I was going to write a witty little post about quilty things that I love right now, but my computer is being SO S L O W doing anything thing at the moment - including trying to upload my pictures, so instead, I am just going to put the computer to bed and go watch last night's installment of Emma. (Does anyone else out there get all swoony when they hear that Masterpiece Classic theme music? I do!)
And speaking of great British Period Drama today was a lovely afternoon. It was preschool day, which usually means l am running errands like crazy or sometimes taking other children to the doctor to get checked out for strep throat (like last Wednesday) but today I stayed home to package up etsy stuff (many thanks, by the way!) and watched North and South. Watched the last scene about 4 times. Talk about swoony.
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I love that version of Emma. I just can't get enough of those kind of movies. North and South is a big favorite of mine. I laughed when I read that you played that last scene four times. I do the same thing every time! I also like the part where he says, "look back at me". So heartbreaking.
if you are impatient like me you can watch the whole thing in perfect quality on YouTube, where it has been uploaded in 10 mins instalments (all clearly labelled etc). I just discovered this whilst blog surfing on sick leave and watched the whole thing in one go yesterday - magnificent!<br />Go here if you can get you 'puter to cooperate;<a href="URL" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/
I laughed when I read this! Personally I don't like Emma, I think she's a bossy snobbish pig, but that's just me...I know Pride and Prejudice almost off by heart, also Mansfield Park and I have Persuasion lined up to re-read very soon. I love the costumes in the Dramas but don't get to watch many as the others like different sorts of programmes. Well done on your Etsy sales!
Hmmmm..... Nope, never have seen Emma. I might just have to check this one out!
Uh, yeah. That last scene, where the main guy (forget his name) has his collar undone and actually SMILES for once?? Totally.
Amy, my heart rate is going up just at the mere mention of Masterpiece classics! I really liked the new Emma (have yet to see the final section) and well Masterpiece in general. I want to run around in empire waist dresses and arrange flowers.<br /><br />I did order the Valentine's fabric from AQ and will hopefully get it in the mail this week and then race through some little tops for the
i am dying to see this version of Emma
Well, as long as we're all making true confessions, I watched two seasons' worth of the horrific BBC "Robin Hood" simply because it had Richard Armitage (guy from "North and South") in it. The second season was so bad, I watched it on fast-forward with the subtitles on, then put it on regular speed for any scene that had R.A. in it. <br /><br />So, no, watching an
I just read and watched North and South...sigh of a ninja.
Calli Makes Do
Amy, I think you and I must be kindred spirits. I have been watching Emma today as I cook. I love North and South as well. It also sounds like we have some of the same taste in books. We need to get together soon for the Save Barbacoa lunch. cheers, Calli
Aunt Spicy
How am I missing Emma...oh gosh, must find it and set the tivo! Thanks for the reminder!
I'm loving this Emma- I just watched episode 2 this morning while I put together my crock pot dinner. So dang good- can't wait for next week . . .
Darn! I had strep the last few days and didn't see your shop update. I totally wanted a flag quilt kit! Now I'll have to piece together my own. I did watch the first and second round of Emma though. While I lay miserable in my bed.
Sounds like a fantastic day...Emma and North and South! I'm just waiting for the last Emma episode to finish downloading from youtube so I can watch it right now! So funny. I've been known to watch the last scene over and over as well. Sometimes I even just start on the last episode so I don't have to wait so long for it to come.
oh my word. I can't even believe we didn't talk about this when I saw you. I LOVE N&S!! And yes the last scene. Totally rewatchable.<br /><br />I also love when he watches her leave the factory and whispers - look back. look back at me. Man he's hot.
oh, and the scene where he takes of his necktie.
Masterpiece Theatre Dramas by BBC are my FAVORITE crafting movies!! I have watched North and South about 10 times in the last few months!! Be still my heart!! There version of Emma...also fantastic...though I will always be partial to Jeremy Northam as Mr. Knightly.