I'll be honest. I don't have much. I think I seriously underestimated how crazy/busy summer would be. But it's a good crazy/busy. We are really enjoying it and I'll get back to steady blogging, sewing, reading blogs, etc when school starts again.
In the mean time, rather than bore you to tears, I thought I could give you all a little eye-candy. And it's some good eye-candy.Check-out these new little Japanese prints that showed-up in my mail box today. No, they didn't just magically appear (wouldn't that be a fun blog post!). My i-spy stash was getting depleted so I ordered a few from a new-to-me etsy shop Mwenda's.
Some very cute prints I hadn't seen elsewhere. As you can see, I really liked these matryoshka dolls so much I ordered them in three different colors. 🙂
But this one is the cutest. It looks like some awesome, elusive print Nanette would have. My favorite part is that it's all in German. (Really, I think it's so funny that all of these cute Japanese prints feature words in other languages!)
And here are a couple of other reasons why I am getting far less sewing/etsy planning/blogging done: My husband and I returned home from a date last night to discover the 5-year-old had decided not to turn off the sink after he finished brushing his teeth last night (so taxing, you know?) and by the time the baby-sitter discovered it, the sink was overflowing, the bathroom was flooded and water was dripping through the ceiling and the light fixture in the family room below. And the greatest irony of this? Get this: the day we moved into this house almost 5 ½ years ago, I was sitting on the couch in the family room after an exhausting day when the dome of the light fixture fell to the ground right in front of me and shattered when it hit the floor. (Where my little kiddies had been playing earlier.) So how long did it take us to finally replace that broken light fixture? Almost 5 ½ years. Yes, that's right. My wonderful brother-in-law replaced it for us 2 days ago. The day before we had to then take it down because it was full of water.
Oh and I have to spend time monitoring my kids during their swimming lessons. I know, what a rough life.
This weekend is another busy, family weekend. My second daughter is turning 8! So we have a birthday party with friends tomorrow and Saturday morning she is going to be baptized. (In our faith, infants are given a blessing, but baptism is reserved until a person is at least 8 years old - old enough to know right from wrong and make the decision to be baptized for themselves.) It is going to be a special day! But I have a lot to do to get ready. Thank goodness for summer and we can host outside, so it's okay if my house is not spotless. And I don't have to put away all of my quilting mess.
Happy birthday to your daughter, what a special birthday!
Quilt Hollow
Enjoy the times with them kiddos...it goes so darned fast.
Reading your posts brings back so many memories of raising my own small children. My husband used to compare it to trying to "herd cats". Just when you think you have one situation under control, the next child is off and running in another direction.<br />My heart is with you!
Lovely fabric! Really funny story, but sounds like a typical home. What a view from the poolside. Happy 8th birthday to your daughter. Here is wishing you all a wonderful party weekend.
Purty!! That pool looks nice 🙂
Very cute prints. I love the little Russian dolls. Good luck with the baptism. Hunter's was such a special day. Swimming lessons didn't work out for us this year. We just didn't have two weeks in a row where we could squeeze it in.
Sara Richins
Happy Birthday to your daughter! My oldest won't turn 8 for another 3 years, and the thought that he'll be baptized then, it's weird. I'm a convert and was baptized at 12. Hope you have an amazing and special weekend!
That was great eye candy and I loved the matroyska dolls, so cute!<br /><br />Happy Birthday to your daughter and enjoy her special day tomorrow. I'm so sorry about the light but it is ironically funny that you just had it fixed. Who could've predicted that would happen?
dotti white
What a life! Reminds me of the good old days when my kids were young!
I Love Baby Quilts!
Too bad you don't live in Austin, my husband's a plumber! I love that little Schwein too.<br /><br />Hey, i'm having a giveaway contest today for designer fabric lovers! Come on over and check it out!
I LOVE the light fixture story. That is totally our speed!
Chatty Cricket
That's like our Confirmation. I agree, what a special Birthday!<br /><br />I absolutely love this fabric. And I LOVE the fabric you just sent me!! I am itching to get started on my Roboto because I'd love to take it with me on vacation in August and work on hand sewing the binding. <br /><br />What a paint that you have to monitor their swim lessons like that. Especially if you had to
that's too funny about the light fixture. I can't wait to tell Bret. I'm sure he won't mind doing it again.
Have fun tomorrow at the baptism.<br />Love the fabric. Had to laugh about the fabric with German speak! My daughter just started working at a German Beer Garden and she would get a kick out of that! And what is it about nesting dolls that are sooooo appealing!:)
Oh! I love those fabrics! 😀 Beautiful!
The Quilt Buddy
OMG! I don't know how you could restrain yourself while you where shopping in her "store"! Too many cute fabrics! Lots of "Oohhhh" from my end when I went to the site!<br /><br />We still have one more week of swim lessons. We'll see if we go for the next session (I might be too tired)!<br /><br />Have a good weekend!
thanks for sharing... there are so many fabrics and i never get bored at looking at more!... and the feet at the pool.. super jealous... my bathing suit went on once this year so far.. and i'll be lucky if it gets one more shot... and i live an hour from the beach... don't ask...
Brings back ooooooh so fond memories when my kids were little....
MUST have some of that in German fabric! So cute. Thanks for the eye candy---at least it doesn't go to my hips! 🙂
Hey, I think we are neighbors!! I live in Utah County as well and visit American Quilting all the time. Love the Japanese prints, when I visited Japan I should have bought more (sigh!)