More red, white and blue today, only this time lets go to the other side of the pond, shall we? Frankly, more of my ancestors were still in England in 1776 than over here. So lets hear it for being allies once again.

Also because I am an anglophile. (That means I love Britain and all things British.) I had the splendid opportunity to live in London for a semester of college (with the most fabulous flat-mates - you know who you are, you James Joyce/Hobnob-loving ladies!) London really is the most wonderful city in the world. Please go visit if you ever possibly can! And then go back again. About a year later I went back to live in northern England (think Manchester and Liverpool) for 18 months as a volunteer missionary for my church. And so a piece of my heart is still there. Plus it is the land of my roots. And the land of Cath Kidston, Cadbury chocolate, and Sting.So here are a few more red, white and blue lovelies for you other anglophiles out there. You can buy this chair here. For only 545 pounds. Since that's over $1,000 depending on the exchange rate, that's not likely to happen for me. Or you could buy a Jonathan Alder pillow here for only $98.
(If I had my own, I would have to be very careful not to drool on them. But my children would probably do that for me.)
Do you have any favorite 'britishisms'?
Happy 4th to you too!
Greetings from England! Ros
what great British treats!<br />I saw a wonderful union jack quilt made from liberty prints at a quilt show last year. It made me drool.<br /><br />Rather like you are an anglophile I am an Americanophile (yes, that is a made up word, I know!), and love everything about your country.
Aunt Spicy
Ohhhhh, I'll have to email you, but:<br />study abroad in London - check<br />mission in London South - check<br />multiple trips back - check<br />love of hobb nobbs, cadbury, and all their sweet and savory treats - check<br /><br />Thanks for your sweet comments on my little pillows, I should have told you I got the idea for the pattern from the Boden Union Jack bag! Love this post and
Love all the r,w,and b!! I lived in England when I was 2 to 4 years old. My dad was in the Air Force. I don't remember too much but the pictures we have are just lovely! Take a look at this site on June 13<br /> https://janeweston.blogspot.com/ You KNOW you have to make one just like it! 🙂 Happy 4th!
Too funny that you should talk the British talk today...my daughter just came back from a Dublin/London trip on Sunday so we are hearing about all things Anglo!:) I think she would agree with you that London rocks but I think Oxford has her heart and she is going to try hard to get into Oxford Brooks!:)
My we have a lot in common... first iron problems now this. Our family says kipper for nap, and cheers, and cheeky and a few other things. my husband spent a couple years in Nottingham 🙂
Patchwork Penguin
My daughter just left for the UK yesterday to study in Cambridge for six weeks. This is her third trip over and honestly I think she'd stay if she could.<br /><br />Happy 4th!
Ah, the memories are flooding back. Is it normal to be homesick ten years later?
dotti white
wow...love the British sentiment and treats that you shared. Have a great holiday!
Laurie, the girls and Scott
My favorite is the use of the word "completely", as in Molly will completely love these High School Musical valentines. <br /><br />Emily said that one day at Target. Thank you Charlie and Lola for helping my kids sound even more adorable.
Laurie, the girls and Scott
Oh yes. I also read this every day. I have to keep up with my people. <br /><br />https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/index.html
What a fun post! Loved all the British tidbits!
Lori Sume
you are cute! i love england too! i need to go back.
Amy - Park City Girl
Those pillows are fab! thanks for sharing 🙂
Lovin' the British love. Also London Study Abroad, DH went to London South Mission, two trips back to London, one with DH. It'll probably be a while till we go back though. I saw the British Words book during Sew, Mama, Sew give away day and truly surprised to see them. I love it! Thanks for sharing!
Nanette Merrill and daughters
You should make one of those books. It is so incredibly cute. We have British people in our ward and they are so lovely to listen to. I am an anglophile myself. I love the history of England and love to read all about anything history in England/British isles. Love that other Red White and Blue.
Isn't this one of the cutest posts!<br />I am of Irish heritage so I don't have any Britishism's but I dream of having an English accent. I practice it at home all the time-much to my husband's dismay! I love how the English use such great adjectives when speaking...really isn't "bloody hell" the best! I won't even touch on my obsession with Princess Di!<br />
This reminds me of the time I was in London on my study abroad during the 4th of July. Our cook made an effort to make it fun by making us french fries and hamburger and we all had poppers which we exploded on our front steps.
That was a fun post! Happy 4th!!
Thank you so much for your kind mention of my British Words book! If life and kids ever allow it I have plans for a whole series of these, there are so many great Britishisms.<br /><br />Cheers on a fabulous blog, as well!
Tender Mercies
YOU are one of my favorite Britishisms! I love having found this oh so delightful blog of yours and your oh so delightful life! And I love that you've highlighted my dear friend Aunt Spicy!
Wallace family
I served a mission in Manchester too & I love Britain! Love your british things too. My husband & I are going back there to live/teach w/ our kiddies, can't wait. He served in Leeds.
What lovely things, well i was born in London & i have roots to Yorkshire as well as London & the East side of country so i can understand your love of the British things, so greeting from the UK <br />Hugs Janice