Just last night we returned from a fabulous family trip.
I'll give you a hint where we went- you get to eat stuff like this:
If you said "Maryland" you are absolutely correct!
My husband's parents live in Frederick, Maryland and we just spend a wonderful week and a half with them. We planned this trip months ago and then with all the house-buying stuff, things were pretty crazy getting ready to leave. As we were starting to feel the stress of everything that moving entailed we thought, "How are we going to possibly get away for so long at such a critical time?" Turned out to be just what we needed.
We spent a few days last weekend at a spot on the Patunxet River/Chesapeake Bay (our undisclosed remote location).
It was beautiful and relaxing. While we were there we went 'crabbing' off the pier. Our kids thought it was so exotic.
We even caught this guy and ate him for dinner. Because of a lot of rain, the crabs weren't too far up the river, so we had to supplement with hot dogs. Also the reason we had to buy more crabs at a restaurant a few days later. My husband takes those suckers apart like a true Marylander. I'm okay with breaking the claws, but that's about as far as I can go on my own. I think it runs in his blood. His father was born and raised in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and comes from many generations of hardy New England stock. The man can reap every ounce of edible meat from a cooked lobster with the precision of a surgeon. He made the most of that crab too.
We also spent time on the beach, at the pool, playing miniature golf, and inside a naval/history museum during the afternoon with pouring rain.
We also took our kids into Washington DC for one day - enough for them to get a feel for the lovely humid heat of August.
As a result we spent a lot of time in the air-conditioned Smithsonian Museums. I LOVE the National Gallery. I studied history and art (Humanities) in college and I always love the opportunity to see the real stuff. I took my girls with me while Dad took the boys to the Air and Space Museum. The girls loved it too. The one quandary was the nudes! It gets tricky to explain "naked women in magazines=bad/naked women by Renoir=art" as you're running through the National Gallery. Here's a lovely self-portrait in front of my favorite artist: Van Gogh!
The World War 2 Memorial with the Lincoln Memorial in the background.
A lovely week was had by all. The kids had a ball with their grandparents. Some perfect R & R for everyone. So why am I exhausted? 🙂
Last night on the flight home my 3-year-old saw people across the aisle from us get up and suddenly said, "I want to go outside too!" as I tried to explain that you can't just "go outside" when your 10,000 feet up in the air, his brother said, "Yeah look!" and raised the shade. At which the 3-year-old exclaimed, "Oh goody! We're in Heaven!"
Laurie, the girls and Scott
Ah yes, the beltway and surrounding areas. It IS a little bit of heaven.
What a fantastic trip! Tons of summer fun. I love the air and space museum, it is just awesome. What a wonderful way to end the trip, so cute.
Aunt Spicy
You guys did pack in quite a bit...even a trip to Heaven (adorable!)...It was fab meeting you! Good luck with the moving/unpacking!
Petit Debutant
so cute - about heaven! If only it were that simple!
Man....*knocking myself in the head*...while you were so close we should have met for coffee/tea at FSK Mall!:) Oh well, glad you all had a great time at the Gparents, now have fun with the moving!:)
Lisa @ Life with 4!
Great pictures, Amy!! <br />I would love to go to the East Coast and DC someday.<br />That beach looks so relaxing. <br />I just posted about our crabbing trip (don't know if you've seen that one yet).<br /><br />Let me know the next time you guys decide to visit Heaven... I'd love to go!! ha ha<br />ahhh... someday, someday.
What a fun trip. Mr. Cactus served his mission there and I've heard all about the fabulous crab cooks.What a great experience for your children.
dotti white
Amy...sounds like so much fun. You will be so glad that you decided to go. How precious...oh, goody, we're in heaven! That's a keeper!
Amy - Park City Girl
So glad you all got away! just what you needed indeed!
Looks like you had a great trip. The space museum is wonderful.
How very cool. We are currently in MD, visiting our son and his wife. We, too, went for crab tonight (DH and I had crab cakes). We leave for home on Sunday but are really enjoying learning about MD.
The Quilt Buddy
Hi Amy!<br /><br />I think that you are going to need a vacation from your vacation! I have heard that those Maryland crabs are the BEST!<br /><br />3 year olds are so wise beyong their years.<br /><br />Have a good weekend!
I'm totally blog hopping and I found your lovely blog. When I saw the sign for May's restaurant, I knew where it was! We used to live in Frederick Maryland about 10 years ago (and Damascus MD too). Your post made me all warm and cozy!! <br /><br />Thanks!!<br /><br />Anjeanette