retreats and sewing days with my church group.
Coronavirus has us all staying home, might as well use the time to follow some favorite bloggers, new tips & tricks. Make “pick-me ups” and PPE for medical and family. The ideas are endless. Thank you for the opportunity to have something fun to hope for!!
Would love to win this machine! I’ve been told Babylock is wonderful
Sally Craig
I love love love this machine. I’ve had my Babylock Companion for 32years, time for a new machine and pass my Companion to my granddaughter.
Mine is old and failing, doesn't work correctly. Would be ice to have one that will work right each tim .
Nancy Walker
I would love to win this portable Baby Lock sewing machine. I love the art of sewing many different things. Quilts, baby clothes, blankets, and much more. I've been sewing for many years and a new machine would be a highlight to my sewing days! Thanks for sharing your love of sewing.
Sharon Haverkamp
I would love a new lighter weight machine. As I age it’s getting harder and harder to carry mine. This looks like a great machine too. Thanks for the opportunity!
Donna H Barnes
I own 2 BabyLock machines, but I would love a smaller machine to take to classes.
Mary E Hildahl
Lovely little machine. I have had a Babylock Quilter's Dream since 2009. This looks like a nice portable machine.
Tammy mcdonald
I have a straight stitch only machine and I would love a machine with other stitches.
Kathleen Davis
I am new to the world of quilting at the tender age of 62! I am ready to upgrade to a machine that is capable of doing more with some sophisticated features. This machine has been recommended to me by an expert quilter and Baby Lock fan. I am currently seeing lots of face masks for friends and family. Thanks for this promotion and good luck to all my fellow quilters!
Tammy mcdonald
I have a machine that only has a straight stitch and I would love a machine that could do other stitches.
A new machine would be great for when my daughter wants to sew.
Dee Wyrick
I took a serger class a few months ago and we used a Baby Lock machine. It was magnificent, and I'm sure this machine is just at great. I'm making masks for the local children's hospital where my daughter works in the pediatric intensive care unit. The machine I am using is pretty old and it would be a wonderful time for an update!!!
Elaine C
I’ve been looking for a light weight,portable machine to take in the motor home with me. I’ve been sewing on the same machine for 30+ years and it’s too heavy to tote along.
Alexis Kemp
I have a babylock zest. I've been sewing since last July. I finally decided to start my own business. I didnt let fear win. I love my babylock zest but it gets kind of fussy when I try to sew over layers. I've been eyeballing the babylock Jubilant since last march. My grandmother was going to get me one but she started having more health problems. Being gifted the jubilant will make this insane world we live in a little more sane. Thank you for the chance <3
Dee Wyrick
I took a serger class a few months ago and got to use a Baby Lock machine. It was great! Currently I'm making masks for one of the local children's hospitals where my daughter works in the pediatric intensive care unit. My machine is pretty old and it would be a wonderful time for an upgrade!!!!
Barbara Goodson
I've been looking around for a smaller machine to take to classes and retreats. I have MS and carrying my big machine around is just getting to hard. I would really love to win this machine.
Carolyn Chisholm
This will be a wonderful gift for the winner. My granddaughter has expressed a great desire to learn sewing. We are going to get together for several weeks this summer and have our own sewing camp together. She tries to do at least one project every time she visits. I would love to be able to share this machine with her so she can practice and keep learning even when we are separated by distance. Babylock machines are delightful to use. I have learned to enjoy sewing again and I am learning so much with my Babylock machine. I continue to learn something new with every class I attend.
Rebecca Munoz
I would love to win this machine for my 20 year old daughter. She is an artist and would make beautiful things with a machine like this. She has so much talent but has stopped creating with fabric and maybe this would get her started again. I loved looking at your quilts! They are beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a wonderful machine. Keep creating and sharing, you are making the world a better place!
Susy Ryherd
For being a basic machine, the Baby Lock Jubilant looks quite impressive. So lightweight, it's easy to transport to sewing meetings or retreats. The automatic needle threader, drop feed for free-motion quilting, and 80 stitches including 8 one-step buttonholes....now that's A LOT in such a small machine. New to sewing this past year, I'd love to have this little baby!! 😍📏📍✂️🧵 💟
Liz M.
Wow, I'd love to win this machine. I do most of my sewing on a vintage Singer 201, which does a great straight stitch and nothing else--plus it weighs a ton and lives in a cabinet. I'd love something portable and with modern features so I can sew more often.
Looks like an awesome machine for piecing as well as sewing face masks.
Kori gillen
Winning this machine would be awesome. I have three kids and would love to make them dresses and halloween costumes. I removed how special my costumes were my mom made me as a kid and I’d love to give my kids those same memories. I’d also like to do house projects like curtains and decorating my daughters post bed with draping fabrics and curta