Lots of quilt block inspiration today! I'm excited to share an amazing resource for accessing a huge catalog of 1,000s of quilt blocks and the ability to design your own quilts using Block Base+ software!
Meet the Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns + Block Base+
This book is a quilt block resource bonanza. Barbara Brackman, quilt lover and historian, has been researching and cataloging quilt block history for decades. She has recently republished her Encyclopedia of Quilt Block Patterns (available from Amazon or Electric Quilt here) that includes 1,000's of variations of traditional quilt blocks.
This book is a 500-page resource on over 4,000 different variations of pieced quilt blocks - including color and line drawings of each. This book is not a pattern book - it doesn't give piecing directions - more of a reference book as well as an inspiration for designing 1,000's of different quilt ideas and designs.
And here's the coolest part: Electric Quilt has recently released a companion software called Block Base+ with access to ALL (4,000!) of the blocks in Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia.
This software is made for both Windows and Apple operating systems and can pair with EQ software OR used on it's own to easily design and print a custom pattern of any of the blocks in the book.
You can choose any block you like, customize the finished size, and then print templates, rotary cutting instructions, foundation paper-piecing patters or SVG files to use for your fabric cutter (like the Cricut Maker). I'm so excited to start learning how to use and play with this feature!
You can use Block Base+ as a stand alone software to create patterns and templates for individual blocks. Block Base+ will also provide layout samples and designs for the blocks. You can also integrate Block Base+ with Electric Quilt (EQ8) software to create infinite quilt designs and layouts.
This video gives more information on Barbara and the Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns as well as a demonstration of the possibilities of Block Base+ and how it works. You can see more information on the Electric Quilt YouTube channel.
And extra fun news: Electric Quilt is giving away a copy of Block Base+ to one of you!
As a reminder, you do not need to have EQ software in order to use BlockBase+.
*This post contains affiliate links.
To enter to win, leave a comment on this post sharing your favorite method for piecing quilt blocks.
(To leave a comment click on the little gray 'word bubble' icon with a number in it directly to the right of the post title near the top of this page. Then scroll to the bottom and enter you comment in the box under the words that say LEAVE A REPLY and click POST COMMENT. Because of spam-prevention software, I will need to manually approve comments, so do not be dismayed if your comment does not appear right after you post. I will approve and add all comments the next time I get to my computer.)
GIVEAWAY CLOSED Giveaway open through Sunday, April 11 at midnight MDT. I will draw a winner and post and contact the winner by Monday, April 12. 🙂
ROCHELLE BRUMFIELD April 7, 2021 at 7:00 pm
I am currently machine piecing blocks for a quilt, and have enjoyed trying foundation paper piecing–love getting those perfect points!
Congratulations, Rochelle!
Thanks, Electric Quilt Company! I'm so excited to learn how to play with all of the features this software offers.
I use EQ and often print rotary cutting instructions for blocks. I rarely use templates for piecing.
Gina Martin
It depends on how crazy life is. If things are a normal level of crazy then I use my machine to piece. If things are in the exceptionally crazy range, I find doing some hand piecing, applique, or EPP more soothing. Thanks for the giveaway! I always enjoy your blog and have learned a lot. Your humor and the fun with which you approach quilting is so refreshing!!
Austa Rogers
Right now I am piecing by hand as well as machine, my favorite is which ever I am currently doing.
Dana Flanders
Paper piecing
Ramona Johnson
I like to piece my blocks using specialty rulers and strip piecing. Love following your blog on Bloglovin.
Sarah Bruce
Hi Amy! I had the old version of BlockBase, and would love the new one! I prefer piecing my blocks on my trusty Pfaff.
I simply cut out my blocks the old fashioned way with my rotary cutter and rulers. Then I sew them as carefully as possible, pressing seams as I go. I love the process!
Laura Alvarez
Whoa, that software looks incredible! I'm a chain-piecer myself, but one of these days I'm going to try EPP.
I love it when I'm super organised, have everything cut and stacked and then chain piecing my blocks. This software/book look absolutely fantastic.
Donna Bowman
I love machine piecing. Right now I'm paper piecing on my Featherweight. Just love all the tools we have available to enjoy quilt making.
I rotary cut and chain piece
Carole Williams
I use the pattern directions and cut the fabric with rulers and a rotary cutter unless scissors are needed. Then I machine sew the block together as suggested in the pattern.
Lee Ann Kittleson
Machine piecing for the win! I can't fathom sewing quilt pieces together by hand.
Linda M
I like to machine piece however, I have just started English paper piecing which I really enjoy.
Carla T.
As a beginning quilter, I've only made three throws so far. The only thing I've used is my sewing machine to sew the pieces together. I did use needle and thread to hand bind them though. I've heard talk of paper piecing, applique, etc, but I don't really know what they are and how to do them. Maybe someday once I've actually learned to quilt, I will learn to do these things also
Chain piecing to an audiobook. Thanks for the giveaway!
Kathy E.
Block Base+ looks like a lot of cool fun! That would really put an edge into my creativity!
My favorite method for piecing is using an accurate 1/4" seam on my machine as I sew the seams.
I do enjoy paper-piecing too!
duchick at gmail dot com
I love a good sampler quilt that allows me to use different methods and really spend time thinking about each block independently.
Elaine Mast
I rotary cut my pieces and machine piece. I also tend to oversize block pieces and trim to size. Block base looks Amazing!
Elizabeth R.
I'm still enough of a novice that I'm doing a lot of trial and error with piecing. Youtube tutorials are helping teach me, as are step-by-step written instructions. Can't piece by hand because of a hand injury, so machine it is. I also rely on precuts to help me "save" my hand for the harder stuff. Thanks for sharing this opportunity to win this software!
Wendy Link
I love to dabble in a bit of everything but appliqué is a weakness. I love grab my go bag to hand stitch or stitching on the couch while watching a bit of television. During the daytime, I machine piece mostly. I do quite a bit of paper piecing when necessary. You know when that one block keeps coming out wonky...paper piecing saves my sanity.🥰
I rotary cut fabric and then attempt to chain piece but I get bored with sitting & doing that so I go back to pressing, cutting, pinning and then back to chain piecing. Yes, my table is a mess. It's how my brain works! haha
Love the inspiration you give & thank you for the chance to win!
Sue Bone
I love traditional piecing and foundation piecing. The book and software both look like excellent resources
Love cutting my blocks with rulers and cutter. Software seems to be amazing!!. Thank you, Amy
Laurel Lee Pedersen
I'm pretty much a traditionalist. I love the fabric choosing, and using someone's pattern to create a quilt, using rulers and cutters. I am not very creative concerning designing blocks and would love a copy of Block Base +.
Deborah DeBerry
I cut my blocks the old fashioned way, ruler, rotary cutter. I piece by machine.
What a super giveaway- the book is not available in Germany so this would be a dream! My favorite method...well I have done English paper piecing once and the results were great (a New York Beauty block), but I sort of forgot about it...foundation paper is great, but again, not widely available here, so I tend to assembly line my cutting and sewing. Thanks for the chance! Bettina
Beth T.
Machine piecing is my go-to, although I've enjoyed EPP when I've made the effort. I'm getting excited at the thought of Block Base + and the Encyclopedia. My birthday is April 13th, so if randomness lands on my name, that would be particularly lucky!
Cindy Lawrence
I love simple piecing projects that come together quickly. Recently, I tried paper piecing. The quilt turned out great, but it was challenging. I will be trying it again to use the knowledge I gained the hard way. Hopefully, this new addition to EQ8 will inspire me to use the software more often.
I get lots of inspiration from your blog, and I have made many of your patterns.
Sarah Craig
I prefer traditional piecing, but will occasionally branch out into EPP air paper piecing. Seldom appliqué, though. Thanks for a great giveaway!!
Stephanie Hanson
I machine and hand piece and love both. Thank you.
Vicky Watts
Mostly I am a machine piecer, although on occasion I love to do a bit of hand piecing too.
Cindy Pieters
I'm not sure I have a preferred method. I like both paper piecing or rotrary cutting, they both have advantages depending on the block you are making.
julie Sovern
Wow - that software looks amazing. I mostly hand cut and machine piece with some occasional FPP. I've now gathered all the materials to try EPP.
Judy M
I tend to piece rotary cut blocks. However, I do enjoy EPP and foundation paper piecing as well.
I cut and piece on my old Elna. Been trying out some speciality rulers lately that are really fun. Love your blog, Amy!
cathy karinen
I am getting into paper piecing.
I am a simple quilter. Rotary cutters, rulers and templates. Occasionally, I do use EQ8 and accuquilt to get precise pieces. Followed by machine piecing. I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for the review.
For portable 'slow sewing' I find hand piecing over paper templates hard to beat, but for slightly faster progress I go for machine piecing every time, particularly if I've fallen in love with a complex, beautiful FPP block. I'm not a chain piecing fan, as I like to treat each block as an individual mini-quilt, deserving individual attention and care. Having BlockBase+ on my MacBook would force me to finally tech up...
Sherrye B
I love chain piecing and specialty rulers if they make my life easier. Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Mary Jo Jones
I love to piece with my sewing machine however I do have a couple handpiecing projects...love the portability of them. Thank you for the opportunity to win Block Base+🤞🤞❤️
The resource sounds fascinating. I'm always looking for short cuts, and this resource may be it.
Octavia Pitts
Wow! I just got that book in the mail a couple of days ago... Birthday treat to myself. Machine and paper piecing are my go-tos.
I piece by machine either chain piecing or foundation with freezer paper.
Laura Moore
My favorite type of piecing is currently FPP.... but if you wait a week or month it will change.
Theresa Gilhuly
My fav is epp but chain piecing is a close second. Thanks.
Sandy Allen
I love to cut all the pieces for my block then chain piece them. I have hand pieces in the past and have a project cut out to start back on that method this summer.
Carole Coley
I like piecing on my Bernina 770 (Tula) the 97D foot is awesome for that 1/4” seam. I have the old Blockbase but the new version appears to be awesome!
I love traditional pieced blocks but will fpp to achieve accuracy. I love the fact that BlockBase+ is stand alone. It would be the perfect compliment to my copy of the book.
Kathie weatherford
I usually piece by machine, but I also love English paper piecing.
Roxy Sherburne
Dear Amy: I piece my blocks on my Janome DC2019. I'd love to win this Block Base +!
Carol Gossett
I rotary cut all my pieces, stack them up and then chain piece.
Chain piecing is my favorite.
Mimi Marianna G Stubbs
Right now I am in a scrapy mood and love pulling a piece cut from a pile and sewing it up!!!!!!!
connie akers
I piece on the machine.
Ann Zeman
I usually machine piece my blocks, using strip piecing as much as possible. I also like to fussy cut when it's called for.
Sue Payne
I choose a pattern and fabric, cut with rotary cutter and ruler. I piece using my sewing machine. I press as I go. I also quilt and bind using my sewing machine.
I use traditional piecing but would love to learn paper piecing
Rebecca Huss
I love to paper piece but am open to trying lots of other things. I recently watched Tula's video about EPP on the FQS's website and definitely want to try a more involved EPP project than the only other one that I've experimented with.
I love chain piecing for large projects. Paper piecing is great for precision.
Wow the advances in design. Book looks amazing.
Judy Young
What an event. Blockbase is a game changer. What a resource.
Kathy Savage Gant
Both paper and machine piecing. I sometimes just draw up patterns I've seen on a grid and work from there.
Carolyn Montgomery
i love chain piecing and bonnie hunter's leaders and enders technique.
Chrysa Hefty
Its all about running it through the sewing machine. Recently i tried EPP and it wasn't terrible. Definitely will try more.
Mary Bevan
I rotary cut my pieces, then chain piece most blocks. Also enjoy paper piecing more complex blocks. Looks like a great book/software.
eleanor white
I am a person who uses a trusty Featherweight to chain piece. Love trying new blocks and variations of old blocks. I make a lot of comfort quilts and after the planning and cutting say "Get her done!!"
Christine Musillo
Chain piecing is my jam! I still have four of my eight kids at home, so I must use my time most efficiently. ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
Lori Gray
This software looks awesome! I'm a pretty basic person, but I always seem to have multiple projects going at once. Traditional machine piecing helps keep me organized (no small task), as it's faster, but I also enjoy applique - especially for children's projects.
Robin R
I really like foundation paper piecing though I have only made one quilt using FPP.
Carole Poleski
I enjoy the planning and cutting process, and I love piecing on my machine. I also enjoy some paper piecing and hand appliqué, though mostly I'm on the machine these days.
Dana Wells
as a newer quilter, this would be amazing! My rough graph paper sketches are a far cry from what this software can produce. I'd love the opportunity to win it!
Katie Laughlin
I use specialty rulers and chain piecing, but have also recently tried paper piecing. Sewing has really helped me get through the isolation of the pandemic. Hello to all fellow quilters!
Linda Bowell
Strip piecing and when time allows old fashioned graph paper to design a special project. I would love to have the opportunity to use this program. It sounds awesome.
Barb Henderson
Mainly I am most comfortable with machine piecing but lately have been inspired to try some paper piecing and I’m now eyeballing...dare I say it....appliqué. Eeekkkk
I use Accuquilt dies when I can. Yes, it wastes some fabric but time these days is the most precious commodity for me and it does save time.
Teresa Costello
I like to chain piece whenever possible!
Bobbie Weidner
Barbara Brackman is a genius! I always have multiple projects in the works, both machine piecing and EPP. I enjoy your blog. Thanks for the chance in your give away.
I generally do chain piecing for sewing my blocks.
My favorite piecing method is string piecing as I can throw caution to the wind and just stitch. If I really must find the elusive perfect quarter-inch,I will FPP. Otherwise, it's not going to happen! Love your blog, your personality, your creativity and your spirit. Stay positive; test negative!
I love to have all of the pieces cut out. The, using a design board, I lay out one block at a time and start sewing. (Keeping my fingers crossed for a win!)
My favorite method of piecing quilt blocks is chain piecing at my sewing machine while listening to an audio book.
Christine Campbell
I write and draw up the plan and then do all my cutting and have it organized so I can chain piece everything. I have been trying to justify getting a Cricut Maker and if I had this software/book it would be the perfect excuse! Thank you for all of your great posts!
Susan L Stanton
My favorite method for making blocks to machine piecing. I love running my sewing machine to make beautiful blocks!
Karen Wheeler
I cut mine mostly with AccuQuilt but do use my rotary cutter too. I use EQ8 to try new fabrics and layouts. It's faster and helps me finish quilts. I'd love to get this BlockBase+ as I have to EQ original Blockbase. I would love to have the book too.
I sure would like to try this
Jacqueline VH
Hi Amy,
I prefer to do foundation paper piecing for making blocks. I am more accurate that way.
I have never used a quilt block designing software program but would love to give it a try.
Thanks & Quilty Huggs!
Sally Christiansen
Block Base looks interesting. I piece blocks by machine.
I have the original Barbara Brackman book & this new software looks fabulous. I love paper piecing for the ability to make complex blocks.
Margaret K
I prefer regular machine piecing. I chain piece and use leaders and enders.
I'm a machine piecer, through and through. I like to take my time and make things as perfect as possible. It can be slow, but it also makes for fewer disappointing surprises when I sew the blocks together. 🙂
Jan T
I do most by rotary cutting and ruler, and then piecing by machine. Chain piecing most of the time with leaders and enders. I also use the Acuquil for cutting when possible.t
I like to traditional piece blocks unless I need help with accuracy, then I’ll fpp. BlockBase+ would be a complement to my book.
Janet Baer
I have EQ7. I think the first EQ program I had was EQ5. I have spent way too much time designing quilts and playing with colors and design. It was a handy program though when I taught at the quilt shop.
I learned to piece quilts watching Eleanor Burns on Sunday afternoons on PBS. So I usually oversize my pieces and trim to size after sewing. I've been piecing for over 20 years.
I do machine piece, but I like handwork best. Adding the binding by hand is my favorite part of a quilt. 🙂 Maybe because I ran the sewing machine needle through my fingernail when I was a kid.
My favorite is Foundation Paper Piecing. I like the accuracy and there is something so satisfying about ripping that paper off when I'm done!
When I am organized, I chain piece. However, when I am traveling, I hand piece or make yo-yos.
Rochelle Brumfield
I am currently machine piecing blocks for a quilt, and have enjoyed trying foundation paper piecing--love getting those perfect points!
Cynthia Whipkey
I like to use a rotary cutter and then piece blocks. Thank you for the chance to win Barbara Brackman’s soft wear!
Deb McD
I like to web blocks together into rows to keep all the blocks in the right place.
Christine Cole
What an awesome giveaway! I love to machine piece with a dish of peanut butter M&M's next to me and True Crime shows on my television.
I rotary cut then chain piece, pressing as I go.
Debra Holstine
I am trying a new way for me on a current quilt, foundation paper piecing. I have found it is very different than other ways of piecing but it is accurate. Love the chance to win Barbara Brackman's block software! Thank you!
Ronelle Serfontein
Paper Piecing is my favorite way to sew blocks, so EQ is a must. I love it.
Janice Mitchell
Rotary cutter and machine piece on my J 6600 professional or on my featherweight. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm kinda terrible at cutting straight rows and then hoping for the best as I piece together with my sewing machine so I've been happiest with projects that I have fussy cut and hand sewn with English paper piecing. Precuts are so helpful but I think I'll use my Cricut more to get me through major cutting projects. I've been experimenting with foundation paper piecing on my sewing machine and really enjoying that, especially figuring out how to create my own designs. I love hand applique too. Enjoyed reading everyone's comments.
I piece by machine pretty much all the time, although I’m starting to dabble in EPP. I’ve also done foundation paper piecing, but it’s not my favorite. I’m more likely to make mistakes, and tearing off all that paper is a nuisance. I like to just zone out and sew, sew, sew!
Michele Lancaster
I do mostly machine piecing but enjoy the challenges of FPP complicated blocks. I find they fit together better. I think Block Base would be amazing to use
I usually do machine piecing and try to chain stitch as much as possible. But I have become a fan of paper piecing and would love to do more of that.
Kellie P
I'm a newer quilter, so I'm mainly machine piecing simpler blocks until I gain some more confidence!
Lillian K
I enjoy traditional piecing, using a rotary cutter & sewing by machine. My second fave is paper piecing ( or using paper for foundation).
exuberantcolor/Wanda Hanson
I machine piece all of my patchwork, which occasionally includes paper piecing. I have a die cutter to cut my pieces efficiently and accurately. I would love Block Base because I'm always looking for another block to piece. I put all of the orphan/test blocks in a box for a future quilt.
Tina S
I’m a traditional machine piecer but I typically mix quilt elements in my quilts...touches of FPP and applique... I design a lot of quilts using EQ8. Love playing with the software...Block Base has been in my wishlist...
Mary Hartman
I love to rotary cut and machine piece--more of a traditional quilter. But I love to try new block patterns so have done quite a few quilt block of the month quilts. There is always something new to learn.
Patty Fowl
Machine piecing all the way, which includes foundation paper piecing.
Jennifer Carlton
I primarily piece by machine, but I also love EPP!
Diana Roye
That books looks super. I love picking fabrics and then finding blocks to piece on my Featherweight.
Kathryn R.
Rotary cut and chain piecing! Occasionally paper piecing.
Anne Wegener
I've been having a lot of fun with improv piecing this year, and I'm working on an intricate FPP quilt right now, but my all time favorite way to piece is plain old rotary cutting and machine piecing.
Linda Fish
That software looks amazing!! I machine piece the traditional way, rotary cutting yardage, sewing, and pressing as I go.
would like this software. So far I have been doing machine piecing with fabric strips. Planning to try foundation paper piecing for my next project.
I really enjoy both EPP and PP.
Rose K Zapel
I piece by machine for most of my sewing. I do a little EPP and working on a hexie project that will take forever. But I like to make blocks on my various machines. I have lots of quilts to make and about 30 years behind in my quilting life!
Barb Barker
Chain piecing on my favorite sewing machine is my go to peicing method when making quilt blocks.
My favorite way to piece is paper piecing. It is so precise, and that is what I love about it. I don't do much of it, but it is my favorite way.
I'm trying to leave a comment, but it is not letting me. Twice it has thrown up duplicate comment detected. I haven't tried any comment until tonight. Very upset about this.
So sorry about the frustration trying to enter a comment. As I mentioned in my post above: Because of spam-prevention software, I will need to manually approve comments, so do not be dismayed if your comment does not appear right after you post. I will approve and add all comments the next time I get to my computer.
Sharon Coleman
I love piecing on my machine and chain piece whenever possible. I usually have the tv going in my studio with old shows on, such as Monk or Rizzoli and Isles. I’d love to use this software.
Rachel Hewlett
What neat software! I love chain piecing with as few pins as possible!
I am an old-fashioned quilter. Still love to use templates and a rotary cutter. I loved to help my mom find new patterns. I would blow up stain glass patterns and she would revise them or create her own!
I love to piece different quilt blocks using precuts as picking fabrics is not my favorite part of quilting. I love to piece more traditional blocks and chain piece whenever possible.
Jeanne Hoerr
I most often use my sewing machine to piece and use chain piecing whenever I can. But I also love to paper piece. It's so satisfying to see how lovely it all comes together! This software looks amazing 🙂
Caryn S
My favorite is chain piecing, whenever possible, by machine. New favorite for the right pattern is foundation paper piecing.
m k
This sounds great! I usually paper piece, as I like small detailed blocks.
Lisa England
I love to foundation paper piece! I am amazed at all the things that are possible with that technique.
I am a chain piecer, but just learned how to FPP. This software looks like it would be great for paper peicing.
Therese Bjorge
I enjoy designing simple blocks with the EQ software and then machine stitching. The software has so many great ideas for new block.
Margaret Vaughan
I have just finished a hand pieced and hand quilted quilt. My first two quilts were completely handmade and over the years started to machine piece and quilt. It’s always good to get back to basics, today we can embrace todays technology as well. How lucky are todays quilters.
Janice R
I love the rhythmic flow of machine piecing, the challenge of foundation piecing, the slow work of hand-piecing and occasionally appliqué. Love it all - when I get a chance to do it!
Melanie Eddy
I just bought the new copy of Barbara Brachman's book and the Block Base is a program I have been wanting to learn. I would like to draft the pattern for a quilt my great grandmother made.
I love piecing on my machine and chain piece whenever possible. With the radio on time passes & before you know it a quilt top is done...
Cj reed
I love paper piecing. Thanks
Call me old fashioned, but I love chain piecing through my Janome
I enjoy traditional piecing the most, though you can make some pretty amazing blocks with foundation paper piecing!
I use a lot of pins while I piece. I try to work slowly, and try to concentrate on each piece rather than the pile I need to get through.
I rotary cut and then machine piece on my grandmother's 100+ year old machine machine that she taught my dad to sew on.
Ruth E Stoeckel
Rotary cut and chain piecing.
Sue Nelson
My favorite way of piecing is to be very precise about my 1/4” seam. I also square up frequently to check my accuracy.
This soft wear program looks fabulous!
Thanks for your weekly emails- it was a lovely way to stay ‘connected’ during the pandemic
Kris Bolick
I love learning different ways to piece the blocks, but I think paper piecing is the most accurate for smaller designs. They are like putting a puzzle together to me. Thanks for sharing all your ideas!
I use my accuquilt whenever possible, I have sore hands so it really helps me cut out quilts! Especially large projects. Then I machine piece, chain where possible!
Kay Goebel
I love EQ8 and would love to have this to cut blocks out with my Cricut Maker
Lynn Jahn
I love cutting with a ruler and rotary cutter but the block base software sounds so intriguing that I’d like to try something new.
I like all kinds of piecing, except for EPP.
Kate Mark
Hi Amy. I mostly do traditional piecing, but I have also been doing more foundation paper piecing recently. This new software sounds really cool!
Sheila Whitcher
This would be so perfect to own! I recently purchased a CRICUT Maker specifically to cut quilt blocks! Currently, I am trying to draw the sizes and shapes I need. Then organize them for cutting. I’m trying to carry on my Grandmothers legacy of quilt making. Wonder what she would think of all this “new-fangled” stuff. She hand quilted using a frame she made with lumber and c-clamps hanging from the ceiling.
Marcie N
I like chain piecing too.
I like to chain piece on my machine.
Lea Anne Brummett
Most of my quilt making is done by machine but once in a blue moon I'll do some hand applique. I have a die cutter for cutting pieces but I find the rotary cutter method less wasteful. The die cutter has become a quick way to cut up scraps into usable pieces. My current project is a quilt with Notting Hill fabric. You can see a sneak peak of it here. https://podunkpretties.blogspot.com/2021/04/walking-lightly.html
Kathy Woodcock
My new year’s resolution for this crazy Covid time is: A quilt a month. I am on track, despite working full time as a grade 2 teacher thanks to foundation paper piecing using Cake recipes. Normally, I meander my way through life. But, Covid has lit a fire under me. I don’t want to waste a second of creating time & I want to have something to show for all the extra at home time. So, where once I would have casually strip-pieced or mulled over options, now I just Sew like the dickens and construct old fashioned blocks to beat the band. Canada is now in its 3rd lockdown and I am ahead of schedule working on both a round robin and quilt #5. Of course, I am chain-piecing and incorporating all my largest scraps because this is also a stash reduction exercise!
I am a brand new quilter . I follow the pattern , cut the fabric with rotary blade , and piece with lots and lots of pins . Then press and use a clapper . It works for me as a novice and i am improving my cutting skills .
Pam D
My favorite way to piece is on my Featherweight while camping in our trailer.
JoAnne Hawks
I like to use my AccuQuilt cutter as much as possible and then piece by machine.
Cindy Weeks
Wow! How cool is this book? I use my 1\4 " foot and am able to move my needle to the correct position.
Carol Johnston
I chain piece by machine, if it is at all possible! The software looks very interesting!! I enjoy your blog, thanks!
I love to use sewing machine to piece scrappy quilts. Would love block base.
Katherine Kohl
Foundation paper piecing is my favorite for much better accuracy and for those tiny, tiny pieces and for using up scraps.
Patt Seitas
Prefer chain piecing and using a diagonal tape guide rather than drawing lines on half square triangles.
I am new to quilting so I am always watching videos and for blog posts that help me to figure things out. I have really enjoyed the chain piecing that I have been practicing lately! And nested seams were like a miracle for vastly improving my piecing results!! Thank you for all of your help and posts!!
Shannon Sanford
I love foundation paper piecing! The software sounds amazing!
Bev Howard
Machine piecing is my favorite way to piece. If I can’t see it on machine the chances it gets done is very slim. I’m into curved piecing at the moment.
Chris Markulin
I do both hand piecing and machine piecing.
Cindy Jackson
I love paper piecing blocks. I just hate removing the papers! 😁
I like to do chain piecing and also paper piecing for special projects.
Deb E
I have cut up my scraps for years into set "precut" sizes (which is Bonnie Hunters method), so when I want to make a block about 99% of the time its already done & quickly sewn together. When its an odd size I use the usual rotary cutter method. I piece my blocks on my 1938 Featherweight, named Rose, built the same year my mother was born. I quilt all my own quilts and give away 99% of what I make. Thank you for the chance at this giveaway -- I would love to try putting together some new blocks!
Denise T
I love what FPP enables in terms of design.
Wilma Kinder
Most always I piece by machine, don't trust my hand piecing skills!
Elizabeth L Clark
I actually love hand-piecing, but I machine-piece most of the time in order to get things done on a timely basis.
I save the needle and thread for quiet times like a train trip (remember when we could do that?)
Chain piecing has always been my go-to way of sewing quilt blocks...or anything repetitive. I always look for a way to save thread.
Software looks amazing! I love chain piecing!
Sandy F
Machine all the way -- and no paper piecing either!
Jackie Norwood
Rotary cutting and rulers and some triangle papers
Karen Mc
That is a very cool software - what fun it would be to play with. I like chain piecing as fast as possible!
Judy B.
I usually piece by machine & love the whole quilting process. I also have done some string blocks and crumb blocks.
Alice Park
I’m a beginner so machine piecing is my favorite method for now. Love to add Applique on top for more detail! This software would be incredibly helpful for both!!!
I like to machine piece and where precision is really necessary, I use glue instead of pins.
Cory Krueger
I started using EQ8 a while back and I'm still getting the hang of it. I definitely love piecing with my straight stitch machine, chain piecing as much as possible. I also very recently learned English Paper Piecing which I am enjoying in the evenings while watching television or first thing in the morning with my coffee before getting ready for work. I learned to sew and quilt just over a year ago now, so any new tool or idea is exciting to me!
Valerie E
I machine piece and love to do traditional blocks, particularly Civil War era blocks.
Daria Mellor
Machine piecing for most of my sewing but paper piecing and appliqué are what I enjoy the most.
Jeanne McGill
I enjoy following a pattern, cutting fabric and piecing by machine.
Mary Kolb
My favorite method for piecing a quilt block is by foundation paper piecing.
Angela Webb
I use my Studio die cutter, if possible, to do the cutting, then I machine piece. No hand piecing for me - too much pain in my hands for that.
Carol Sheppard
I do machine piecing the most but I have tried it all.
I like to machine piece, chain piecing when possible.
My favorite way to piece is via FPP. I have been known to take a traditionally pieced block and turn it into a paper pieced pattern!! Call me nuts or anal or just crazy 🤪, but I love the precision FPP gives me!!! This program will help me design my blocks so much faster. 👏👏👏👏
Patti S
Thanks for your blog describing both software and book. Very interesting! Unbelievable 4,000 quilt blocks!! I would love to come up with my own designed quilt some day!!! I do machine piecing most of the times. Cross-fingering to win this awesome and challenging software!!!
Kathy McGrath
I use a rotary cutter and machine piecing. This software would be a dream since I am a fairly new quilter.
At this season in my life, I am all about chain-piecing. Maybe someday I’ll try EPP? 😃
Heidi Dawn Todd
I utilize machine piecing for my blocks and
prefer this to hand quilting. I’m trying different methods to improve my accuracy.
Thank you for this opportunity!
My favorite way to method is using the rotary cutter, then machine piecing. The Block Base + software sounds amazing!
Emily F
I machine piece most everything but have an EPP project going for travel and evenings watching tv. Would love to try this software!
Susan Diem
I am ruler/rotary cutter machine quilter. I do enjoy my quiet time with EPP.
Gaylene Davis
I do machine piecing right now , no hand piecing yet !!
I machine piece, chain piecing as much as I can.
Gaylene Davis
I machine piece. No hand piecing for me yet!
Gaylene Davis
I machine piece no hand piecing for me yet!
Joy Shannahan
I love rotary cutting and chain piecing!
Jane Sprague
I love all my tools: rulers, rotary cutters, pens, pencils, my Bernina 830LE, and everything else that helps me to piece my blocks!
Andrea Smith
I love to sew my blocks together by machine. I always cannot wait until I have the block completed. It is so interesting to me how the pieces fit just so to create something so striking that changes by fabric choice. I just love the process
Elaine Satterfield
I mostly
Use traditional piecing and am just stating to EPP. Also, just learning EQ and having so much fun!!
Linda Williams
I strip pieced a king quilt for the first time and WOW it went so fast and it is beautiful.
Vicki Sprain
My favorite method for piecing a quilt is foundation paper piecing.
Susie Smart
I machine piece but I am anxious to venture out and learn some new things. I love to do hand sewn bindings so maybe learn some hand piecing.
Helen Schlosser
Even though I haven’t quilted long I love learning new and different piecing methods..So I would love this. Right now I’m trying epp wig 2/12” hexi and so far so good since I never liked hand sewing.
S Marsh
I like to use my rotary cutter and sew pieces together quickly using improvisational piecing.
Ann in NC
For some units, I like to make them a little oversized and trim to the correct size. As careful as I try to be, this still seems to work best for me.
Mostly rotary cutting and maschine piecing is my favorite but I do also a bit of paper piecing too. Such a software would make me happy!
Theresa Davey
I rotary cut, chain piece by machine.
Julie M
I use chain piecing when ever possible to save.
I am a quilting newbie, but I cut it all out with the rotary cutter, and sew on my machine. And iron, lots of pressing of seams. They say the more practice you put into something the better you get, right? 😁
elin lind
I love to hand pieing, sometime i fall in love in a EPP, I would love to win it will be so nice to print directly. love your block.
Katherine Clark
I use my lovely Janome MC 9450 QCP for all my piecing ! But once all pieced I do enjoy a bit of hand quilting 😍. I invite you to come and see my latest example of this on Instagram @icklequilts
Jennifer Ross
I love machine piecing because it’s nice and quick! 😃🥰
Christine Clearwater
I love chain piecing! That long string of attached pieces always makes me smile.
This software looks amazing! I like to cut out all my blocks and chain piece.
Carol Gates
Block Base looks amazing! Thanks for your wonderful blog and this giveaway!
Karen Elizabeth
This software looks so exciting and inspirational! I’m new-ish to quilting and have been trying various free web-based programs. But, there are limitations, of course. Good luck to all! Whoever wins will be a lucky duck!
Ann haugland
I am just beginning to learn paper piecing. I have done the machine piecing since learning to quilt but I’m always open to trying new options. Thanks for your blog.
RITA Scott
I do mostly machine piecing. Gotta get a lot done you know, lol
Sunny Milleson
Wow! What a great resource! Thank you for featuring it. I like paper piecing and just good old fashioned piecing but I'm always open to try something new!
Robby Cinowski
I piece my quilts using my home sewing machine. I do not hand quilt, to hard for my hands and fingers. As a child, I hand pieced with my grandmother. After piecing, then I quilt as well, on the sewing machine. Not easy, but satisfying. I enjoy paper piecing results, but not the paper tearing. I look forward to the chance of learning how to design my own quilts, especially the sizing and idea of seeing what it would look like before the sewing. The math of it all is the hardest --haha.
Dawn Stephens
I have a Juki straight stitch machine” i love it” to stitch block and as far as cutting a rotary cutter and ruler. i have been looking for a good soft ware program, this one looks amazing. “ pick me pick me !” 😁
Kathy Young
I typically machine piece but also enjoy EPP. It depends on the quilt project.
Marcy Paul
I enjoy traditional piecing with a sewing machine.
I prefer machine piecing, though I have only tried paper piecing once and the results were amazing, but I pin EVERYTHING which makes me a slow quilter!
Carmen Rowe
I enjoy machine piecing my quilt tops. I'm a perfectionist and it's been good for me to learn that quilt piecing isn't alway perfect. I do strive to do the best I can and love the tools others have created to make my job easier.
Suzanne Lopez
I use rulers & rotary cutters mostly. Lots of half square triangles!
Cindy Elia
It depends on the size and number of cuts needed. Sometimes I use my studio cutter, especially if very small squares are needed. Other times, I cut with rotary cutter or even paper piece. I always machine piece though - can't even consider hand sewing any part of a quilt.
Stacy R
I love chain-piecing - I find it so satisfying to get all my cut pieces neatly arranged and laid out, then grab them and chain piece them together as efficiently as possible. Thanks for the chance to win the software - what a fun way it would be to expand my block library!
Deb Giroux
Machine piecing always. Thx
Quilting Tangent
Machine piecing. Looking forward to learning other methods.
My favorite method for piecing a quilt block is by sewing machine. I've never used Block Base and it would add a a new dimension to my quilting. Thank you!
I rotary cut or use my accuquilt for piecing, and sew on my Bernina or one of my vintage Singers. I love the look of applique and sometimes add some to a pieced quilt to make it mine, and I save hand quilting for special projects. English paper piecing is for quiet times.
Linda Kay Smith
I machine piece my quilts and if the block calls for sharp points (Crown of Thorns, etc.) I use paper piecing. I appreciate using what ever can help my piecing be more precise.
Cathy Luff
I piece on machine. The arthritis in my hands won’t allow much hand work.
I am addicted to machine piecing and I love using foundation paper piecing for perfection and different designs. I still use pencil and paper (and lots of erasers) to design my quilts, so I’ve started to look into computer programs to start something new.
Debbie Miller
I usually rotary cut with rulers and then machine piece but I also keep several English Paper Piecing projects going at a time for the quiet time or travel handwork option. Love both!
Beverley M.
I have tried EPP, foundation piecing and applique but much prefer the traditional machine piecing method for sewing my quilt blocks.
I always try to put my own spin on piecing projects. The math is sometimes confounding, but I'm loving the creative process.
Deborah Stewart
I enjoy machine piecing as well as English paper piecing😊
I use AccuQuilt and machine quilt. I enjoy your blog and always get encouragement and useful information. Thanks, Cathy
Nicole Gendy
I usually use my rotary cutter and make squares or rectangles or triangles to machine piece together. But when I have taken the time to use templates, I loved them - also machine sewn.
Paper piecing seems to give me the most joy. I tend to be a perfectionist and I find that I am most accurate with paper piecing.
Sheilah Palacios
To be able to easily resize a block would be wonderful. To be able to do it to 4000 blocks-Wow!
I love foundation paper piecing and always machine sew my blocks.
I love your blog and am so glad that you still write here! I have a few projects always in the works and go back and forth between EPP and machine piecing. I love both and Block Base + looks like an awesome resource!
Mary B Hibbert
I like to machine piece. I am still learning and have not done a lot of difficult piecing. I find my biggest challenge is being consistent in piecing.
Cindy Karas
I use an accuquilt go die cutter to cut strips etc. I also just bought a Cricut to help with any other cutting. I sew mainly by a machine. I also paper piece, dabble in epp,want to appliqué but want the help from the Cricut. Thanks so much for the give away I think it will be a Huge help.
Machine piecing, chain piecing ... unless the pattern is fiddly and needs to be paper pieced.
Denise Lamy
Thanks for the chance to win.
Terri Jones
I love the whole concept of this software and Barbara’s journey - so inspiring. I’m a rotary cutting, machine-piecing kind of quilter, but am interested in all the different ways. Thanks for keeping us informed! 🙂
I mostly machine piece, though occasionally will hand piece. Thanks for the giveaway!
Tina B
When I was younger I thought the only way to make a quilt was by hand stitching, I bought a book and read up on it.....needless to say I never was able to make one....life was busy as a young person. A few years ago looked into quilting and was so happy that machine piecing was possible. A life long dream to make a quilt was fulfilled. Now the hardest part is just deciding which one to do next! The second most difficult thing is what fabric to use....so many beautiful bundles out there! Planning and drawing out blocks
/quilts is all part of it but I tend to have so many ideas it get overwhelming and getting started is prolonged. Happy to pick one and just start cutting and machine piecing. The EQ programs look fantastic!!
Michelle Grandy
I have done all types of piecing but with limited time to quilt in a single day, I prefer to machine piece. One day when I retire, I plan to do more hand piecing and EPP.
Virginia Leo
Hi Amy,
My favorite way to piece is by machine, but first I have to cut everything and label each size and color. I have a set of alphabitties and I write on the cutting list the letter or number for each and then use wonderclips to keep everything organized. It's a hassle to be so methodical with the cutting, but it sure is fun stitching all the pieces together.
Virginia Leo
JaniceCarole Allen
My favorite way to piece blocks is based on the type of block. Sometimes it lends itself to paper piecing sometimes more improve.
I love the out come of Paper piecing. Perfect points especially are so rewarding. I like to do different and challenging projects. I also do a lot of embroidery designs on quilts.
Would be interesting to try the Block Base. Thank You.
I am not new to sewing but I am fairly new to quilting so I'm still in the process of trying different methods before deciding on my favorite. So far, I have tried rotary cutting with machine piecing, foundation paper piecing, triangle paper piecing, improvisational quilting (string and crumb), and some hand quilting (on a couple of antique quilt tops) along with designing a few of my own patterns and I'm loving it all! I'm hoping to try a little applique and maybe even English Paper Piecing soon! I received Barbara Brackman's new Encyclopedia of Quilt Blocks as a gift recently and think that having the new Block Base program would be amazing. On a personal note: Amy, your blog and tutorials have been a huge help in my learning process as a new quilter. Heartfelt thanks for sharing your knowledge of quilting as well as your beautiful fabrics and patterns. You are a good teacher just like your dear grandmother, Naomi Udall, who was my friend and neighbor for over 30 years. xx All the best to you!
Jayna Raymond
I love chain piecing on my sewing machine. Everything goes so quick which gives me more time to sew!!
Janet T
I am "in the zone" when I chain stitch, so I try to get as many pieces cut as I think can get done in the time I have, and just sew! You can get quite a few blocks done that way. When you get a bunch of blocks done, you can play with the placement, etc and you don't lose your desire to finish the quilt. You can see light at the end of the tunnel, and know you can have another block sprint and get closer to the finish. If you keep working on the blocks before any glimpse of a finish, you end up buried in making the blocks, and you can lose your mojo, especially if it is a big quilt.
Michelle Prenger
I rotary cut and chain piece on the machine, but also enjoy paper piecing and machine appliqué. 😊
Tracey Harty
I do love foundation paper piecing! I feel the process is rhythmic and addicting. Plus it's fun to have intricate results.
Cindy S
I enjoy it all, but love the effect I get with foundation piecing.
I love machine piecing my quilt blocks together.