Last Thursday I felt stale.
I wished there was way I could just call in "sick" and hide in bed all day with a book.
Friday I attended a Women's Conference at BYU that revived my soul. Not only was it inspiring to be with a good friend and some 15,000 other good women, but it was good to be reminded what's most important in life. During this Conference thousands of projects for good are accomplished. Hundreds of quilts are completed, newborn hats, booties, and blankets are sewn, and over 30,000 hygiene and school kits were assembled in one evening to replenish an ever increasing demand for emergency needs across the globe. Thousands of these kits were sent to Haiti through LDS Humanitarian Services partnering with the Red Cross within the first hours and days after the earthquake there. Now more kits will be ready for shipment when the next need arises.
It is so inspiring; the force for good that women can be. Paradoxically, women can be so destructive to each other when they are catty and selfish and self-centered- when their focus is purely themselves. But there is no force so powerful as women who are kind, and serve, and care for the needs of others. It's truly inspiring to be in the presence of those kinds of women.
Friday, I also watched a beautiful video about the needs for humanitarian service throughout the globe and various projects underway from medical needs in Haiti, water projects to provide clean water to communities that lack that basic necessity, and newborn resuscitation training in third-world countries. All of it was humbling and brought lots of perspective to my own life. How could I ever feel dissatisfied with the abundance I have?
However, I think the story that touched me most, was a story told by a Ukrainian woman. In heavily accented English she told about delivering a quilt to a poor widow, with no family to take care of her, who lived in a house that was leaning to one side. This woman had nothing colorful among her meager belongings until she received this quilt. It meant the world to her - not just the comfort and beauty it provided to her home, but the fact that someone she would never meet, created this gift for her. There was a touching photo of the wrinkled, kerchiefed-woman with this simple colorful, quilt - I wish I could share it with all of you. It nearly broke my heart.
It made me want to do more. Why should my house be full of cheerful beauty when sharing just a little of it would bring joy to someone with nothing? I'm recommitted to doing something about it.
So, (if you're even still reading this), my computer is still in pieces. Not sure when I'll have it - or access to all my pictures - back again. Hopefully soon.But suddenly, it doesn't seem quite so drastically important. It gives me more time to do something for someone else.
Have a happy Monday!
Aunt Spicy
A - What a great reminder of what is really important in life! Thanks!
Kim Walus
We are definitely blessed and it's always a joy to give and to serve others. What a great experience and I loved the story about the quilts. <br /><br />Blogland has always been an inspiration when it comes to the opportunities to give and to serve.<br /><br />Have a great week Amy.
Little Lady Patchwork
Thank you for sharing and reminding all of us the true meaning of life!
Wonderful post Amy! I can just imagine to awesome the energy must have been in that hall full of inspired women!
Thanks for sharing this. I'm the Humanitarian specialist in my ward and I would love to use the story of the Ukranian woman in our newsletter. Did you hear the story 'live' or was it in the video package? <br /><br />Thanks again!
Blue Is Bleu
Holy wow! That picture is amazing!<br /><br />I think it always means more than we think when we make something for someone unselfishly. It's such a little thing to do and yet brings so much joy. I want to do more charity quilts and I love that our bee already started 🙂
Mary on Lake Pulaski
So true and well said Amy.
Amen and amen!<br />Blessings,<br /><br />KT
Nanette Merrill and daughters
what a great post . . . I've been feeling negative about RS lately. I have a very few close friends in my ward. Maybe I've whined to you before about this, anyway I have finally realized that my "sisters" are everywhere, not just in the confinement of my ward. I can serve and do things for women and be loved by women that aren't around my ward boundaries. It has been
So much truth to your post. So easy to forget those truths. Thank you for sharing, and for the reminder.
Bet you're not feeling stale anymore!;) Thanks for sharing!
This is a message that I think many of us need to hear. Thank you!
Kreatives Chaos made by Andrea
A friend of mine, sent me the link to your posting...<br /><br />I am so touched...<br /><br />Thank you so much for reminding what really is important in life...<br /><br />warmest regards from Germany<br /><br />Andrea
Yay us! It is exciting to be part of something bigger than ourselves that does great good in the world. Thank you for this tender reminder.
I loved the humanitarian video too...the story of the Ukranian woman and her quilt from America was also one of my favorites. Have a great week!
Oh, I so wanted to go to BYU Women's Conference this year, but couldn't justify it (I was there the previous week for LDStorymakers, a writing conference). <br /><br />The story about the Ukrainian woman was so sweet.<br /><br />Here's to your computer pulling itself together again. Mine was on the fritz last week until my husband replaced the motherboard (he's good like that).<
What a fantastic post. 🙂