There is something just seriously satisfying to me about simple patchwork. It's such a fun way to play with and show off fabrics.
For this quilt I bought a variety of ¼ or ½ yard pieces and cut them into 9" squares. (You can get four (9" x 9" squares from ¼ yard.) I laid out the quilt 8 squares across x 10 squares down for a 68" x 85" throw-size quilt. (You would need about 10 half yards or 20 quarter yards to make this quilt top.)
If you are looking for step by step instructions for a simple patchwork squares quilt so you can make one of your own, check out my Beginning Quilting Series.
Another finish to share, now that it's been delivered to its recipient. This one is purely simple patchwork squares, and yet I think it's one of my favorite quilts I made in 2015. Usually I don't have any trouble making and giving away quilts - this was one of the first times I was really tempted to keep it for myself!
This was a special thank you to a friend who has been a huge help to me for the past few years. She's very stylish and I was having a hard time deciding what colors to use in a quilt for her. Then it hit me - she has kids who play lots of sports - hence they attend a lot of sporting events. I thought it would be fun to make a quilt using the colors of her kids' school. Then it turns out black and red become uber-hot this winter so this quilt becomes right on trend. hah!
I pulled fabrics from Sweetwater's Varsity collection which were absolutely perfect for this quilt. Beyond those I wanted to go with plaids and denims in those colors. Fall is a great time to find good flannel plaids.
Then I hit the jackpot when I found this plaid (and a few others) at Joann
's a few months ago. They were in the apparel section, but they were luscious, 100% cotton wovens at a really nice weight. And on a super hot deal. Score. They were part of the JoAnn's Plaiditudes collection. (Which is a seasonal collection and most available in the Fall and early Winter.)
Those flannel plaids made this quilt so heavy and lush - especially after it was washed.
I had also bought some red and some black denim that I wanted to use. Fortunately I remembered to color test them (just rubbed a wet paper towel across them) and they were not color fast. So they did not go in the quilt. I don't usually have any worries with cottons I buy at independent quilt shops, but since I don't typically sew with denim it was good to double check.
I washed the quilt before I gave it away (with a Shout Colorcatcher) just to make sure and none of the other fabrics had any bleeding issues.
I love how quickly this came together. I saved some pieces - now I need to make one for us!
I love it. Red, black and white are three of my fav colors. Your quilt even goes with the barn.
Did you put batting in the red/black quilt or is the flannel heavy enough without it?
Amy Smart
I did use batting in my quilt because I liked the extra weight - this quilt was made for taking to sporting events, etc. so I didn't want it too light.
Do you sell these quilts and matching pillow shams?
No, sadly I don't have time to make custom quilts. But shoot me an email - I have some names of people who do take custom quilt jobs.
[email protected]
Donna Farrell
I needed an idea for my sons wedding. The rehearsal dinner will be outside sitting on bales of themed rehearsal dinner. Was going to buy blankets but this may be more fun. Will get friends to help sew. Probably need 6-8. I have time.
Send me an email I may be able to help you. [email protected]
Love the plaid quilt! I plan on making one fir my brother, and hope I have time to make another one for myself. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration you provide to all of us!
Southern Gal
That's just fabulous!! I don't know how you gave it away.
Diana Collins
Your quilt is beautiful and I love the colors. Your friend is going to love and treasure it.
I bet this was a hard quilt to send off, it looks so soft and cuddly! Love the red and black plaids, great fabric choices.
Hi, I am new to sewing with flanells. Is there anything I should think of? do you use a 1/4 " seam allowance and how about pressing?? I have followed you on bloglovin for a very long time, And adore all lovelies you make.
/Petra from Sweden
Amy Smart
Thank you for your kind words, Petra!
I still use a 1/4" seam allowance and press the same. I tend to use wovens though, which are not as thick as real flannels, so that may make a difference.
This is so classic! Love it! Thanks for the inspiration. I have a little pile of flannel fat quarters that I have been pondering what to do with! Any special considerations working with flannel front and back of a quilt?
Gigi Voegeli
HOMERUN! Not just the colors, but the range of the prints is wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Now all the shops will be cleaned out of those fabrics!
What a beautiful quilt, I see why you were tempted to keep it. Do you do anything differently working with flannel? Can you use a 1/4" seam allowance?
Amy Smart
Hmm - that's a good question. I hadn't thought about that. I've always used a 1/4" seam allowance when I've made flannel quilts. They seemed to hold together fine, but maybe others would recommend more? I'm sure the quality of the flannel makes a difference.
Connie Szczepanski
Would you ever consider making one to sell? I have never seen such a beautiful quilt. It is more of an heirloom that I would love to buy. Please consider. Thank You,
there might be something wrong with your blog. earlier in the week your site LOCK up the whole computer, not just the tab reading blogs.... had to turn off and lost some special sites not yet saved. This morning I have more time and your site was very very very slow to load this that and the next thing. Most of which I think were ads. Ads not configured to load smoothly and quickly in with multiple search engines. Next week if it the same.... I will be deleting your blog. Hope your web folks can smooth things out. my name is Susie.... the spaces below would not take more ..... and the ones that took t o o k f o r e v e r to load.
Amy Smart
Yes, I found out my blog has been hacked. :/ So frustrating and I'm SO sorry about your experience. THanks so much for letting me know. I have a tech specialist who fortunately knows tons more than I do trying to take care of it. Hopefully we get it fixed! I hate to think of people being frustrated.
I love photos of quilts in the snow! This one looks so snuggly.
I also made a simple patchwork flannel quilt. Unfortunately, when I washed it, my 1/4" seam allowanced frayed enough that I lost large sections of the qyilt. I couldn't get matching flannel in both colors, so the patching is really obvious. I would either zig-zag the seams or use 1/2" seams if I made one again. I used a high loft batting and tied the quilt. It's our favorite!
It's a stunner. Love how simple quilts can wow like this. What a spectacular gift.
The quilt is a real winner -- and so is that first photo!
Beautiful! Must be so soft. I love simple patchwork, too. I love pulling from scrap square pile and just seeing how they go together.
You know...sometimes it's just about the fabrics and you can't go wrong with flannel!:)
oh this is simply stunning. Classic in the very best way. Love the additions of the plaids. OH and I love your photo shoot!
Andrea Franklin
Boy, I can sure see why you were seriously tempted to keep this one for yourself! It's a real winner for sure. Love the color combo play. I'm sure you'll come up with one you can keep next year when the flannels come back in stock!!!
Love this quilt! So beautiful! Someone is very blessed to have you in their life, Amy! I have enjoyed your blog for a long time. Your post here and on Instagram are not only helpful, I come away always feeling happy. That is what quilting does to me as well. Time that makes me smile. Thank you!
Amy Smart
Thank you Donna - that means a lot!
Beech Tree Lane Handmade
I LOVE this quilt! Such a classic look and I love that backing fabric! Great job.
I'm pretty new to quilting! What type of batting do you use with flannel or wovens? Do you pre wash your flannel?
Thank you, and congrulations on a lovely quilt. It must be so soft and warm!
Amy Smart
I didn't prewash my flannels. I bought good quality flannel, so I just cut into it and sewed it together. But it might not be a bad idea to pre-wash if you're not sure about it's quality, or you inherited it and don't know it's pedigree.
You can use different kinds of batting - depending on how heavy you want the quilt to be. Some people like thick batting for thick quilts (works well for tied quilts.) My backing was particularly weighty, so I asked for the thinnest batting the quilt had available, and the quilt still came out pretty heavy. I've also seen people who just put flannel in place of batting on flannel quilts, so that's an option if you don't want an extra heavy quilt.
Marianne P
I love this quilt. Sometimes simple quilts are the best (and the hardest to give away). I wonder if you used batting in the quilt and, if so, what kind you used. I know some people just use a flannel bed sheet to line their quilts so I'm curious what you did. Thanks!
Amy Smart
I did have the quilter use the thinnest batting she had available. But it still came out a little heavy. (The backing fabric I used was particularly thick.) A flannel sheet sounds like a good idea.
FranciNe Monaghan
Love this quilt. Absolutely love your blog. I have learned so much from you. A million thanks for your helpful suggestions.
Sandra B
Love, love, love this may be a simple patchwork, but what a timeless look!! You really hit the jackpot with this one!! You have given me an idea for a 2016 Christmas gift...thanks for sharing!!
Amy Smart
Oh good! I do love a good, timeless color combination and look!
love the quilt - and love that your site is running smoothly again! 🙂
Beautiful! Flannel is so soft and warm. Did you use flannel for the binding or 100% cotton?
Amy Smart
I used the flannel side of a 'brushed cotton' - a less-heavy cotton woven fabric with one side that feels like flannel.
This is gorgeous! I love it!!
Love it!! I have some woolies flannel layer cakes that I've been wanting to do something similar with. Just need to finish up some WIPs!
Peggy Pirillo
So beautiful and so simple! I hope the recipient is enjoying it very much.
Joanne Bosley
The quilt is beautiful! I love the colors and it's simplicity. Happy to see your back up and running!
Dear Amy this quilt of yours stole my heart with the simplicity of pattern and the colour combo. I 'm a biginer quilter and would be very happy to be able to make one for myself but I'll ned your help with the fabric info. I live in Sparta,Greece and I will order on-line but one can never be too sure about the colours or quality of the flannels when shopping on-line. So, would you be kind enough to e-mail me all the details (colour codes, e-shops or anything thast will help me chose the right thing. I've already checked the links you provided but coudn't find the colours.Thank you in advance
Amy Smart
Thank you so much. Oh, I wish I could be more helpful. I didn't buy any of my fabrics online. I linked to the ones I know about in the post, but don't know if the others are even available anywhere online. I know that the plaids I bought at JoAnn fabrics are no longer available in the stores or online - they were only for fall season.
I found a bunch of plaids listed at that look good and should be good quality. Here is a link:
All of the sponsor shops on my sidebar have good quality quilting fabrics as well. I know that doesn't help totally with the color matching, but if you email them, they might be able to help.
Oh that's gorgeous, and so cozy looking! Glad you're blog is back up and running - you're one of my favorite spots for quilty inspiration 😀
Julie G
Are all the fabrics you used in the quilt flannel - the Sweetwater fabrics in particular? Thanks,
Amy Smart
No - just some are flannel. The Sweetwater prints are regular cottons.
Amy, I'm so glad that your site is up and running again--congratulations to your techie. As of last night (Tuesday) it still wouldn't load, and I still couldn't check out your "Black and red plaid flannel quilt" post. I wasn't disappointed today--it couldn't be yummier. And it really emphasizes that you can make a wonderful quilt with a very simple pattern (great news for a beginner like me)!
Such a beautiful quilt and beautiful pictures!!! I agree, that would be one hard to part with! I'm sure it will be much appreciated! So nice of you!:)
I used to work at Jo Ann's, and yes, the Plaiditudes is a fall line. It might come to your store as early as late summer. I love it, so thick and dense compared to the usual flannel, and the name cracks me up!
This is a pretty quilt - I am sure it will be loved. You did a great job showcasing it outside with your photo shoot.
How big of bed would this fit on?
Amy Smart
A little smaller than a twin size bed - it would cover the top, but not have a lot of hang over the sides. Patchwork squares are the easiest for customizing to the size you want. Just decide on the size quilt you want and cut enough squares to make that size. Keep in mind that you need to add a 1/2" for seam allowance (a 1/4" on all sides) and you're ready to cut your squares and go! (For example, if you make a 48" x 64" quilt and you wanted to use 8" x 8" squares you would need 48 squares cut 8 1/2" x 8 1/2".)
Hi Amy. I am a beginner quilter and I have a few questions on this quilt. Did you use a stabilizer on the flannel squares so that they do not stretch? Is the quilt made from cotton and flannel squares? Is the backing also flannel? Sorry for all the questions. I would love to make this quilt.
Amy Smart
Yes, the quilt is made from both cotton and flannel squares. THe backing is flannel. I didn't use any stabilizer on the flannels - the one's I used were pretty thick flannels. It's a fun one to make!
Are you on you tube or anything? I am new at quilting and just have a hard time with making sure everything is lined up correctly! This is so beautiful and so amazing! I love it and hopefully I will get there one day! I started 6 years ago but not consistent! I guess that's why huh! Anyway this is awesome! If you have any tips or ideas please share! ?? xo
Amy Smart
I don't have a YouTube channel, but I do have a beginning quilting series that would walk you through all of the steps here:
If you're looking for video classes, try Missouri Star Quilt Company and the Fat Quarter Shop - both have great quilting videos on You Tube!
For the backing, did you use more than 1 piece of flannel since your blanket is rather wide?
Amy Smart
I think I had 4 1/2 yards and I cut it into two 2 1/4 yard pieces and sewed the selvage edges together to get the backing the right size.
Amy, Your quilt is lovely. I am starting a quilt that I plan to do a scrappy flannel backing for it. I am using a layer cake for this. It is a quality fabric. The front is cotton. What are your thoughts on shrinkage? It will be heavily quilted . The front is a USA map. Thank you for you time.
Amy Smart
I'll be honest - I didn't prewash any of my flannels and this quilt is a mix of cottons and flannels. I washed it before I gave it away, just to make sure it came out okay, and everything came together fine. I think you'll be okay, especially if it'll be heavily quilted.
[email protected]
What kind of binding did your u us?
Amy Smart
I cut my own from some black woven plaid yardage.
Toby Thompson
Did you piece the back side of your flannel quilt or was that fabric extra wide?
Amy Smart
The flannel was 60" wide, but I still had to piece the back.
Toni Snyder
This is one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen
Love this quilt, it is gorgeous! How many different squares did you use? I think I counted 14
Hi Amy, love your quilt and have been eyeing it for awhile. I’m new to quilting and have never done any free motion quilting. Could you straight line quilt on this?
Jean Galluccio
You did an amazing job! I love the quilting - did you do this yourself? What color thread was used? It blends in very well...I often have a very difficult time choosing thread color for quilting.
Thank you! I did not to the quilting. I had a friend with a long arm do it for me. We used a light gray to blend with everything.
Your quilt is lovely! And I love the story and just goes to show you that quilt making is a labour of love! I am using my late husband's flannel shirts and was looking for inspiration so thank you. I am combining it with plain pinwale cord as I don't have enough variety with just the flannel. Reading through your advice, I think I will make my seam allowance slightly wider than 1/4 ".
Mary Chasey
When I use flannels I either use double needle or do 1/4" and skinny in a second seam close to the first. Have never had fraying or splitting doing that. Btw, what an excellent job on this gorgeous piece of fabric artwork! I love it, just as I'm certain your friend does.
A double needle with flannel! That is such a great suggestion - I'd never thought of that. Thanks for sharing that tip! And thanks for your kind words.
I made the red, white and black flannel quilt for my sister, Teresa and she loves it! Planning to make another for myself. I love the colors and it is so warm and cozy.
Thank you for a great quilt!