Summer of the traveling hexies continues.
We just got home from a visit with my husband's parents and brothers in Frederick, Maryland. Little did you know I was blogging from an undisclosed remote location! (Yes, I'm one of those people who doesn't like to announce to the world that I'm leaving my fabric stash unprotected for 10 days.) We had a super trip. Just the right balance of busy and relaxed. Everything between dragging the kids to see the Declaration of Independence to lounging by a pool.
Frederick is a lovely, old Federal-style town about 45 min north of Washington DC. It's set in the middle of rolling farm land and Civil War battlefields. It's full of lovely antique stores as well, but more on that another day.
We also made a trip to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington. I found this gorgeous quilt made in 1861 by Emily Holbert. (See! I finally kept track of the artist information.)
We also saw C3PO.
While on vacation, we also ate some of my favorite foods. My mother-in-law's tomatoes were possibly the best I've ever had. We also achieved a milestone in our marriage. For the first time ever, I dismembered my own crabs. In the past, I've always made my husband do it for me.
So, fun was had by one and all. I have fun stuff to share in future posts: like meeting a blog-friend in real life and scouting for antique quilts together. Also, visiting the ubiquitous Unique Thrift Store with another blog friend. But most of all, it was just great to hang out with family doing really mundane stuff, but I won't bore you to tears with all those details.
Kim Walus
Wow!!! Things look really spiffy around here and it's so fun and perfect for you.<br /><br />What a fun trip you had with your family. I love all of the pictures and your hexie looks so cute in the places you took her.<br /><br />I'm glad you had such a fun summer vacation.
Mary on Lake Pulaski
Love your blog makeover Amy! Your travels sound perfect for you and your family! Enjoy the days when they are able to be with you on your vacations!
Love the blog make over! So so cute.
Love the bloggy redesign! And love the traveling hexies too!
The link to redbud designs isn't working right now...wondering if you could e-mail me the site?
Purple Quilter Queen
HAHA! Smart move not disclosing that your stash was unprotected!! hehe. Love the pics of the traveling hexies! It's like the "Flat Stanley" doll. World travellers those little things are. So cute. Love the new layout on your blog. Hop on over to mine and see the ME quilt I'm working on for a friend of mine. Just posted pics this morning. Take care - welcome home! Jenn<
Have Hexies will travel!:)<br /><br />Glad you made it safely home and even more glad we had a chance to connect!<br />xo<br /><br />Looking forward to your next adventures!!
How fun! We were in DC for the 4th of July... love that area of the country. :)<br /><br />What a great idea to have your hexies travel and show up in the photos!<br /><br />Jennifer 🙂
live a colorful life
You really can take those hexies anywhere! The blog looks really great. Glad you had a good vacation. <br /><br />About the fabric stash. I know what you mean. I keep wanting a special insurance rider on our homeowner's insurance for my stash, and my agent keeps saying, "No need for anything special. It's covered under your regular policy." I keep saying, "Uh, you
Love your new look! Glad you had fun on your vacation.
Calli Makes Do
Congratulations Amy. I love your new look! I also know how much work it is to move and I know you deserved your vacation! We need to get together for a Barbacoa lunch when the kids are back in school.
Clean Mama
Love your blog and tutorials - I just got a new sewing machine and am definitely inspired - psst - you're on TCB today 🙂
The new blog design looks great! Very nice makeover!<br /><br />I just adore your hexie pictures. Makes me want to make a few just to take cool pics like that :-)<br /><br />I got to meet a blog friend in real life last week and it was so much fun! Can't wait to hear the story about your meeting!
A Forest Frolic
Oh I love your blog! I have been wanting to make a quilt for the longest but I think I'm intimidated, tee hee, so thanks for the tutorials. I recently got to meet a blog pal on the west coast too, how fun! <br /><br />Congrats on your TCB feature today!<br /><br />Jamie 🙂
Little Lady Patchwork
I absolutely LOVE the new look!<br /><br />Glad to see that I wasn't the only one hexing it up this summer.<br /><br />XOXO,<br />Stefanie
Denise :)
Don't laugh . . . my favorite picture was the steamed blue crab. LOL! 🙂
Sew Create It - Jane
Love the new looks really professional and easy to follow and read!<br /><br />(just as an aside the word verification is blogr! LOL How apt)
Nanette Merrill and daughters
What a cute post to do vacation shots with your hexagons. Funny. Love the east coast. Miss it.
I included you in my "I love your blog!" award! I do love your blog!<br />xoxo, Cheryl<br /><br />Here's the award info:<br />
Aunt Spicy
the new blog looks great! and I am so super glad I got to see you while you were in town!
your new look is GREAT! and i reallllly want that toadstool fabric in the last hexagon pic. love it! (do you remember where you got it or what it is?)<br /><br />thx for all the inspiration!
SÜPERRRRRRRR:))))<br />follow me
What a great idea to take a "hexi" with you on vacation. I never leave home without my crafts but I never thought to put them into my blog. How creative.
Thanks for sharing your vacation with us.<br />What a beaut that antique quilt is! So important for us all to label our quilts so future generations can know our stories!
OMG -- I just read up on your blog. I'm from Frederick and know your inlaws. Small world!