Dear Fall,
I'm sorry I threw a hissy-fit last week. I really love you dearly. Thank you for reminding me how gorgeous you are. I am looking forward to thoroughly enjoying you.
Love, Amy Smart
These pictures were taken last week on a drive up a near-by canyon. Wow. Breathtaking gorgeousness. The pictures truly don't do it justice. (Can you imagine if some one with actual photography skills was shooting this scenery?)
A few years ago there were some serious forest fires in this area. In the photo above you can see the remains of dead trees in the foreground and background. I loved the juxtaposition with the color of the new growth coming in.
In other news: while I was writing about my anniversary last week I neglected to realize it was my 1st blogiversary that day. Totally snuck up on me. You too, huh? Well come back tomorrow (Friday) and we'll do a little blogiversary giving.
Also, Stephanie Nielsen was on Oprah today. If you didn't catch it, you can watch a clip of a segment of her at home here. A glimpse into the realities that she lives with because of her injuries, and the simple peace she carries with her. So moving and inspiring. She is amazing.
Oh! The homesickess is crushing me. So beautiful!
What beautiful photos looks so inviting<br />Hugs Janice
Amazing Pics! I had never read about Nienie Until your post about running into her in Target and I was curious so I went over to her blog and cried for about an hour straight! Thanks for posting the link to the video! I am super hormonal and it made me cry to! She is an amazing woman!<br />ON other notes! Super excited for your blogaversery post!
Laurie Anne
Breathtaking photos...Fall is lovely isn't she...
Wow - so pretty! I do love fall, but it is even better with mountains. Things are a little flat here in Illlinois 🙂
wow - your Autumns are so much more impressive than ours. I'm not envious, not at all. Ok, just a little bit. Tell you what, you can come and stay in my house for a week and enjoy (cough cough) the rain, and I'll come and stay in yours and soak up the colours of an amazing fall.<br /><br />Off to watch Nie Nie......that woman (and her whole family too) is an inspiration *sigh*
Petit Debutant
You're making me miss UT! I did love the mountains covered in fall colors and then in snow!
Mary on Lake Pulaski
Thanks for the photos Amy! We usually hike in similar areas this time of the year, but can't this year because of my knew issues. So I got to go on the hike with you and your family - nice!
Love the photos...I really appreciate them since we don't get such beautiful leaves here! I loved seeing Stephanie on Oprah...what an inspiration she is! And happy blogiversary!
Just watched nie Nie on Oprah. I record them all and then watch very few. Their segment was absolutely worth my time. Amazing. Makes me so grateful. Thanks for sharing.