A few months ago (October to be exact) I hit exactly 15 years since I started writing this blog, Diary of a Quilter. Wow. I never could have imagined when I first signed into Google Blogger back in the day where that adventure would take me. And how many wonderful people (YOU) that I'd get to connect with. ❤ It's been an amazing ride. And I'm so thankful. I've also learned a lot of life lessons (and sewing lessons) along the way and I thought I'd share a few of those here.
As you can imagine a lot changes in life over 15 years. When I first started writing Diary of a Quilter I had 4 young kids under the age of 10 and my youngest was still in diapers. The second child was playing out of the frame of this photo, but here's the gist:
I was a busy younger mom trying to keep up with lots of important daily kid needs and quilting was my creative outlet. The thing in my life that "stayed done" - where I could measure progress on a project (even if it was small) compared to all of the other repetitive tasks of mothering.
Here's a look at 3 of those same kids 10 years later. (The oldest was away at college by then.)
And here's where we're at today! That youngest boy in diapers 15 years ago is now a busy senior in High School and our only kid still living at home. The two girls are college grads and working in Washington DC and Utah. That older boy (the one under the table) is currently volunteering as a missionary and will start college in the fall.
Here's another look at the youngest (and that same table too) 15 years ago. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even remember life without me working on a gazillion different quilting projects.
(Side note: for those who might remember a few years back when this kid went through a really rough patch and was diagnosed with POTS. I'm infinitely grateful to report he's doing SO much better. Still dealing with some of those issues but we've found a combination of meds and lifestyle changes that have helped immensely. I feel like I have my boy back.)
Other things that have changed since that first picture: I have a lot more wrinkles and hard-earned gray hairs. I now need glasses. I detest wearing jeans when sewing (and most other activities) and now have a great supply of athleisure-stretchy pants that are my favorite. (Thank you pandemic for that wardrobe update.) And I've up-leveled my sewing machine game from the 1984 hand-me-down from my mom to a new Baby Lock. (But you can bet I've still got that 1984 machine with all metal parts, ready to be passed on to the next generation.)
As you all well know, in the words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
So with that, here are:
15 Things I've Learned in the past 15 Years of Diary of a Quilter
Many of these thoughts are couched in quilting terms but definitely apply to all forms of creativity!
1. Perfection is Overrated - Done is Better Than Perfect
This is one of my go-to mantras when it comes to making quilts. Or running a business. Or being a human. Don't get hung up on a perfect outcome - especially to the point of giving up on the end goal all together. With quilting, we're way more hard on ourselves (and our quilts) than anyone else. Most people are just going to see the color and patterns and overall design - not the imperfect star points. If you were to look at all of my quilts up close, I promise you'd find ample flaws.
I've never planned to enter a juried show - I'm just making these things for the creative pleasure. I let go of perfection long ago and never regretted it.
Let go of perfection - don't let it hold you back or get you stuck. Just keep going!
2. A creative outlet can get you through hard seasons.
2020, anyone? That year was a rough one both on a global and personal scale (we were deep in the throes of trying to understand why or previously vibrant son was suddenly bedridden for months.) Sewing in times of uncertainty provided an outlet and a stabilizer during an overwhelming season of life.
3. Sewing is good for your mental heath (and we should keep it that way)
As previously stated, creativity is so good for you! And so is working with your hands.
I remember Jen Kingwell talking about a therapist whose office was down the street from her original quilt shop. Frequently the therapist gave her patients the card for Jen's shop and told them to sign up for a class. This therapist found that learning a new skill with their hands was one of the most helpful treatments for her patients. I believe it!
But, again, don't let the perfectionism creep in!
4. Creative Funks are normal
If you ever feel in a creative rut, don't panic. It's a 100% normal part of every creative's journey. Some healthy practices when you're feeling in a funk:
- take a break/bath/nap, rest your body/mind, read a book, talk to a friend
- don't fight it or panic, just accept how you feel right now. Chances are really high it will pass sooner if you're not anxious about it.
- try learning a totally new skill
- another thing that helps me is cleaning/purging my supplies. Clearing the clutter both helps clear some overwhelm and also frequently sparks some new creativity
For more practical tips for sparking your own creativity or regaining your "sewjo" Samantha Dorn shared some great thoughts on Sparking Creativity here and 5 Ideas to Help you Feel Motivated here.
5. Try something new!
It's so fun to learn a new skill or technique. Whether it's in the quilting realm or outside, it's mentally invigorating to expand your horizons. Sign-up for a class at a local quilt shop or guild.
If you don't have time or proximity to go somewhere in person, check out the myriad of quilting courses and classes online! Craftsy has a HUGE library of quilting classes (you can still find my Pre-cuts Short-cuts class here!) Other options are CreativeLive, Creative Spark, and of course, YouTube.
Not only because it's fun to learn something new, but it's also the best place to make new friends who share your same interests. Those have become some of the best friends I've found. Which leads me to…
6. Find Quilting Friends by Putting Yourself into the Quilting Community
Quilting friends are some of my favorite. (And not just because they don't think you're a weirdo for cutting up fabric and sewing it back together.) Find where other quilters are and get aquainted! Join a guild, take a class, start a quilting group. If in-person feels like too much of a stretch right now, find an online quilting group (Facebook has tons!) and join the conversation.
Probably my favorite part of this quilting/writing/blogging journey has been the people I have met along the way. Most of you I've only met virtually, but there's also a significant number of people who after knowing virtually have also become my friends in real life too!
It's uncomfortable at first to put yourself out there (I TOTALLY relate) but the effort has been worth it one-hundred-fold.
7. You Are The Boss of Your Own Quilts!
I love these words from Lori Holt. (She even made it into a cross-stitch design!) You get to make your quilt however you feel is best. This is fun, remember?
Don't worry about the "quilt police". (Important note - they have no actual jurisdiction.)
8. You can't do it all
Spoiler: No one can. And you weren't meant to do it all. Especially not all at once.
You can do anything but not everything. Trust me on this one – it’s a sure-fire recipe for burn-out. Exhaustion doesn't make you successful - just exhausted.
Learn to say No more that you say Yes, and then only say Yes to the things that matter most. (And this is different for everyone.)
I’m still working on this one – part of accomplishing what you really want to do means saying No to a lot of superficial stuff that can distract you. Greg McKeown's book Essentialism was life-changing for me. I highly recommend it.
9. Monitor your Digital Distraction
Man - this is one I'm constantly working on myself. This digital age is chronically distracting. Not that there aren't good things that can come from your phone/tablet etc. Just don't let the scrolling keep you from the actual connecting or creating.
Get off your phone. Make something with your hands. Go for a walk outside. Join a quilting group or a guild. Connect with people in person. As lucky as we are to have this online connectivity, real life relationships are even better!
10. DON’T COMPARE your journey to anyone else’s.
Everyone’s journey is different, but everyone’s journey is exciting. Stay on your path and enjoy the people and opportunities that come your way. Focus on what is in your control, not on what’s out of your control. (Getting away from scrolling will help a ton with this one!)
Cheer other people on. Be happy for other people’s achievements and successes. I’m a big believer in Abundance. If you choose is to see the world as a place where there is enough success and happiness for everyone, you’re going to find a lot more success and happiness in your own life.
11. Purge your stash
We quilters are some of the best repurpose-ers out there. We can see potential in the smallest scrap of fabric. We also recognize the value of what we've invested in. But, as a result, we tend to save every scrap, and hold onto way too much.
I've learned that one of the best ways to re-invigorate my creativity is to regularly clean out my fabric stash - scraps included. In the words of good-old-Elsa, "Let it go." I loved this post about motivating to purge by Erika of Kitchen Table Quilts: "If you don't love the fabric, you won't love it in a quilt."
Donate that fabric to a person or cause who can use it. I've got a list of ideas here.
12. You Don't Need All The Things
The quilting world has evolved tremendously in the past 15 years - as has the availability of really quality tools. But you don't need them all.
But for heaven's sake, invest in a good rotary cutter. (This one is my favorite.) Your joints and your patience will thank you. And don't forget to change the blade regularly!
If you're just getting started, invest in a good rotary cutter, cutting mat, one ruler at least 18" long and one ruler that is roughly 6" x 12. You may eventually pick up other tools along the
13. Stick with your goals, but consistently re-evaluate them
And make sure you’re not letting short-term clutter (i.e. Facebook, Netflix, Instagram etc.) get in the way of the most important priorities. Save your best efforts for that which has greatest value.
At the same time, be true to yourself and what YOU like to do. Not what you feel you "should" do or what "everyone else is doing". I feel like I'm finally learning what works best for me - which is often different from what works best for someone else.
14. Do Good.
Few things make you feel better than doing something for someone else with no expectation of anything in return. I've learned and written a lot about sewing for a good cause. I've been inspired watching so many talented sewists with giant hearts touch the lives of so many people who have experienced tragedy and natural disasters.
One of the beauties of this age of hyper-connectivity is the chance to gather like-minded folks together for a good cause. It feels good - and is healing for ourselves at times too - to sew.
In conjunction with that, I've seen the goodness of so many people in small and simple ways. You never know when a seemingly small act of kindness may have a big impact on someone. Here's a couple of my favorites including one that happened to me years ago.
15. Unexpected Good Things Often Come Out of Adversity
I wrote recently about when quilts (or life) doesn't go according to plan. If there's one thing I've learned for sure in the past 15 years: don’t fear adversity or struggling for something you want. Sometimes it's the unexpected challenges that will change the direction of our lives in remarkable ways.
That's part of my story for sure. Without some struggles early in our family life I never would have pushed myself out of my comfort zone and got my first job at a local quilt shop.
And I never would have dreamed where that path would take me. Don't be afraid of the bumps or the sudden roadblocks in the road. They might be rerouting you on a course that you can't even imagine.
Well there you go. My top 15 lessons I've learned in the past 15 years of writing this Diary of a Quilter. And a huge THANK YOU to all of you for the support and encouragement you’ve generously shown me over the past 15+ years. Whether you've visited this blog, or bought a pattern, supported my sponsors, or said Hi at a trunk show or class or in a village in the Cotswolds, I am truly grateful!
You have been the best part of this experience.
Thanks to these sponsors:
A $100 Gift Certificate from the Fat Quarter Shop
The Fat Quarter Shop was one of my very first sponsors for this blog over 10 years ago. They have been an amazing resource and support!
A $50 Gift Certificate from Sewtopia
Amy Newbold - founder of Sewtopia - and I started in the quilting industry about the same time. I've loved watching her grow a brand and business and has a fantastic selection of kits and modern fabrics as well as hosting incredible retreats across the country.
A $75 Gift Certificate from SOJO Fabric
SOJO Fabric is another fantastic online fabric shop with a wonderful selection of of styles as well as great customer service.
Huge thank you to these sponsors and many others who have sponsored this site over the years!
Leave a comment on this post (scroll to the bottom of the page). Winners will be chosen randomly and given the opportunity to choose which prize they want in order of being selected. Winners will be selected Thurs, January 18.
If your comment does not appear right away, know that it will show up when they are approved (this is because of spam blockers). And I will approve all comments as soon as I get to my computer.
Thank you again! ❤❤❤
Congrats on fifteen years! I've been quilting for fifteen years and yours was one of the first blogs I followed!
Pam Miller
Congratulations Amy!!! 🧁🎊🎉
You are a inspiration!
Thank you for the opportunity to win a special gift!!! 🎁
Love reading your blog! 💌
Toni Anne Potter
Congratulations on your 15 year Blogversary! You’ve been blogging about as long as I’ve been reading blogs. I love reading what other quilters are doing. I’m amazed at how much piecing and quilting you accomplish, it leaves me in awe. Thanks for letting us in on your piece of heaven.
Amy, congratulations on 15 years of creativity and inspiration. My sewing room and quilting is my happy place and it has helped me through a few challenges in my life.
Terry L.
Thank you for sharing your fifteen years with us! I’ve learned so much from you. Thank you, & congratulations!
Jen Marx
Fantastic post, thank you. I always enjoy your ability to complete little mending projects on my brain when I hadn't yet noticed the snag. You have a way with quilts, words, and people. That and hard work make you unstoppable and have definitely driven your success over these 15 years. Congratulations 🎉 !
Paula Heim
Congratulations!!! Can’t believe it has been 15 years!! Love the redone photos!!!
Amanda P Schaefer
Happy Anniversary Amy! I truly enjoy reading your weekly updates and have definitely put a number of your tips and instructions into my quilting journey.
Thank you for making the time to share with us. I am thankful!
Alisa Breese
Wow! 15 years! I've been quilting 3 1/2. I have been blessed with being gifted fabric from a friend no longer able to sew, two wonderful sewing machines and a group of ladies whom I love to quilt with who are so generous with their time, help and tips. You have learned a lot in 15 years. I like the tip about not needing all the things. Sometimes they are just a distraction. I also love the DO Good. It's important. Blessings!
Beverly Howard
Congratulations on 15 years! I love the photo you recreated with your kids. Your tips are things we all need to remind ourselves as we work through our own quilting journey.
Sandra Adams
Congratulations on 15 years. I have enjoyed your posts. I really could relate to your list of 15 things you have learned. They are so true and relatable. Best wishes in the future.
Sue Nelson
Congratulations on 15 years! Love your patterns and reading your blog. Thanks for sharing with us!
Lonnie Workman
Good summary of life lessons. Congratulations on 15 years!
Linda Meyerkord
Congratulations Amy! Thank you so much for your words, designs, and hard work. I love it all. I've made two quilts with your portsmouth collection and they are by far my favorite. Have a happy life.
Kimberly Carter
These are wonderful tips to keep in mind! Congrats on 15 years!
Congratulations! Isn’t it amazing how our lives (and crafts) evolve. So much to enjoy and learn. Glad I found you.
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! And thank you for sharing your 15 lessons learned. They contain a lot of good advice and reminders for all of us.
Karen Addleman
Congrats on your fifteen years. I enjoy your blog and I always get great ideas.
Debra Conard
Nice blog and great insights for life. Thank you for sharing.
I don't think I have been following for all fifteen years but I have been since there were babies near the my sewing table.
Chris K
That’s great that you’ve kept up your blog for 15 years! Blogs are so much more interesting than instagram and such. Thank you.
15 years! Wow!
It is amazing how things change during that time.
Loved your 15 lessons and learning about Dolls of Hope.
Congratulations & here's to 15 more years.
Congratulations on 15 years! So much has changed during those years but a lot has stayed the same. I love quilting as a creative outlet.
Congrats on 15 years. I realy enjoyed your life lessons!
Janet T
Congratulations on 15 years. Where does the time go? You don’t realize time has flown until you see the growth of the kids!
Mary Kastner
Wonderful post! Congratulations! I related to many of your comments! Best wishes for your continued success! Mary
Rhonda Ogle
Thanks so much for creating this blog!! I’m an old 66yrs new(5 months) quilter but I’m hooked. I’m a blizzard this weekend and starting my 2nd quilt!!
Congratulations on 15 years!!
Linda Kay Smith
You've done well in your fifteen years of quilting. Thanks for your quilting tips. They are all practical things that I knew but it helps to see them in writing and your explanation of them. Here's to another fifteen !
Kaye Mattson
You wrote "save your best efforts for that which has greatest value", wow that really struck a chord with me. Often I spend way too much time and energy on the little things and not on what's important. Congrats on your 15th anniversary and it was fun looking back over the years. Thank you for sharing your work and family with us.
So many wise words......thank you!!!!
Congratulations on 25 years! Always fun to see how far we've come.
Thank you Amy, The things you shared are so valuable in so many ways. My email is filled with blogs and quilting shops, but I love reading your blog. It’s so down to earth and true to life. May you be blessed with many more “15” years to celebrate creativity.
Congratulations on reaching your milestone! Thank you for all the great ideas over the years.
Leanne Parsons
Congratulations on reaching 15 years, Amy! I'm glad we've been able to connect through our love of quilting ❤
Phyllis Carlyle
Your quilts are beautiful. I love your scenic backgrounds too.
You are such an inspiration. Sewing has been my outlet since I had my first baby (he's 17 now) and I just redirected to quilting this past spring. Loving it. Thanks for your blog.
Norma Aitken
I loved your reflection and insight in this blog. I have been running a Gift Quilt Program in Melbourne, Australia for 14 years. Recently, I saw a local post by a foster carer of a 7 year old boy wanting a mattress & pillow for his baby doll. I made him a mattress , pillow , blanket & Teddy for Sophia . It was a surprise. He was so delighted with it, small acts of kindness can bring such joy & sunshine.
Rachel Summy
Beautifully written reflection on your 15 years of blogging. Congratulations Amy! Enjoy reading your blog and of course love your quilt designs!! Keep creating, thank you!!
Congratulations & thank you for the inspiration. I retired a year ago. I’m new at quilting. I have made & gifted 2 Baby Bricks quilts already. Thanks again!
Congratulations! Yours was one of the first blogs I read when I started quilting and it’s still one of my favorites.
Barbara Ensor
I admire your perseverance and dedication to our craft. Congratulations on 15 years and success in your business.
You look great and your kids grow up just fine. I have been with you for a very long time and always enjoy your wisdom. Wishing you well for your next 15 years. Thanks.
Arlene Berndt
The 15 lessons hit home. Especially better done than perfect. Been getting more done for my self that way.
Debby H.
Congratulations on 15 years! I love your newsletter and patterns and save them all so when I have more time I can refer back to them. I’m a fairly new quilter so I appreciate your tips and resources. Best wishes for many more years sewing and writing!
Karen Weber
You are amazing and 15 years goes by so quickly! Thanks for the inspiration & kindness.
Karen Weber
Rae Ann Holbrook
Wow, 15 years is a long time. You’re a very dedicated person. Loved seeing your family grow though those 15 years. Love how you encourage to purge unused fabrics etc. scraps especially can get out of hand. Ives started just making scrappy quilts. Here’s to another 15 years, where we will see your children get married and grandma quilting baby quilts!
Huge congratulations! I am a newish quilter and you were one of the first people I started following on Pinterest. I am so glad I found you and your excellent blog! You have been a great source of inspiration! Hank you.
Congratulations! I love your fabric (Gretel was one of my favorites), patterns and inspiration. Here’s to 15 more years!
Congratulations on 15 years! I've only been quilting a few years, but your blog inspires me to keep trying. Life is hard with young children, and I feel like I hardly have time to do the necessities, let alone add a hobby. The comment about working something that stays done really struck a chord. So many tasks seem never-ending and like they are ruling my life. Your quilts are beautiful, and I so enjoy getting your newsletter
Lisa J
Great post about skills learned!
Margaret Andrews
This is just what I needed to read on a snowy day in Southeastern Alaska. Fun to read about someone else's journey and watch the kids grow up while doing it. I am glad that you have written this blog and enjoyed following you. Thank you.
Congrats, Amy! Love your blog. I have been reading it regularly and always enjoy it. Here is to many more years!
Charlotte Marion
Yours is the only blog I follow. I love your tips on organizing and purging (so hard to do). Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your 15th anniversary. The pictures you share are appreciated as well. Have a great year.
Dana Nemecek
I have learned so much from you and have made several of your quilts! Thank you for sharing your quilting with so many of us!
Rosemary Farmer
Congratulations Amy on 15 years! Oh my it has flown by— I have followed you for most of it! Thank you for being such a bright light and a constant positive presence. I have learned so much and gotten so much joy from your content ❤️
I enjoy your weekly newsletter. Always wonderful tips and tricks! You are such an inspiration to all those quilters out there! Congratulations on 15 years!
Jill West
Congrats Amy…you were my first quilting inspiration!
Thank you for sharing! It’s so interesting to ‘meet’ people through blogs and learn what makes them tick. I agree with you about so many things you have said. Quilting is a great outlet for many reasons and you actually have something to show for your labors!
I relate a lot to the busy mom life with four young kids and trying to carve out time and space to sew. I started the same way about 14 years ago. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us.
Kristin Schneider
I love your patterns! Of my go to quilt patterns I have more of your patterns than any other designer. Craftsman is my go to when I find a large print I love!
Kathy Myers
I love your 15 tips. So many ring true to my life. Glad to know others are on the same journey
Monica Donahoe
Congratulations on your past 15 years. I enjoy reading your blog.
Betsy Muir
Thanks so much for your willingness to share your journey! What an amazing collection of work. Looking forward to your future projects and patterns. 💕
vicki gardiner
Awesome---- thanks for the wise advise --- heres to 15 or more awesome yrs----
Linda Casias
I have recently found your blog and newsletter. I love your 15 lessons! You are spot on. Keep up the great posts and quilting! They are awesome.
Amy Gross
Happy 15th birthday to your blog! I just found you last year while searching for your flag pattern. This was one of the 1st quilts that I made! I made it with Portsmouth and it is one of my favorites!
I am new to sewing and quilting this year, and loving every minute of it! Thank you for sharing your tips and wisdom!
Congratulations on your 15 years blogging and all that you have achieved along the way! So cool to have the 'before' and 'after' family shots! I've just worked out that I have been quilting (seriously) for 16-ish years and blogging for 14. Whew.
Congratulations, Amy. Thank you for all the inspiration, information and hope you have shared over the years. Yours was the first quilting blog I ever read, and still my favorite.
I started making your tote bags then decided to try quilting. It’s been so much fun for over a decade. Thanks for the inspiration and Congratulations!
Nancy S.
Congratulations on 15 years! I enjoy your blog and have gotten lots of useful tips to improve my quilts. Thank you!
Carol W
Thanks for sharing your life along with your quilts. Congratulations on 15 years!
Barbara Snedegar
Congratulations on 15 years! I loved this post. So much wisdom. So many great tips! So here’s to another 15…and beyond!
Cindy Buckley
15 years has certainly flown by! I have been following you almost 10 years. I love your style, patterns, fabrics and guests. Most of all I like that you are so genuine and share, not only quilty things but about you and your family and life in general. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations on 15 years! Your blog has been a blessing to me. The one constant as my husband and I moved every 2 years for his military career. Thank you!
Connie Kay
So many wonderful ideas for a new quilter! Great website too.
Suellen Franze
Thank you for this, Amy, and thank you so much for your perfectly-written patterns and your newsletter. I've followed you for years. You're a real bright spot!
Janet Deschamps
Congratulations on 15 years. I started quilting just a bit before you and you’ve been one of my favorite bloggers all this years. Loved your 15 lessons- I agree with all of them! Best wishes as you continue your quilting journey!
Maryann Harris
Wise words and fun recollections. Congratulations
Carrie Lumbra
Congratulations Amy! Loved your post! It's full of great advice. I credit you with jump starting my reentry into quilting once I retired at the end of 2020. I had been away from quilting because life was too busy for nearly 20 years. I stumbled upon you, signed up for your newsletter and joined The Riley Blake quilt along that you suggested. What an amazing experience learning new skills. The Manx log cabin block is on my bucket list for this year as a new skill. Thank you for your encouragement. Love seeing your new creations and reading your stories.
Congratulations on 15 years! You are very inspiring. I really enjoy following along your journey.
Laurel Lee Pedersen
eBeautiful post! Many things I can relate to, and need to do. I bought the Essentialism book! Keep up the great work - you inspire me.
Michelle Arthur
15 years! Wow! Congrats and here's to another 15... I have only been quilting for about 4 years but am so glad to have found your blog.
Paula A
Wow! This is such a touching post! I've read your blog for most of thise 15 years and love your style. Thank you for sharing your journey and best wishes for the future.
I’m relatively new to your channel but I love your sense of color. Beautiful! And you deserve lots of credit for keeping anything going for 15 years!
Chris P
Congratulations on fifteen years, Amy! Your journey is inspirational. Best wishes in continuing your quilty life.
Well said! All of your tips are great reminders for us to enjoy every moment and stress - less. Thank you Amy for sharing your talent with all of us and congratulations on 15 years! 🎉
Melissa Snyder
15 valuable lessons we learn and relearn through life's journey. Congrats on this milestone, and cheers to many more. ❤️
Christine M
Amy, I love your quilt designs, your fabric lines (Portsmouth!), and your blog. Thanks for all of that. Congrats on 15 years and here’s to many more.
Congrats Amy! You are an inspiration to this newish quilter!
Congratulations on this milestone! Thank you Amy, for your creativity and your wisdom. Your blog is one of my favorites.
LouAnn K
Love reading your blog and thanks for the wonderful tips.. glad the family is doing well. Cheers to a fabulous 2024!!
Virginia in AK
Congratulations on your journey! I really enjoyed your Craftsy class. Thanks for all you do for the world of quilting.
Carol L.
Thank you for your time and expertise. I've learned a lot about quilting from you and have enjoyed your blog for a lot of years.
I can’t believe it’s been 15 years! Congratulations!
Hannah W
Congratulations on 15 years and thank you for sharing your lessons!
Denise C
Congratulations on 15 great years with your blog! Your 15 tips are right on target. Most of them hit home. I also was very touched by your story of your Hmong neighbor. I'm very grateful for your tutorials as I'm a novice quilter trying to build my skills. Looking forward to following you for many more years to come.
Lisa simmons
Congratulations on 15 years. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog since finding it last year. Here’s to 15 (or 20 or 30….) more.
Kelly Ostrander
Congratulations on 15 years! Cheers to many more!
Elizabeth Wholihan
Congratulations! It’s a wonderful milestone and your reflections are truly appreciated.
Laura Davids
Congratulations! You were one of the first bloggers I read.
Barbara McDonald
Your blog is one of only THREE that I read on a regular basis! I can’t remember how I found you, but I’m glad I did! Happy Milestone!!
Congratulations!! I so look forward to sitting in my chair on a Saturday night and getting an email from you😊 Here’s to 15 more years 😊🎉🎊👏🏻
Amazing how fast time flies even though some days seem to crawl. Blink and the kids are gone! Congratulations and best wishes for the next 15 years.
Kerrie Jones
Greetings from Australia and congratulations on 15 years! Thank you so much for sharing your quilting journey with us. I've purchased the book and can't wait to go through it.
Janet S
Congratulations on 15 years of inspiring all of us. I found your blog six years ago when I was looking for a simple baby quilt pattern. My first quilt was your half square triangle baby quilt. I was immediately bitten by the quilting bug and have never stopped sewing since. Thank you for your part in building the wonderful quilting community we have today.
Kerri Welch
Congrats on 15 years! I am fairly new to your blog and get very excited to see your emails.
Polly B
A lot of wisdom in what you've written. Sewing has definitely helped me through rough times....and there have been rough times where I couldn't even consider sewing. What I have learned in my years of sewing is to be patient with where I am....and that sewjo returns. It's a wonderful journey.
Sue Marshall
Thank you for 15 years. Love reading your articles and making your patterns !
Nicole Scott
Congratulations on 15 years! What an accomplishment. I’ve enjoyed your content so much. My favorite quilt I made with one of your tutorials was a patchwork Christmas tree that my Mom and I made together. ❤️🎄
Congratulations on 15 years!! I enjoy your blog very much. I just retired so hope to do a lot more quilting.
Diana Knight
Thank you for a lovely, insightful article. It helps to recognize the creative journey and how it can guide us in our own journey!! Best wishes to you!!
Becky O’Dell
Thank you for sharing your journey!
This is the first time that I have read your blog and I can't tell you how much that I enjoyed it. Not only sharing your personal growth and experiences but the lives of your children. That is simply beautiful. I can't wait to see what comes next. I am an old-fashioned quilter. I do everything by hand, start to finish. So, I don't produce as fast as quilter's do these days but that's the way I taught myself to do it over 60 years ago. I'm looking forward to your next blog post.
MaryEllen Wickenheiser
Thank you for all you do. Love your blog.
Dorothy Bare
Congratulations on 15 years! That is quite an accomplishment. Love your patterns. 🎉💕
15 years and going strong! I love your bubbly personality and talent. Keep it up!
Mia Corey
Congratulations on 15 years! My take away is let go of perfection! Thanks for your wise words.
Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished and thank you for sharing beautiful projects, fabric, and advice!
Shari Jamieson
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your quilting (and life) journey with us.
Shari in Perth Western Australia
Congratulations on 15 years. I enjoy reading your blog. Here’s to 15 more.
Joan DeSantis
I’ve been following you and sewing your patterns for years. You are such an inspiration!
Michelle O.
Congratulations on 15 years! Thank you for all your hard work - your patterns and this blog have been full of inspiration.
Thank you for your inspiration in every email. I really enjoy reading what you have to say. Hears to another fabulous 15 years!!!
Annie Farr
Love everything you said about the benefits of sewing. The best hobby ever!
Wow, Congrats on 15 years! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us, so glad you are here. Thank you again, take care. Hugs.
Barbara C.
Beautifully written reflection on your 15 years of blogging. I have made all 3 of your star quilts for the young Moms at our church. Thanks again Amy and congratulations on 15 years and hope you have many, many more years.
Carmen N
15 years, they go by so fast! Thanks for continuing to blog! I really enjoyed reading about the lessons you have learned along the way. Congratulations!
Congratulation on 15 years. I really enjoyed your 15 lessons!
Melissa Young
Thank you for sharing your journey! Here's to another 15 years!
Congratulations on a fabulous 15 years and thank you for all you add to the quilting community. The world is a better place because of you!
Congrats on 15 years! I just love those little christmas trees!
I left quilting for several years due to a huge life change but always knew I would come back to it. Your blog has given me many skills, projects and a whole lot of inspiration! I’m forever grateful and feel I have learned many of those life lessons along with you. Huge thanks and looking forward to more.
Congratulations on reaching your 15 Year Milestone! It’s fun looking at the pictures of you and your kids from when you started and now. They grow so fast. Keep up the great blog.
Melody Townsend
Yes, my recent return to quilting for my young adult children has been a gift. Your binding tutorial was what got me here. Thank you. Now, I’m planning how Albion and Cascades can be the first big quilt I make for my bed.
Beryl Stoots
Congratulations on your quilting journey! I so enjoy reading your blog and admiring your quilts. Since I live off grid and am fairly isolated, the on-line quilting community keep me in touch with the latest in this sew-theraputic craft. Thanks for being a part of that!
You were the first blogger I found when I started quilting during the pandemic and are still my go-to for your incredibly well written patterns!
Thank you Amy for a lovely blog. Especially love your sage advice. I am going to be using that advice very soon (decluttering and getting rid of old stuff that I'm not using).
Heather J
Thank you for your insight. As a brand new quilter I very much appreciate wisdom from those who have been in the business for a while. Thank you!
Brenda Miller
Congratulations on 15 years. I love your 15 tips! I enjoy following your journey. Good luck on the next 15. I'll be there with you.
Jeannette Kight
Thank you! I am new to quilting and need to find my quilting community.
Great post, such fun to read and enjoy the pictures over the years. I always enjoy your blog and admire your quilts and approach to life. thanks so much!
Congratulations on your 15-year anniversary! I enjoyed reading all of the life lessons, and so many hit home. looking forward to more inspiring posts.
Laurie Baker Wyatt
I enjoyed your 15 lessons so much! Thanks for sharing them and all the quilt goodness! 🙂
Victoria Hensley
Very best wishes as you continue your “Diary!” That is the beauty of being part of our creative community, we can enjoy the successes of others and be encouraged by them! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for all the great advice.my first quilt had some big mistakes. My quilt teacher held up the quilt and had me walk across the room then ask me if I could see the mistakes from where I stood . And no you could not see them !
Terri Todd
Thanks for the lessons learned. My favorites are:
* Done is better than perfect.
* You are the boss of your own quilts.
* You can do anything but not everything.
* You don't need all the things.
* Good things come out of adversity.
Thank you for the insightful words. Those life lessons apply to all of us in one way or another. They really struck a chord with me. Thank you for taking the time to write them down and share them with all of us. I have enjoyed following your blog. My biggest struggle is letting go of "things".
Your blog was one of the first I found years ago. I’ve bought your book, read your blog posts and soaked it all in. I feel like I’m no longer a beginner quilter hoping I do it “right”, but a confident intermediate quilter trying new things. Thanks for the encouragement and congrats on 15 years!!
Monique Deloney
Wow. Fifteen years along with Life
Amazing I have been learning to quilt the last few years I joined a quilting group
Best advice I’ve learned from you
They encourage don’t judge
They never see any mistakes in anyone’s work
Can’t wait for your next encouraging email
Adriana Mooney
Amy, your pattern and advice when I got me through making one my favorite quilts. Lattice quilt. It seemed simple but it wasn’t until I got your answers. I’ve recommended your patterns repeatedly. Congratulations and here’s to sweet sixteen!
Heidi B
Congrats! 🙂
Pat Carnine
Thank you Amy for the tips and encouragement you have put out there. You are much appreciated!
Amy, thank you for sharing your family stories with all of us. I just recently found your diary of a quilter site, and I love it. Yes, life does not turn out like we expected, but even with all the losses, God has always been with us through it all. There is beauty in the ashes, and always something beautiful in every quilt. Keep sharing your stories, patterns and tips with us. They bring us joy and bless so many people. God bless you!
Tamie Herin
Congratulations on your milestone! Thanks for sharing your fifteen life lessons.
Maria Barr
I only found you about a year ago and I've been going back to read all the prior posts you mention. It's like having a loving older sister I can check in with.....Thank you!
-Maria (in Tucson)
Congratulations on 15years! I look forward to reading each week. I love the patterns and ideas. Enjoy!
Christie Sunner
Loved your newsletter. Congratulations on 15 years. 🌟🎉Enjoyed the 15 things, helped me refocus. Also thanks for saying it is ok to purge fabric and even some scraps as I have a lot.
I have used several of your purchased and free patterns. Appreciate how much you share your skills and patchwork knowledge with us.
All the best for a wonderful 2024 🤗
Laurie Becker
I can't believe it's been 15 years also! I, too, was a Mom of 4, all under 9 years old, when I started following you.
It's been quite the journey - good and bad and horrible actually. But through it all?
Love and caring for others and creating beautiful keepsakes has pulled us all through.
Congratulations on a milestone anniversary!
Even though I hardly comment, it's been fun to be on our journeys together. Can you imagine 15 more!!
Congratulations on 15 yrs! I'm a mum of 4 too, the youngest was 3 when I discovered why I had been adding novelty fabrics to my dressmaking stash and fell down the quilting rabbit hole. It has kept me sane ever since! I've found a whole new set of friends, both online and in real life. I've learnt a whole new set of skills through teaching, given away lots of quilty hugs and found a creative outlet that a lifetime of various needle crafts hadn't touched. Without it, my bank balance would be healthier, our house colder and life nowhere as interesting 😀
Tanya Mace
Congratulations on 15 years!!! I love and agree with your 15 life lessons... especially forming communities and being involved with something creative. Quilting allows my creative energy to blossom and give lovely enduring gifts to many folks!
Thanks for sharing your busy life with all of us...
Katrina A. Lantz
Congratulations, Amy! You were the first quitter I followed. I have been quilting about 7 years.
Love you blog and think the 15 years went super fast. I went from working full time and quilting in my off time to retired and can quilt all the time.
Janet Van Noord
I loved reading your encouragement for the journey these past 15 years‼️ We might fall into pieces, but we all come out better on the other side. Thank you Amy for all you share. Blessings for another 15 years❗️
Really enjoyed your blog today. Some really good advice and wisdom. I enjoyed reading about your family. Too. We all have challenges in our lives but quilting almost daily keeps me sane( I think so anyway. Thanks do much
Congratulations on 15 years . Love reading your blog
Bravo to you and congrats on 15 years! I’ve followed you since the beginning and always find your writing (and your quilts!) so inspiring. Thank you for taking us on the journey with you and here’s to another 15 years!
Ruth Plowman
Congratulations on 15 years. My favorite posts were of your UK trips!
Number 1 really hits home for me. I am a beginner quilter and I procrastinate when I feel like I can’t do something perfectly. Number 1 is a reminder just to get going and that the world won’t come to an end if my quilts aren’t perfect.❤️
Jennifer Andrist
I hope to learn as much as you in my quilting journey!! Thank you for sharing your story and knowledge with others! Best of luck in the next 15 years!
Annette Lynn Burdett
Happy anniversary. Here's to many more.
Congratulations! Thank you for this wonderful and inspirational article. I especially needed the number one Life Lesson about trying to make everything perfect. I love your blog!
Marysue Mooney
Congratulations on 15 years Amy! Your blog is the one I look forward to each week! Always informative and your travels are a bonus
Betty Byers
Congratulations on 15 years! Great quilt/life lessons! Done is better than perfect, learn to say no, and be kind are my favorites
Robby Bothom
Amy this week’s blog is THE BEST. You are so down to earth it’s refreshing in a world where perfection seems to be expected of us all. Congratulations on 15 wonderful years. You are my North Star of quilting.
Love this post and your blog! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your creativeness.
Sharon Hannah
I love your very down-to-earth blog. My quilting adventure began after early retirement. Over the years I’ve made many quilts as gifts. However, my all-time favorites are those that are donated to veterans groups. I made your “Fly the Flag” quilt recently and it will be going to a female veteran…the others have been for men. Thank you for your creativity!
15 years goes so fast
Anne M Wegener
What a wonderful milestone! I'm not sure how long I've been reading your blog, but it's been a good portion of the time you've been writing. Thank you for sharing with honesty and warmth from your life and your work. You are a real encouragement to creativity and joy.
P.S. I'm so glad to hear your son is doing better! I have a daughter (mother of twin toddlers) who has POTS, and it is a very real struggle day to day.
Congratulations on 15 years!! Just like that…the kids are gone.
Thanks for your kind words and encouragement.
Wow! 15 years. Great advice. I look forward to your posts and inspiration each week. Thank for continuing to do it!
Thanks for sharing your journey. It’s very inspiring.
Kathy Bundy
Thank you for sharing all your lessons learned and words of wisdom.
Congratulations on 15 years. Enjoyed seeing how your family has changed in 15 years. Looking forward to the next 15 years with you.
Betsy K
Congratulations for reaching the 15 year milestone! Can’t wait to see what else you will create!
Fran Sak
Great lessons learned. Thanks for the chance to win.
Thank you Amy !!
As much for the Quilting tips, patterns, and eye candy that your blog provides, I also really enjoy your down to earth, sensible, spiritual outlook on life. My daughter is 48 and I am very proud of her .... So let me just say your mom did a wonderful job with you which I am sure is the reason you have loved raising your family .... Best Wishes always and Happy Anniversary.
Congratulations on your 15 year anniversary! What an incredible journey!
I discovered your blog many years ago while vacationing in the south of Italy and missing my seewing room, my fabric pile, my happy place. Your words and quilt patterns have so often been an inspiration to me! I truly love your honest writing about the -sometimes- crazy life we have, with growing kids, partners, businesses while we are trying to find time to do what helps us the best -sewing, creating, dreaming!
Greetings from Munich
Trish Rye
Done is better..than Perfect. Perfection is overrated! My goal this year…being intentional…to finish my quilts, to say No, to take time and enjoy the creative outlet of quilting. Thank you for this and Congratulations on 15 years!
Deb Rayfield
Congrats on fifteen years! I happened on your blog and enjoy reading about your journey. So glad it makes you happy, we all need that......
Laura Berry
Congratulations on 15 years, Amy! Your fabrics and patterns are a delight. If you find yourself heading to MI, let me know!
Leisa Burke
Congratulations on 15 wonderful years. I came to quilting after my Mom died and have loved working on each one. I love reading your blog each week and I have made the Pine Hollow Patchwork Forest quilt twice so far and my family wants more. Thank you for you inspiring me.
Cheryl Frazier
I enjoy reading your newsletter and have learned a lot from reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your skills and congrats on 15 years!
Cindy Naglee
Your blog was one of the first I began reading when I really got serious about quilting. I appreciate how much work it is to blog regularly and even more the work put into tutorials! Thank you for all you’ve shared over the last 15 years!
Arlene Butler
I love your blog and especially love the list of things you have learned. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us! I love the photos of your family too!
Nancy Maria
I've enjoyed your blog for many years, it's inspiring to see everything that you design and sew! Quilting is so important in my life and gives me time to myself and I love to make quilts for family, friends, and charities. I enjoy reading stories about quilters!
Lisa Brandow
Congrats on all your success! I have followed you for a long time and love everything you do. I have your book, several patterns, and fabric lines. Keep up the good work!
Heather J
Congratulations on 15 years! I love your patterns. You are an inspiration to me.
Debbie Theisen
Congrats on 15 years and all your kids moving out! - except the high schooler 😍 That is quite a feat. My husband and daughter both have POTS. I’m so glad your son has found a new normal. Loved this post😀
April Friedman
Your lessons about finished is better than perfect and do something for others rang true for me too. Quilting has brought me closer to so many good people. Its really satisfying!
April McMullen
Congratulations on 15 years! I love to read your blog. I appreciate all of the links with helps that you provide. Your quilts are inspiring. I love how you photograph them in your beautiful surroundings! Thank you for all the hard work that you put into the blog!
Just wonderful...you are our quilting comfort zone xo
Nancy Parry
Congratulations on 15 years! I've loved reading your blog and have learned a lot from you! Here's to another 15 years of creativity and fun with you!
Kathleen Nordquist
Congratulations on your 15th anniversary! Time marches on so we need to grab that golden ring😁❤️
Melissa moyers
Congratulations on 15years! It really does go so fast! Love all the advice, and especially your quilts!!
Amy, Congratulations for 15 years of a wonderful blog.
Congratulations on celebrating 15 years. I have always loved your blog, even before I got the courage up to start quilting.
Nancy McNab
Great post! Words for us all to live by
Patricia Spiegel
Congratulations on 15 years of inspiration and great patterns. I enjoy your blog and your beautiful quilts.
Mary Ann Gill
Congrats on 15 years! I have enjoyed your blog so much. I look forward to it.
I love your patriotic quilts. Gonna make one soon. Trying the 4 patch first.
Thanks again for you efforts.
Debbie Bosanko
Congratulations Amy on 15 years! I just started quilting around 2020 and get so much applicable information from your blog. My mom and grandma were quilters, and sewed everything by hdd as bd. I am inspired!
Debbie Thebeau
Amy, you have always been an inspiration to me. I love your patterns, and your blog is the best! Congratulations on 15 years.
Susan Willison
Congratulations, Amy, and what wonderful reflections!
Cindy Blake
Congrats on 15 years! As I’ve told you before, your blog is my favorite to read. Thank you for doing what you do!
I usually hit delete when I get unknown emails. Not sure how I got on your list, but I really enjoy your newsletter and blog. I look forward to your tips, pics and tricks. Congrats to you on the big 15! Thanks
Sheilah Palacios
What a journey. I loved hearing and seeing your family. It humanizing the experiences.
Marion Rudasill
I always look forward to your Saturday email. Congratulations on a big milestone!
Debra A Brannon
Amy, I have so enjoyed you, your website, creative juices that you have shared and your journey! Here's to at least 15 more years! Hopefully I'll be continuing to hang out with you along the way!
Deb McD
Congratulations on 15 quilty years and cheers to many more.
Patty Siebenaller
Congratulations Amy on 15 years! You are a great inspiration to me. I always look forward to your email and blog!
Kathy Dye
Congratulations Amy! Thank you for this post as it gave me encouragement and good tips. I’m 70 now and have so many projects lined up I get overwhelmed. I ordered the book you suggested so hope to let go of some of this mental burden and clear out my studio. I love your blog!
Linda Holman
Been a fan of yours longer than 15 years! Congrats on 15 years of quilty goodness
Angie Miller
Congratulations! And thank you for sharing your tips!
Jane McCarry
Isn't it amazing how quickly 15 years flies by! Glad you found this pathway to support all the rest of us who are on our journeys. Thank you.
Aileen fay
Congratulations Amy , I love your blog .
Congrats on your terrific 15 year journey. My all-time favorite kiddie quilt pattern for donation and gifting is your Positively Plus! I’ve made dozens of them and they are always well received. Thank you.
Kathy Kendall
Congratulations on your 15 years. Did you ever think it would go on for that long? I really enjoy your emails, and look forward to seeing what you have coming.
I have so enjoyed reading your musings (not quite 15 years, but found you shortly after I started quilting 7 years ago). Thank you for so many insights and personal stories. They mean a lot to me.
Rhonda Doupe
It’s so fun to watch your progress on your many projects and new ventures. Congrats
When I started quilting a few years ago, yours was one of the first blogs I discovered. It is the only one I now follow. Congratulations on 15 years!
Lynette M Gross
Me too! Yours was one of my very first blogs I followed! Congratulations Amy! Thank you for sharing!!
Cathy H
You wrote and excellent list and it made me realize just how much enjoyment I get out of my quilting when I lean back from it and let time go by before solving my dilemma.
Tammy Riddick
Congratulations!! And thank you for sharing so much of yourself to us!!
Jenni-Hope Kelland
I just love all that you've learned! Since I found you a few years ago and realized you too were in Utah, I have felt a connection and have loved following along. Thank you!
Amy, I enjoy your blog (one of my favorites!) and have made a couple of your patterns. , Congratulations on 15 years!
Congratulations! It’s always a pleasure to read your blog.
What a great inspirational blog entry. I have followed you for years and can’t thank you enough for all good tips and inspiration
I, too started something 15 years ago (selling bags on Etsy), and although I’ve since closed my Etsy shop, buying and hoarding all the fabric for making cosmetic bags and tote bags and clutch purses has led me to quilting! So many of your 15 lessons ring true to me. Congratulations! And keep inspiring us with your beautiful creations and practical wisdom. And by the way, one of the things I love about your newsletter is seeing Utah. I live in New York State, and visiting some of Utah’s National Parks was one of the best vacations ever.
Pat White
Congrats on 15 years! I always enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing.
Diane Christenson
Congrats on 15 years! Enjoyed todays blog post.
Juliann Barton
I love getting your newsletter, your designs and fabric. I ran across you about 3 years ago when I first started quilting and have read you faithfully ever since. Keep up the good work! You are an inspiration!
Shannon Hardy
Thank you for your wonderful blog and sharing your talents with us all these past 15 years! Here's to many more years of your magical creativity!
Karin Allrich
I so enjoy your blog! Your work is so inspiring!
I am so thankful I found your blog along my quilting journey! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and talent! I'm so glad my mom instilled this craft into my lift - wish I would have learned more from her - but so happy to have a community of kind women to turn to for guidance.
Thank you for your great advice! I love your blog and I can't believe it's been 15 years already! Congratulations! Where does the time go? 🙂 Your blog has been an inspiration and and it has also been a ray of sunshine in some rough patches we all have gone through. Thank you for all that you do!
Carol Hancock
Congratulations on 15 years! I stumbled upon your blog years ago and have enjoyed reading it. I love your insight and into quilting and life in general.
Emma J
15 years! That’s amazing. Congratulations! You were one of the first quilty blogs I found when I started 6 years ago.
Sandra Stagge
Congrats Amy on 15 years! I actually saw this pop up as I was cutting fabric for your Gratitude quilt--thought it was a great project to start the new year and glad to hear it also aligns with your anniversary 🙂
Ren E
Congrats! Your fabric and patterns are some of my favorites - thanks for sharing the your journey with us!
Karen McMahon
Congratulations on 15 years! I have enjoyed following your quilting journey. I have loved all your fabric lines and quilt patterns. Thank you for sharing your talents!
Congratulations on 15 years. It is a fun journey.
Nancy Sue Arnoldy
When your post shows up in my email, I always go to it first! Your advice, inspiration and practical projects make my quilting day brighter.
Christina Pehlman
Congratulations! I really enjoy your blog, tutorials, and more! Thank you so much for keeping it all going.
Sandy N.
Congratulations on 15 years, Amy. Those are very thoughtful words. All the best in the years ahead!
S Stilwell
Congratulations on 15 years. I have been following you since the beginning. Your posts are such an inspiration. Thank you for the posts.
Congratulations on 15 years! I always look forward to reading your blog. I’m a fan of your patterns and fabric designs. I always love it when you showcase your quilts with the beautiful scenery and mountains as a backdrop. Love to hear about your family too.
Dawn Wyda
Congratulations on 15 years, and congratulations for the person you have become. This is a great blog post!
Congratulations. Your hard work has paid off. Looking forward to the next 15 years
Thank you for the past 15 years! I started following you a few years ago after seeing you at Garden of Quilts. I love your fabric lines as well as your patterns. ❤️❤️
Kudos to you for this remarkable achievement! I look forward to Saturday nights knowing I'll get your email and all the "fun finds"! I've given many years of quilt retreat gifts because of your ideas! Thank you!!
Karen Varble
Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. I too have a child, an adult child with POTS. It is heart wrenching to watch your child deal with that disease. My daughter is finally well enough to move to her own place after living with us for 6 years. I started quilting during Covid, work was shut down, and it has helped me get through many challenging times. I said “quilting is my therapy” before I heard others say. It must work for many of us. Congrats on 15 years. I look forward to your email every Saturday.
I’ve made several of your quilts in the past year and so look forward to seeing your new patterns. Congratulations on 15 years.
Linda Pulling
Love what I’ve seen and read today. This is the first time I e seen your blog. Look forward to reading more. I’m a newer quilt maker.
Linda Rinehart
Happy BIG 15th anniversary! I'm relatively new at this (3 easy quilts and a table runner!) and your Lesson number 1 was exactly what I needed to hear (well, read!). I really enjoy getting your posts!
You are looking mighty fine for 15 years later! Me, I was newly retired and loving it! Still loving it! More time to quilt and read and spoil the grandkids and quilt some more for them and for others. So glad you never quit in the middle of all the chaos of raising children! Perseverance has its rewards!
Vicky King
Congratulations on 15 years! My how the time flies!!
Carla Toppass
Congratulations Amy on 15 years and here's to 15+ more. I am a beginning quilter. I live in a small, rural community so no opportunities to take sewing or quilting classes. I have, however, looked at your tutorial on the baby quilt where the squares are turned on point, and made 3 of them for various Mama's. I learn a lot from you. Thank you for all you've done, and continue to do. Thank you for sharing your life and family with us, and for keeping it real (as must as you allow). Wishing you 15 more blessed years.
Congrats on 15 years! This is a great site. I have been quilting for 50 years and still need inspiration and ideas. You give me that.
Bonnie Shurtz
Thank you Amy for your service and inspiration over the years. Your talent and advice is remarkable. I look forward to your blogs for ideas, both for quilting and life. It’s been fun watching your family grow. I started quilting when I retired. It has been the most satisfying period of my life. Thank you for all the help along the way.
Elisa Lawrance
I have signed up for a lot of quilt blogs and eventually unsubscribed. But blog is on e that has lasted all these years. I love your patterns and have made several of them. Congratulations!
I am with you. It’s hard to believe how life has changed in the last 15 years. Kids growing up and having kids of their own. The world feels like a totally different place and time seems to be whizzing by so fast. We need to remember to slow down and appreciate the present moments because they will be gone in an instant.
Evonne, just had to tell you that my middle name is Evonne, and I've never seen anyone else with their name spelled that way! So, hello from Janette Evonne!! Hope it's all right to share this on Amy's blog!
Thank you for your 15 years of wisdom put into 15 concise points. I take them to heart.
Susan Betts
Congratulations on 15 years! Such great tips and lessons learned. I am teaching my daughters to quilt, I will share this with them!
I enjoy your newsletter! It’s always so positive and fun! Congrats on the journey…15 years bring a lot of change!
Jane Bee
I loved reading through your lessons learned. I have made several of your patterns and they are some of my favorites.
Rosemary C Sullivan
I loved seeing the growth of your family...and your growth as a quilter. Priceless! Thanks for sharing.
Karen E.
Congratulations! What a great milestone! I’m so happy I found your blog! It is such a source of inspiration and so many ideas.
Cathy Shadid
Thanks for the great tips and congratulations on your 15 years! I’m going to work on purging the stash!
Blaire Hadwen
Congratulations 🎉 on 15 years. Enjoy your blogs, tutorials etc. Thank you for sharing. I bought your Quarter Star Pattern and fabric and so looking forward to quilting it.
Barb Czarniecki
Congratulations on 15 years of inspiring us all! I have enjoyed all of your posts, patterns and words of wisdom. Here's to many more years!!
Congratulations on your 15 year anniversary! I have always enjoyed reading your posts! Thanks!
I can easily relate to some of your tips. In the past year, I have purged some of my scrap baskets as well as some of my yardage. By purged, I mean rid my quilting room if it, but then given it to the quilting group at my church…one quilters purge is another quilters dream!
Congratulations on 15 years and on raising your children…they are life’s greatest gifts.
Rebecca McMullan
As a NH native now living in PA, I love your Portsmouth fabric line! I just purchased the Sugarhouse Star pattern and plan to make throw for my brother and sister-in-law who have lived in Rye and Hampton. They will appreciate the fabric!! Congratulations on15 years! I look foward to more fabric lines to come!
Congratulations on 15 years of sharing your talent with others. What a milestone! I appreciated reading your list. I resonate with many. For me, quilting/sewing is a balm for the soul but like you mentioned, don’t let perfection get in the way. That was a great reminder for me to be mindful of. Congratulations again! Blessings to you!
Diane Maylin
Congratulations on your 15 years of quilting! I think I started quilting more than 15 years ago when I had a friend of mine was teaching a group of us how to quilt. I loved it!
Congrats and thanks for the giveaway! Love reading your blog and always appreciate your insights and creativity.
Jane Van Maldeghem
Congrats on 15 awesome years! Quilting and my quilting friends have gotten me through some tough times. I love your blog!!
I am new to quilting and am so glad I found you. Congratulations on your 15 years!! Can’t wait to learn more from you.
Caroline K
Wow , congratulations on 15 years! Sometimes I wonder how many miles of stitches I've sewn. I can't imagine how much ground you've covered in this span!
Congratulations on 15 years. I have been retired for 15 years and I know how time flies when you are having fun. I especially love the pictures of the area where you live. I live in the suburbs but we have a cabin the the mountains that grounds me like all mountains do. I also love your passion about England. We have dear friends now that we have had for 40 years who are Brits and I love almost all things British. I am starting my first LIBERTY quilt using their quilting fabrics rather than the Tana Lawn. It is my major project for 2024. Keep the blog a' commin'
Great advice and it was a joy to read your quilting journey. I have felt so fortunate to be able to piggyback on Melissa's adventures and meet you and so many creative shapers of our industry.
You know, one of the latest buzzes to ward off Alzheimers is to engage in creative activities like quilting. so not only do I love it but I'm doing good for my mental health.
You continue to amaze me.
Jenny C Williams
I always look forward to reading your posts when they pop into my email! I'm always grateful for the tips and free patterns. Love your pretty color combinations and hearing what is going on in your life.
Hi Amy I have been following you for a long time. Congratulations on 15 years. I have enjoyed watching little clips of your family over the years. I hope you will aim for 25 years. It sounds like a long time but we also know time flies so enjoy the ride
Terry Mawhorter
Hi Amy! I loved this post! I fully agree with “Done is better than perfect”! When I teach beginners to quilting, that is my motto! I love all your beautiful quilts! I discovered you when I saw the triangle Christmas Tree Quilt! Thank you for sharing your wisdom, you are a true jewel! God bless! Terry
Amy, Congratulations on this milestone - enjoyed reading your diary. I didn't start quilting until I was 78 but so many things ring true from your diary. At 86, am still learning and being challenged. I had 3 kids in 4 years, finished college and worked, so emphasize with growing up with your kids and quilting right along. Here's to many more years!
Loved seeing the then and now pictures of your quilting journey and your kids.
Congratulations on 15 years. Unlike you, I did not start quilting in earnest until I retired. I always did some kind of sewing, crafting, knitting, crocheting or needlework. Being creative and acting on those ideas helps to keep you young!
Congratulations on 15 years! Quilting was such an escape for me during the pandemic. And I had the joy of an 11 year old daughter sewing right along by my side. Those are memories I’ll always cherish. Looking forward to starting a new project now that the slower days of January are here. Always look forward to your blog.
Amy, your blogs are always refreshing and when it comes to quilting, so insightful! As an "oldster" doing a "newbie" craft, it's been most challenging, but I love it! Thank you for your beautiful pictures as well (love those with your children!), and I certainly enjoyed my trip to England with you!! 🙂 Keep up the good work!
Lisa Warren
Thank you for being real and authentic in life and quilting! Love it!
Teri Williams
Congratulations on 15 years!! 🎉 I loved reading your blog. I started quilting when Covid hit. I love it but have so much to learn. I need to remind myself of these great things you’ve learned over the last 15 years! So much wisdom you’ve shared. Thank you. ❤️
Jane H
Amy, I always enjoy a Saturday evening when I can put up my feet and read your blog. You keep it real! Someday, somewhere I surely hope I get a chance to meet you. Thank you for a great 15 years and hoping you have at least 15 more to go!
Jo Sticka
I took a little time for me today while taking care of my son who had surgery on Thursday. Reading your words of wisdom put a smile on my face and reminded me that perfect isn't necessary as long as you put your heart into it. It is easy for me to think I am not doing enough for my family, for my health or for myself. Your words made me sit back and just breathe and relax. I hope to keep following your blog and making your quilts for the next 15 years. Congratulations, Amy.
Karen Jones
Congratulations on 15 years! I can relate to all that you listed above.
Congratulations on 15 years! I love the look of your new pattern, Cascade falls!
Jamie Partin
Congratulations on 15 years! (And here’s to the next 15!!)
Sharon Coleman
Thank you for all the inspiration and insight over these past 15 years. I’ve made many of your patterns and thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and taking a class at Garden of Quilts last year. May God bless you and your family.
sc Marshall
I agree with others; your blog is one of the first I subscribed to because it's great information, positive and uplifting. Thank you!
Erika Stiner
Congratulations, Amy!!! I love receiving your weekly email! I have learned so much from you. Happy New Year!
Kitty M.
Congratulations on 15 years! So many lovely projects and lots of great info and inspiration.
Laura B
Congratulations on your anniversary. Your #10 is very similar to what Jemima Flendt said: Don't judge your beginnings by someone else's middle.
Elizabeth Graves
thanks for all your words of wisdom, it was also fun to see the way your children have aged, and you haven't !!
Thank you Amy for your 15 years of dedication and hard work. Others have been inspired by your website including me. I started sewing again after a 40 year hiatus and your site was one that helped me on my learning curve. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success!
LuAnna Ortiz
Congratulations on 15 years! I greatly enjoy your blog! Thank you for inspiring!
Sally O
Thank you for your tips. I especially love the one about not worrying about perfect quilts. I quilt because I love fabric and how many designs can be made. After years I still want quilting to be fun!
Kerry Cummings
I am relatively new to your blog, and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading every single one. I have also enjoyed watching your YouTube videos. You have an easy way of explaining things. Thank you for your last 15 years!
Patty Stephens
Congratulations on your 15 years! Thank you for sharing your insight and lessons learned.
Congratulations on 15 years!! I always love reading your blog and newsletter and have found so much inspiration and motivation from you.
Thank you for sharing your talents and being an inspiration!
Melinda Warren
Congratulations on 15 years! I have learned a lot from your posts, and always know you are a straight shooter! 🩷
Mary Hartman
Congratulations on 15 years! I appreciate your down-to-earth outlook on life. Thanks for your wise words as well as beautiful quilts and fabrics.
Kathy Scott
I loved hearing your story at Garden of Quilts this year. I love your patterns. You story is inspiring.
Ellen Harrod
Congratulations on 15 years! I love reading your blog! I have learned so much from you.
You have such a balanced career with your family life!!
Jan Pugh
Amy, I discovered your blog four years ago and have loved following you! Thanks for sharing all things “quilty ” and so much more. 🙂
Janet Held
Congratulations Amy. You are an inspiration to all who take the time to read your blog and check out your site. So glad of the mental health benefits of quilting. 🙂
Rebecca Blair
“Purge my Stash?” Well, that’s frightening! While I may never be able to do that completely, I have come to a point that makes me reevaluate what I buy. My stash is not huge, but it’s big enough. If I only like the fabric, but don’t absolutely love it, I talk myself out of buying it. I’m fine.
Happy 15th anniversary! I love your posts and have learned so much about quilting and life from you ! Thank you!!!
Barbara A Wotherspoon
Congrats on 15 years! Time flies when you are having fun!! Wishing you the best as you continue your blog journey to help support those of us who quilt.
Vangie Brake
Congratulations Amy. I so look forward to spending my weekends with you. Your blogs are interesting and real, I've been a fan for a few years now. Looking forward to another 15 years.
Jeanne M White
Great advice Amy. Thanks for all your tips through the years
15 years is a long time in this day and age of instant gratification so congratulations! So fun to see your family grow up in the photos. I haven't been following you for all that long (can't remember how long it's been). Here's to the next 15 years!
I remember just where I was sitting when I found your blog. The first post I read was about the quilt you made for your missionary companion's little boy after she had passed away. I cried. Thank you for the amazing years, full of fun, inspiration, and a bit of real life too. I look forward to your newsletter and blog post each week. Quilt on, quilt on!
I just finished piecing a “Craftsman Quilt” top as a mother-daughter project for my daughter’s birthday. We knotted it instead of quilting. It is a really special memory. Your pattern was well written and very easy to use. Thank you.
Quilting and Creating through all the seasons and resting when we need to, sounds like a good plan to me. I need to work on limiting the temporary distractions that eat up my time that I could be creating with
Congratulations on a milestone well earned!! Like you, I had four children - stair steps, actually -two boys, two girls, with the girls being my bookends. Although it seems insane now, in the midst of our daily chaos, I decided to go back to college, finishing my Bachelor's and earning a Master's. A lot of the lessons you learned while quilting/sewing applied to my path, as well. I would only add that a) shortcuts are almost always a bad idea, and b) clarity comes from nature; take a walk, and the answer will come to you. Happy to say my youngest will be 40 this year, and my oldest 44. But, now I have 8 grandchildren, as well. Somehow, we all survived the insanity. So, keep it going, Amy Smart...you've got a LOT of years left in you!
Congratulations! I enjoy your newsletter each weekend. Thanks for all you do.
Quilt Crossing
This was a very insightful post. I think you described so many of the things that we have all had to learn as well.
Mari Parker
Amy, I’ve enjoyed your posts for the few years I’ve been quilting. I especially liked your traveling blogs. Cheers to another 15+years!!
Claire B
Congratulations Amy! Your tips are all good ones, especially about social media. It is addictive!
Alicia Czuzak
I’ve been quilting for 10 years and I’ve been reading your blog ever since. Your content has always been fresh and inspiring. I’ve purchased a book and taken a class from you a few years back. Thanks for being here and continuing to inspire!
Betty Benson
It is fun to look over the past & see the change in physical as well as state of mind & just to see the progress.
Donna Belcher
Thank you for sharing. I especially like #14, Do Good! The sewing ministry at my church has been considering making small Teddy Bears to help with ministries in our community. Thank you for your blog!
Beverly A Rozendal
Congratulations on 15 years. I love all the tips and info you share. Please keep it up for many more years.
What a great list! And congratulations on 15 years. I remember meeting you and buying one of your patterns at American Quilting, was it Moonlight Madness or something similar? It’s been at least a decade…
Ruth Burke
Congratulations Amy!! I really appreciated your post. Thanks for sharing some of the lessons you’ve learned so far and here’s to many more decades of sewing!! 🎉🎉
Cory R. Krueger
Thank you Amy for your continued inspiration, beautiful fabrics, and most of all, permission to be yourself and exactly where you’re “supposed to be” on our quilting journey. I learned to quilt just four years ago, and this blog was one of those first sources of knowledge I found. Between the very cool tutorials, your blogs, and the sharing, I’ve always felt like I am part of your quilting circle!
Donna H
I'm sorry I've missed 14 years of your blogs. But I can tell you I've enjoyed each one of the past year's posts. Thank you so much for persevering all these years. The life lessons were especially on target. Congratulations!
Leah G.
Its so good to read about your adventures. I too have spent the last 15
years learning about life. Congrats on your blog, and your beautiful family.
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your look back with us!
Keri Lewis
Thanks for your warm voice, excellent patterns, & delightful fabric -- all are part of my quilting journey. Thanks for being a blessing to me & so many others! Congrats on 15 years!!
Congratulations on 15 years! I have learned so much from your blog over the years and love your patterns. Thank you!!
Congratulations - love reading your blog and all of the comments too. Your lessons learned in quilting are all so true and so pertinent to me also. To me, quilting is a reason to get up in the morning - just love it! I started your patchwork forest yesterday and just can’t stop making the trees. Thank you for such a cute pattern.
Jean Craig
Congratulations on 15 years 🙌🏼. What an achievement. Your 15 tips are inspirational, forgiving and soooo true.
Julie Nokleby
The first quilt I made was your Lattice Baby Quilt. That was 4 1\2 years ago. I was hooked and haven't stopped. Thanks for the I aspiration.
Isn’t it amazing how fast 15 years fly by?! I’ve always admired your creativity and your bravery for putting yourself and your craft “out there”. Your blog has been a great resource to me along my quilting journey.
Denise Landon
Congratulations on 15 years of inspiration. We all appreciate you!
Arlene Helms
Congratulations on 15 years of sharing your quilts, fabric and life with us. You write like we are chatting over a cup of coffee. I do love your fabric and color palette. Here's to many more years of creativity.
eh faust
i've enjoyed your blog for all fifteen of 'em. here's to fifteen more!
Debbie Cameron
You were one of the very first blogs that I followed. We all have ups and downs in life, but quilting gives us a place to hide in our sorrows, express our happiness, and let our imaginations run wild. You have inspired so many of us by sharing your stories and showing us that we can be a mother, a wife, a volunteer, a friend, a neighbor- and still find time to allow yourself to have moments for just you. Thank you for hanging in there with us.
Mary Blair
15 years…amazing!!!! So great. My mom was a fantastic quilter and taught me so much. Now she’s gone, and I miss her so much. I count on blogs like yours. Thank you for all the wonderful advice and ideas.
These are great insights. Congrats on 15 years!
Mindy Leliaert
Congratulations on 15 years! That's quite an accomplishment, all while sewing, quilting, and raising 3 children, and caring for your hubby! You are amazing! I particularly have enjoyed your stories of the trips abroad to England! I too, now travel abroad to Cornwall, as our daughter met and married a Brit, and we now have to visit our grandchildren!! Looking forward to an overseas jaunt in May! Keep up the wonderful blogging!! 🙂
Mary Ritter
Your lessons are great! I fight perfectionism, spend too much time on my phone, and really want to do EVERYTHING...but I can't. Saying NO is hard, but possible!!! I keep practicing! Congrats on this special anniversary, and raising a lovely family, too.
❤️15 years of sharing your knowledge and passion with us…and we are so grateful! Here’s to 15 more years!
Linda Beattie
Amy, I just found you a little over a year ago. I love reading your posts. I've been quilting for sooo much longer than you and most others reading your blog. I started while pregnant with my first baby in 1965! I became a professional hand quilter and have quilted so many quilts for others! Now I'm retired, sorta', and still working on quilting. I don't do as much hand quilting now; I can't sit for as long as I used to; but I still love piecing and finishing quilts. I have a lot of friends who do long-arm quilting and I use each of them! I love your ideas and the way you write about how you live and where you live. I'm in Rexburg and have been down your way often.
Linda B (lindaquilts)
Congratulations on 15 years!! Thank you for making me a better quilter.
Ellen Valley
Thanks, Amy, for all the encouraging advice and information in this blog! Congrats on 15 years and grown up kids!
Debby Hillstead
Congratulations on 15 years! I have taken a couple of classes from you at different retreats and thoroughly enjoy the way you teach. Someday I may even finish those couple of quilts. They are still on my to do list.
Congrats again!!
Erin Jo
Congratulations! Great lessons ... the "essentialism" book is currently being read in our home too!
Cheers to 15+ more years!
Carolyn Lewis
Thank you for sharing your story. Lov3d seeing the photos of your family and some history behind them. Thank you also for the life tips. Wishing you another 15 years.
Debbie Voss
Dear Amy,
Thank you for sharing your blogging/quilting/ life journey. I skim a few other quilting blogs, but always look forward to reading yours. Your quilts inspire me and I am encouraged by your comments. I made the flannel plaid stadium quilt for my husband. And I look forward to using the Portsmouth layer cake.
I live near the foothills (in rural Northern California) and enjoy seeing your photos of the places you like to visit in your area. And I love to see your east coast pictures too. I’ve never been to the ocean there, but would like to.
Love your blog and hope you continue for a long time!
Lorraine Takeda
Congratulations on this milestone! Thanks for sharing your love of quilting and great tips. Here's to another 15!!
Amy Jolly
Congratulations on 15 years! I love your blog and the projects you make!
Debbie Britnell
Congratulations Amy on a job well done! Life is always full of surprises that takes us on an amazing journey and my how fast it can fly. Can’t wait to see your accomplishments in the next 15. 💕
Amy Starke
From one Amy to another, Congratulations on 15 years of creating and sharing! I am a newbie who has thoroughly enjoyed your posts, real life experiences and creativity. Best wishes on many more!
Congrats on 15 years!
Quilting has become my creative outlet since my POTS diagnosis.
deborah gremillion
Congrats, Amy! I'm a beginner and appreciate your 15 years of wisdom! Best wishes as you barrel on towards 20 years!
Beth M
Happy #15! Love your posts! Even though I’ve been quilting since the 1970s, I still enjoy learning new techniques, patterns, tips, etc. Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations on 15 years!!! I loved seeing how your family has grown! Thanks for sharing with us!
Bonnie B ([email protected])
Anne Robertson
Amy, congratulations on 15 years! I so enjoy reading your blog and thank you for your life lessons you shared.
I can relate to each & every one of your thoughts; thank you for putting them from pen to paper. Your blog inspires & entertains me, always!
Tanya Tullos
15 years! Time flies when you are having fun! Thanks for the chance to win something and to celebrate with you!
Jana Morgan
Thank you for the contribution you make to the works of quilting.
Marian Pickney
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! I have only very recently found your blog but I'm happy to see how you have been encouraging and helping quilters all this time. I look forward to seeing more of your journey!
Congrats on 15 years. I’ve been sewing for 70+ years but just started quilting about 4 years ago. I make quilts for children who are also receiving a bed - no more sleeping on the floor. They aren’t perfect but I think it’s good for them to know there are people who care. I also love making doll clothes for my granddaughters. Sewing is my happy place!!!
Amy, Congratulations on 15 years of quilting and designing. I just recently found your site and find it interesting. I especially enjoyed you article on the last 15 years of your life experiences. Life has a way of taking many twists and turns and it is nice to hear of your constant stabililizer of quilting and all the different phases it led you to. There are lessons for all of us to learn in your 15 life lessons. I wish you well in the rest of your creativity in life.
Linda Christianson
Congrats on 15 years! I know my love for quilting has changed in past 15 years. "I think it that longarm" and having EQ8 to play with in my senior years. It true a person can burn out with too much charity and scrapes. I did make over 20 quilts from the scrapes for charity last year. it is time to say I need a few months to clean the room and the scrapes problem.
Jennifer Padden
Congratulations on 15 growing and learning years. I am just finishing a three day quilt retreat which was something I only dreamed of doing a few short years ago. Sewing sisters are the best source of support in trying times and celebrating with you in the good times. Thanks for the effort you put in for us!
Congratulations! I love your fabrics and quilt designs. I admire you for being able to make your mark in the quilting world while raising four great kids.
Heather Hambrick
Congrats on 15 years of the blog! Thanks for the life lessons and the opportunity to win!
Susan K
Congrats on 15 years! It’s hard to believe that time has gone by. Your 15 findings are things I’ve discovered also. Thanks for sharing your quilts, your family, your talents. I’m looking forward to many more years of following you.
Lynne Hoefer
Thanks for sharing your knuwledge and craft
Such a thoughtful recap of highlights from 15 years of work and family. Thank you for sharing! I always find gems in your newsletters.
Also, thanks for the idea of trying to get a photo capturing my kids’ sewing space mischief. They’re currently 4yo and 18mo. One of my favorite photos is our daughter sleeping, swaddled, serving as a pattern weight on our dining table during the first months of the pandemic.
Cheers from Portland, OR!
Terri O'Connell
Congratulations to 15 years of sharing your art!! Decades ago my first quilt was made as a teenager by reading a pattern in a magazine. I cut up my father’s shirt cardboard to make the pattern pieces. And the seed was planted. Time passed, and now I’m reading Amy Smart blogs off the internet and restarted my interest in quilt making with so much excitement!! I love Amy’s posts, the text is clear, upbeat and straight forward. The images have me inspired to create! Love the color and patterns she creates. Really appealing stuff. Keep going, keep going!!
Eva H
Congratulations on 15 years! Loved your lecture/show n tell at the Garden of Quilts in September! You’re an inspiration and someone we can relate to!! Keep on blogging and creating!!❤️🧵
Kim Jorgensen
Finished really is better than perfect! I finally finished the tree quilt I started during a class with you at Garden of Quilts — just in time for Christmas! Congratulations on your successful career - looking forward to more great patterns in the future!
Marie Featherston
Amy thanks for helping foster my love of sewing through your blog. I can’t wait until you release Cascade Falls later this month!
Rebecca T
Congratulations on 15 years! I know it went by in a blink of an eye for you!! I have so enjoyed your blog for many years and look forward to many more. Thanks for all you do for the sewing community!
Congratulations on your 15 year milestone. I enjoy reading your blog and your quilt patterns. Tami
Mary Beth Rogers
The 15 things I've learned - truly well thought out and well put.I always enjoy your 'newsy' post and grateful for the quilting tips. Here's to another 15!
Julie Moran
Thank you Amy for all your wonderful quilting posts and for sharing your life. I love reading about your latest creations, ideas and sewing tips. I also adore your Portsmouth collection. When I realised it wasn't available in Australia I ordered fabric from your online shop and was so thrilled when it arrived, it looked just beautiful. When my husband, daughter and I went to Boston for the Wedding of a family friend, we caught the bus to Portsmouth to see the seaside town and I went to the Quilting shop you mentioned. I was lucky enough to find some more Portsmouth fabric. I made my husband take photos of me holding my Portsmouth fabric in Portsmouth, so cheesy I know but I just love it! Thank you for being such a lovely person.
God bless, Julie
Amy, Congratulations on 15 years! Thank you for sharing your world (family, knowledge, quilting, life experiences, etc) with us and may we all be blessed with many more years.
Lou Wotzke
I learned a lot from what you learned 🙂 Thank You!
Judy Madden
Congratulations!! I’m so happy that I found you on instagram!!!
Kelly Bowyer
Oh this post really pulled at my heartstrings….looking at those photos…realizing how fast life goes and kids grow! ❤️ A good reminder with little ones needing me often right now.
I love your posts and getting your emails. I have learned so much from you and appreciate your honesty, fun personality and expertise in quilting! Thank you 😊
Lisa Garms
Congratulations on 15 years! I’ve loved following you, and your patterns!!
You are genuine and inspirational!
Thank you for your beautiful blog and congratulations on 15 years.
Tamara Oster
Congratulations on fifteen years! The fifteen things you’ve learned are so valuable and a good reminder that quilting is fun and creative. Thank you for sharing the spectrum of your life with us. May you have many more years of joy and blessings.
Daria Smith
Thank you Amy for sharing your life with us. Your blog makes me feel like we’re sitting down and having a chat together. Your 15 lessons have arrived at the perfect time-New Year, new outlook. Thank you.
Congratulations on your first 15 years. You are still one of my goto for patterns, tips, inspiration.
Lana E.
Congratulations, 15 years Amy! That is an awesome milestone!!! I am relatively new to quilting, I started in 2020 watching tutorials online. I love your blog and your quilts are always beautiful. Your creativity is inspiring!! Thank you for all your hard work!
Meghan H.
Wow, 15 years! That is amazing. I have followed your blog since I began quilting about 12 years ago. You truly are an inspiration both as a quilter and as a person! ❤️
Barbara Rosborg
I especially appreciated your words on playing down the "impress other people" aspects of your 15 years of experience. I've come to the same conclusion. I quilt as my own creative outlet and it's nice if someone else likes it but it doesn't matter if they don't as long as I enjoyed the journey.
Wow, so many people writing to congratulate and thank you for everything you have given this online quilt community over the years….can I just add my thanks too. If we could, we would all chip in with a round of “for she’s a jolly good fellow “.
I hope our thanks give you some idea of the difference you have made in so many lives, the world over.
Andrea B
Congratulations! I started sewing in 2020 to finish Christmas stockings I cross stitched for my kids, they were 5 and 2 in 2020. Then of course I found quilting. I found your blog through Pinterest in the very beginning and several of your tutorials were helpful! Especially the one on half square triangles! It helped me make a quilt full of pinwheels for my daughter. Thank you and congrats again!
Mary Susan Johnson
Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom. I loved your links for places to donate fabric.
I was very happy to discover Stitching Hearts. I will be returning home from missionary service soon and will need a new way to serve. I could sew, get rid of fabric and help someone all at the same time!
Congratulations on 15 years! I have been reading your blog for 15 years (amazing how fast the years fly by). I appreciate all of the tips, ideas and tutorials that you have shared over the years. I just want to add that the majority of the people we give quilty gifts to don't quilt and most don't even sew. They don't look at the item the same way we do: are the points cut off, do seams match, etc. They see the item as a whole. The quilters we give quilty gifts to know how much work, time and money goes into things and they are appreciative. We are our worst critics. I just wanted to say THANKS!
Peggy K
Congratulations, Amy. Thank you very much for the info on where to send fabric I’ve decided I no longer need. I have a lot! And thank you for just being real.
Congratulations on 15 years of inspiring so many! I turned your “Patchwork Forest” pattern into my favorite Christmas quilt; thank you! And I’m using a bit of your Sunnyside Up line in a temperature quilt for 2024. Thank you for all you do!
I misspoke and I apologize! Your fabric line is Sunnyside Ave.!!! (Of course you know that.) My favorite from that line is the buttery yellow with tiny flower buds in it. 🙂
Louisa Murphy
Thank for you for your inspiring work it has been years of pleasure
Dawn Burnell-Powers
Amy I don't know how you did it. I stopped quilting when my kids were born. The last quilts I made were their baby quilts. I live in Canada and quilting was too pricey for us after kids and we lived in a phone booth:). I'm sure I was not as organized and with work, I could not figure out how to fit it in. So apart from your creativity, I admire your organization and focus. We also had a child with complex health challenges... its a lot. You have accomplished so much and touched so many. I returned to quilting 5 years ago and have made 5 of your quilts. You and Allison were the first people I found to help me figure out what had changed in 20 years. It didn't occur to me that quilting would be on Youtube. Thank you so much for all the ideas and encouragement.
Thank you for reminding me that “ Perfection is Overrated – Done is Better Than Perfect”
Congratulations, I have enjoyed visiting for the last 15 years, I found your blog after I had been quilting for a couple of years and enjoyed your writing, and sewing of course, since. Thank you for sharing with us all, Amanda x
Thank you for your insightful words. So many of them were meaningful to me. I've only been quilting for five years, and your blog is one I found very early. I appreciate all of your support and words of encouragement. Congratulations on 15 years!!! Looking forward to so many more!
I have raised four children as well. The days can seem endless, but the years fly! And now that I should have more time for sewing/quilting, I decided to take care of my three grandchildren three times a week! And it seems I am always going to a doctor for monitoring and maintenance of good health. But I always find time to quilt a little each day. Love seeing your pictures. What you have accomplished is amazing! You are an inspiration.
Amy, you are absolutely wonderful. I have been enjoying your blog for about a year and have been sewing and quilting for at least 60 years. I look forward every Sunday morning to reading your thoughts and love all of your pictures. You are truly an inspiration.
Congratulations on 15 years.
Holly Stuhr
Congratulations! I couldn't be on this quilting journey without you! Love your patterns and tutorials.Reading your blog is like wrapping myself in a fresh out of the dryer new quilt! Love it!
cathy k
Congratulations on 15 years. I have enjoyed following you and your patterns are wonderful. I hope to follow you for another 15years.
I really enjoyed reading your 15 things learned...some even apply to me! (wink, wink)
Always enjoy reading your blog. I was away from quilting for awhile and when I started back up, my first quilt was in your fabric line and quilt pattern. From then until now I have visited your blog for inspiration and tips and tricks. Thank you for sharing your journey and may it continue for many many years to come.
Ruth Tacoma
Wow Amy, what a journey! I love your post and learned so much more about you. I am a fairly new follower having just found you during the pandemic. I was an avid quilter beginning in 1994, worked in the quilting industry as well for a bit, and then life took me a different direction for a while. After a move I never unpacked my quilting things and I'm not sure why except I was super busy with teens and work and life in general. And then the pandemic had me working from home and having extra time on my hands since we were home 24/7...so I began cleaning out our storage room tote by tote. When I got to all my quilting boxes I fell back in love with quilting (after a 10 year hiatus). I felt like the industry had changed a ton and began looking for some old favorites (many had retired) when I sought out other blogs and found yours. So thanks for sharing your life stories in the above post, I learned a lot! You are the sweetest and so talented! Thank you for continuing to inspire us with your gifts and talents.
Susy Kennedy
I love your blog posts. I have been quilting since I was 21 & I just turned 60…and yes my kids grew as my quilting experience grew. I feel encouraged by your blog posts. I am ripping apart an UFO so I can redo it in a pattern I love. It is for my oldest daughter. It doesn’t have to be perfect but something she will love & something I can say I loved giving it to her. It is hard to quilt, work & have a life balance. You have been wonderfully successful & I hope you have a great 15 more years!
Congratulations on 15 years! A lot has changed during those years but some things have remained the same. The important stuff like family and self care will always be important. Thank you for your life lessons reminders, we often forget where we were and what we learned on that hurly burly race along the path to where we want to be.
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging and quilting! I love to be inspired by other quilters and I am looking forward to seeing the Cascade Falls quilt pattern.
Lori S
Congratulations on 15 years! I always enjoy reading your newsletter each week.
Beth Diaz
Congrats on 15 wonderful years of quilting! Loved reading your advice through the years!
Mary Power-Burke
Congratulations on 15 years. I started quilting in 2010 and have been following your blog for several years now. Your work is beautiful and the blog always has helpful tips and great ideas. Looking forward to the next 15 ++years.
Sandra McAvoy
Congratulations on 15 years! That's quite an accomplishment....raising a family and keeping a blog & business going!!! I am a sporadic blog reader and I'm so glad I read yours today! 15 wonderful lessons! Thank you!
Kathy R.
I enjoyed reading this blog post. Your thoughts hit home & give this quilter lots to think about. Happy 15 years!
Emily Tan
Congrats on 15 years! As a relatively new quilter, I appreciate the advice!
Sue Payne
Thanks, Amy, for the inspiration to do good things and to focus on what matters.
Renita Tanski
Congratulations Amy on 15 years. I really enjoy your blog and patterns. Thank you for your list of life lessons. I can tell you enjoy what you do! Keep up the inspirational work.
Congratulations Amy! On 15 years of blogging and quilting! It was fun seeing you grow as a closer and the children become the people they are today. Loved your 15 lessons on quilting (and life) as quilting has been a lifesaver for many people including me!
Jen M
Congratulations on 15 years! I love your quilts and tutorials. All the best for the future!
Ruth Finch
Amy, THANKS for sharing your journey over 15 years, the downs as well as the ups! I look forward to each blog post, and love your patterns and the fabrics you've designed. I have a collection of red, gray, and black flannels ready to make a large-square quilt like yours--I should begin it the next time it snows here in central VA.
Kelly Willis
Congratulations on 15 years! Great advice! The older I get the more I feel rushed to get so many things done but I enjoy taking the time to read things like this to help me put life back into perspective. I love the recreated photos of your kids!! Adorable!!
Judy Peters
Congratulations on your 15 years of dedication and thank you for your encouragementt to keep us quilting,
Kathy H
I always enjoy and learn from your posts. Thanks for being there for all us quilters.
Ginny Fisher
Congratulations Amy! What a journey- so happy to have found your blog and followed all these years.
Rita Corson
Hi, Amy
I too have four children and love to quilt. I’m so glad your youngest son is better. I enjoyed reading your 15 top quilting tips. You are so “smart”. Wish I had made a blog of my first 15 years as a quilter!
wendy b
Wowza! 15 years flies by doesn't it??? Congratulations on such a huge achievement....still loving your blogs, quilts, patterns and advice! Loved watching your family grow too. heres to many more successful years ahead. sugary hugs xox :o)
Cindy Monti
Wow, 15 years! Congratulations! I have been quilting for less than a year, although I have been sewing since I was about 10. I so enjoy your blog and have learned so much. Thank you!!
Congrats on 15 years! Great life lessons for the beginning of a new year.
Anita Scott
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on being able to do something you love for 15 years and blessings others long the way. Your weekly newsletter is one of the things I look forward to finding in my inbox every Saturday evening. Cheers to another 15 and beyond!
Heather Hinckley
Congratulations on 15 years! Thank you for continuing to share all the quilty goodness!
Congrats Amy! Loved reading about your journey!
Sara Jane Chappell
Thank YOU for sharing this post! I have followed you for more than a decade but this post spoke to me personally. It gave me so much confidence, insight and inspiration. Congratulations on 15 years doing what you do best!
Eileen White
Hi Amy. I used to quilt many years ago when I was a young mom with 4 daughters. Fast forward to today: yesterday was my last day of work (I started working at Disneyland when my youngest went off to college) and I'm ready to start again. Grand baby no. 1 arrived in November and grand baby no. 2 is due in March. I'm excited to stumble across your blog and really enjoyed this inspiring post and your honest and straightforwardmanner. Gotta get started on baby quilts!
Thanks for sharing all this wisdom!
Sharon Conway
Thank you Amy for sharing your expertise, your ideas and your thoughts on quilting (and life!). Your blog is one of the first I started following and I have loved being a part of your journey, Congratulations on 15 years!
Nancy A Burdick
Thank you for all that you do to welcome, invite, inspire and include people into the world on making. I "found" you through your post on Manx quilting several years ago and was just teaching someone about it the other day. Congratulations on your 15 year anniversary. Looking forward to learning more from you!
Congratulations! I have just recently found you and have enjoyed catching up on your past posts. Thank you for all you do!
Nora Hancock
Congratulations ! Thank you for the many ways you have helped my quilting journey! I am forever grateful for your wisdom!
Bonnie Borntrager
I was just introduced to your blog. Thanks for sharing your 15 words of wisdom...many resounded with me during what is a kind of stressful period in my life.
Congratulations, Amy! I cannot tell you how many times I have referred to your blog for ideas, hints, inspiration --just about EVERY time I'm "stuck" for ideas, I know I can count on your clear instructions and beautiful quilts for helping me get the push I need. I wish you many more years of sewing and blogging...you are an important part of our quilting world, don't ever stop!
Darla Belz
Congratulations on 15 years! As a relatively new quilter you were one of the first websites I signed up for and one of the sites I have continued to use. Thank you for being a part of my journey and thank you for continuing yours!
Congrats on 15 years! I love reading your blog. ❤️
Congratulation, Amy! Finding your website helped me fall in love with quilting all over again. Thank you for sharing your creativity and life with us. To your continued success!
Jill Currie
Hi Amy. I love your blog and have been following you for years. Thank you for your generosity in sharing so much. This blog post has so much wisdom that I need to take to heart. I adore your fabrics and am pleased that I can get them here in the UK. I am so looking forward to your new collection later this year. Best wishes for the New Year.
I need constant reminders that finished is better than perfect, but I am working on it! I have been quilting for 45 years, WOW I AM OLD! Now that I am retired, quilting is the thing I most look forward to every day!
Judy L.
That is a timely reminder. The purging suggestion resonates with me.
Time goes by so quickly doesn’t it? It’s measuring time by my children’s ages is when I realize how much time has passed. Congrats on a 15 year blog and here’s to another (cheers) 15!
Sharlene Klegstad
What a great 15 years! Thank you, thank you!
Diane O
I've been following you for a long time, not sure it's been all 15 years. Congratulations, what an accomplishment. I love reading your newsletter and blog!! Thanks!
Elaine O'Connell
Congrats on your 15 year anniversary! Enjoy your blog and I can relate to all of these learnings!
Nancy Holley
Congratulations on 15 years!! Lots of sound advice here! I couldn’t agree more and I’m so happy to hear you have your son back!
Jenny Lightbody
Congratulations on the milestone!
Hi Amy, I'm fairly new to quilting but have sewn garments since I was quite young. I have my struggles with quilting but can't get enough. I enjoy your blog very much and look forward to your thoughts and advice. CONGRATULATIONS on 15 years.
Deborah Mohagen
Congratulations! Love getting your newsletters. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Such a beautiful post! Thank you for the reminders of the things that are important! You are a blessing to the quilting community! Thank you for 15 wonderful years! May rich blessings be yours!
Nancy Seitz
Wow. Quite a story. I really need to organize my sewing room.
Ellen Hallacy
Thank you for this post and a great list of important life lessons. I really enjoyed the photos of your growing family. I also enjoy the photos you take outside. You have inspired me to visit your beautiful state!
Liz Sylvia
Woohoo 🥳
Thanks for all the inspiration and wonderful patterns over the years! Looking forward to seeing more.
Congratulations! Very nice commemorative post, here’s to 15 more years of beautiful creations. Cheers
I always enjoy following your blog. Gretel is still one of my favorite lines and I don't want to use it all up. I am usually attracted to anything with hearts. I have been following you for a long time but in my old age I don't remember exactly how long. Thanks for so much enjoyment. I have a huge stash that I need to begin to figure out how to share/donate, so I will follow your guidelines. Congratulations on so many years of quilting and blogging!
Adele Morar
I always love your posts! Congrats on 15 years!
Congratulations on 15 years! I have learned many things from you over the years. Thank you!
Jill Norenberg
Amy - Congratulations on your 15 year blog anniversary! I believe time flies when you are doing something you love! I look forward to your blog every week! I felt included when you visited Europe as well as quilt shows! Your children are beautiful! Keep up the fantastic, inspiring work!
Rachael Willardson
Congratulations! 15 years is a big milestone and I look forward to many more years of your newsletter, ideas, and creative fun! Thank you!
Carol Young
Dear Amy, I started quilting when my boys were in high school, 15 + years ago. It seemed like every few months a favorite teacher was expecting a baby into their family. Mike and Brad would ask me to make a blanket for them. That started my quilt journy. When I found your blog and enjoyed reading it gave me a boost to go bigger than a baby blanket. Thanks, Carol
Kathy Everson
All great things to live by. I love quilters and the quilting community. They are some of the kindest and most generous people.
Yours is the only quilting newsletter I read from start to finish every week! There’s a settledness and a lack of pretension that are really soothing in an online quilting world that I used to run to for help (which it provided, for sure!) but then led me to often feeling inadequate and frustrated (to many of your points in this list!)
I have no social media anymore, so this newsletter and your blog are a total treat—congrats on 15 years, and thank you!
Jannie McCalman
Jannie McCalman
Valerie House
Congratulations on 15 years! I have to say that I look forward to your newsletter each week, see what you have been working on, your creative patterns, and what you and your family have going on Thank you so much for your sharing and caring!!
Congratulations!! And thank you for sharing your knowledge. I struggle with perfectionism and have made quilts that I never gifted because I didn't think were perfect enough. I am trying to embrace "better done than perfect". Here's to 15 more years of sharing your special talent and knowledge.
Congratulations on 15 years! And thanks for the motivation to clean and sort my sewing room!
Shirley Uhlman
Congratulations on your 15 year milestone! You are spot on with the 15 Life Lessons 😊I can sew relate to them. Looking forward to many more years of quilting.
Rachel k
Congratulations. I quilt for charity, Linus project. Just love to create.
Shelley Brumfield
I’ve enjoyed your blog and your quilts!
Catherine Denney
Not that I expect to win but be thanks for the opportunity. 15 years seems a long time ago but also only yesterday doesn't it?
Thanks for your inspiration and ideas over the years 🙂
Pat Demharter
Hi Amy, I am so happy for your success! Many of your patterns, fabrics and even a couple of pre made quilts have made it into my sewing room. What I love most is how you weave your thoughts about life and its ups and downs into your craft. Life is not about perfection. It’s the journey that matters. All we can do is practice.
Keep the inspiration and encouragement going!
Congratulations! Thanks for being real and honest which inspires me more than instagram perfect! I also love to quilt to donate.
Sandra DeMers
Congratulations on 15 amazing years! And thanks for sharing your designs, your quilts, and the lessons you've learned along the way. You inspire us all!
janice puttbrese
Proves once again that quilting is life. Thank you.
Leslie K.
Congratulations, Amy! I have followed your blog for probably 9 to 10 years. Not only have I loved watching your family grow up, but I have learned so much from you. I have used many of your patterns and have been inspired by the fabric choices that you make (we have extremely similar tastes). I especially like when you highlight a charity group to sew for....I have donated items to several different groups that you have highlighted.
Best wishes for many more years of success and happiness!
Cheryl A Saunderson
Congratulations on your 15 years! Wow. I love your blog, patterns and fabric choices. I just made your lattice baby quilt but queen size. So pretty! I realize how much time and effort must go into writing a blog and I sure do appreciate it! Thank you!
Kudos on your blogversary and thank you for the 15 life/quilt lessons. They are inspiring and great reminders. It was fun to see the pictures of your family — amazing the changes in 15 years. Life goes so fast….
Rosemary Laursen
Congratulations and thank you for sharing your life and talent with us all these years. Hoping 2024 is the best yet!
Judy B.
Congratulations Amy! Your blog is one I look forward to reading. Thank you!
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! I am a somewhat new quilter (3 years) and your blog has given me a lot of inspiration and encouragement since I began this quilting journey. Looking forward to many more years of following along on your journey!
Thank you so much for such an inspiring article. You are blessed with wisdom.
Connie M.
Congratulations! Love your shop and posts. Best wishes for another 15 years!
Little Quiltsong
Loved your post and this 15 year update. Congratulations on those 15 years of blogging. You were one of the first that reached out to me, when I asked if I could sew along with one of your sew alongs. I was soooo new at this - quilting and reading quilting blogs - you helped me on how to show those 3 quilts, yes, I made 3 quilts with that sew along 🙂 - and I even won a prize with one of them.
Thank you Amy, for your kindness so many years ago - I all of a sudden felt included, in this new online quilting community. I guess you never know who you will meet - and the impact it will have even so many years later.
Congratulations Amy for 15 years! I love your blog and patterns.
Dawn Schultz
Congratulations on 15 years! I've only recently found your blog and information and am so glad I did. I love your designs.
Amy, I have been following you for a long time - you feel like a friend! I just really like your quilting style, your writing voice, and the beautiful views of Utah. My wish for you is continuing success and happiness.
Lisa A Flint
Thank you for your "15 Wisdoms". I think all of us out here can always use these reminders! I just found your blog and website a few months ago and, I have to genuinely say, there are few blogs/newsletters that I look forward to reading as much as I do yours. That includes showcasing the MeTime product. I just received the January box after having read about the December box in one of your newsletters last month. That's on my agenda today! Thank you for all your time and musings!
Maria Zook
It was helpful to me to read about the things you learned in your 15 years. I especially need the reminder to let go of scraps. They do develop a life of their own. I
Thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. Look forward to it arriving in my inbox on Saturday evening. Congratulations on 15 years! You truly are an inspiration!
Janet S
Congratulations on your 15 years! Time does fly! I'm a new quilter and have only been quilting for about 2 years so I haven't had the opportunity to read your blog until then. I thoroughly enjoy reading all your tips, links, pictures of quilts and outdoors and hearing about what is going on. I also love your writing style. Thank you for your continued inspiration!
Congratulations! Your blog was recommended to me when I first started quilting about 10 years ago and I've been using your tutorials and wisdom ever since. Thank you!
Congratulations on 15 years. Thanks for your inspiration.
Anna White
Congratulations on 15 years. I enjoy your blog and wish you many more years of blogging and sharing all your wonderful ideas.
Thank you for the last 15 years and I am looking forward to the next 15 years. Congratulations to you. Quality does indeed last. Your site is one of my go to places for inspiration and how to. I so look forward to my Sunday morning read.
Thank you for your enlightening words which run very true. Keep on quilting!
This was a fun to read post. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your family through the years. One of the items you learned and I wish others would learn is about perfectionism. So many quilters start his or her post on Facebook with: "this isn't perfect..." I really get tired of seeing that. I enjoy making quilts but if they are to be perfect, I may as well stop making them.
Irene McCall
LOved to see how your family has grown up. Thanks for the thoughtful lessons that you've learned.
Lori Watkins-Gurule
I always look forward to your blog and a big thank you for the tutorials over the years. Congrats!
marjorie bardwell
Although relatively new to your site, I enjoy your POV and elegant writing style…now I have 15 years of back entries to read through! Congrats !
Congratulations, Amy, on the past 15-years, and another 15-plus years. Your PRE-CUT SHORTCUTS, Craftsy class was my first class purchase on that platform. Your presentation delivery was easy to follow and encouraging. I'm now hooked on your blog. You're always authentic, down to earth, and make your audience feel welcomed that we landed on your blog. Thank you for keeping it real Amy; life and quilting.
Sally A Christiansen
Congratulations on 15 years! Your blog was one of the first I found that was quilting and I have enjoyed it for many years. I always have loved your patterns and fabric and many words of wisdom. Thank you for sharing your life!
Kathy Hunter
Congrats on 15 years! I started quilting in 2016 with a wonderful church group in KY. I was the baby of the group at 55. It was a lot of fun. I continue to quilt on my own after we moved away, mostly give aways or family requests. I am currently making a brick quilt and love the ease of it. I will be doing a baby brick version soon.
Sar Jan
Congratulations on 15 years! What a great giveaway. Haven’t seen the Lori Holt embroidery before- definitely one of my philosophies!
Cocoa Quilts
Congratulations on 15 years! Look forward to the next 15. Waiting to see your Cascade pattern!!
Karen Gibbs
Good morning! Your wisdom in this article inspires me! I will keep it to reread. Congratulations on 15 years.
Awesome! You work never fail to inspire me!
Mary E Lindberg
Here's to the next 15 years, Amy. Your book, Fabuously Fast Quilts, was my first and still a favorite. Last year I was dealing with breast cancer and you were my inspiration to sew for those who need a warm grandma quilt. I just kept sewing right through snow storms and waiting on test results. I kept sewing through surgery, more tests and radiation, and more storms. (Last winter was tough in MN.) I made 11 quilts and delivered them to our high school. And that was the best therapy of all. This last week I had my first mamogram and I am cancer free. Prayers, family and the ability to make quilts to give away. It doesn't get much better than that. God bless!
Louise Riccobene
Congratulations on 15 years! I thoroughly enjoy getting your emails and reading through your blog and enjoying your pictures. Your 9 patch quilt pattern was the first one I did as a new quilter. Thank you for all you do!
I love
I love reading about your family and your quilting ideas - an inspiration to the rest of us! Not to mention a chance to win a great prize! Thanks for keeping your blog going through it all.
Janet Danielson
Thank you and Congratulations Amy! I have enjoyed your blog, patterns and the 15 things you've learned in 15 years...each lesson is an important life skill for me.
Congratulations on 15 years! How time flies…thank you for sharing your insights and tips, blessings for many more
Linda Stone
Amy, I love this post! Thank you for sharing your talent and products with us.
All the best to you and your family!
Linda Stone
Congratulations. I always learn from you. You have a great way of teaching a technique that is best for my learning skills. I love seeing the beautiful scenery in your photo shoots. I have never been to Utah but it is on my list. I would love the Sandy Gervais products or the Fat Quarter certificate. Thanks and blessings for many more happy years of quilting.
Stephanie Sparks
Yours is my favorite quilting blog! I go back to your posts frequently, and if I ever need help with a technique,I check your site first. Thank you for your effort in putting relevant content out for your readers! Congratulations on 15 years
Terri C
Thank you so much for sharing your positivity and quilty inspiration with all of us over these 15 years!
Ingrid D
Thank you for your blog, I have only been following for less than a year. I love the 15 lessons I just read, thank you for those.
Pamela V
Congrats Amy. I look forward to reading h your email every Saturday!!
Mary B
Congratulations on 15 years. I love reading your blog. It's so uplifting. I've learned so much from you. Thanks Again!!
Melanie Ayers
Congratulations Amy!!!! Such an amazing achievement. This is such a great blog posting - especially the part about distractions from actually creating, this is a big one for me. I’ve made a bunch of your patterns and as a Brit who lives in the US, your trip to the Cotswolds was so much fun to follow.
Happy Anniversary from down the road in Orem! Thanks for your wise words! I’m always reviewing the basics to make sure I’m doing things ‘right’ and I’ve loved your blog and tutorials for how clearly you teach and make things seem doable. I have a good friends with POTS and would love to know what’s worked for your son. My friend is struggling.
Thanks for being a positive light in the world.
Julia W.
Congratulations on your 15-year anniversary! I really enjoy your blog and e-mails and I appreciate you sharing the lessons you've learned along the way. I've personally embraced not letting perfect get in the way of good and it's been freeing in many areas of my life.
Robin Lindquist
Great post! So many of your reflections really ring true for me. Thank you for all you do to keep the creative quilting spark alive!
Rebecca Bunke
Congrats on 15 years of writing your blog. You've learned a lot in 15 years and thanks for sharing with us. Here's to at least 15 more years! I can't wait for your new fabric line to be released.
Sally King
You get credit for starting me on my quilting journey. I was inspired and your words gave me the confidence to start this marvelous journey. With over 60 quilts under my belt and six incredible grandkids, my life has been blessed. Thank you and keep it up. Love especially to your family💕
What a trip down memory lane❤️. A very thoughtful and powerful post. Thank you! Love the photos with your kids!
Evelyn Bryan
Congrats on 15 years of inspiration! You were one of the first blogs I discovered when I started quilting.
Beautiful Penni Liesinger
Thank you for sharing your story and life lessons. Thanks Sister Smart
Many, many congratulations on 15 years! Your blog was one of the first ones I stumbled on. And a word of thanks, as so many previous bloggers have gone on to just quick Instagram pics. I love the detail you provide on your blog.
Amazing…..15 years! Congratulations and I look forward to continuing to read your blog. Your blog always brings a smile, and sense of empowerment that quilting is what you make it…..pun intended 😊
Angela Myers
Congratulations on your achievement of 15 years! I have been a quilter for over 22 years and love it. It's a great outlet and I have met some quilters that make the best friends. I was at a quilt retreat this weekend and had to leave early yesterday because of the winter storm here in Buffalo NY. When they cancel a Bills NFL game, you know it's bad weather; we Buffalonians are tough and seasoned storm watchers. I will take out my machine and continue sewing what I started at retreat. I love to sit at my computer on Sunday mornings drinking tea and reading your blog!
Linda B.
Congratulations on 15 years! You are an inspiration. I have loved sewing with your fabric lines. Wishing you many more years of quilting and blogging.
Peggy S
Congratulations Amy. You are a true inspiration. Thank you for being you. I enjoy reading your blog and newsletters. You are one of my favourite people to follow.
Debbie Myers
I so enjoy reading your blog and this is one I’m saving. I think I’ll write out the 15 things and post it in my sewing room! Congratulations on your 15 years of blogging and thank you for the giveaway!
Carolyn Whitaker
Thank you Amy! A beautiful reflection and some great ideas to embrace. I love your newsletter.
Congratulations on 15 years. Yay!!! I love reading your weekly post. Thanks for all your free patterns, tutorials and useful quilty information. Here's to 15 more years!
Karine Prost
Thank you for sharing a recap of those 15 years which haven't all been a bed of roses. I enjoyed very much watching again the photos of your trip to the Cotswolds. I have visited this beautiful area in 2019, so it was a bit to early to get the chance to just bump into you!
Rhonda Collier
Congrats! 15 years is an amazing milestone!
Betty L Liehr
That was a great list and a reminder of why I quilt, too! Congrats on your 15 years!
Natasha Ridde Udy
Amy I have loved learning from you and watching you grow into such a world renowned quilter. I love your passion and creativity and how humble you are at the same time. It’s fun to think way back when we were friends and love that connection. Happy 15 years to you! Thanks for all you provide in the quilting community.
Hi, Amy! Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! I have enjoyed reading about various topics that you have covered. Your helpful tips and encouraging comments have inspired me to keep trying new things, to be content with improvement instead of perfection, and to have fun with lifelong learning!
Renae C.
Thanks you for all you do for the quilting community! I have made many of your patterns and I enjoy seeing the new ones as they come out. Keep it up!
Tammy Kelley
Congratulations on 15 years! I have found much inspiration from your blog, I am so thankful you have kept at it. Wishing you many more years of success and fulfillment.
Valerie McInroe
Congratulations on 15 years. You've accomplished a lot, and touched so many of us.
Judy Rychnowski
Congratulations on your 15 years writing your blog! So enjoy seeing your work in using the Baby Lock machine. I have been sewing for many, many years and have recently (30+ years} have been using my embroidery machine to doing my quilting. Love the Perfectly Pieced projects from ME Time. Keep up the great work! Judy
Cheryl Dreska
Congratulations on your anniversary! I enjoyed reading this and all of the points resonated with me.
I agree with everything you just said. Especially how sewing/quilting and any textile arts you engage in can be therapeutic. I know it certainly is for me. Congrats for keeping your blog going for so many years. You can be very inspirational.
Thanks for sharing your tips and lessons learned over 15 years. Wise and important lessons. I loved seeing how your kids have grown.
Vickie Dunn
Congratulations on 15 years! I really enjoy your newsletters and the latest was no exception. The 15 Things I've Learned in 15 Years was a good read and good advice for so many roads in life. Letting go of perfection, one of the hardest, but necessary for success. Best wishes for the next 15 years of your journey.
I think I've been following you for most of those 15 years. You have provided some wonderful inspiration for quilting and for life. I loved the 15 things you have learned in 15 years. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Vicki Hill
Congratulations on 15 years!! Thanks for being a great inspiration for so many of us.
Jenn Rodriguez
Thank you for this and also being authentic about your life not being perfect! Honestly is so refreshing and the perfect antidote to fake social media illusions. 😊
Congratulations on 15 great years! Whenever I need a bit of inspiration, I look to your blog, tutorials, etc.- love it!!
Charlene Lundquist
15 years, wow!! I started quilting four years ago and really appreciate the support from the quilting community. Your posts are such an inspiration and a great reminder that we need to be patient with ourselves on this journey.
Theresa Steckler
Congratulations. I started quilting when I retired 4 years ago and it has been a lifesaver. The creativity Is so healing and I was so burned out from being a perfectionist in my career. Done is better than perfect!! I couldn’t say that when I was a doctor. Enjoy your blog and patterns. Theresa
Louise M
Your blog was one of the first I found when I decided to reinvigorate my creativity. It was back in 2010 and it gave me the boost I needed. When I won a fat quarter bundle I was over the moon. Then, I met you at My Girlfriend's Quilt shop in Logan, followed by taking a class from you at QuiltCon. Yep, I a fan girl! Thank you for your honest posts about the realities of life, quilts, and personal growth. I admire you and wish you well on your anniversary.
Anne G
Congratulations on 15 years! Enjoyed your "15 Things I've Learned". I have been quilting since 2007 & 2008 when I attended a quilt retreat in North Carolina mountains w/ my sister-in-law (also love the mountain backgrounds in your photos). I do need to purge part of my fabric stash as I wonder why I even bought it at this point! Have been cleaning/organizing my sewing/guest room & made my 2024 UFO list, as well as listing all the new projects that I want to make.
Fifteen years is a big accomplishment! Thanks for all your cute patterns and beautiful fabrics. I love following along your “diary” to see what you are creating. ❤️
Diane M Downes
Thank you, Amy for a lovely blog and all the tidbits of quilty wisdom. Love reading your posts and enjoy working on your projects. Here's to another 15 Years!
Hi Amy, your blog was one of the first ones I found when I started quilting in December 2019. I’ve read every post since then. Thank you for all of the ideas and inspiration you’ve given to us,
Amy, I always look forward to reading your Saturday Evening Post! It's been happening for about a year. I feel like you and I could be great friends, we have sew many things in common, even though you are more the age of my children. All four of my kidlets have left the nest and all have wonderful spouses with super children ranging in age from 13-23. Your "15 Things I've Learned...... " is 15 years in nutshell, all so spot on. Yours and my life have been amazing lives with some bumps along the way. Keep doing what you sew beautifully do. As I said, I look forward to reading "The Saturday Night Special" from the "Girl Next Door." Lots of Hugs..... ❤️
Camilla F
Congratulations on the 15 years! I’ve been reading along, getting inspired, and learning tips for a number of years now. Thanks for the effort you have put into this enterprise.
Laurie A Saunders
I absolutely love your quilts Amy. And those give-aways are pretty sweet too :). Congratulations on 15 years!
Congratulations on a lovely blog, a lovely life. Thank you for many meaningful words on the subjects of life and quilting!!! All in all we are so lucky to have opportunities and fabric in abundance!!! Thanks again - here's to 15 more years.
Yay for 15 years and congratulations, that is quite an accomplishment! You were the first quilt Blog I followed way back when. The pandemic and working from home gave me time to smock more dresses for the grands and to learn to quilt. Thanks for your always kind thoughtful blog posts- I look forward to them every weekend.
As a new quilter (1 year) thank s for your 15 lessons. Very helpful.
Jeanne Stone
Congratulations, Amy! You were one of the first blogs I found when I started my quilting journey 6 years ago and have been a great help to me as I grow as a quilter. I look forward to continuing to reach your blog and make your quilts for years to come. Craftsman is next on my table so I can sew a mermaid quilt for my granddaughter. Thank you for being my support as a quilter!
JoyLyn Rigby
Amy, my deepest congratulations on such a wonderful journey over these 15 years. It’s been fun to be a back seat witness. It’s hard to remember a time when I didn’t know you. All my love to you as you navigate this next season in your life! Like most seasons it’s sure to be a crazy, unexpected time, with more joy than you would ever imagine. X0
(And should I happen to win, pass it on to a new quilter, further their journey, heaven knows I have amassed more than enough!)🩷
I met you many, many years ago at American Quilting and again at a couple of quilting retreats in Logan--and you are the one who introduced me to Melissa Kelley and Sew Shabby Quilting (my go-to longarmer). I have so enjoyed following your blog--and I LOVE your 15 life lessons. They all ring true for me as well! Congratulations on 15 years!
Jean Tumbarello
First of all, congratulations on your 15th anniversary! I loved reading this blog entry- your observations are spot on! I especially like the 'done is better than perfect'. My quilts are never perfect (especially corner binding) but they are meant to be used, not put up in a closet. Creating a beautiful quilt is something I just love to do!
Anne Dawson
Congratulations 👏👏👏👏👏
Thanks for writing this blog. I think I have been reading it for nearly 15 years !!!!
Lynda Eickhoff
I love reading your blog. It's clear you write from the heart. Thank you for your insights and for taking the time to share those thoughts along with the gifts you have been given to the rest of us. One of my favorite quotes is from Erma Bombeck, "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I have not a single bit of talent left but could say I've used everything you gave me..." Well done.
Karen Emmerich
I've so enjoyed you blog. So many great ideas, beautiful fabrics and interesting patterns. Thanks for keeping me current!
Charlotte Brown
You were one of the first bloggers that I found online about five years ago when I started quilting. I buy more fabric and patterns than I can get sewn, but I love all the new fabrics. I just turned 79 on January 12 so I need to get busy sewing!
Congratulations Amy on 15 years of writing your blog! I started quilting in 2017 and started following you soon after. I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to reading it for many years to come.
Joyce Cordova
Congratulations on 15 years. The life lessons you listed are just what I needed. I get overwhelmed at times.
Linda Beebe
You are so down to earth as a new quilter that really helps. I love reading your blog. It always makes me smile.
Catherine M Green
Your joy in life shines through in all your posts. Love following you.
Elaine Papworth
Hi Amy! I first met you at Erin‘s Sewing Summit years ago, and have loved and followed you ever since. I still have notes from your sewing summit classes, and still refer to some of your patterns. I have more fabric and patterns than I can ever use, so I need to follow some of your advice about letting go and clearing out. I just wanted you to know how inspired I am from knowing you and following you. Much love, and many hugs. Elaine
Diane Willis
I really enjoyed reading your blog and the lessons you learned over the last 15 years. Thanks for affirming that the quilting police don't have jurisdiction. That really works for me!!
Beth T.
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! What a great way to document your family's history as well as your own personal growth along with spreading knowledge and so much happiness. I know I have benefited from your blog in many ways.
I can relate to the wisdom you are passing down today. (Thanks for sharing!) I am finding a lot of satisfaction in paring down my stash by taking fabric I once loved (what was I thinking?!) or accepted as a thoughtful gift but didn't quite know how to say it was not my style and using it to make kennel quilts. I challenge myself to make something pretty out of the ugliest combo I pull, or to dig deep and find the most unexpected color pairs and do something with them. I am surprised how often I feel a twinge at giving away my creations, thinking that they are really quite creative, or that I actually love the color pairings I thought would be just this side of hideous.
In giving away, giving to others, I thought I was making more room for what I already loved, but I turn out to be discovering what that might be, and redefining what that is. Not a pattern for life.
Sherri Huff
Amy, thank you for creating such beautiful patterns and fabric!
These are some great tips here, that I think I need to print and review every few months!
Joan A Snyder
Congrats on 15 years! I haven't been following you for many years but as a relatively new quilter, I depend on your site and come back to it for support time and time again! I really appreciate hearing about how quilting has been a part of your larger life - thank you for sharing such personal stories that we can all relate to!
Sonja Hagen
Congratulations on your 15 year milestone! I’ve been following your blog and reading your newsletter for at least 10 years. Thank you for being so generous with your ideas, inspiration and referrals to other quilters. Thank you also for being so honest and thoughtful in sharing your journey.
Martha Northcutt
Amy, your insights into life and quilting resonate with me. Thank you for sharing yourself and your creativity with the quilting community.
Pamela Dempsey
Thank you Amy for this post. I enjoyed your pictures and words of wisdom 😻What a great 15 years!🤗
Amy Kollasch
It is crazy how fast 15 years go by. Thank you for a chance to win. Congratulations
Amy Olsen
Congratulations!! Love the list of things you've learned! They are so relevant to so many of us.
Ellen M.
Congratulations on 15 years! I'm looking forward to another 15 years of inspiration. I'm trying to embrace "done is better than perfect". Like many people I'm my own worst critic which keeps me from moving forward sometimes! Thanks for all of the words of wisdom!
Thank you for your blog with sewing inspiration and wisdom. As your blog shows some things change and some things are constant over time and we need to embrace both.
Ann Smith
Congrats on 15 years! I took your class at the very first Garden of Quilts and it was great to meet you in person. That quilt is still one of our most used. I was thinking the other day that I need to make another one - it's the perfect way to use up a lot of scraps! Thanks for the quilty inspiration each week and for sharing the struggles and successes in such a genuine way.
Jackie Cronin
I want to congratulate you on 15 life filled years of your blog! Truly a feat for a busy mom and wife. I have been subscribed to your newsletter for about 3 years and absolutely love your newsletters. I look forward to them and always find something new in each one. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of quilting as well as the patterns and techniques that you share with your readers.
Congratulations! I hope there are another 15 years of sharing your inspiration and wisdom to come.
Nancy K
I have been following your blog for a long time and love your down to earth tips on quilting - especially "done is better than perfect" I'm looking forward to your new pattern release, Cascade Falls. Congratulations on 15 years!
Your posts are an inspiration and I have used many of your tutorials, so thank you. And God bless the next 15years.
Cassie Melton
Thank you for sharing the past 15 years with the quilt world. Remember to have fun for the next 15 years.
Janet Centner
You are such a confidence booster! Seeing all your patterns and finished projects is exciting and an incentive to get off my chair and start using even a portion of my stash. The small squares reminded me of a project our guild made to share with children at Oshei Hospital in Buffalo NY.
We made "I Found It" little quilts, with 30 or however many blocks you wanted, into a rollup play toy. We used all different 3 x3's in all colors and fussy cut pictures so they could find either colors or pictures of animals, fruit, cartoon characters. I pit pellon in between and a backing then quilted. When done put a tie on each end so we could roll it up and take it with them. I should declutter like you suggested but boy it is tough! Congratulations on 15 years. Your a real trooper.
Along with your other fans, I congratulate you on your 15 years of blogging. I also thank you for the reminder that perfection is not required and is rarely attained. For my own good, I always save some of my precious spare time to enjoy a hot cup of tea while reading your emails. May your next 15 years as a blogger be as productive as your first 15.
Chel Todd
Thank you Amy, for your commitment and being here for all of us quilters and sewists around the world. You have touched so many lives! You are loved and appreciated!
Congratulations on 15 years! I look forward to getting your emails with all the quilting information and reflections. Thank you.
Dianne J David
I enjoyed reading the story of your journey! It got me to a large cup of tea and looking through some old photographs of the last 15 years of my life/family. I am a bit ahead of you in years, so my highlights are different from yours. As far as our quilting journeys, we have learned many of the same things. One of my favorite imaginary signs says, "Patterns are merely suggestions." I am constantly looking at a pattern and instantly changing it to how I want it to look. I am about to start a block of the month, which I said I would never do again, and have already adjusted the color profile, the block layout, and a few other specifications. I also learned that wishing for a long arm is a waste of time. Renting time on someone else's is the way to go! I have converted so many quilt tops to quilts this past year and plan to get more done this year.
Congrats on the 15 year success and I wish you 15 more, at least!
Congratulations on fifteen years! I look forward to receiving your newsletters each week and wait until I have some quiet time to read them so I can click all the links without being interrupted. I also enjoy the photos you share of the beautiful scenery in your part of the country and on your hikes. Thank you!
Connie von Thun
Thank you for sharing through your blog, I agree with all 15 things. I'm so thankful for an online quilting community through which I learn a lot about the latest, greatest things for quilting. My mother was an avid quilter but unfortunately I didn't really get the "bug" until just a few months before she passed. I wish I would have paid more attention when I had the chance. However I'm blessed that she and I were able to hand quilt my first grand baby's quilt together.
Beth Dollar
Hi Amy
I follow your blog and have been for probably all the fifteen years. Primarily because of your positivity and kindness. Hopefully you will keep on doing it for a long time.
Congratulations, Amy! I enjoy your newsletter so much!
Amy, Congratulations on 15 years! You have lots to celebrate. I enjoy your blog for lots of reasons, and thank you for a chance to win some goodies.
Melissa Le Sueur
Congratulations on 15 years! Thank you for sharing your creativity and your wisdom!
What’s great read. Loved your 15 lessons.
Congratulations on the last 15 years. What a great achievement.
I love your patterns of which I have made several but living in New Zealand makes it very costly to purchase fabrics.
Loved your pictures of the Cotswolds which is one of the most beautiful places to visit.
Thank you for all your advice. I love reading all your blogs
Dorothy T. Harrison
Thank you for hanging in there with us all these years. I look forward to reading your blog and connecting with the quilting community online.
Milly V
Thank you for including others in your journey ! We all benefit by sharing, reaching out and inspiring and lifting others. Your blog is welcoming and encouraging. This collection of things learned had a lot of great reminders to take to heart!
Carol S Kauffman
Congratulations on 15 years. That is an accomplishment. Your 15 things learned are so right on. Some days I still manage to while away my time on social media.
Nancy Laitner
Hi Amy, Congratulations!!! When I started on my quilting journey, your blogs and posts always inspired me. Your open and honest blogs are both encouraging and reassuring to me. I have a lot of your patterns (print version), which I appreciate this option. I also have a strong fondness for Liberty of London, after I had the opportunity to live in London area for 2 years. So I throughly enjoyed your posts about London. Using your Liberty Jack pattern, I made a table runner to honor Queen Elizabteth II. Everyone loves seeing my quilt using your Fly The Flag pattern. Making tree blocks using your patchwork forest quilt is a favorite. I'm thinking of making more trees out of my large stash, using your method. I especially like how you reference other quilters and shops in your newsletters. You are big part of my quilting story.
Thank you, thank you, Amy
Nancy Hager
Wow 15 years and I think I have been reading your blog for most of those years. I love that Finished is better than perfect. had to learn that one also or I might never finish anything. Here’s hoping you continue blogging for many more years and I get to read them all.
Julie Binskin
Congratulations on your milestone Amy. I'm from Australia and love reading your email/blog every week. It provides encouragement and entertainment, knowledge and laughter, all important in this game of life! Thank you for who you are and sharing your life xx
Beverly Landis
Congratulations on 15 years!
Alice E.
Thanks for sharing these takeaways from life. Fighting perfectionism is my trap!
Theresa McMahon
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! I made my first quilt 48 years ago from a kit I ordered from the back of a magazine. It was for my college bed and I tied it. Now I have a longarm. I didn't really get back to serious quilting until about 25 years ago when I wanted to teach my Girl Scout troop and now that I'm retired, I've really improved my skills.
Linda Swanekamp
Great Lessons! I find people are way too hard on themselves, won't try something new, and are content to be a rut too many times. Quilting has opened up life for me and given me an outlet to help others and be creative with a purpose.
Beth B
I love following your blog. Not sure I’ve been here the whole time, but pretty close. Your patterns and fabrics really resonate with me! I loved reading about what you have learned over the years, thank you for sharing it here. ❤️
Allison S.
Congratulations on 15 years! I appreciate that you still blog in addition to the other social media stuff. Thank you for your amazing work, and for the giveaway chances. Here’s to 15 more!
Congrats, Amy, on your milestone! Job well done!
Candy Langert
Congratulations on 15 years! i always get your blog on Sundays and it is a great beginning to my week. Your 15 reflections are spot on, especially the last one. Thanks for being a wonderful part of my week.
Carol Glenn
Congratulations on 15 inspiring years. Your positive influence has influenced my quilting experience. Thank you!
Patty Hilton
Congratulations from a fellow Utahn! I started quilting 10-12 years ago and am amazed how much I enjoy the whole process (well, most of it). Love reading your weekly posts and save them all.
Thank you for offering prizes! Such fun!
Thanks for sharing your talents and knowledge so freely with us! Congrats on 15 years!
Kathy Veghte
Congratulations on 15 years of quilting inspiration and dedication.
Anne Sausen
Congratulations on fifteen years! I love your blog and all the inspiring posts you write. Thanks for all the amazing quilts and ideas you share. I appreciate the chance to win!
Kecia Shipp
Thank you for each point you made on this list. I think we often forget to do what’s most important and to not get distracted by the unnecessary things. Thanks again for these reminders.
Fern Baker
Congratulations on 15 years. I think I have learned many of the same lessons in my quilting journey. Thank You for all you have done for us.
Lyn Coleman
Congratulations. I don’t usually take the time to read blogs, but I recently signed up for your newsletter and this blog intrigued me. So true. Lyn
Congratulations on 15 years. I really enjoyed reading the things you have learned and can relate to almost every single one of them. Here’s to wishing you another 15 years of creating.
Congratulations on 15 years! I'm a fairly new quilter who happened upon your site during the heart of the pandemic. Reading through provided me with not only helpful quilting information but a sense of positivity and kindness during a really rough time so thank you!
Congratulations! It was a very interesting read. I'm new to the quilting world and enjoy listening to lessons from others. Thank you.
Congratulations on 15 wonderful years! Isn't it crazy how quickly the time goes? I have had my blog for about 12 and it doesn't even seem possible. I know that blogging seems to have lost it's appeal for many, but I still love the connection, inspiration and and back story it provides. It also help get a few projects to the finish line, which you, no doubt also know. Keep sharing and inspiring others with your creativity.
Ann Barker
I first “met” you via that precut shortcut class on craftsy. I love your work and your blog.
I enjoyed reading this blog post! Congratulations and I hope the next 15 years are even better for you. I totally agree with your advice to let go of perfection—some of my favorite quilts are the ones that have irregularities!
Marilyn Smith
Congratulations on 15 wonderful creative years! I have really enjoyed following along the last few years. Thanks for the opportunity to win some wonderful gifts.
J Neely
Congratulations on 15 years! It's amazing to look back at The Blogspace and mind-blowing to think of all the businesses that have resulted! Reading your blog each week feels like a visit with a friend. Thank you!
Elana Goldberg
Amy, I love this post. First of all, I miss reading your blog on the regular. So when you posted about that last 15 years, it was heaven for me to read through. I love the photo recreations of your kids. It's so true that life goes by too fast! You wrote some wise lessons for us to ponder. Quilting is wonderful, but any type of sewing is just so relaxing and fun. I hope you will continue to share wisdom and inspiration with us. Congrats on the 15 years of incredible success.
Thanks for sharing your journey, you are truly inspiring.
Cindy Crownover
Loved your 15 things learned in 15 years.
Thank you for sharing your 15 things, lots of good advice. ❤️ I am new to quilting and get so stressed when my seams don’t match perfect, but you are so right there is no one judging the imperfections of my quilts.
Susan M
Congratulations on 15 years!! Really enjoy reading your blog and found the list very relatable especially not needing all the tools - changing the rotary blade regularly is a must, and cleaning out the excess - that’s what I’m working on right now.
Christine Puniello
Congratulations on 15 yrs! I have enjoyed your blog for quite a few of those years and wish you continued success!
You make it all look so simple! I am sure there have been some trials!
Terri Karasch
I so enjoy reading your down-to-earth, reality-based blog. It’s always nice to recognize another quilter who faces the same types of challenges we all do in our daily life. Congratulations on 15 years, can’t wait to see what the next 15 hold for you!
Rebekah Pope
Congrats on 15 years! You have truly been an inspiration to me! In a world of the internet and social media seeing post after post of finished quilts and perfect points, I really appreciate how you keep things real and honest. Your blog posts about not finishing holiday quilts really rang true for me, and I like how you set yourself up for success next year!
Caralee Earl
Time sure goes by so fast. My youngest is also a senior in high school and quilting has gotten me through many rough times. I loved all your tips, they are so true. Thanks for being here for all these years sharing your love of fabric and quilting and giving back.
Amy- thanks for the tips in your blogs. I enjoy your method of presenting instructions and blocks, color choice and style.
Congratulations on 15 years and wishing you all the best for the future!
Congrats on 15 years! The lesson in getting through tough times hit home. We had a fire and are still out of our house, but I rescued my sewing machine, some stash, and tools afterwards. Though they're not my most valuable possessions, they've given me continuity and a creative outlet.
Love the 15 life lessons. They ring true for quilters & everyone else .
I’ve enjoyed making things from patterns you’ve shared through the years. My first was the patchwork Christmas Stockings. I taught 3 different groups to make them, with your permission of course. They were so much fun !
Karen Hobson
Congrats on 15 years! Thanks for the great give aways!
Mary Durham
Wow! Congratulations on 15 years! Your blog is one of my favorites and I loved reading your 15 lessons learned. Here's to the next 15 years!!!
Lori Eldridge
Congratulations Amy!!!
I really enjoy your ideas, thank you for your candid writing style, nice photos and great directions! I look forward to your emails and follow several links.
Kathy H.
Cheers on 15 years! Love your blog, inspiration and pattern creativity. Thanks for all you do in the quilting world and beyond.
Melissa Tonn
Congrats on 15 years! I always look forward to what you share and write. Thank you for all you do!
Thank you for all you share here! Your tutorials and patterns are among the best I’ve found and done much to help me in my own quilting journey. ❤️
Laurie Wilkins
Congratulations on 15 years! Love the lessons in your post!
Susan M. Grochowski
I have enjoyed your blog for several years and I am so glad you are still here 15 years later. Congratulations!! So much fun to see pictures of your quilting journey. Keep on quilring and blogging!
Sherri Fergus
Congratulations and thank you for the wonderful words of inspiration and encouragement!
Debra L Reber
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! I loved seeing the pictures of your cute family growing up!!
Dianne Holcombe
What an inspiration! Fifteen years of blogging, fabric designing, and pattern creating are amazing! The jewels you left us as your quotes and those of others that you shared so generously will fill me up for some time. I have given away almost every quilt I've made to family, friends, and as charity gifts. I get so much more out of it than they do. I know you will keep up your good work and I hope the beautiful photographs of your locale.
D. Baluczynski
I've enjoyed seeing your quilts and also reading about your visits to the UK, one of my favorite places to visit. Your Union Jack quilt was what drew me to your blog.
Best wishes for another 15 years of quilt joy!
Lee Ann A Kittleson
Amy, thank you for being an inspiration to me, whether it's quilts I made--a baby quilt (Stick Shift), a wall hanging (using the Morning Star Baby Quilt), and a large quilt (Chain Link) or your positive outlook on the curves that life throws a person. Congratulations on 15 years of blogging!
Victoria Owsley
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging. I love your lessons learned. I also love your patterns. I was lucky enough to see your trunk show durning the first Garden of quilts at Thanksgiving point.
Heidi Kinney
Congratulations on your anniversary and many thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Kathy Mouser
Congratulations on your 15 yrs mark. My mom was a quilter and since she has passed away 5.5 yrs ago I’m trying my hand at it. I finished a quilt my mom started for my oldest daughter. Now my oldest daughter picked up quilting and has become very good at it. My youngest has just started quilting. I love hearing that my youngest daughter calls her sister for help. You have some beautiful quilts. …. Kathy
Carol C Thomas
It is good to be able to see our quilter's journey from the beginning to present, 2024. I have been reviewing many of these same lessons as I lost the fun, innocence, joy, enthusiasm, and desire to continue the quilting journey. Your lessons are wise.
Becky Shafer
Amy, Congrats on your 15 year blog anniversary! I always enjoy reading your posts. I can relate to your lessons learned—especially numbers 2 and 3.
Thank you
just found your blog and site. I'm new to quilting. I'm making my first baby quilts for my grandkids. Congratulations on 15 years!
Katherine Cope
Congratulations... Quilting has been a wonderful journey. It has helped me through many difficult moments. I have moved from Utah to PA this last year, and it's the only thing keeping me sane.
Nancy Hughes
Fifteen years, that's awesome! Thank you for sharing, with us, your wise lessons learned. My quilting friends mean so much to me and are a constant source of inspiration. Quilting and everything about it is the greatest!
Shari A Tuttle
Congrats on 15 years🥳🎉 Thanks for sharing your experience and life lessons, and thanks for the giveaways!
Catherine Pendleton
These are all good tips. Thank you for the reminders!
Gayle Ruiter
I enjoy reading your blog. Your 15 lessons learned was inspiring to read. Congratulations on the 15 year mark.
I think we started to quilt around the same time!
Katherine Morgan
Thanks for being an inspiration for fifteen years, Amy, and congratulations! I’ve followed your blog from very nearly the start and really appreciate all the tips, tricks and insights you’ve shared.
Darcy Cartmill
All of your lessons hit home, thank you for sharing your reflections over the years. It gave me specific areas to ponder for myself this morning
Deborah Carnes
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I really enjoy your weekly inspiration and your kind quilty encouragement. Hoping for 15 more years!
Congratulations on fifteen years!
Beth Butcher
Congratulations on 15 years! Love your patterns and weekly inspiration!
Not sure how many of those 15 years I have been following you, but I always enjoy reading your posts. This one was no exception! Congratulations on 15 years.
Congratulations! I understand that sometimes life does suck the creative juices for a while. I have been struggling with creating anything! I have been trying to finish projects that have been in limbo for years. I finished up a baby quilt that had a major mistake in it. I didn't realize it until I had the borders on. I didn't have the energy to pick out the mistake. So I hand embroidered some roses and some nice heavy quilting on it. It came out so sweet! Happy quilting everyone!
Congratulations on 15 years, Amy! This post of 15 very wise lessons learned are so true to all of life. You are one of my very favorite bloggers. I love your patterns, fabric and blog posts. Your Fast Four Patch got me back into quilting! I love it! Keep up the good work and inspiration in all you do!
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging and quilting! I love the Jen Kingwell story. (I also look forward to seeing your blog notification in my email. I always read them. Your kindness and enthusiasm always touch and inspire me.)
Janet Taber
Amy, I just loved reading the fifteen things. It has been so inspiring to me to follow along on your journey. I’ve admired your willingness to generously share your life and values and talent so sweetly and transparently. I’ve told my quilter friends about your blog and know they, too, have found real inspiration in it. Please, don’t ever stop! There is so much more to learn and so many more ways to grow!
Amy, you are always inspiring! I must pass this on to my daughter who is not a quilter, but all you have shared can be translated into other passions we dedicate our lives to… she is a music teacher and directs school musicals- creative just like us quilters! She can glean much from your wisdom. Blessings to you and your family.
Cindy Smith
Thank you for continuing to blog. This is normally where I get my inspiration. I have enjoyed your site for many years and I love your patterns and color/fabric choices.
Teresa Henrikson
Congratulations on your 15 year anniversary, Amy! I look forward to your weekly newsletter and appreciate your authenticity and wisdom. You always inspire me in life and quilting! Thank you.
Linda M Schroeder
Thanks for sharing your family as well as wonderful memories. I am really looking forward to your new pattern, it's beautiful. Good luck with the next 15 years, we will all enjoy your blogs.
Congrats on 15 years! Thanks for the 15 tips. The one that struck me is that while we can do anything we can't do everything.
Jenny Schaffer
Thank you for some refreshing reminders. I read long ago in one of your posts done is better than perfection. I still have to say that to myself sometimes. Thank you for the wisdom. 🙂
Your blog is one of my go to spots when I need inspiration or a pick-me-up (that doesn't involve chocolate!) Thank you, and I hope to be still following you in another 15 years!
Stephanie Baker-Stirk
Thanks for giving knowledge and encouragement to all quilters. Happy anniversary.
Toni Harper
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing and reminding us of to remember what is important in life.
I'm new to Diary of a Quilter. I love it, always great information & ideas. Congratulations of 15 years. I agree with "perfection is overrated".
Marsha E
Bobbi Wright
Congratulations on 15 years of living the dream! I love all the beautiful places you photograph your lovely quilts. Best wishes for your continued success. Now excuse me while I go purge some fabric!
Michelle Lafayette
Congrats on 15 years!! 🌟🌟🥳🥳🎊🎊
Kim Patterson
Congratulations on 15 years!!! I NEVER miss reading your blog! And I really needed the section on donating some of my fabric! I’ve been quilting for almost 20 years so yes, I need to just keep what I want. It’s true that we quilters can see a way to use EVERY scrap! 🤣🤣 Keep the blog going, it’s a joy to us! ❤️
I love your blog and all the beautiful patterns I've downloaded from it, thank you for continuing to inspire me through your creativity!
Sheri Gaskins
Congratulations! 15 years in business, in this day and age, is an accomplishment to be proud of. Much success in the future.
Congrats on 15 years! I just found your blog & love it already
Jen Beatty
Thanks for being part of my quilting journey all these years! And for sharing your patterns & fabrics w/us! Congratulations!
Laurie Quesenberry
Congrats on 15 years, Amy! I can definitely relate to Lesson #1. I have a project that has been on my cutting table for well over a year. I am VERY intimidated about using the "scant quarter inch" seam that the directions call for!
Kim T
Congratulations Amy! I enjoyed reading your tips and resonate with #1 for sure, and need to take action on #11. Keep up the good work on inspiring and teaching thru your blogs. Thank you!
Congratulations on 15 years. You are such an inspiration. I always look forward to your creation and the things that you think we would be interested in.
Kimberley Rose
Congratulations, Amy! I do love reading all about your world -- it inspires me to go to "My Happy Place" and just start creating! Keep up the good work!!!
Darlene B
When I was a kid, 15 years sounded like a lifetime! Now that I'm over 60, the years go by quicker and quicker. Thanks for the awesome giveaway opportunities. Blessings to you and your family!
Pia Bogh
Congratulations 🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰 on the 15 years and thank you for many fun and inspiring ideas - I really enjoyed your 15 pieces of advice - very wise and true. Looking forward to what you create the next 15 years - Best regards, Pia from Denmark
Congratulations on your 15 year blogiversary! Always enjoy reading your stuff.
Linda S.
Congrats on 15 years! Quite an accomplishment. Thanks for all of your wonderful designs and ideas.
Lorraine Askam
This was a really great read and snapshot of your life!
Donna J
Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us! Isn't it amazing how "quickly" 15 years passes by. Sometimes the days seem long but the years go quickly.
Gail Taylor
Congrats, Amy, on 15 years and learning/growing so much. I so agree with all your life-teachings! I have the hardest with "purge your scraps". Sometimes don't we feel like a squirrel that loves color? I'll work on that stash this year. Keep up the fantastic work/life. Enjoy!
Mary Eberwein
I've been quilting (50 years) and writing (35 years) and still found a lot of good information from your blog. Congratulations for helping all of us quilters for the past 15 years.
Rita Morgan
First, love your posts. Second, I think our kids growing up are the way we feel time passing. Also, I love your lessons learned.
Jan K
Fantastic post! Congrats on 15 years and counting!
Jessica Diaz
Im happy to have stumbled upon your blog :). Its so relatable. I often struggle to make time to sew (a hobby that brings me genuine happiness). My children are still young and its easy to forget that this is just a season. Its nice to see a different perspective, being able to sew with more independent kids! Thank you for the tips!
Donna Evans
Congrats on 15 years of fun! I enjoy your emails so much, I set aside at least an hour to read them when they arrive. Looking forward to more!
Arlene Osborn
Congratulations Amy! I look forward to your email each week. Thank you for sharing this post. Create instead of scrolling is definitely something I needed to hear today! Thank you and best wishes for the next 15 years!
Susan Ray
Dear Amy:
Your blog and fabric have been a bright spot in my quilting life. I enjoy how honest you are and know you are sharing from your heart. God Bless you.
Ms. Sue
Shawna Eyre
Congratulations Amy! We met at the Garden of Quilts a few years ago when you presented by the water fall. I have been a fan and a follower ever since. We talked about your grandmother being from beaver and you were trying to find some information out about her home. I think I have found something for you. I need to get that to you.
Love, Love, Love the pictures of you and your children and all the sameness and the changes. I get so happy every time I see your blog in my inbox because I know I will find some things that will brighten my day and inspire me. I just can't keep with you but I like the way I keep wanting to try to. HAPPY 15TH ANNIVERSARY to success and satisfaction every single day! You bless my life just by being you! Devonna Tabor
Cathy B
This anniversary post is the perfect demonstration of the continuing value of your blog over the years- charming, informative and SO relatable. Sharing your journey has been a joy! Thanks so much!!
Brandi Hutchings
I’m proud of your 15 years. I’m only in my second year and working on my second quilt. I love reading your blog. It makes me feel connected to the quilting world.
Jeanne Atkinson
Congrats on building your business over the past 15 years. I've been reading your blog for many of those years and like your positivity and creativity.
Linda F.
Congratulations on the milestone!! I've loved your website for years and I've loved your patters and fabric collections as well. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!!!
Joye Cox
Here's to another 15! Thanks for sharing your creativity with the quilt-verse!
Great advice for the years ahead. Love reading your newsletters and seeing your progress, products and inspirations.
Sandy Broussard
Congratulations on 15 years! Thanks for sharing your journey. Wishing you all the best!
Linda Davis
I love your blog! It’s one of the few quilting blogs I make time to read! Thanks for keeping it going!
Thanks for your super helpful how-to information! You’ve taught me so much, and with the help of your encouraging posts summoned the bravery to make a baby quilt for my first grandchild. This opened up a whole new creative outlet for me. I’m not crafty, but I have really enjoyed learning new skills and I’m getting braver as I go. I just used your Five & Dime quilt as a jumping off point to make my latest project. Congrats on 15 years!
Susan Stanton
Congratulations, Amy. You have enriched my quilty life with your lovely blog posts. I especially love the ones where you write about your trips abroad! Thank you!!
Thanks for the last 15 years! I’ve always enjoyed reading your blog.
Beth Ann
That new pattern, Cascade Falls, looks fabulous!
I have looked forward to your latest blogs for years! Thank you for sharing your life and love of quilting. Congratulations on 15 years! ✨
Kathy E.
What an achievement you've made in 15 years, Amy! I found myself nodding along with all of your 15 things you've learned, especially your number 1! I'm pretty happy with close-to-perfection, as I still pull out my ripper plenty of times to get those corners to meet up. I'll be here looking forward to what's ahead in the next 15 years! Cheers!
Krista White
Congratulations on your longevity! I've loved following all your adventures over the years. You helped me get my start in quilting!
Ann E Zito
Thank you so much for starting your blog, and for sharing all your creativity! Your Easy Blocks quilt was one of my first quilts, almost 10 years ago, and I've been following you ever since. Your patterns are easy to follow, and the projects that you share just have me wanting to keep creating myself. Can't wait to see all the things you continue to create!
Wow! 15 years! (Have I really been reading your blog for 15 years?!) I remember being so happy for you when you wrote a book, and when you designed fabric the first time. And now you have given us insights and wisdom gained from your career in quilting and blogging. Thank you so much for all you’ve shared, for your wisdom and for being a real person with real problems who doesn’t pretend her life is perfect. Blessings to you and your family.
Jenny Berkebile
Congratulations Amy on 15 years of sharing your journey, inspiring others and encouraging quilters everywhere! My very first exposure to you came about when I chose your Craftsman Quilt Pattern for quilts I was making for 3 of my grandchildren. It was a best decision for me. Through that pattern I searched you out online and began receiving your Diary of a Quilter newsletter. I always read your honest and authentic writings with interest and enthusiasm. Please keep on writing and sewing and creating. You truly inspire me to continue on with you!
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! I definitely subscribe to the "Done is better than perfect" school of thought!
Congratulations on 15 years! I loved reading your list! It’s so great to be able to look back a little on the journey and see just how far you’ve come! I loved reading your reflections!
Beth Foust
I loved reading your 15 suggestions - so many of them resonated with me. My dearest friend and partner in quilting crime is dying of breast cancer. We have finished so many quilts these past 6 months while she has still felt good. They aren’t perfect by far but i am sure her kids will cherish them. I also loved seeing how your children have grown. Time flies doesnt it! Congratulations on 15 years.
Tsoniki Crazy Bull
Amy, HUGE congrats on 15 years!!! That is amazing. I can't remember where/when we met, did you come to London for a sewing retreat? Or did we meet in SLC? Either way, I've loved watching you over the years! Here's to 15, and many more. 🙂
Valerie J Freeman
Congratulations on 15 years! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You were the first quilter I followed and still my #1 go to. Quilting has gotten me thru some very dark times. I have learned so much from you. Looking forward to the Albion collection release and the new Cascade Falls pattern. Bless you and your beautiful family.
Monterey Anthony
Congratulations on 15 years, Amy. I have been following you for many years, while using your patterns, buying the fabric you designed, and your guidance on sewing. Thank you
What a great journey. I have followed along for most of it.
Annie LaFarge
Hi Amy! Congratulations on your 15 years! I read your newsletter regularly and love your no nonsense advice on quilting and life! You inspire me! I have made many if your patterns and love your tutorials and your ability to teach. Hope you blog for at least 15 more years ❤️ heartfelt thank you for all you do!🙏
Adrienne Gibbs
What a lovely blog post Amy! I especially love the photos of the early quilty days with your kiddos. I have many days that look like that with my four kids! Also, “Do Good” is my favorite of the 15! I’ve found so much joy in helping local quilting donation groups that give to those in need. No better way to share a talent! 💗
Pamela Taylor
Congratulations! I am so glad our paths have crossed. Thank you for inspiring me as well as so many others.
Wow, that was a lot of scrolling! I'll join with everyone in congratulating you on 15 years! Thank you for so many years of sharing what you love!
H! I’m Anna;)
I just came across your blog and loved your 15 lessons! Also, I dug around in your previous posts and realized that I’m not the only one that cut the top of her finger off with a rotary cutter! Ouch! I just did that last weekend. Ugh:(
I look forward to reading more from you.
Melanie C.
Congrats on 15 years! I enjoy your blog, quilts, and patterns!
Congratulations on 15 years. It's a great list. Think about all the fun, the friends that quilting has brought you? I know my world would not be the same at age 70 if it were not for quilting.
Denia Gaspar
Congratulations!!! Great blog post. Can’t wait to check out the links later. Now I’m off to check out your sale!!
I read your blog often
During Covid it was a window to creativity
Thank you for that
Love all things quilty
15 years is an amazing accomplishment
Your past photos and now are lovely.
Looking forward to another wonderful new year!
Annemarie Czarnota
Congratulations on 15 years and thank you for sharing your lessons! I enjoy seeing your projects and photos and reading your blog. One of your baby quilt patterns that I made years ago is still one of my favorites.
Natalie Robert
Congratulations on 15 years! And thank you for putting yourself out there!! I sure enjoy your tips and tricks and your patterns! One of my first quilts was made with your Notting Hill fabric and it’s still one of my favourites despite the many beginner mistakes.
Thank you for sharing ALL of your life. It’s been a pleasure to watch your family grow as well as your creative journey.
Congrats on so many years! Love your blog and your Notting Hill fabric is my all time favorite ❤️
Lisa Hippeard
I loved reading your 15 tips! Such great reminders! Congratulations for doing this for 15 years and here's to 15 more!
Tonya L
Congrats, Amy!
I relate to so much in this post as I’ve been feeling discouraged about some quilting activities lately. But I keep going because I love it. Thank you for keeping up with the blog this long. I appreciate you!
Janet G.
Congratulations Amy! I look forward to reading your email each week! Thank you for sharing your “15 Lessons Learned…” Great insight and reminders for quilting and life. Best wishes to continued success! ❤️
Ralene Butcher
Thank you Amy for your thoughtful words. I too have been quilting just as long with five little ones also. Quilting has been all of these 15 learning items for me and I'm sure you could go on and on. Hope your next 15 will be just as wonderful!
Thank you so much for all you share - so much appreciated information. I think we all learn so much about ourselves when we have a go-to such as quilting which I believe is such a benefit to our mental health. Keep going as we all benefit from blogs like yours!
Congratulations on 15 years of your wonderful blog, Amy. I don't often comment but I do often read. Thank you and thank your generous sponsors for the gifts. I wish you at least 15 more years of blogging!
P.S. Nancy here again.) Oops. I forgot to mention that I love #11. I really, really need to purge my stash! Thank you for the reminder and encouragement. I especially like the idea that if I don't love the fabric now I won't love it in a quilt.
Kelly Lund
Congratulations and thank you for your words of wisdom!
Fifteen years~! Personal growth and creative growth throughout the years. Loved seeing the 'table gang" grow up and you grow in wisdom and strength. Congratulations and hoping to see many more of your life and quilting lessons online.
Adrianne Austin Brewer
Thank you for your persistence and 15 years of blogging. I've only been quilting a short time and appreciate your sharing and teaching!
Amy Sorensen
I'm not sure I've read your blog for ALL 15 years, but pretty close. I think you are amazing! And here you are with people STILL reading your blog, when people hardly ever read blogs anymore. See. Amazing! Congrats on 15 years. Can't wait for your new fabric line!
Emily Lutz
So many great tips and advice! Several that just hit home with the time of year and the season of life I am in. I don't always have time to read through everything but so glad I made time today. Congratulations to 15 years! I loved the pictures of you and the kids over the years.
Chelsea F
Thank you for sharing your advice! I'm a stay at home mom with 2.5 year old and 3 month old boys; some days I just really want to sew. But it's been slow going. I'm still on my first quilt top (in process of hand quilting it using big stitch, 12 wt perle cotton in a loop pattern). Life is so busy that I constantly have to remind myself to take time for me. One step at a time. And definitely that my art is my own and doesn't have to be perfect! Congrats on your 15 years!!! May we all be inspired and encouraging to each other, so we can all reach our goals together ❤️
Charlene Boniscavage
Amy, congratulations on 15 years! Your article was so inspiring and oh so true! Now I just have to put my mind to it and change my bad habits. You are truly a wonderful person and an excellent roll model for fellow quilters. ❤️
Amy, Congrats on your 15th Year!!
I have followed and enjoyed your blog and creativity for most of those years. Even though full time work, then care for ailing parents, and now my husband with serious heath issues have slowed my quilting, it still remains my creative outlet and my passion. Thanks for providing so many quilters with your continued inspiration! 😀
Amy J
Congratulations on your 15 years of blogging. Your tips are excellent advice. I have finally come to the stage in my life where I can let go of trying to be perfect - I think that's the greatest advice, along with not being able to do everything. (Sure seems like the modern wife/mom/working woman is expected to do so.)
Tonya Flores
Congrats on 15 years! It's amazing how fast time can fly! I've only found you recently, but your work is beautiful. And, your 15 lessons are spot on!
Alison McConnell
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! I love the pictures at the sewing table. It is neat to reflect back on where we were 15 years ago. I like being along for the journey.
Debbie Lamprecht
Congratulations on 15 years! I really enjoy your patterns. I am looking forward to creating the quilt Quarter Star with the Liberty of London fabrics. Lots of luck in the future.
Stacia Shelton
Congratulations on 15 years! It was good to hear your encouraging words of wisdom! I'll keep them handy as I continue on my quilting adventures! Thank you!
Jennifer Williamson
What a milestone in your quilting journey! Definitely something to be proud of! I often feel amused when I see the phrase "quilting is cheaper than therapy, and you get a quilt out of it". For me this phrase so so true! Remember covid? I would have gone nuts without my "therapy"! Many congrats and journey on!
Rachel G
This is truly the BLOG of enlightenment! I mean this in a positive way, the very first lesson is the hardest one for me, perfection is always the goal but never achieved (always those pesky points 😡) so I will try to follow the mantra, 'Perfection is so yesterday, unique is now'. Thanks so much for the insights x
Misty Degiulio
Congratulations on 15 years! A lot of these lessons resonated with me but especially the points on perfectionism and staying off social media to just do something. So much comparing is crippling to the imagination and spirit. You can safely say you have inspired so many, look at all of these comments, that's such an amazing accomplishment to be proud of.
Dianne Lash
Congratulations, Amy! It was so fun to see pictures of your kids growing up in this post! Thank you for all of the inspiration over the years. Yours was one of the first quilting blogs I read when I started quilting 10ish years ago, and if I remember right, I learned about 'nesting seams' from you! I'm looking forward to continuing my quilty journey with you!!
Nettie Sews
Thank you for the post! I did read all the way down and the 15 things that you have learned are similar to a lot that I have learned the past 10 years or so of quilting, too. Thank you for this giveaway and for having this blog - your blog is always a joy to read! Congratulations!
Congratulations on reaching the 15 year milestone. The lessons you shared are great reminders that we quilt because it is something we enjoy. Your blog helps keep the joy in quilting.
Kathy Persons
Congratulations! Love "living" your journey~
Congrats on 15 years! I love your patterns! Way to persevere!
Congratulations! I think I have been following you a good portion of the time. Our children are similar in age. You have always amazed me with all you have done. I only have 2 children and am not nearly as productive! Done is better than perfect is my motto too!
[email protected]
Congrats on your anniversary. I enjoy reading you blog and watching you and your family grow. Love your patterns!
Congratulations on a wonderful 15 years. I have enjoyed seeing your quilts and learning from your creativity.
I hope the next 15 years will be fantastic
Nancy W Harvey
Congratulations of your 15-year anniversary. You have been an inspiration to me in my retirement to quilting project ideas and getting things completed. Thank you!!
What an amazing journey! Thank you for sharing.
Congratulations on 15 years! What a great list on lessons learned. I think we can all benefit from the wisdom you've shared. Thank you.
Maureen Mate
Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! Blogs played a big part in my learning how to quilt. I was taught sewing in home economics class when I was about 11 and made some clothes and household items. But I only discovered quilting in my fifties and it is the best retirement activity! I even had time to build up a stash before retirement! I wish you many more years of quilting and blogging enjoyment!
Beverly Smith
Congratulations on 15 years! I appreciate all you share and I thank you for these 15 lessons learned. There are a couple I really need to focus on.
YAY for 15 years!!! Enjoy reading your advice, some hit close to home <3
Looking forward to your next 15 🙂
Sheryl Demro
Congratulations Amy! Thank you for your inspiration over the years!
Angela Lee Berthoud-Penninger
Congrats on 15 years! I just started following you, and love reading your posts! I can't imagine being able to do all that you do, I have an empty house now, and still have to find time to do all of the things. I have found that sewing is one of my favorite things to keep my mental health in check and I love sitting at my sewing table and letting the world melt away while I create.
Love the Saturday Seven ! Congratulations on 15 years !
Mariam gunderson
Congrats on the anniversary! I can relate!
Thank you for sharing your joy of quilting with us! I enjoy reading it every week!
Linda CC
Hi Congratulations on your success in 15 years. There are some beautiful patterns on your site. I understand I have to limit how many I can do. I'm working pt still. Love reading your information. God Bless!
Linda Bick
Congratulations! I love your blog.
Thanks for all the great content!
Melissa Burnette
What an accomplishment! 15 years! Such wonderful advice too! Keep it up!
Cindy Harris
Excellent! Enjoy the journey and keep learning and stretching. Life is good if you have a creative project in the works.
Melissa Mitchell
Congratulations on 15 years! Inspirational story about how you got started and life applicable tips! Appreciate everything that you do!
Kathy Jones
I enjoyed reading this post. I also can relate to each of your 15 lessons. 30+ years ago, quilting was something that could not be undone, unlikely other activities in my life. I am now retired and quilting is just as important to me. It provides socialization, a community of creative friends, and a distraction from all the stressors our world brings.
Thank you for sharing your creativity!
Such an important milestone in your "Quilting Quest"! We are all the better for your guidance in our improvement and learning of this wonderful craft.
Jennifer Mecham
I love your blog and your sage advice! Congratulations on 15 years of blogging. So many of your 15 items resonated with me. I definitely sew as my therapy. There is something so therapeutic about cutting up fabric and sewing it back together and just the repetitive motion of quilting tasks. I love you fabric designs and patterns. Here’s to many more years of enjoying your blog!
SharLynn Mueller
Congratulations on 15 years! I really enjoy reading your posts and seeing the beautiful things you create. Here's to at least another 15 more years!
Martha Biskup
Dear Amy,
I always enjoy your posts. You don't sugar coat life"s happenings. Congratulations on 15 years of reaching out to others. Thank you so much for all that you have taught me. Most sincerely, MB
Patricia Byrne
Congratulations on 15 years! Thank you for the '15 Lessons I've Learned in 15 Years' and all of your tips & tricks you have shared with us.
I am so glad I found your blog and I love how you keep it real. These 15 things are great for all parts of life. Here's to another 15, at least!
Wow! Congratulations on Fifteen years! We see time passing by our children's growths and maturity.
I recently found your blog.
I have been busy the last 3 years helping my husband build our home and shop. Almost finished, then set up my quilting room.
Patty H
Congrats on 15 years! How exciting. I've been following you for years. I've learned a lot.
Great to see your look back and I love how you showed your growth and the growth of your children!
Happy 15th anniversary!!! I’ve followed you for a long time. I’ve benefited from your tips and creativity. Thank you for being here!
Thanks to you Amy, for doing things your way and helping us learn your quilting secrets. I now know not to have "perfect" quilts is always ok!
Christine M Ricart
Thanks for sharing your wisdom! I am 71, and still a student of life's lessons!
Becky Heslop
Amy, 15 years is a great achievement!! Congratulations!! I’m always excited to see your next project. I love your fabrics and patterns (that always have a cool trick to make it easier.). It’s fun to see your success. Love, Becky (in Wallsburg)
Congrats! I am so glad you were one of my first sewing blogs to find!
Denise Vasak
This was a great post. Congratulations on 15 years! It was really nice to see your family grow up
Nikki Lynn Portillo
Awwww congrats on your 15 years and cannot wait to read and wait many more. You are an inspiration to many! Thank you for sharing your life and your quilting experience and expertise with us all!
Carol Louise Johnston
I always enjoy your blog. I appreciated the comment about perfection! I've had to take a break from quilting because my husband of 65 years suffered a stroke. My hands definitely want to get back making quilts. I started making them for the great grandchildren. Thanks for your encouragement!
Carol Johnston
Wow! I didn't start sewing/quilting until I was retired and an empty-nester. I can't imagine doing it with four little ones around! Fifteen years has made you very wise, for sure. Stepping out of my comfort zone to find my group of quilters is the one that's most difficult for me. Thanks for all you do!
Heather Martin
Thanks for sharing your 15 years of quilt knowledge with us. I throughly enjoy your blog and appreciate you for your thoughtfulness and creativity. Congratulations, Amy!
I started quilting with a group from my church about 15 years ago. I have used many of your tutorials, patterns, and fabric lines over the years. Thank you for all the help along my quilting journey.
Congratulations on 15 years! I enjoy your enthusiasm and creativity and I have been inspired by your ideas and words. Most of the time we are our own worst critics and my goal for 2024 is to finally finish quilt tops that I have been afraid of quilting myself. Like you and Lori Holt said, we are the boss of our quilts! Thank you!
Congratulations! Thanks for the inspiration... and the chance to win!
I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and admiring your quilts for years. So very true that a creative outlet is so important- in good times and bad
I look forward to your email each Saturday. Thanks for the quilty and life inspiration!
Congratulations on 15 years! I've enjoyed reading it for many years. Great post today!
Congratulations Amy! You are an absolute inspiration to us all! Xx
Thank you for this blog post, it especially speaks to me about just enjoying what you do and letting go of perfection. I have loved reading your blog over the years and am thrilled that you still share your quilting with us. Congratulations on your first 15 years. X
Nancy Tebbs
Congratulations on your 15 year milestone! Your blog was the first one I started following several years ago when my daughter picked one of your quilt patterns for me to make for her little girl. Now she has two more little girls and I’ve made several quilts over the years for all of them.
Congrats with 15 years milestone, I just discovered your blog a few months ago, I haven’t made my first quilt yet, but I wanna make one soon!!!
I so enjoy your blog and have used many of your ideas/tips in my own sewing world. Do keep the mountain pictures coming. I'm in Texas, but grew up in Bountiful and love seeing Utah through your eyes. Thank you.
Terri Francisco
What beautiful life lessons!! Thank you for sharing these gems that can apply to so many parts of our lives, not just our sewing!! Blessings to you and yours!
Jule Sadger
Really enjoyed this post! I appreciated the comments you made on perfection and to let it go as well as digital clutter, ie too much time scrolling on phone. I have so much trouble with that! There is always the new "shiny" quilting thing or pattern out there. You are soooo right about having to set the priority of what matters most and jettisoning the fluff and distractions! Thanks so much for sharing!
Congratulations on 15 incredible years! I love the photos of your children! You are so fortunate! Thank you for all the great inspiration!
Barbara Johnson
Congratulations! 15 years is quite a milestone. I wish you the best of everything in your life and in your quilting journey.
I love the "lessons" that you learned along the way, they are so on target. I enjoyed the photos that you shared of you and your family as well. Congrats on your 15 years milestone.
Laura McCormick
Great blog post. I love how your list isn’t so much “this is what you should do because I said so” but recommendations that you give to us and to yourself based on things you have lived. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. Helps to make the difficult and seemingly impossible POSSIBLE!
Happy anniversary! I've been following your journey for years and blogging myself for 12 years!
Followed you since the very beginning, I live up the up the hill from you in Wyoming. Couldn't be happier for you; Congratulations and Best Wishes!
Kelly Russell
I love your advice. I noticed the last border I sewed on my newly completed Christmas quilt doesn't lay completely flat. I was discouraged and disappointed and thinking about ripping it out to start over. Thank you for encouraging me to let it be imperfect. You are right. Probably only me and the quilter will ever know. Haha. The quilt will be full of all the love I sewed into it not the frustration!
lecluyse kate
Congrats Amy, On to the next 15 years!
Thank you so much for compiling this list of quilting and life advice! I really enjoy reading your emails and seeing what you are working on. And thank you for these giveaway offers!
15 years go so quickly. Thank you for sharing your journey and your beautiful quilts.
Cindy Berry
Congratulations on 15 years blogging and allowing us to go along on the journey. Thanks for all the patterns and tips.
Mary Okruhlik
What fun pictures of your 'little' ones! You have shared some great advice. Congratulations on 15 years!
Congratulations on 15 years and thanks for sharing your insight!
Sally Weeding
Thanks for the inspiration and the quilting advice. I h ave found it extremely useful. All the best for the next 15 years xxx
Afton Melcher
Hi, Amy. I have truly enjoyed reading your blog. I am grateful I was able to meet you in September and hope to see you this coming September, also. Thanks for all of your insights.
Deb Worley
Thank you for sharing your talents with us for all these years. I loved your list of 15 things - I really need to practice some of these pearls of wisdom!
Jean L Fletcher
One of the things I've learned in my quilt making years, is not all quilt starts are meant to become a bed quilt. Last year I finally finished a couple of quilts... one begun 1990 during Desert storm. Another was a Round Robin from early in the 2000's when I was part of a quilt guild, it was our new guild's second Round Robin. Both of these quilts I finally said, "Just slap some borders on them and call them done!" All they need now are the quilt labels! Another quilt began as a guild's Block Lotto. No I did not win the blocks that month, but a few years later the one who did win put them in the guild's silent auction. And I bought them and got the center of another quilt made, but then indecision set in once again. Late last year I got some more fabrics to go with it, and it is now Long Arm quilted awaiting my "woman handling" it through the machine to get the binding on this monster, of about 100x100". Whew! Just finish them! (It will be going to my niece!)
Laurie George
Congratulations on 15 years!! I have followed you since my quilting journey began in 2015. You have inspired me with so many of your beautiful fabrics and patterns. Best wishes for much continued success!
Congratulations!! Well said. I've learned all of those myself in my 20 years of quilting. I don't mind missing the giveaway because, I need to keep working on # 11! Thank you for being an inspiration for those of us who just want to create because we can and never enter a show. I look forward to more inspiration and fun fabric from you for another 15 years!
Congratulations on 15 years! I am not surprised it has been going for 15 years...your blog is my favorite. I love everything that you share, along with your fabric and patterns. I have learned so much from you over the years. One of the things I most appreciate most is you sharing how to do good, donate time and fabric, etc. I love using my skills to help others. Thanks so much Amy!
Thank you for all the wisdom! I started quilting in October and have loved it. The first quilt I made was the Lone Star and I used some of my grandmother’s shirts that I kept after she passed. It has taken me 7 years to start the project but I am hooked and now doing an adorable quilt for a little girl who recently lost her mother to cancer! It brings so much joy! Thank you for the tip on the rotary cutter. I was wondering why the right thumb joint was troubling me now. Haha
I also made my 2 daughters quilts for Christmas. I never knew something could be so much fun! I learn something new everyday! Thanks again for all of your valuable information you share! 😊