A jar of "warm fuzzies" |
A little bit of a longer, more sentimental post today, but I think we're all feeling a little more sentimental for various reasons these days. I don't often wax philosophical, because frankly, it's a lot harder to write something deep. It's way easier to say, "Look at this pretty fabric..." and distract you that way. But I've had these thoughts for a while and felt like it was time to put them down on cyber "paper." So bear with me on this one. And if it's not your thing, I totally understand and I'll be back next time with another crafty-quilty project.
I have to admit that about a month ago I was having a hard time getting excited for Christmas. Not an Ebeneezer-Scrooge-bah-humbug kind of disdain, but in more of a Charlie-Brown-sick-of-the-commercialism kind of way. I was walking through Target a few days before Thanksgiving and I just felt yuck. Too much hype about black friday deals or just buying stuff. It made me dread the Christmas season instead of being excited for it. Especially when I thought about my kids. They have enough stuff and I knew that stuff wasn't going to make any of us any happier in the long run.
Cookies not from Martha Stewart Living |
"You are the beast teacher ever." |
If you are looking for ways to support the Sandy Hook and Newton communities check out Sarah Jane as well as the the Quilter's Corner in Connecticut and their pillowcase drive. If you are looking for a quick pillowcase tutorial visit Sew Deerly Loved. It's so slick!
Thank you, the warm fuzzies jar made my day.
Funky Kim
I went and saw the Piano Guys last night in concert. Love them! And I like the idea of a warm fuzzy jar!<br /><br />Have a merry Christmas!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts ~ they are beautiful!
Thank you for your beautiful post 🙂 Merry Christmas!!!
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your heart. Merry Christmas!
Live a Colorful Life
Amy, you put into words everything that has been going through my head and heart. I have a 6-year-old first-grade granddaughter and I can't even think about losing her. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in such a meaningful and well-written way. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Very nice post and I really enjoyed the video.
Missy Shay
This was a very good post, I like the idea of a warm fuzzy jar.
Mary on Lake Pulaski
Very special Amy and felt the same by many!
I have struggled for the longest time, trying to place what is in my heart, into the written word. You communicated so much of how I have been feeling, so eloquently. Thank you Amy. My feelings run so deep this year, and yet I have posted mainly quilty, sewing, sorts of posts. I just can't seem to match my heart to words at this time, as much as I wish I could. I so seldom cry, but this
ps. Warm fuzzies are going on my shopping list. :o)
Amy--Thanks so much for writing this. You are such a wonderful, sincere person. I don't know how anyone could do anything but adore you. I admire you so much and want to be like you when I grow up. Have a wonderful day.
Hi, Amy<br /><br />Great post and thank you for reminding me. Merry Christmas to you and yours.<br /><br />Hugs, <br /><br />Vanessa
Carol C.
Thanks so much for sharing this!! The video brought tears to my eyes--beautiful!! I am always inspired by your blog, but have never written a reply to thank you for sharing of yourself -- Thank you! I hope to make (well at least start) my own thankful quilt this year...has been so meaningful to think of the words I will write on it, a kind of legacy to leave my family. Have a blessed
Amen....simply AMEN !!!! XXXX
I love the "giving presents to baby Jesus"! That makes perfect sense to me and just hits me in a good way. My 4 little kids have been so grumpy this week and I keep thinking about whether the mamas in Newtown had good mornings with their babies or if they sent their kids off to school with the stop-fighting-with-your-siblings kind of morning. I think we will have a big talk tonight
Rebecca Grace
Thank you so much for posting this, Amy -- I have been feeling EXACTLY the same way this year. I couldn't even get motivated to decorate, and was dreading the neverending LEGO wish lists, the shopping, the stressing about money and gifts and will-they-like-its and did-I-spend-enoughs and did-I-spend-too-muches. And although my kids are a little older than yours (4th and 6th grade), my
Wonderful post. Christmas IS about helping and loving one another.
Esch House Quilts
What a beautiful post, Amy! I'm terribly prone to getting bogged down in my "To Do" list. You've inspired me to set it aside for a bit and make a pillowcase or two. I hope you and your family have the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of New Years!
thanks for reminding us all to take time out of the hustle and remember the little things. Merry Christmas to you.
Amy at Ameroonie Designs
Merry Christmas Amy! Love you. xoxo
Well said. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Laura K
Thank you so much for your post. I was in the Christmas spirit this year until Sandy Hook. It hit me really hard. I have a kindergartener and all I could think about was what it would be like for that to have been her class. I can't imagine the heartache those families are having to bear. I hope the spirit touches them and gives them peace and that we can all hold our families a little closer
I love your warm fuzzies and I love this heartfelt post.<br />I hope you have a lovely Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year.<br />Carol xx
We had our Christmas concert last night and it was wonderful! All those little faces singing from their hearts! My son and fellow school mates had the opportunity to do something for the Angels of Newtown.<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5YNS6FlUDc&feature=player_embedded<br />I think it's just going to be a very weepy, thankful, Merry little Christmas this year 😉
Melissa Corry
This is a beautiful post Amy!!! And I love that video, I think I have watched it 30 times since it came out 🙂
Sewing In CT
Thank you for your lovely post from a spot close to Newtown.<br />It is very sad here.<br />
Jenny Wren
A beautiful post Amy - may you have a warm and fuzzy Christmas surrounded by family, friends and neighbors. <br />
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Merry Christmas to you and your family 🙂
Merry Christmas Amy. You're right, it is much easier to write about our creative outlet then to delve into our feelings and hope to convey our deepest sympathies and intentions. But thanks for doing the hard thing today. It resonates with me.
You know, every time you put pen to paper, I am moved by your words! Thank you for such a beautiful post. Here's to a heart warming Christmas to you and yours x
Thank you, and may the holidays be everything you want/need them to be 🙂
Sarah Craig
Preach on, sister! I've been trying to involve my 5-year old granddaughter with all the charitable things we do at Christmas time, like bringing food in for needy families, taking a child's name off the Angel Tree and purchasing gifts for her, and buying "birthday presents for Jesus" that will be distributed at our local elementary school - hats, mittens, gloves, school
Well said, Amy! Thanks for the lovely post and the Warm Fuzzy idea!! Wishing you and your family a loving and merry Christmas!!!
Very meaningful post and video. Helps me so focus on what Christmas is about. Thanks for sharing your heart. Glad you were willing to do that. I needed it a lot! K-
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your heart, Amy. You have touched mine, and many others, I'm sure. Wishing you and your family a beautiful Christmas season.
cat and vee xoxo
oh Amy, what a beautiful post, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and words. The tragedy in Connecticut makes me cry. Those poor, sweet children and their teachers. And the life-long pain for their families. It definitely puts things into perspective, as we gather our families in close at Christmas time. I am going to start a warm-fuzzy jar - I hadn't heard about that idea
Great post that we should all take to heart! <br />adaisygarden.com
Love, love your post!
Beautiful post, and thank you so much for sharing the video. <br />I love the idea of a warm fuzzy jar -- and treating those colorful fuzzies as gifts for Jesus. You're a really good mom.
If you crochet there's also a way to help the Sandy Hook students. <br /><br />https://snappytots.blogspot.com/2012/12/beanies-for-brave-students.html
Wat a perfect post. That about sums up how I am feeling exactly. Made a few pillowcases today to send off, and felt great for it. I have a quilt that needs finishing for Christmas, but you know what? I can wrap it up half done and finish it later, the recipients will still love me and I NEEDED to make some pillowcases today. Your warm fuzzy jar is a wonderful idea, may borrow that! And I
Thank you for the very thoughtful post. I feel the same way. And the video was lovely.
Thank you, Amy. I feel like you spoke for many of us. Merry Christmas!
Mariana Nortje
Hi Amy, thank you especially for reminding us who the "birthday boy" is. The world goes so crazy after that which does not even lasts till next Christmas, that we must remember that which lasts for ever. Merry Christmas and much love to your whole family
Thank you so much for this, it was a really heartfelt post, and I too have a HUGE to-do-list today, but I know I need to just think about what is really important, and everything else can just wait. The video brought tears to my eyes, a combination of the images and amazing music. As a Christian I try to make Christmas about Christ, but sometimes things get a bit mixed along the way, and your
A really beautiful post Amy and one that I truly appreciate. I too felt the same way before Thanksgiving and although the season hasn't turned out quite like I had hoped thanks to a sick kiddo, it hasn't been too bad so far. Having both kids' birthdays right before Christmas doesn't help with the To Do list at all. My son's class uses a warm & fuzzy jar and I think for the
So beautifully written. Thank you for sharing your heart, I needed to read that today. I recently came across something that has made a difference for me and the way I try to live my life. Just google "the birthday project" - it is all about random acts of kindness, which we can do any day, not just on our birthdays. Important lessons to learn, as well as teach, especially if we have
What an honest heart felt post. I too have a first grader and get emotional every time I hear the news stories. It definitely put things in perspective for me since that very morning I was rather frustrated with her because she was dawdling and I was trying to get to work-not one of my finer moments. Since then, I've made sure to hug each of my children before they leave and let them know
Thank you for this beautiful post! a Very Merry Christmas to you and your family!! Love and hugs from Holland.
Thank you for sharing Amy, that truly was beautiful! It's so great that you recognize and instill this in your children. Wish more moms out there did that!<br /><br />Fawn
I have been feeling the same way...and this is our first official Christmas with the GBs...I just put a tree up last night...<br />I had totally lost the focus of the season with all that has been going on.<br />Thank you for restoring my holiday/birthday spirit...<br />Merry Christmas...and to all a good night.
I turn my pillow cases in last night for "Sandy Hook Elem" our local store is collecting until Saturday to help out. Such a sad time for our country. Thanks for your post
Katy Cameron
I love the idea of the warm fuzzy jar :o) I really do hate the commercialism of Christmas, of hearing my colleagues discussing the obscene amounts they're spending on their other halves and kids, the parties, the drinking til you drop (actually that might be a British thing), the music shop down the road from my office literally blasting music so loudly from speakers outside their store that
Merry Christmas to you and your family Amy. <br />When our kids were elementary school age, they made mangers out of Popsicle sticks and every time they did a good deed during Advent they would put a little straw in the manger so Jesus would have a comfy bed on Christmas morning-thank you for the gift of the 'memory jog'! <br />
Thoroughly enjoyed this post. With my family being newly Anglican, Advent has helped us slow down and put things in perspective.
Thank you for sharing your not so perfect cookies! I am blessed knowing that other people are not quite as worried about their culinary creations as I am! Merry Christmas!
Amy, thanks for sharing. This was a really lovely post. I'm filling in tomorrow in Relief Society and I hope you don't mind if I share your leaf raking story. It really touched my heart.<br /><br />xo -E
Amy--lovely post! I love the warm fuzzies! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Last year I felt so Christmasee. Not this year. <br />I could not put my finger on it until I read your blog. Yes it was Walmart saying that they will be open Thanksgiving. All of the store SALE, SALE, SALE's. Finish it off with our representatives in DC continually fighting, just so the other guy gets nothing.<br />Remember when only the 7-11 was open on a holiday, and Sunday. <br />We are
I know that feeling of thinking of your child when you think of the tragedy that occurred last week... except that our child is all grown up and teaches 6 and 7 year olds. I think of her, knowing that if she was placed in the same situation, she would do whatever she could to protect the children in her care and I try not to worry. So many, many things have occurred in the past year, both
I enjoyed your post about what makes Christmas real.....I try to have Christmas spirit every year but I am not always successful. As a grandma with a 4 year old granddaughter I can only think how each child's murder in Newtown echos out in each family to the grandparents.......my life would be unbearable without my little granddaughter. I can only pray for these families who have lost a
Well said Amy. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Your warm fuzzy jar is absolutely wonderful! I am not a mother but I am a teacher and an aunt to a wonderful little boy so the events of that day are horrific beyond words. I don't think you can call yourself human and be unaffected by it. I agree that it has put Christmas into perspective and reminded me of the really important things.<br /><br />I'm wishing you a very Merry Christmas
I really loved reading your post about the fuzzy jar and helping and giving, and I feel as you do. It's nice to give a present, it's also nice to give yourself and your time. The town you were referring to is Newtown.